317 Administrative order 2001-2--A.R.D./D.U.I. program fee  


    Administrative Order 2001-2--A.R.D./D.U.I. Program Fee

    [31 Pa.B. 1143]

    Order of Court

       And Now, this 30th day of January, 2001, the fee for all ARD/DUI cases is fixed at $1,375.00.

       The Clerk of Court is ordered to assess and collect these fees and disburse them as follows: Two Hundred and Sixty-seven ($267.00) Dollars for Court costs, One Hundred and Seventy-five ($175.00) Dollars for the Alcohol Highway Safety Program, Forty ($40.00) Dollars for the CRN evaluation, Eight Hundred and Ninety-three ($893.00) Dollars for the superintending fee to be placed in Account No. 110--4005.

       This order shall be effective with respect to all ARD/DUI participants arrested on or after March 1, 2001.

       This order replaces Administrative Order # 1994-10, which is vacated effective March 1, 2001.

    By the Court

    President Judge

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 01-317. Filed for public inspection February 23, 2001, 9:00 a.m.]

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