317 Reestablishment of the magisterial districts within the 2nd judicial district; no. 307 magisterial rules doc.
Reestablishment of the Magisterial Districts within the 2nd Judicial District; No. 307 Magisterial Rules Doc. [43 Pa.B. 1082]
[Saturday, February 23, 2013]Order Per Curiam
And Now, this 7th day of February 2013, upon consideration of the Petition to Reestablish the Magisterial Districts of the 2nd Judicial District (Lancaster County) of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, it is hereby Ordered and Decreed that the Petition, which provides for the elimination of Magisterial District 02-3-08, within Lancaster County, to be effective May 1, 2013, is granted; and that the Petition, which provides for the realignment of Magisterial Districts 02-2-08, 02-3-01, 02-3-06, and 02-3-09 within Lancaster County, to be effective May 1, 2013, is granted; and that the Petition, which also provides for the reestablishment of Magisterial Districts 02-1-01, 02-1-02, 02-1-03, 02-2-01, 02-2-02, 02-2-03, 02-2-04, 02-2-05, 02-2-06, 02-2-07, 02-3-02, 02-3-03, 02-3-04, 02-3-05, and 02-3-07 within Lancaster County, to be effective immediately, is granted. The judgeship for district 02-3-08 shall not appear on the ballot for the 2013 municipal election.
Said Magisterial Districts shall be as follows:
Magisterial District 02-1-01
Magisterial District Judge Cheryl N. HartmanCity of Lancaster (Wards 4 & 8) Magisterial District 02-1-02
Magisterial District Judge David P. MillerManheim Township Magisterial District 02-1-03
Magisterial District Judge Robert A. Herman, Jr.Columbia Borough
Mountville Borough
West Hempfield Township
Magisterial District 02-2-01
Magisterial District Judge Kelly S. BallentineCity of Lancaster (Wards 3 & 7)
Magisterial District 02-2-02
Magisterial District Judge Bruce A. Roth
City of Lancaster (Wards 1, 5, 9-1, 9-2, and 9-3)
Magisterial District 02-2-03
Magisterial District Judge Mary Mongiovi SponaugleCity of Lancaster (Wards 9-4 & 9-5)
Lancaster TownshipMagisterial District 02-2-04
Magisterial District Judge Janice JimenezCity of Lancaster (Wards 2 & 6) Magisterial District 02-2-05
Magisterial District Judge Brian E. ChudzikEast Petersburg Borough
East Hempfield TownshipMagisterial District 02-2-06
Magisterial District Judge Joshua R. KellerMillersville Borough
Conestoga Township
Manor TownshipMagisterial District 02-2-07
Magisterial District Judge Tony S. RussellAkron Borough
Ephrata Borough
Clay Township
Ephrata Township
Magisterial District 02-2-08
Magisterial District Judge Edward A. TobinLititz Borough
Elizabeth Township
Penn Township
Warwick Township
Magisterial District 02-3-01
Magisterial District Judge Scott E. AlbertManheim Borough
Marietta Borough
Mt. Joy Borough
East Donegal Township
Rapho TownshipMagisterial District 02-3-02
Magisterial District Judge B. Denise ComminsEast Lampeter Township
Upper Leacock TownshipMagisterial District 02-3-03
Magisterial District Judge William E. Benner, Jr.Strasburg Borough
Pequea Township
Strasburg Township
West Lampeter TownshipMagisterial District 02-3-04
Magisterial District Judge Stuart J. MylinQuarryville Borough
Colerain Township
Drumore Township
East Drumore Township
Eden Township
Fulton Township
Little Britain Township
Martic Township
Providence Township
Magisterial District 02-3-05
Magisterial District Judge Isaac H. StoltzfusChristiana Borough
Bart Township
Caernarvon Township
Leacock Township
Paradise Township
Sadsbury Township
Salisbury Township
Magisterial District 02-3-06
Magisterial District Judge Rodney H. HartmanNew Holland Borough
Terre Hill Borough
Brecknock Township
Earl Township
East Earl Township
West Earl Township
Magisterial District 02-3-07
Magisterial District Judge Nancy G. HamillAdamstown Borough
Denver Borough
East Cocalico Township
West Cocalico TownshipMagisterial District 02-3-09
Magisterial District Judge Jayne F. DuncanElizabethtown Borough
Conoy Township
Mt. Joy Township
West Donegal Township[Pa.B. Doc. No. 13-317. Filed for public inspection February 22, 2013, 9:00 a.m.]