DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH [28 PA. CODE CH. 29] Review of Confidential Information in the Administration of Maternal and Child Health [27 Pa.B. 928] Under the Governor's Executive Order 1996-1, the Department of Health (Department) will be reviewing its regulations in 28 Pa. Code Chapter 29, Subchapter A (relating to confidential information in the administration of maternal and child health).
The Department is committed to considering the ideas and comments of interested parties in the revision of these regulations. The Department will begin its review on March 24, 1997. Therefore, it will be considering any submissions received prior to that date. It cannot guarantee consideration of submissions received after that date.
The Department anticipates completion of the review and revision process by June 1, 1997. Upon completion of the revisions, the revised regulations will be available prior to a public meeting to be held by the Department, at which time all interested parties will be invited to comment on the proposed revisions. Comments on the revisions will also be accepted by mail prior to the date of the public meeting, which will be announced in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
For additional information or a copy of the current regulations, or if you are a person with a disability and desire a copy of the regulations in an alternative format, or wish to provide comments on the regulations in an alternative format (such as, large print, audio tape, braille), please contact Daniel Brant, Director of the Division of Maternal and Child Health, (717) 787-7440, or C. Gail Stock, Director of the Division of Special Health Care Needs (717) 783-5436; TDD (717) 783-6514.
Acting Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 97-253. Filed for public inspection February 21, 1997, 9:00 a.m.]