Availability of Technical Guidance
[28 Pa.B. 1047] Technical guidance documents are on DEP's World Wide Web site (http://www.dep.state.pa.us) at the Public Participation Center. The ''June 1997 Inventory'' heading is the Governor's List of Non-regulatory Documents. The ''Search the Inventory of Technical Guidance Documents'' heading is a database of the Inventory. The ''Final Documents'' heading is the link to a menu of the various DEP bureaus and from there to each bureau's final technical guidance documents. The ''Draft Technical Guidance'' heading is the link to DEP's draft technical guidance documents.
DEP will be adding its revised documents to the Web throughout 1997.
Ordering Paper Copies of DEP Technical Guidance
Persons can order a bound paper copy of the latest Inventory or an unbound paper copy of any of the final documents listed on the Inventory by calling DEP at (717) 783-8727.
In addition, bound copies of some of DEP's documents are available as DEP publications. Persons should check with the appropriate bureau for more information about the availability of a particular document as a publication.
Changes to Technical Guidance Documents
Here is the current list of recent changes. Persons who have any questions or comments about a particular document should call the contact person whose name and phone number is listed with each document. Persons who have questions or comments in general should call Jonathan Brightbill at (717) 783-8727.
Final Technical Guidance--Substantive Revision
DEP ID: 381-5511-014 Title: Guidance on Utilization of Minority and Women's Business Enterprise Firms Description: Gives requirements for solicitation of Minority/Women's Business Enterprise firms to participate in the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund programs. Effective Date: December 1, 1997 Page Length: 38 pages Location: Vol 27, Tab 53 Contact: Joseph Hoffman at (717) 787-5017.
Final Technical Guidance--Minor Revision
DEP ID: 383-2100-108 Title: DEP Permit Guide to Public Water Systems Description: Directs and supports implementation of permitting activities for public water systems under the drinking water management programs. Effective Date: February 1, 1998 Page Length: 25 pages Location: Vol 22, Tab 03 Contact: Joseph Hoffman at (717) 787-5017.
DEP ID: 383-3120-106 Title: Guidance for Filter Plant Performance Evaluation and Response Description: This guidance will apply to public water systems as defined under the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act. Effective Date: February 1, 1998 Page Length: 45 pages Location: Vol 20, Tab 04 Contact: Joseph Hoffman at (717) 787-5017.
DEP ID: 383-3130-106 Title: Guidance for Giardia Sampling & Response Description: This guidance will apply to public water systems as defined under the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act. Effective Date: February 1, 1998 Page Length: 18 pages Location: Vol 20, Tab 05 Contact: Joseph Hoffman at (717) 787-5017.
Notice of Intent to Develop New Guidance
Title: Section 902 Recycling Grant Requirements Description: This guidance is necessary to clarify when section 1937-A of section 13 of Act 57 applies to municipalities applying for a section 902 recycling grant. Anticipated Draft Development Date: February 6, 1998 Anticipated Effective Date: May 1998 Contact: Josephine Valencia at (717) 787-9870.
Title: Compliance Strategy for Mushroom Composting Operations Description: Clarifies the exemption of commercial production, processing or storage of compost as pertaining to the Air Pollution Control Act and Solid Waste Management Act. Anticipated Draft Development Date: February 2, 1998 Anticipated Effective Date: March 2, 1998 Contact: Todd Wallace at (717) 783-5901.
Notice of Intent to Rescind Technical Guidance
DEP ID: 383-3000-107 Title: Lead and Copper Rule Compliance Issues Description: The information contained in this guidance is either outdated or it has been incorporated in other guidance documents. Anticipated Effective Date: February 10, 1998 Contact: Joseph Hoffman at (717) 787-5017.
DEP ID: 383-3000-109 Title: Understanding Compliance Reports Description: Guidance is considered to be obsolete with the system conversion actions for the new federal drinking water rules being as advanced as they are at this time. Anticipated Effective Date: February 10, 1998 Contact: Joseph Hoffman at (717) 787-5017.
DEP ID: 383-3310-509 Title: Customized Reports from MSIS Description: Guidance is considered to be obsolete with the system conversion actions for the new federal drinking water rules being as advanced as they are at this time. Anticipated Effective Date: February 10, 1998 Contact: Joseph Hoffman at (717) 787-5017.
DEP ID: 383-5500-313 Title: County Water Supply Planning/Wellhead Protection Grant Program Description: The information in this guidance is outdated and not applicable as the department is not accepting applications for Wellhead Protection Grants. Anticipated Effective Date: February 10, 1998 Contact: Joseph Hoffman at (717) 787-5017.
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 98-307. Filed for public inspection February 20, 1998, 9:00 a.m.]