LUZERNE COUNTY Fees Assessed Pursuant to 18 P. S. § 11.1102(c); No. CP-40-AD-765-2015 [45 Pa.B. 772]
[Saturday, February 14, 2015]Administrative Order And Now, this 22nd day of January, 2015, it is hereby Ordered that, effective thirty (30) days after publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, in accordance with 18 P. S. 11.1102(c), every person placed on Probation/Parole, Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition, Probation Without Verdict or Intermediate Punishment shall pay, in addition to the costs of prosecution, fines and restitution, and other costs, a monthly Supervision Fee of Sixty ($60.00) Dollars.
The Court Administrator is hereby Directed to:
1. file one (1) certified copy of the rule with the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts;
2. distribute two (2) certified copies of the rule and a diskette or CD-ROM or on an agreed upon alternative format containing the text of the rule to the Legislative Reference Bureau for publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin;
3. file one (1) certified copy of the rule with the Criminal Procedural Rules Committee;
4. forward one (1) copy to the Luzerne Legal Register for publication;
5. and keep the rule continuously available in the Office of Judicial Records and Services (Clerk of Courts) for public inspection and copying.
By the Court
President Judge[Pa.B. Doc. No. 15-263. Filed for public inspection February 13, 2015, 9:00 a.m.]