269 General operating grants application submission deadline  


    General Operating Grants Application Submission Deadline

    [34 Pa.B. 926]

       The Historical and Museum Commission (Commission) announces that the application submission deadline for general operating support grants (grants) for FY 2004-2005 is April 1, 2004.

       Grant applications are available online through www.artsnet.org/phmc. Applications are to be submitted using the electronic grant process.

       Grants are divided into two categories--museums and official county historical societies.

       Grants for museums require no matching funds and are restricted to museums with annual operating budgets exceeding $100,000. The grants are administered on a competitive basis and are made annually based on a peer review process. Museums must be located in this Commonwealth, have tax-exempt status, be incorporated and have been exhibiting to the public at least 2 years prior to the submission of the grant application. Grant awards will not exceed $150,000 or 10% of the museum's annual operating budget if less than $1.5 million.

       Grants for official county historical societies are restricted to historical organizations that are certified by county governments as official county historical societies for the respective counties. The society must receive funds from the county government to assist in paying the operating expenses of the organization. The grant is noncompetitive and requires a 50/50 cash match. Grant awards will not exceed $10,000.

       Inquiries concerning the grant application process should be directed to Edith D. Walsh, (717) 214-8649, ewalsh@state.pa.us.

       The Commission Grant Program, through its funding to nonprofits and local governments, has made a major contribution to supporting downtown and neighborhood revitalization, promoting heritage tourism and encouraging economic development across this Commonwealth.

    JOHN C. WESLEY,   
    Interim Executive Director

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 04-269. Filed for public inspection February 13, 2004, 9:00 a.m.]

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