Title 55--PUBLIC WELFARE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE [55 PA. CODE CHS. 100 AND 3040] Deletion of Statements of Policy [26 Pa.B. 596] Purpose
The purpose of this statement of policy is to delete from the Pennsylvania Code two codified Department of Public Welfare statements of policy.
Section 9.22 (relating to annual review of bulletins and Secretary's Directives) establishes the requirement for the annual publication of a list of existing Department Statements of Policy with continuing effect in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. The 1995 Annual Update was published at 26 Pa.B. 379 (January 27, 1996). As part of that review, two codified statements of policy with no continuing effect were identified.
This statement of policy is effective upon publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
The following statements of policy are obsolete and will be deleted from the Pennsylvania Code:
Name Code
DateEligibility of Participants in Employment Demonstration Projects for Cash, Medical and Food Stamp Benefits § 100.1 5-14-88 Revised Income Guidelines and Fee Scale for Subsidized Day Care--Appendix C Chapter 3040--
Appendix C6-27-92 FEATHER O. HOUSTOUN,
SecretaryFiscal Note: 14-BUL-40. No fiscal impact; (8) recommends adoption.
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 96-181. Filed for public inspection February 9, 1996, 9:00 a.m.]