2128 Fee for return postage  


    [58 PA. CODE CH. 143]

    Fee for Return Postage

    [30 Pa.B. 6357]

       To effectively manage the wildlife resources of this Commonwealth, the Game Commission (Commission) at its October 12, 2000, meeting, proposed to add § 143.10 (relating to fee for return postage) to require the payment of $1.50 at the time of application for a general hunting or furtaker license by mail order, fax or over the Internet.

       This proposed amendment will have no adverse impact on the wildlife resources of this Commonwealth.

       The authority for the proposal is 34 Pa.C.S. (relating to Game and Wildlife Code) (code).

       This proposal was made public at the October 12, 2000, meeting of the Commission, and comments on this proposal can be sent to the Executive Director of the Game Commission, 2001 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110-9797, until January 5, 2001.

    1.  Introduction

       To more effectively issue hunting and furtaking licenses, the Commission at its October 12, 2000, meeting proposed adding § 143.10. This addition is being proposed under section 2722(g)(2) of the code (relating to authorized license-issuing agents).

    2.  Purpose and Authority

       The Commission has issued hunting and furtaking licenses by mail for some time. Now those licenses are being offered at the Commission's website. Each time a license is purchased by mail, facsimile or on the Internet a package must be sent to the licensee. The current cost of postage alone to send a license package is $1.43. This figure does not include package materials and preparation. To defray these costs, the Commission is proposing to charge a $1.50 fee for each general or furtaker license issued by mail order, fax or over the Internet.

       Section 2722(g)(2) of the code authorizes the Commission to adopt regulations for the administration, control and performance of license issuance activities. This provision supplies the authority for the proposal.

    3.  Regulatory Requirements

       The proposal will require the payment of $1.50 at the time of application for a general hunting or furtaker license by mail order, fax or over the Internet.

    4.  Persons Affected

       All individuals wishing to take advantage of license issuance by mail, fax or Internet will be required to pay the additional fee.

    5.  Cost and Paperwork Requirements

       There will be no additional paperwork resulting from this proposal. There will be an additional fee of $1.50 to defray the cost of mailing the license package.

    6.  Effective Date

       The proposed change will be effective on final publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin and will remain in effect until changed by the Commission.

    7.  Contact Person

       For further information on the change contact David E. Overcash, Acting Director, Bureau of Law Enforcement, 2001 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110-9797, (717) 783-6526.

    VERNON R. ROSS,   

       Fiscal Note: 48-126. No fiscal impact; (8) recommends adoption.

    Annex A




    Subchapter A.  GENERAL

    § 143.10.  Fee for return postage.

       An additional fee of $1.50 shall be remitted by an applicant who applies for a general hunting or furtaker license by mail order, fax or over the Internet. For this fee, licenses will be returned to applicants by standard first-class mail.

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 00-2128. Filed for public inspection December 8, 2000, 9:00 a.m.]

Document Information

PA Codes:
58 Pa. Code § 143.10