2087 Availability of technical guidance  

  • Availability of Technical Guidance

    [27 Pa.B. 6857]

       Technical guidance documents are on DEP's World Wide Web site (http://www.dep.state.pa.us) at the Public Participation Center. The ''June 1997 Inventory'' heading is the Governor's List of Nonregulatory Documents. The ''Search the Inventory of Technical Guidance Documents'' heading is a database of the Inventory. The ''Final Documents'' heading is the link to a menu of the various DEP bureaus and from there to each bureau's final technical guidance documents. The ''Draft Technical Guidance'' heading is the link to DEP's draft technical guidance documents.

       DEP will be adding its revised documents to the Web throughout 1997.

    Ordering Paper Copies of DEP Technical Guidance

       Persons can order a bound paper copy of the latest Inventory or an unbound paper copy of any of the final documents listed on the Inventory by calling DEP at (717) 783-8727.

       In addition, bound copies of some of DEP's documents are available as DEP publications. Persons should check with the appropriate bureau for more information about the availability of a particular document as a publication.

    Changes to Technical Guidance Documents

       Here is the current list of recent changes. Persons who have any questions or comments about a particular document should call the contact person whose name and phone number is listed with each document. Persons who have questions or comments in general should call Jonathan Brightbill at (717) 783-8727.

    Final Technical Guidance--Substantive Revision

       DEP ID: 563-2112-656 Title: Liners--Impoundments, Stockpiles and Coal Refuse Disposal Areas Description: Revised, based on the recommendations of District Mining Operations' technical staff, to clarify certain design thresholds for soil liners at mining facilities. Effective Date: December 5, 1997 Page Length: 5 pages Location: Vol 12, Tab 83 Contact: Thomas Callaghan at (717) 783-8845

    Final Technical Guidance--Minor Revision

       DEP ID: 362-4180-002 Title: Civil Penalty Assessment Procedures for Pollutional Incidents Description: This guidance describes the Department procedures for calculating civil penalties for violations of The Clean Streams Law from pollution incidents. Effective Date: April 15, 1997 Page Length: 6 pages Location: Vol 33, Tab 19 Contact: Milt Lauch at (717) 787-8184

       DEP ID: 363-2134-010 Title: Earth Disturbance Permit Policies and Procedures Description: Provides information to Department and conservation district personnel on standard procedures and to ensure consistent permit processing requirements. Effective Date: October 1, 1997 Page Length: 5 pages Location: Vol 34, Tab 7 Contact: Ken Reisinger at (717) 787-6827

       DEP ID: 363-2200-011 Title: General Policy on Review of Erosion and Sediment Control Plans Description: Provides the required procedure delegated conservation district personnel must follow when conducting reviews of erosion and sedimentation control plans. Effective Date: October 1, 1997 Page Length: 11 pages Location: Vol 34, Tab 10 Contact: Ken Reisinger at (717) 787-6827

       DEP ID: 363-3000-013 Title: Inspection of Earth Disturbance Sites Description: Contains required procedures delegated conservation district personnel must follow when conducting inspections for earth disturbance activities. Effective Date: October 1, 1997 Page Length: 10 pages Location: Vol 34, Tab 15 Contact: Ken Reisinger at (717) 787-6827

       DEP ID: 383-0400-106 Title: Surface Water Treatment Safe Drinking Water Program Staff Handbook Description: Establishes a rational and reasonable basis for staff decisions which promote quality, timely and consistent service to the public and regulated community. Effective Date: March 27, 1997 Page Length: 2 pages Location: Vol 20 Contact: Joseph Hoffman at (717) 787-5017

       DEP ID: 383-0400-113 Title: Financial Assistance Management Safe Drinking Water Program Staff Handbook Description: Establishes a rational and reasonable basis for staff decisions which promote quality, timely and consistent service to the public and regulated community. Effective Date: March 27, 1997 Page Length: 2 pages Location: Vol 27 Contact: Joseph Hoffman at (717) 787-5017

       DEP ID: 383-3000-101 Title: Safe Drinking Water Program Field-Related Compliance Description: Provides guidance and procedures to DEP staff to conduct compliance activities at all public water systems. Effective Date: October 3, 1997 Page Length: 28 pages Location: Vol 15, Tab 17 Contact: Joseph Hoffman at (717) 787-5017

       DEP ID: 391-2000-003 Title: Determining Water Quality-based Effluent Limits Description: Describes the analysis method that will be used to determine point source effluent limitations when intensive stream survey data is not available. Because of inherent assumptions, several limitations are placed on the use of this methodology. Effective Date: December 9, 1995 Page Length: 45 pages Location: Vol 29, Tab 01 Contact: Clarence Yingling at (717) 787-9637

       DEP ID: 391-2000-011 Title: Technical Reference Guide for the Pennsylvania Single Discharge Toxics Model Description: Provides how applicable regulatory requirements and technical methods are incorporated into PENTOXSD. It explains how these requirements and methods are applied to available data to determine recommended effluent limitations. Effective Date: January 9, 1995 Page Length: 62 pages Location: Vol 29, Tab 05 Contact: Clarence Yingling at (717) 787-9637

       DEP ID: 391-2000-012 Title: Users Guide for the Pennsylvania Single Discharge Toxics Model Description: Provides how applicable regulatory requirements and technical methods are incorporated into PENTOXSD. It explains how these requirements and methods are applied to available data to determine recommended effluent limitations. Effective Date: January 9, 1995 Page Length: 116 pages Location: Vol 29, Tab 06 Contact: Clarence Yingling at (717) 787-9637

       DEP ID: 391-2000-013 Title: Implementation Guidance of Section 93.7 Ammonia Criteria Description: Designed to implement DEP's water quality criteria regulation contained in § 93.7. BWC's Water Quality Analysis Model (WQM 6.3) is the focal point for implementing the regulation. Effective Date: November 4, 1997 Page Length: 80 pages Location: Vol 29, Tab 15 Contact: Clarence Yingling at (717) 787-9637

       DEP ID: 391-2000-017 Title: Implementation Guidance for Temperature Criteria Description: Details procedures for calculating thermal effluent limits for both the Case 1 (withdrawal from receiving stream) and Case 2 (withdrawal from other than the receiving stream) situations, based on the principles of heat transfer. Effective Date: October 3, 1997 Page Length: 24 pages Location: Vol 29, Tab 13 Contact: Clarence Yingling at (717) 787-9637

       DEP ID: 391-3200-003 Title: Quality Assurance Work Plan: Cause/Effect Surveys Description: Developed, as Federally required, to establish and standardize the Department's procedures for conducting cause/effect surveys. Effective Date: December 9, 1997 Page Length: 24 pages Location: Vol 30, Tab 03 Contact: Ed Brezina at (717) 787-9637

       DEP ID: 391-3200-006 Title: Quality Assurance Work Plan: Toxics Surveys Description: Developed, as Federally required, to establish and standardize the Department's procedures for conducting toxics surveys. Effective Date: December 9, 1997 Page Length: 18 pages Location: Vol 30, Tab 06 Contact: Ed Brezina at (717) 787-9637

       DEP ID: 391-3200-008 Title: Quality Assurance Work Plan: Advanced Treatment--Model Calibration/Verification Surveys Description: Establishes and standardizes the Department's procedures for conducting model calibration surveys for advanced treatment projects. These procedures provide justification for the added treatment costs associated with advanced treatment projects. Effective Date: December 11, 1997 Page Length: 20 pages Location: Vol 30, Tab 08 Contact: Ed Brezina at (717) 787-9637

    Draft Technical Guidance--Substantive Revision

       DEP ID: 391-3200-010 Title: Standardized Biological Field Collection and Laboratory Methods Description: Developed to establish and standardize methods for the collection and analysis of biological data for the purpose of evaluating the condition of aquatic resources throughout this Commonwealth. Effective Date: December 10, 1997 Page Length: 50 pages Location: Vol 30, Tab 09 Contact: Ed Brezina at (717) 787-9637

       DEP ID: 563-2112-203 Title: Insignificant Boundary Corrections for Surface Mining Activities Description: Being revised to allow the addition of remining areas to existing permits by following the procedures for insignificant boundary corrections. This change is intended to encourage operators to remine abandoned mine lands adjacent to active permits. Deadline for Submittal of Comments: January 30, 1998 Contact: Nevin Strock at (717) 783-8845

    JAMES M. SEIF,   

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 97-2087. Filed for public inspection December 26, 1997, 9:00 a.m.]

Document Information