Title 4—ADMINISTRATION [39 Pa.B. 7181]
[Saturday, December 26, 2009]PART I. GOVERNOR'S OFFICE [ 4 PA. CODE CH. 6 ] [ EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 2004-1 AS AMENDED ] Governor's Invasive Species Council September 18, 2006
Whereas, nonnative invasive species are a national problem that pose significant environmental and economic threats to the Commonwealth's natural resources and resource-based industries, and may be detrimental to public health and safety; and
Whereas, nonnative invasive species pose a significant threat to biodiversity which is essential for the Commonwealth's economic, environmental, and social well-being; and
Whereas, preventing new introductions of nonnative invasive species and limiting the spread of established populations into uninfested areas is both environmentally responsible and economically beneficial; and
Whereas, federal Executive Order 13112 acknowledges that nonnative invasive species fail to recognize jurisdictional boundaries, thus creating a need for enhanced coordination between local, state, regional, and federal entities; and
Whereas, the National Invasive Species Act of 1996 provides federal funding to states that voluntarily implement a federally approved aquatic invasive species management plan; and
Whereas, it has been determined that the Governor and the Commonwealth would benefit from the advice and counsel of an official representative body of natural resource managers, policymakers, and researchers engaged in abating the introduction and spread of nonnative invasive species in Pennsylvania.
Now, Therefore, I, Edward G. Rendell, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and other laws, do hereby establish the Governor's Invasive Species Council (hereinafter referred to as the ''Council'') as hereinafter set forth.
Fiscal Note: GOV 04-11. (1) General Fund; (2) Implementing Year 2003-04 is $25,000; (3) 1st Succeeding Year 2004-05 is $75,000; 2nd Succeeding Year 2005-06 is $75,000; 3rd Succeeding Year 2006-07 is $75,000; 4th Succeeding Year 2007-08 is $75,000; 5th Succeeding Year 2008-09 is $75,000; (4) 2002-03 Program—$N/A; 2001-02 Program—$N/A; 2000-01 Program—$N/A; (7) Department of Agriculture—General Government Operations; (8) recommends adoption.
The Governor's Invasive Species Council (Council) shall:
(1) Develop and implement a comprehensive nonnative invasive species management plan for this Commonwealth and revise the plan at regular 5-year intervals or as needed.
(2) Provide guidance on prevention and control of nonnative invasive species and rapid response to new infestations. The Council shall utilize scientific methods and procedures to assist in developing the guidance. In addition, the Council may consider the potential for widespread harm to public health, an ecological system or the economic benefit derived from a nonnative species to determine whether control measures are needed.
(3) Facilitate coordination among Federal, regional, State and local initiatives and organizations engaged in the management of nonnative invasive species.
(4) Convene at least quarterly and at the call of the Chairperson of the Council.
(5) Adopt rules of procedure consistent with this subchapter.
§ 6.273. Composition.
(a) The Secretary of Agriculture will serve as Chairperson of the Governor's Invasive Species Council (Council). The membership will include agency heads of the Commonwealth or designees responsible for the conservation of agricultural and natural resources and the protection of public health, each of whom shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Governor, including the following:
(1) Secretary of Conservation and Natural Resources.
(2) Secretary of Environmental Protection.
(3) Secretary of Health.
(4) Secretary of Transportation.
(5) Executive Director of the Fish and Boat Commission.
(6) Executive Director of the Game Commission.
(b) In addition, the Council will have up to ten members of the public representing agriculture and natural resource organizations and educational institutions conducting nonnative invasive species research and outreach. The members of the public will be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Governor. A member of the public appointed to the Council under this section may have a designee act on the member's behalf, if the member first provides the Chairperson a copy of the member's written designation authorizing the designee to so act.
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 09-2359. Filed for public inspection December 24, 2009, 9:00 a.m.]