2532 2007 list of native species for purposes of 58 Pa. Code Chapter 79  


    2007 List of Native Species for Purposes of 58 Pa. Code Chapter 79

    [36 Pa.B. 7930]
    [Saturday, December 23, 2006]

       Under 58 Pa. Code § 79.1 (relating to definitions), which will go into effect on January 1, 2007, the Fish and Boat Commission (Commission) is publishing the following list of reptile and amphibian species and subspecies, where applicable, that the Commission has determined are native species for purposes of 58 Pa. Code Chapter 79 (relating to reptiles and amphibians). (See 36 Pa.B. _____ (December 23, 2006).) The Commission's regulations define ''native species'' as a reptile or amphibian species or subspecies, where applicable, that has not been introduced into this Commonwealth and occurs historically within the boundaries of this Commonwealth. The Commission's regulations go on to state that the Commission will from time to time publish in the Pennsylvania Bulletin a list of reptile and amphibian species and subspecies, where applicable, that it has determined to be native species.

    Scientific NameCommon NamePA Status
    Acris crepitans crepitansNorthern Cricket FrogS
    Agkistrodon contortrixNorthern CopperheadS
    Ambystoma jeffersonianumJefferson SalamanderS
    Ambystoma maculatumSpotted SalamanderA
    Ambystoma opacumMarbled SalamanderS
    Ambystoma tigrinumTiger SalamanderX
    Aneides aeneusGreen SalamanderT
    Apalone mutica muticaMidland Smooth SoftshellX
    Apalone spinifera spiniferaEastern Spiny SoftshellS
    Bufo americanus americanusEastern American ToadA
    Bufo fowleriFowler's ToadS
    Carphophis amoenusWorm SnakeS
    Chelydra serpentinaSnapping TurtleA
    Chyrsemys picta marginataMidland Painted TurtleA
    Chyrsemys picta pictaEastern Painted TurtleA
    Clemmys guttataSpotted TurtleS
    Clonophis kirtlandiiKirtland's SnakeE
    Coluber constrictor constrictorNorthern Black RacerA
    Crotalus horridusTimber RattlesnakeC
    Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensisEastern HellbenderS
    Desmognathus fuscusDusky SalamanderA
    Desmognathus monticolaSeal SalamanderA
    Desmognathus ochrophaeusMountain Dusky SalamanderA
    Diadophis punctatusRingneck SnakeA
    Elaphe alleghaniensisEastern RatsnakeA
    Emys blandingiiBlanding's TurtleC
    Eumeces anthracinusNortern Coal SkinkS
    Eumeces fasciatusFive-lined SkinkA
    Eumeces laticepsBroadhead SkinkC
    Eurycea bislineataNorthern Two-lined SalamanderA
    Eurycea longicauda longicaudaLongtail SalamanderA
    Glyptemys insculptaWood TurtleS
    Glyptemys muhlenbergiiBog TurtleE
    Graptemys geographicaMap TurtleS
    Gyrinophilus porphyticus porphyticusSpring SalamanderA
    Hemidactylium scutatumFour-toed SalamanderS
    Heterodon platirhinosEastern Hognose SnakeS
    Hyla versicolorGray TreefrogA
    Kinosternum subrubrum subrubrumEastern Mud TurtleX
    Lampropeltis triangulum triangulumEastern MilksnakeA
    Liochlorophis vernalisSmooth Green SnakeS
    Necturus maculosusMudpuppyS
    Nerodia sipedon sipedonNorthern Water SnakeA
    Notophthalmus viridescens viridescensEastern Red-spotted NewtA
    Opheodrys aestivusRough Green SnakeE
    Plethodon cinereusRedback SalamanderA
    Plethodon glutinosusSlimy SalamanderA
    Plethodon hoffmaniValley and Ridge SalamanderS
    Plethodon richmondiRavine SalamanderS
    Plethodon wehrleiWehrle's SalamanderA
    Pseudacaris crucifer cruciferNorthern Spring PeeperA
    Pseudacris brachyphonaMountain Chorus FrogS
    Pseudacris feriarum feriarumUpland Chorus FrogS
    Pseudacris feriarum triseriataWestern Chorus FrogS
    Pseudacris triseriata kalmiNew Jersey Chorus FrogE
    Pseudemys rubriventrisRed-bellied TurtleT
    Pseudotriton montanus montanusEastern Mud SalamanderE
    Pseudotriton ruber ruberNorthern Red SalamanderA
    Rana catesbeianaBullfrogA
    Rana clamitansGreen FrogA
    Rana palustrisPickerel FrogA
    Rana pipiensNorthern Leopard FrogS
    Rana sphenocephalaCoastal Plain Leopard FrogE
    Rana sylvaticaWood FrogA
    Regina septemvittataQueen SnakeS
    Scaphiopus holbrookiiEastern SpadefootE
    Sceloporus undulatusNorthern Fence LizardS
    Sistrurus catenatus catenatusEastern MassasaugaE
    Sternotherus odoratusStinkpotA
    Storeria dekayi dekayiNorthern Brown SnakeA
    Storeria occipitomaculata occipitomaculataNorthern Redbelly SnakeA
    Terrepene carolina carolinaEastern Box TurtleS
    Thamnophis brachystomaShorthead Garter SnakeS
    Thamnophis sauritusEastern Ribbon SnakeS
    Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalisEastern Garter SnakeA
    Virginia pulchraMountain Earth SnakeS
    Virginia valeriaeSmooth Earth SnakeS

    C=Candidate Species
    E=Endangered Species
    S=Species of special concern, rare, not common due to one or more of the following factors: range restriction, population decline, limited distribution, direct threats from habitat alteration, collection
    T=Threatened Species
    X=Extirpated, no longer occurs in PA

    DOUGLAS J. AUSTEN, Ph.D.,   
    Executive Director

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 06-2532. Filed for public inspection December 22, 2006, 9:00 a.m.]

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