FISH AND BOAT COMMISSION Designations of Waters Subject to Special Fishing Regulations [30 Pa.B. 6295] The Fish and Boat Commission (Commission) is designating the following waters as subject to Chapter 65 (relating to special fishing regulations), effective January 1, 2001:
58 Pa. Code § 65.4a. All-Tackle Trophy Trout.
The following water is designated to be regulated and managed under the All-Tackle Trophy Trout Program and is added to the list of waters subject to these regulations (58 Pa. Code § 65.4a):
County Water Description Somerset/Fayette Youghiogheny River From the confluence with Ramcat Run downstream to the Route 381 Bridge at Ohiopyle, a distance of 9 miles. 58 Pa. Code § 65.5. Catch-and-Release Areas.
The following water is designated to be regulated and managed as a Catch-and-Release Area and is added to the list of waters subject to these regulations (58 Pa. Code § 65.5):
County Water on which located Description Clinton Fishing Creek From the State Game Lands #295 Boundary located 300 yards downstream of the upstream SR 2002 bridge downstream to a point 1.3 miles upstream of the lower SR 2002 bridge, a distance of 2.0 miles. 58 Pa. Code § 65.6. Delayed Harvest Artificial Lures Only Areas.
The following water is designated to be regulated and managed under the Delayed Harvest Artificial Lures Only Program and is added to the list of waters subject to these regulations (58 Pa. Code § 65.6):
County Water on which located Description Clarion Piney Creek From the SR 2016 bridge downstream to 0.2 mile upstream of the SR 0066 bridge, a distance of 1.2 miles. 58 Pa. Code § 65.7. Trophy Trout Program.
The following stream section is removed from the list of waters regulated and managed under the Trophy Trout Program:
County Water on which located Description Clinton Fishing Creek From the State Game Lands #295 Boundary located 300 yards downstream of the upstream SR 2002 bridge downstream to a point 1.3 miles upstream of the lower SR 2002 bridge, a distance of 2.0 miles. The limits of Fishing Creek that are currently regulated and managed under the Trophy Trout Program are now described as follows:
From the private lane bridge at the Tylersville Fish Culture Station downstream to the State Game Lands #295 Boundary located 300 yards downstream of the upstream SR 2002 bridge, a distance of 0.9 mile.
From a point 1.3 miles upstream of the lower SR 2002 bridge to Flemings Bridge (SR 2004), a distance of 2.1 miles.
58 Pa. Code § 65.9. Big Bass Special Regulations.
The following lake is designated to be regulated and managed under the Big Bass Special Regulations and is added to the list of waters subject to these regulations (58 Pa. Code § 65.9):
County Water Northampton Minsi Lake PETER A. COLANGELO,
Executive Director[Pa.B. Doc. No. 00-2090. Filed for public inspection December 1, 2000, 9:00 a.m.]