DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Applications, Actions and Special Notices
[29 Pa.B. 6345] APPLICATIONS RECEIVED UNDER THE PENNSYLVANIA CLEAN STREAMS LAW AND THE FEDERAL CLEAN WATER ACT [National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Program (NPDES)] DISCHARGE OF CONTROLLED INDUSTRIAL WASTE AND SEWERAGE WASTEWATER (Part I Permits) The following parties have applied for an NPDES permit to discharge controlled wastewaters into the surface waters of this Commonwealth. Unless otherwise indicated on the basis of preliminary review and application of lawful standards and regulations, the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) proposes to issue a permit to discharge, subject to certain effluent limitations and special conditions. These proposed determinations are tentative.
Where indicated the EPA, Region III, Administrator has waived the right to review or object to this proposed permit action under the waiver provision 40 CFR 123.6E.
Persons wishing to comment on the proposed permit are invited to submit a statement to the office noted above the application within 30 days from the date of this public notice. Comments received within this 30-day comment period will be considered in the formulation of the final determinations regarding this application. Responses should include the name, address and telephone number of the writer and a concise statement to inform the Department of the exact basis of a comment and the relevant facts upon which it is based. A public hearing may be held if the responsible office considers the public response significant.
Following the 30-day comment period, the Water Management Program Manager will make a final determination regarding the proposed permit. Notice of this determination will be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin at which time this determination may be appealed to the Environmental Hearing Board.
The application and related documents, proposed effluent limitations and special conditions, comments received and other information are on file and may be inspected and arrangements made for copying at the office indicated above the application.
Persons with a disability who wish to attend the hearing and require an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodations to participate in the proceeding should contact the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483. TDD users may contact the Department through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.
Applications for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit to discharge to State waters.
Southeast Regional Office: Regional Manager, Water Management, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428, (610) 832-6130.
PA 0057720. Industrial waste, Sunny Dell Foods, Inc., 214 South Mill Road, Kennett Square, PA 19348.
This application is for issuance of an NPDES permit to discharge treated process wastewater (Outfall 001) and cooling water (Outfall 002) from Sunny Dell Foods, Inc. facility in Kennett Township, Chester County. This is a new discharge to West Branch Red Clay Creek.
The receiving stream is classified for the following uses: trout stocking fishery, aquatic life, water supply and recreation.
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 (process water), based on an average flow of 50,000 gpd are as follows:
Average Maximum Instantaneous Parameter Monthly (mg/l) Daily (mg/l) Maximum (mg/l) CBOD5 10 20 25 Total Suspended Solids 30 45 60 Oil and Grease 15 30 pH within limits of 6.0--9.0 standard units at all times Total Dissolved Solids 1,000 2,000 2,500 NH3-N 2.0 4.0 5.0 Dissolved Oxygen minimum of 5.0 mg/l at all times Fecal Coliform # 200/100 ml The effluent limits for Outfall 002 (cooling water) based on an average flow of 90,000 gpd are as follows:
Average Maximum Instantaneous Parameter Monthly (mg/l) Daily (mg/l) Maximum (mg/l) CBOD5 10 20 25 Total Suspended Solids 30 45 60 NH3-N 2.0 4.0 5.0 Fecal Coliform #200/100 ml Total Residual Chlorine 0.5 1.0 1.2 Dissolved Oxygen minimum of 5.0 mg/l at all times pH within limits of 6.0--9.0 standard units at all times Instantaneous Temperature Daily Average °F Maximum °F January 1-January 31 87 110 February 1-February 29 83 110 March 1-May 31 110 110 June 1-June 15 92 110 June 16-June 30 108 110 July 1-July 31 78 110 August 1-October 15 110 110 October 16-October 31 98 110 November 1-November 15 110 110 November 16-November 30 73 110 December 1-December 31 77 110 Other Conditions:
The EPA waiver is in effect.
Conditions for future permit modification.
Effective disinfection.
Thermal Requirements.
TRC Requirement
No Chemical Additives
PA 0050911. Sewage, Upper Perkiomen School District, 201 West Fifth Street, East Greenville, PA 18041.
This application is for renewal and amendment of an NPDES permit to discharge treated sewage from Marlborough Elementary School District STP in Marlborough Township, Montgomery County. This is an existing discharge to Green Lane Reservoir.
The receiving stream is classified for the following uses: trout stocking fishery, aquatic life, water supply and recreation.
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001, from permit issuance lasting through completion of new WWTP based on an average flow of 4,000 gpd are as follows:
Average Instantaneous Parameter Monthly (mg/l) Maximum (mg/l) CBOD5 25 50 Suspended Solids 30 60 Ammonia (as N) 20 40 Phosphorus (as P) 0.5 1.0 Fecal Coliform 200 colonies/100 ml as a geometric average Dissolved Oxygen minimum of 2.0 mg/l at all times pH within limits of 6.0--9.0 standard units at all times Total Residual Chlorine
(issuance thru year 2)0.7 1.5 (year 3 thru expiration) 0.5 1.2 The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001, from completion of new WWTP lasting through expiration, based on an average flow of 4,250 gpd are as follows:
Average Instantaneous Parameter Monthly (mg/l) Maximum (mg/l) CBOD5 25 50 Total Suspended Solids 30 60 Ammonia as N 20 40 Phosphorus as P 0.5 1.0 Fecal Coliform 200 colonies/100 ml as a geometric average Dissolved Oxygen minimum of 2.0 mg/l at all times pH within limits of 6.0--9.0 standard units at all times Other Conditions:
The EPA waiver is in effect.
Conditions for future permit modification.
Effective disinfection.
DISCHARGE OF CONTROLLED INDUSTRIAL WASTE AND SEWERAGE WASTEWATER Applications under the Pennsylvania Clean Streams Law (Part II Permits) The following permit applications and requests for plan approval have been received by the Department of Environmental Protection. Persons objecting on the grounds of public or private interest to the approval of an application or submitted plan may file a written protest with the Department of Environmental Protection at the address indicated above each permit application or plan. Each written protest should contain the following: name, address and telephone number; identification of the plan or application to which the protest is addressed and a concise statement in sufficient detail to inform the Department of the exact basis of the protest and the relevant facts upon which it is based. The Department may conduct a fact-finding hearing or an informal conference in response to any given protests. Each writer will be notified in writing of the time and place if a hearing or conference concerning the plan, action or application to which the protest relates is held. To insure consideration by the Department prior to final action on permit applications and proposed plans, initial protests and additions or amendments to protests already filed should be filed within 15 calendar days from the date of this issue of the Pennsylvania Bulletin. A copy of each permit application and proposed plan is on file in the office indicated and is open to public inspection.
Persons with a disability who wish to attend the hearing and require an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodation to participate in the proceedings, should contact the specified program. TDD users may contact the Department through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.
Industrial waste and sewerage applications received under The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. §§ 691.1--691.1001).
Northwest Regional Office: Regional Water Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481, (814) 332-6942.
WQM Permit No. 2099414. Sewage. Spartansburg Borough, P. O. Box 222, Spartansburg, PA 16434. This project is for the construction and operation of a wastewater treatment facility located in Spartansburg Borough and Sparta Township, Crawford County.
WQM Permit No. 6299415. Sewage. Glade Township Municipal Authority, 99 Cobham Park Road, Warren, PA 16365. This project is for the construction and operation of pump stations and sewer extensions to service several areas in Glade Township, Warren County.
WQM Permit No. 4399428. Sewage, Jay C. Lynch, 69 S. Summit Road, Greenville, PA 16125. This project is for the construction of a Single Residence Sewage Treatment Plant in West Salem Township, Mercer County.
The following parties have applied for an NPDES permit to discharge storm water from a proposed construction activity into the surface waters of the Commonwealth. Unless otherwise indicated, on the basis of preliminary review and application of lawful standards and regulations, the Department of Environmental Resources proposes to issue a permit to discharge, subject to certain limitations set forth in the permit and special conditions. The proposed determinations are tentative. Limitations are provided in the permit as erosion and sedimentation control measures and facilities which restrict the rate and quantity of sediment discharged.
Where indicated, the EPA, Region III, Regional Administrator has waived the right to review or object to this proposed permit action under the waiver provision of 40 CFR 123.24(d).
Persons wishing to comment on the proposed permit are invited to submit a statement to the office noted above the application within 30 days from the date of this public notice. Comments reviewed within this 30-day permit will be considered in the formulation of the final determinations regarding this application. Responses should include the name, address and telephone number of the writer and a concise statement to inform the Department the exact basis of a comment and the relevant facts upon which it is based. A public hearing may be held if the responsible office considers the public response significant.
Following the 30-day comment period, the Water Management Program Manager will make a final determination regarding the proposed permit. Notice of this determination will be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin at which time this determination may be appealed to the Environmental Hearing Board.
The application and related documents, including the erosion and sedimentation control plan for the construction activity, are on file and may be inspected at the office noted above the application.
Persons with a disability who wish to attend the hearing and require an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodation to participate in the proceedings, should contact the specified program. TDD users may contact the Department through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.
Southeast Regional Office: Regional Water Management Program Manager, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428-2233, (610) 832-6130.
NPDES Permit PAS10-G393. Stormwater. Brian F. Forcine, Forcine Concrete, 2403 Yellow Springs Road, Malvern, PA 19355, has applied to discharge stormwater from a construction activity located in East Whiteland Township, Chester County, to Little Valley Creek.
NPDES Permit PAS10-J046. Stormwater. Edgemont Realty Associates, 1595 Paoli Pike, West Chester, PA 19380-6167, has applied to discharge stormwater from a construction activity located in Edgmont Township, Delaware County, to Ridley Creek.
Northeast Regional Office: Water Management Program, Two Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711.
NPDES Permit PAS142202. Stormwater. Packaging Corporation of America, P. O. Box 58, Trexlertown, PA 18087 has applied to discharge stormwater from an industrial site located in Upper Macungie Township, Lehigh County, to Iron Run.
Northampton County Conservation District, District Manager, Greystone Building, Gracedale Complex, Nazareth, PA 18064-9211, (610) 746-1971.
NPDES Permit PAS10U122. Stormwater. Atul Patel, President, H.M.B. Management, Inc., 2375 Woodland Drive, Allentown, PA 18103, has applied to discharge stormwater from a construction activity located in Palmer Township, Northampton County, to Bushkill Creek.
NPDES Permit PAS10U123. Stormwater. Dave Schumacher, Schumacher, Inc., 3765 Highland St., Allentown, PA 18104, has applied to discharge stormwater from a construction activity located in Forks Township, Northampton County, to Bushkill Creek.
Northcentral Regional Office: Regional Water Management Program Manager, 208 W. 3rd St., Suite 101, Williamsport, PA 17701, (717) 327-3574.
Centre County Conservation District, 414 Holmes Ave., Suite 5, Bellefonte, PA 16823.
NPDES Permit PAS10F081. Stormwater. David Nevins, Cedar Cliff Subdivision, P. O. Box 10414, State College, PA 16805 has applied to discharge stormwater from a construction activity located in Patton Township, Centre County to Buffalo Run.
Southwest Regional Office: Regional Water Management Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745, (412) 442-4000.
NPDES PAS1021022. Stormwater. Jackson Township Water Authority, 2949 William Penn Avenue, Johnstown, PA 15909 has applied to discharge stormwater from a construction site located in Jackson Township, Cambria County to Laurel Run and Saltlick Run.
Application received under the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act (35 P. S. §§ 721.1--721.17).
Northeast Regional Office: Sanitarian Regional Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790, (570) 826-2511.
5499505. Public water supply. Mountain Water Authority of Joliett, Charles Yerges, Treasurer, 23 Joliett Street, Joliett, PA 17981. This proposal involves the addition of Corrosion Control treatment facilities consisting of pH/Alkalinity adjustment with soda ash with provisions for the addition of corrosion inhibitor, zinc orthophosphate. It is located in Porte and Tremont Townships, Schuylkill County. Engineer: Angelo Tesoriero, PE, Geo Source Engineers.
Acknowledgment of Notices of Intent to Remediate submitted under the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (35 P. S. §§ 6026.101--6026.908).
Sections 302, 303, 304 and 305 of the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (act) require the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) to publish in the Pennsylvania Bulletin an acknowledgment noting receipt of any Notices of Intent to Remediate. An acknowledgment of the receipt of a Notice of Intent to Remediate is used to identify a site where a person proposes to, or has been required to, respond to a release of a regulated substance at a site. Persons intending to use the background standard, Statewide health standard, the site-specific standard, or who intend to remediate a site as a special industrial area, must file a Notice of Intent to Remediate with the Department. A Notice of Intent to Remediate filed with the Department provides a brief description of the location of the site, a list of known suspected contaminants at the site, the proposed remediation measures for the site, and a description of the intended future use of the site. A person who demonstrates attainment of one, or a combination of the cleanup standards, or who receives approval of a special industrial area remediation identified under the act, will be relieved of further liability for the remediation of the site for any contamination identified in reports submitted to and approved by the Department. Furthermore, the person shall not be subject to citizen suits or other contribution actions brought by responsible persons not participating in the remediation.
Under sections 304(n)(l)(ii) and 305(c)(2) of the act, there is a 30-day public and municipal comment period for sites proposed for remediation using a site-specific standard, in whole or in part, and for sites remediated as a special industrial area. This period begins when a summary of the Notice of Intent to Remediate is published in a newspaper of general circulation in the area of the site. For the site(s) identified below proposed for remediation to a site-specific standard or as a special industrial area, the municipality, within which the site is located, may request to be involved in the development of the remediation and reuse plans for the site if the request is made within 30 days of the date specified. During this comment period the municipality may request that the person identified below, as the remediator of the site, develop and implement a public involvement plan. Requests to be involved, and comments, should be directed to the remediator of the site.
For further information concerning the content of a Notice of Intent to Remediate, please contact the Environmental Cleanup Program Manager in the Department of Environmental Protection Regional Office under which the notice appears. If information concerning this acknowledgment is required in an alternative form, contact the Community Relations Coordinator at the appropriate Regional Office listed. TDD users may telephone the Department through the AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.
The Department has received the following Notices of Intent to Remediate:
Southeast Regional Office: Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428, (610) 832-5950.
Estate of Martin Spinelli, Tredyffrin Township, Chester County. William G. Murray, URS Greiner Woodward Clyde, 1400 Union Meeting Road, Suite 202, Blue Bell, PA 19422-1972, has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate site soil contaminated with lead and BTEX. The applicant proposes to remediate the site to meet the Statewide health standard. A summary of the Notice of Intent to Remediate was reported to have been published in Suburban & Wayne Times, on October 28, 1999.
L. B. Smith Property, Plymouth Township, Montgomery County. J. Curtis Hatfield, P.E., Pennoni Associates, Inc., 3001 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate site soil/fill and groundwater contaminated with asbestos. The applicant proposes to remediate the site to meet a combination of Statewide health and site specific standards. A summary of the Notice of Intent to Remediate was reported to have been published in The Times Herald on November 8, 1999.
Schramm, Inc., West Goshen Township, Chester County. David B. Farrington, P. G., Walter B. Sattherthwaite Associates, Inc., 720 Old Fern Hill Road, West Chester, PA 19380, has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate site groundwater contaminated with solvents. The applicant proposes to remediate the site to meet background standards. A summary of the Notice of Intent to Remediate was reported to have been published in Daily Local News on November 19, 1999.
Northeast Regional Field Office: Joseph A. Brogna, Regional Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790, (570) 826-2511.
Pennsylvania Power & Light Company (PP&L)--Distribution Pole No. 71189S53648 (Rt. 611), Bangor Borough, Northampton County. PP&L, Environmental Management Division, 2 North Ninth Street, Allentown, PA 18101 has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate concerning the remediation of site soils found to be contaminated with PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls). The notice indicates that the site will be remediated to meet the Statewide human health standard.
Industrial Engraving--Knox Facility (1101 Knox Avenue), Forks Township, Northampton County. Floyd R. Lear, III, President, Industrial Engraving Company, Inc., 1350 Sullivan Trail, P. O. Box 311, Easton, PA 18044-0311, has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate concerning the remediation of site groundwater found to have been contaminated with chlorinated solvent compounds. The applicant proposes to remediate the site to meet the site-specific standard. A summary of the Notice of Intent to Remediate was reportedly published in The Express Times on October 24, 1999. This notice corrects one previously published on November 13, 1999.
Southwest Field Office: John J. Matviya, Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745, (412) 442-5217.
Engineered Products, Inc. Property, Canonsburg Borough and North Strabane Township, Washington County. Engineered Products, Inc. Property, 1844 Ardmore Boulevard, Pittsburgh, PA 15221 and James S. Zubrow, Key Environmental, Inc., Rosslyn Farms Industrial Park, 1200 Arch Street, Suite 200, Carnegie, PA 15106 has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate soil contaminated with lead. The applicant proposes to remediate the site to meet the Statewide Health Standard. A summary of the Notice of Intent to Remediate was reported to have been published in the Washington Observer Reporter on November 22, 1999.
Application received under the Solid Waste Management Act (35 P. S. §§ 6018.101--6018.1003); the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act (53 P. S. §§ 4000.101--4000.1904); and the residual waste regulations for a general permit to operate residual waste processing facilities and the beneficial use of residual waste other than coal ash.
Central Office: Division of Municipal and Residual Waste, 14th Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101-2301.
General Permit Application No. WMGR065. Bethlehem Steel Corporation, 1170 Eighth Avenue, Bethlehem, PA 18106-7699. General Permit Number WMGR065 for beneficial use, in the Northeast Region, of various wastes from steelmaking and foundry operations for use as construction fill at a site undergoing remediation under Act 2. The Department accepted the application as administratively complete on December 3, 1999. Comments concerning the application should be directed to Ronald C. Hassinger, Chief, General Permits and Beneficial Use Section, Division of Municipal and Residual Waste, Bureau of Land Recycling and Waste Management, P. O. Box 8472, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8472. Persons interested in obtaining more information about the general permit application may contact the Division at (717) 787-7381. TDD users may contact the Department through the Pennsylvania Relay Service, (800) 654-5984. Public comments must be submitted within 60 days of this notice and may recommend revisions to, and approval or denial of the application.
Applications submitted under the Solid Waste Management Act (35 P. S. §§ 6018.101--6018.1003), the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act (53 P. S. §§ 4000.101--4000.1904) and regulations to operate solid waste processing or disposal area or site.
Regional Office: Northeast Regional Office, Regional Solid Waste Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790, (717) 826-2511.
Permit I. D. No. 603281. Pocono Grow Fertilizer Corporation, P. O. Box 406, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301. An application for permit reissuance of this municipal waste (special handling waste/sewage sludge septage) processing facility, located in East Stroudsburg Borough, Monroe County. The application was received in the Regional Office on September 15, 1999; and as of November 3, 1999, the application was found to be administratively complete.
Permit I. D. No. 100020. IESI PA Bethlehem Landfill (Eastern Waste of Bethlehem, Inc. Landfill), IESI PA Bethlehem Landfill Corporation, 2335 Applebutter Road, Bethlehem, PA 18015. A major permit modification to revise the excavation grades of Cell 3-D and lower the final contours to maintain the capacity without a change in volume at this municipal waste landfill, located in Lower Saucon Township, Northampton County. The application was received in the Regional Office on October 26, 1999; and as of November 3, 1999, the application was found to be administratively complete.
The following notices are placed through the Department of Environmental Protection as required by section 502(d) of the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act (53 P. S. § 4000.502)
Luzerne County through the Solid Waste Department is soliciting disposal/processing facilities to provide all or part of the disposal capacity required annually for Luzerne County municipal waste for the next 10 years. Interested parties should contact the Luzerne County Solid Waste Department at (570) 820-6300 to obtain a copy of the Facility Qualification Request, which will be used to qualify facilities to participate in the Luzerne County Municipal Waste Management Plan. Responses to the Facility Qualification Request must be submitted on or before March 31, 2000, at 3 p.m.
AIR QUALITY Notice of Plan Approval and Operating Permit Applications Nonmajor Sources and Modifications The Department of Environmental Protection (Department) has developed an ''integrated'' plan approval, State operating permit and Title V operating permit program. This integrated approach is designed to make the permitting process more efficient for the Department, the regulated community and the public. This approach allows the owner or operator of a facility to complete and submit all the permitting documents relevant to its application one time, affords an opportunity for public input and provides for sequential issuance of the necessary permits.
Notice is hereby given that the Department has received applications for plan approvals and/or operating permits from the following facilities. Although the sources covered by these applications may be located at a major facility, the sources being installed or modified do not trigger major new source review or prevention of significant deterioration requirements.
Copies of these applications, subsequently prepared draft permits, review summaries and other support materials are available for review in the Regional Offices identified in this notice. Persons interested in reviewing the application files should contact the appropriate regional office to schedule an appointment.
Persons wishing to file protests or comments on the proposed plan approval and/or operating permits must submit the protest or comment within 30 days from the date of this notice. Interested person may also request that a hearing be held concerning the proposed plan approval and operating permit. Any comments or protests filed with the Department Regional Offices must include a concise statement of the objections to the issuance of the plan approval or operating permit and relevant facts which serve as the basis for the objections. If DEP schedules a hearing, a notice will be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin at least 30 days prior the date of the hearing.
Final plan approvals and operating permits will contain terms and conditions to ensure that the source is constructed and operating in compliance with applicable requirements in 25 Pa. Code Chapters 121 through 143, the Federal Clean Air Act and regulations adopted under the act.
Applications received and intent to issue Operating Permits under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015).
Southcentral Regional Office: Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, (717) 705-4702.
38-03003A: Bayer Corp. (400 W. Stoever Avenue, Myerstown, PA 17067) for operation of a tablet spray coater controlled by a fabric collector in Myerstown Borough, Lebanon County.
06-05080: O. B. Dyers, Inc. (45 Noble Street, Reading, PA 19611) for a Synthetic Minor Operating Permit for a fabric dyeing process in the City of Reading, Berks County.
Northcentral Regional Office: Air Quality Program, 208 West Third Street, Suite 101, Williamsport, PA 17701, (570) 327-3637.
49-319-001: Arcos Alloys (1 Arcos Drive, Mt. Carmel, PA 17851) for operation of four cold continuous web wire degreasers (No. 14, 15, 16 and 17) in Mt. Carmel Township, Northumberland County. These degreasers are subject to Subpart T of the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants.
City of Philadelphia: Air Management Services, 321 University Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19104, (215) 685-7584.
V99-002: ST Services Terminal (67th Street and the Schuylkill River, Philadelphia, PA 19153) for operation of a bulk liquid storage and distribution terminal. The facility's air emission sources include a 30 MMBTU/hr thermal fluid heater, a 20 MMBTU/hr thermal fluid heater, a vapor incinerator, 12 petroleum products storage tanks, truck loading, non-gasoline marine loading, barge cleaning, and washwater treatment in the City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. The facility is a Title V Facility.
V95-088: Tasty Baking Co. (2801 Hunting Park Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19129-1392) for operation of a facility which makes baked goods. The facility's air emission sources include a 15 MMBTU/hr boiler, a boiler that is limited to 49 MMBTU/hr, a 3950 kW cogen unit turbine, an emergency generator, and two donut fryers in the City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. The facility is a Title V Facility.
S95-060: Anchor Dye & Finishing Co., Inc. (Adams Avenue and Leiper Street, Philadelphia, PA 19124) for operation of a textile manufacturing facility. The facility's air emission sources includes 300 HP, 400 HP, and 600 HP boilers, two dryers, spray gun cleaners, and four cyclones as control devices for wool flock collection systems in the City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County.
S97-012: Hahnemann University Hospital (Broad and Vine Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19102). The facility's air emission sources include a 200lbs/hr pathological incinerator, four <5 MMBTU/hr boilers, nine emergency generators, and three fire pumps in the City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County.
S95-067: Ryder Truck Rental, Inc. (9751 Blue Grass Road, Philadelphia, PA 19114) for operation of a truck renting and leasing facility. The facility's air emission sources include a paint booth in the City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County.
S95-040: SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals (1500 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130) for operation of offices and warehouse operations from mail, packaging components and paper, and unassigned space. The facility's air emission sources include two 33.5 MMBTU/hr boilers and one emergency generator in the City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County.
N97-009: Belmont Center for Comprehensive Treatment (4200 Monument Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19131) for operation of a psychiatric hospital. The facility's air emission sources include two 200 HP boilers, one 45 HP boiler, and one emergency generator in the City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County.
N98-001: Consolidated Drake Press (5050 Parkside Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19131) for operation of a commercial printing facility. The facility's air emission sources include five non-heatset sheetfed offset lithographic printing presses and two 70 HP boilers in the City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County.
N96-046: National Publishing Co. (11311 Roosevelt Boulevard, Philadelphia, PA 19154) for operation of a facility that prints and publishes bibles and books. The facility's air emission sources include a 10 MMBTU/hr boiler, a 6.7 MMBTU/hr boiler, eight 275,000 BTU/hr space heaters, two heatset web offset presses and ovens, and two aqueous-based spray booths in the City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County.
N95-062: Simkar Corp. (601 E. Cayuga Street, Philadelphia, PA 19120) for operation of a facility that manufactures lighting fixtures. The facility's air emission sources include a 4.5 MMBTU/hr paint bake and part dryoff oven, a 1.2 MMBTU/hr boiler, a 7.5 MMBTU/hr boiler, a manual powder spray booth, and an automatic powder spray booth in the City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County.
Notice of Intent to Issue Title V Operating Permits
Under 25 Pa. Code § 127.521, notice is given that the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) intends to issue a Title V Operating Permit to the following facilities. These facilities are major facilities subject to the operating permit requirements under Title V of the Federal Clean Air Act and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapters F (relating to operating permit requirements) and G (relating to Title V operating permits).
Appointments to review copies of the Title V application, proposed permit and other relevant information must be made by contacting Records Management at the regional office telephone number noted below. For additional information, contact the regional office noted below.
Interested persons may submit written comments, suggestions or objections concerning the proposed Title V permit to the regional office within 30 days of publication of this notice. Written comments submitted to the Department during the 30-day public comment period shall include the name, address and telephone number of the person(s) submitting the comments, along with the reference number of the proposed permit. The commentator should also include a concise statement of any objections to the permit issuance and the relevant facts upon which the objections are based.
The Department reserves the right to hold a public hearing on the proposed action based upon the information received during the public comment period and will provide notice of any scheduled public hearing at least thirty days in advance of the hearing. The hearing notice will be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin and a newspaper of general circulation where the facility is located.
Southwest Regional Office: Air Quality Program, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745, Attn: Mark Wayner, (412) 442-4161.
TV-65-00042: Ranbar Electrical Materials, Inc., Manor Division (Route 993, Box 607, Manor, PA 15665) for their paint and coatings manufacturing facility in Manor Township, Westmoreland County. The facility's major sources of emissions include paint and resin manufacturing which emit major quantities of volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
[Continued on next Web Page]
[Continued from previous Web Page] PLAN APPROVALS
Applications received and intent to issue Plan Approvals under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015).
Northeast Regional Office: Air Quality Program, Two Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 17811-0790, (570) 826-2531.
40-320-010: Plainwell Tissue (901 Sathers Drive, P. O Box 6000, Pittston, PA 18640) for construction of a napkin water-based printing operation in Pittston Township, Luzerne County.
48-313-086: Elementis Pigments, Inc. (1525 Wood Avenue, Easton, PA 18042) for construction of a finish plant milling operation in Easton, Northampton County.
54-308-019: Alcoa Extrusions, Inc. (P. O. Box 187, Cressona, PA 17929) for modification of a dross loading process on 53 Pottsville Street, Cressona Borough, Schuylkill County.
54-320-002: OMNOVA Solutions, Inc. (Hickory Drive, Auburn, PA 17922) for construction of a rotogravure printer in West Brunswick Township, Schuylkill County.
Southcentral Regional Office: Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, (717) 705-4702.
28-03029: Cumberland Valley Animal Shelter, Inc. (2325 County Road, Chambersburg, PA 17201) for installation of an animal cremator in Guilford Township, Franklin County.
67-05068: Highway Materials, Inc. (1750 Walton Road, P. O. Box 1667, Blue Bell, PA 19422) for construction of a new asphalt batch plant to replace the existing asphalt batch plant in Hellam Township, York County.
Northcentral Regional Office: Air Quality Program, 208 West Third Street, Suite 101, Williamsport, PA 17701, (570) 327-3637.
OP-14-0004C: Graybec Lime, Inc. (P. O. Box 448, Bellefonte, PA 16823) for construction of a bituminous coal/petroleum coke-fired rotary lime kiln (#6) and associated air cleaning device (a fabric collector), a bituminous coal-fired rotary lime kiln (#7) and associated air cleaning device (a fabric collector), a glass stone dryer and associated air cleaning devices (3 fabric collectors), a hydrator, lime handling operations and associated air cleaning devices (6 fabric collectors) and limestone handling operations and associated air cleaning device (a fabric collector). This construction is subject to Federal Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) regulations as well as to Subpart HH of the Federal Standards for Performance for New Stationary Sources.
08-310-003: State Aggregates, Inc. (4401 Camp Meeting Road, Center Valley, PA 18034) for construction of a sand and gravel processing plant (Scrivens plant) in Sheshequin Township, Bradford County. This plant will be subject to Subpart OOO of the Federal Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources.
41-318-046: Sonoco Products Co. (P. O. Box 4008, Williamsport, PA 17701-4008) for modification of a steel reel surface coating operation in the City of Williamsport, Lycoming County.
Southwest Regional Office: Air Quality Program, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745, (412) 442-4174.
PA-32-348A: DLR Mining, Inc. (R. D. 3, Box 115-A, Indiana, PA 15701) for installation of coal crushing/cleaning/storage at Nolo Deep Mine in Buffington Township, Indiana County.
PA-04-699E: National Gypsum Co. (2001 Rexford Road, Charlotte, NC 28211) for installation of wallboard manufacturing at Shippingport Plant in Shippingport Borough, Beaver County.
PA-65-914A: Preform Specialties, Inc. (R. D. 3, Box 250-I, Blairsville, PA 15717) for installation of tungsten carbide preform mfg. in Derry Township, Westmoreland County.
PA-11-288A: Johnstown America Corp. (17 Johns Street, Johnstown, PA 15907) for installation of cleaning booth at Franklin Plant in Franklin Borough, Cambria County.
PA-03-168A: Rosebud Mining Co. (R. D. 9, Box 379A, Kittanning, PA 16201) for installation of diesel generator in Kittanning Borough, Armstrong County.
Northwest Regional Office: Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481, (814) 332-6940.
PA-25-069C: Engelhard Corp. (1729 East Avenue, Erie, PA 16503-2367) for construction of a pneumatic conveying system and installation of a dust collector at the catalyst manufacturing plant in the City of Erie, Erie County.
PA-37-051C: Reactive Metals & Alloys Corp. (Route 168, West Pittsburg, PA 16160) for installation of a third mill, feed system, larger cyclone, duct and fan in the existing VICT grinding system in Taylor Township, Lawrence County.
REASONABLY AVAILABLE CONTROL TECHNOLOGY (RACT) The Department of Environmental Protection (Department) will conduct a public hearing on January 28, 2000, beginning at 1 p.m. in the Air Quality conference room at the Meadville Regional Office located at 230 Chestnut Street.
The hearing is for the Department to accept testimony concerning the Department's decision to approve, with conditions, the case by case Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) plans by:
Erie Forge & Steel, Inc. (1341 W. 16th Street, Erie, PA 16512) in Erie, Erie County to meet the requirements under 25 Pa. Code §§ 129.91--129.95 (RACT), concerning the emissions of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) from various air contamination sources. The final RACT proposals will be submitted to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a revision to Pennsylvania's State Implementation Plan.
The proposed SIP revisions do not adopt any new regulations. They incorporate the provisions and requirements contained in RACT approvals for these facilities to comply with current regulations.
The preliminary RACT determinations, if finally approved, will be incorporated into Plan Approvals and/or Operating Permits for the facilities and will be submitted to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a revision to Pennsylvania's State Implementation Plan.
The following is a summary of the preliminary NOx RACT determination for the above listed facility:
Electric Arc Furnaces 6 & 8 and Ladle Refining Furnace No. 7
Case by Case determination that no technically feasible control alternatives exist for NOx reduction from these sources.
A public hearing will be held for the purpose of receiving comments on the above proposed Operating Permit and the proposed SIP revisions. The public hearing is scheduled as follows:
DEP Meadville Regional Office,
Air Quality Conference Room,
230 Chestnut Street,
Meadville, PA 16335,
January 28, 2000, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.Persons wishing to present testimony at the hearing should contact Robert Huston, Air Pollution Control Engineer, DEP, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3494, (814) 332-6940 at least 1 week in advance of the hearing to reserve a time to present testimony. Oral testimony will be limited to a maximum of 10 minutes and two written copies of the oral testimony are required. Each organization is requested to designate one witness to present testimony in its own behalf.
Persons with a disability who wish to comment and require an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodations to do so should contact Robert Huston, (814) 332-6940 or the Pennsylvania AT&T relay service at (800) 654-5984 (TDD) to discuss how the Department may accommodate their needs.
Those unable to attend the hearing but wish to comment should provide written comments to Robert Huston, Air Pollution Control Engineer, Department of Environmental Protection, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3494. Comments should be submitted within 30 days of the date of this publication notice.
All the pertinent documents (applications, review memos, and draft approvals) are also available for review from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Meadville Regional DEP office (Air Quality). Appointments for scheduling a review must be made by calling the DEP contact person noted previously.
Applications under the Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act (52 P. S. §§ 1396.1--1396.31); the Noncoal Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act (52 P. S. §§ 3301--3326); The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. §§ 691.1--691.1001); the Coal Refuse Disposal Control Act (52 P. S. §§ 30.51--30.66); The Bituminous Mine Subsidence and Land Conservation Act (52 P. S. §§ 1406.1--1406.21). Mining activity permits issued in response to such applications will also address the applicable permitting requirements of the following statutes: the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015); the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act (32 P. S. §§ 693.1--693.27); and the Solid Waste Management Act (35 P. S. §§ 6018.101--6018.1003).
The following permit applications to conduct mining activities have been received by the Department of Environmental Protection. A copy of the application is available for inspection at the District mining office indicated above each application. Where a 401 water quality certification is needed for any aspect of a particular proposed mining activity, the submittal of the permit application will serve as the request for such certification.
Written comments or objections, or requests for informal conferences on applications, may be submitted by any person or any officer or head of any Federal, State or local government agency or authority to the Department at the same address within 30 days of this publication, or within 30 days after the last publication of the applicant's newspaper advertisement, as provided by 25 Pa. Code §§ 77.121--23 and 86.31--34 (relating to public notices of filing of permit applications, opportunity for comment, and informal conferences).
Where any of the mining activities listed will have discharges of wastewater to streams, the Department will incorporate NPDES permits into the mining activity permits issued in response to these applications. The NPDES permits will contain, at a minimum, technology-based effluent limitations (as described in the Department's regulations--25 Pa. Code §§ 77.522, 87.102, 88.92, 88.187, 88.242, 89.52, and 90.102) for iron, manganese, suspended solids, settleable solids, alkalinity, and pH. In addition to the above, more restrictive effluent limitations, restrictions on discharge volume, or restrictions on the extent of mining which may occur will be incorporated into a mining activity permit when necessary for compliance with water quality standards (in accordance with 25 Pa. Code Chapter 93 and 95). Persons or agencies which have requested review of the NPDES permit requirements for a particular mining activity within the above-mentioned public comment period will be provided with a 30-day period to review and submit comments on those requirements.
Written comments or objections should contain the name, address and telephone number of persons submitting comments or objections; application number; and a statement of sufficient detail to inform the Department on the basis of comment or objection and relevant facts upon which it is based. Requests for an informal conference must contain the name, address and telephone number of requestor; application number; a brief summary of the issues to be raised by the requestor at the conference; and a statement whether the requestor desires to have the conference conducted in the locality of the proposed mining activities.
Hawk Run District Office, P. O. Box 209, Off Empire Road, Hawk Run, PA 16840.
Coal Applications Received
17970107. Al Hamilton Contracting Company (R. D. 1, Box 87, Woodland, PA 16681), major permit revision to an existing bituminous surface mine permit to apply biosolids (stabilized sewage sludge) to enhance vegetation on a 458 acre permit located in Boggs Township, Clearfield County. Application received November 15, 1999.
Greensburg District Office, R. R. 2, Box 603-C, Greensburg, PA 15601.
26980104. Gary Gioia Coal Company (319 Karen Drive, Elizabeth, PA 15037). Application received for commencement, operation and reclamation of a bituminous surface mine located in Wharton Township, Fayette County, proposed to affect 133.6 acres. Receiving streams: Big Sandy Creek and unnamed tributary to Big Sandy Creek to Cheat River and McIntire Run and unnamed tributaries to McIntire Run to Big Sandy Creek to the Cheat River. A social and economic justification is included with this application. Application received: December 1, 1999.
Ebensburg District Office, 437 South Center Street, P. O. Box 625, Ebensburg, PA 15931-0625.
11890103. Permit renewal for reclamation only, Marquise Mining Corporation (3889 Menoher Boulevard, Johnstown, PA 15905), for continued restoration of a bituminous strip mine in Lower Yoder Township, Cambria County, affecting 67.0 acres, receiving streams unnamed tributaries to/and St. Clair Run, application received November 24, 1999.
32890107. Permit Renewal for reclamation only, T.L.H. Coal Company (R. D. 1, Box 170, Rochester Mills, PA 15771), for continued restoration of a bituminous strip mine in Rayne and East Mahoning Townships, Indiana County, affecting 16.0 acres, receiving stream Dixon Run and unnamed tributaries to Rayne Run, application received December 1, 1999.
Pottsville District Office, 5 West Laurel Boulevard, Pottsville, PA 17901-2454.
13890201R2. Panther Creek Partners, (1001 Industrial Road, Nesquehoning, PA 18240-2244), renewal of an existing coal refuse reprocessing operation in Nesquehoning Borough, Carbon County, affecting 428.0 acres, receiving stream--Deep Run. Application received November 19, 1999.
McMurray District Office, 3913 Washington Road, McMurray, PA 15317.
32991301. DLR Mining, Inc. (R. D. 3, Box 115-A, Indiana, PA 15701), to develop and operate a new deep mine for the Nolo Mine in Buffington Township, Indiana County, permit application for a new deep mine, Little Yellow Creek and unnamed tributary to Little Yellow Creek. Application received November 8, 1999.
32840701. Tanoma Coal Company, Inc. (600 Rayne Run Road, Marion Center, PA 15759-8004), to renew the permit for the No. 2 Refuse Area in Rayne Township, Indiana County to renew the coal refuse disposal permit which expires 5/6/2000, no additional discharges. Application received November 8, 1999.
63733708. Mon View Mining Company (P. O. Box 1203, 250 West Main St., Uniontown, PA 15401), to renew the permit for the Mathis Coal Refuse Disposal Area in Carroll and Union Townships, Washington County to renew application for an existing coal refuse disposal area, no additional discharges. Application received November 15, 1999.
63831302. Eighty Four Mining Company (P. O. Box 284, Eighty Four, PA 15330), to revise the permit for the Mine No. 84 in South Strabane Township, Washington County, revision to add 30 acres to the surface permit area for a new ventilation shaft, unnamed tributary to Little Chartiers Creek. Application received November 15, 1999.
33901602. Energy Resources, Inc. (P. O. Box 259, Brockway, PA 15824), to transfer the permit for the Brockway Tipple in Snyder Township, Jefferson County to transfer of permit from Hepburnia Coal Co. to Energy Resources, Inc., no additional discharges. Application received November 18, 1999.
Pottsville District Office, 5 West Laurel Boulevard, Pottsville, PA 17901-2454.
Noncoal Applications Received
8175SM3A1C5. Warner Company (Yellow Springs Road, P. O. Box 457, Devault, PA 19432), correction to an existing quarry operation in Tredyffrin Township, Chester County affecting 262.0 acres, receiving stream--unnamed tributary to Valley Creek. Application received November 18, 1999.
APPLICATIONS RECEIVED UNDER SECTION 401: FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT ENCROACHMENTS The following Dam Safety and Encroachment permit applications, requests for Environmental Assessment approval, and requests for water quality certification have been received by the Department of Environmental Protection. Section 401(a) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341(a) requires the State to certify that the involved projects will not violate the applicable provisions of 33 U.S.C.A. §§ 1311--131, 1316 and 1317, as well as relevant State requirements. Initial requests for 401 certification will be published concurrently with the permit application. Persons objecting to approval of a request for certification under Section 401 or the issuance of a Dam Safety or Encroachment Permit or the approval of Environmental Assessments must submit any comments, suggestions or objections within 30 days of the date of this notice as well as any questions to the office noted above the application.
Persons with a disability who wish to attend the hearing and require an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodation to participate in the proceedings, should contact the specified program. TDD users may contact the Department through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.
Applications received under the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act (32 P. S. §§ 693.1--693.27) and section 302 of the Flood Plain Management Act (32 P. S. § 679.302) and requests for certification under Section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act.
Northeast Regional Office: Soils and Waterways Section, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790, (570) 826-2511.
E58-232. Encroachment. Department of Transportation, Engineering District 4-0, P. O. Box 111, Scranton, PA 18501. To remove the existing structure, to place fill in a de minimis area of wetlands equal to 0.03 acre and to construct and maintain a 4-span prestressed concrete I-beam bridge or an alternative 3-span steel I-beam bridge having a total span of approximately 537 feet and underclearance of approximately 26 feet across the Susquehanna River. A temporary 4-span bridge is also proposed immediately downstream of S. R. 0011 to detour traffic during construction. The project is located along S. R. 0011, approximately 0.2 mile downstream of the S. R. 0081 bridge. (Great Bend, PA Quadrangle N: 18.8 inches; W: 17.3 inches), Hallstead Borough and Great Bend Township, Susquehanna County (Baltimore District, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers).
Southcentral Regional Office: Section Chief, Water Management Program, Soils and Waterways Section, 909 Elmerton Avenue, 2nd Floor, Harrisburg, PA 17110, (717) 705-4707.
E05-279. Encroachment. Janet Fetter, 217 Watson Road, Manns Choice, PA 15550. To fill in 0.044 acre of wetland (after-the-fact) in order to expand the width of the property located about 2,000 feet north of Manns Choice Borough (Bedford, PA Quadrangle N: 2.83 inches; W: 12.55 inches) in Harrison Township, Bedford County.
E22-409. Encroachment. Robert Fried, 2323 Patton Road, Harrisburg, PA 17112. To place fill within a 0.046 acre wetland area which drains to a tributary to Manada Creek (WWF) and is located at the intersection of Route 39 and Old Jonestown Road (Hershey, PA Quadrangle N: 8.4 inches; W: 2.5 inches) for the purpose of construction of a commercial development in West Hanover Township, Dauphin County.
E22-410. Encroachment. Hershey Trust Co., P. O. Box 830, Founders Hall, Hershey, PA 17033. To remove an existing bridge and to construct and maintain a pedestrian bridge having a span of 40 feet and an underclearance of 6 feet across the channel of a tributary to Spring Creek (WWF) at a point immediately upstream of Meadow Lane (Hershey, PA Quadrangle N: 6.0 inches; W: 1.5 inches) in Derry Township, Dauphin County.
E34-094. Encroachment. Robert & Kathryn Ewing Trust, 113 E. Roland Rd., Parkside, PA 19015. To construct and maintain a bridge having a span of 22 feet and an underclearance of 2.7 feet across the channel of Doyle Run (CWF) at a point approximately 2.2 miles upstream of its mouth (McCoysville, PA Quadrangle N: 21.6 inches; W: 3.4 inches) for the purpose of providing access to form fields in Beale Township, Juniata County.
E36-683. Encroachment. Steven Beiler, 405 Red Hill Road, Narvon, PA 17555. To construct and maintain a bridge having a clear span of 40-foot with an underclearance of 7-foot across Pequea Creek (HQ-TSF) for an access driveway from Jacobs Road to a 57 acre farm land tract (New Holland, PA Quadrangle N: 11.5 inches; W: 12.5 inches) in Salisbury Township, Lancaster County.
E67-679. Encroachment. Blackford Development, Inc., 1891 Santa Barbara Drive, Ste. 201, Lancaster, PA 17601. To place fill in 0.13 acre of wetlands in association with a 240 foot long stream enclosure (with a drainage area of less than 100 acres) in an unnamed tributary to Kreutz Creek (WWF) for the proposed Windsor Commons Industrial Development located east of Cape Horn Road and Chapel Church Road (York, PA Quadrangle N: 8.0 inches; W: 0.0 inches) in Windsor Township, York County. The permittee is required to provide a minimum of 0.13 acre of replacement wetlands.
Northcentral Region: Water Management, Soils and Waterways Section, F. Alan Sever, Chief, 208 West Third St., Suite 101, Williamsport, PA 17701.
E14-362. Encroachment. Edward Sherman, Chairperson, East Nittany Valley Joint Municipal Authority, P. O. Box 314, Lamar, PA 16848. To construct and maintain a total of 19 sewer line crossings and 6 pump stations. The crossings will consist of one 10-inch line, eleven 8-inch lines, one 4-inch line, three 3-inch lines, and three 2-inch lines. There are three methods of crossing consisting of boring at a minimum of 3 feet under the stream, hanging the line from an existing bridge, or using an open trench. If the open trench method is utilized the work will be completed when the stream is dry. The crossings will be through Fishing Creek (HQ-CWF), Little Fishing Creek (HQ-CWF), Cedar Run (HQ-CWF), Long Run (HQ-CWF), Roaring Run (HQ-CWF), and Axe Factory Hollow (CWF). The project's centralized location is at the intersection of SR 80 and SR 64 (Beech Creek, PA Quadrangle N: 5.65 inches, W: 2.69 inches) in Porter Township, Clinton County. This project proposes to impact 550 linear feet of stream and does not propose to impact any wetlands.
E18-289. Encroachment. Edward Sherman, Chairperson, East Nittany Valley Joint Municipal Authority, P. O. Box 314, Lamar, PA 16848. To construct and maintain a total of 19 sewer line crossings and 6 pump stations. The crossings will consist of one 10 inch line, eleven 8 inch lines, one 4 inch line, three 3 inch lines, and three 2 inch lines. There are three methods of crossing consisting of boring at a minimum of 3 feet under the stream, hanging the line from an existing bridge, or using an open trench. If the open trench method is utilized the work will be completed when the stream is dry. The crossings will be through Fishing Creek (HQ-CWF), Little Fishing Creek (HQ-CWF), Cedar Run (HQ-CWF), Long Run (HQ-CWF), Roaring Run (HQ-CWF), and Axe Factory Hollow (CWF). The project's centralized location is at the intersection of SR 80 and SR 64 (Beech Creek, PA Quadrangle N: 5.65 inches; W: 2.69 inches) in Porter Township, Clinton County. This project proposes to impact 550 linear feet of stream and does not propose to impact any wetlands.
Southwest Regional Office, Soils & Waterways Section, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.
18531. Encroachment. Aspinwall Marina, Inc., 285 River Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15215. To amend Permit No. E18531 to rearrange, operate and maintain the existing boat docking facility in the channel of and along the right bank of the Allegheny River (WWF) located at River Mile 7.3 approximately 2,500 feet upstream from the Highland Park Bridge (Pittsburgh East, PA Quadrangle N: 20.5 inches; W: 3.9 inches) in Aspinwall Borough, Allegheny County.
E04-269. Encroachment. Dennis and Kathleen Costa, 1501 Tevebaugh Road, Baden, PA 15005-1512. To construct and maintain a 5 foot diameter CMP culvert in Tevebau Run (WWF) to provide access to the private residence. The project is located on the northwest side of Tevebaugh Hollow Road approximately 1 mile northeast of its intersection with SR 0065 (Baden, PA Quadrangle N: 4.9 inches; W: 13.3 inches) in Baden Borough, Beaver County.
Northwest Regional Office: Soils and Waterways Section, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481, (814) 332-6942.
E16-113. Encroachment. Limestone Township, R. D. 2, Box 313A, Summerville, PA 15864-9027. To remove the existing structure and to construct and maintain a composite steel I-beam bridge having a single normal span of 9.449 meters, a minimum underclearance of 2.46 meters on a skew of 50 degrees across Little Piney Creek (CWF) on T-539 (McGregor Road). The new structure will be placed downstream of the existing bridge approximately 9.5 meters to provide a safer roadway alignment. The project is located on T-539 (McGregor Road) across Little Piney Creek approximately 0.15 mile west of the intersection of T-539 (McGregor Road) and SR 66 (Strattanville, PA Quadrangle N: 2.9 inches; W: 10.4 inches) located in Limestone Township, Clarion County.
E43-275. Encroachment. Mercer Raceway Park, LLC, R. D. 1, Pulaski, PA 16143. To operate and maintain an existing 280-foot-long by 3-inch-diameter corrugated metal pipe stream enclosure and to place and maintain an additional 60 feet of 36-inch-diameter corrugated metal pipe stream enclosure in a tributary to Munnell Run (TSF) (contributory drainage area 160 acres) to allow for expansion of an existing parking area at Mercer Raceway Park. The project is located at Mercer Raceway Park on the south side of SR 2013 approximately 1,000 feet east of the intersection of SR 19 and SR 62 (Mercer, PA Quadrangle N: 20.0 inches; W: 15.1 inches) located in Findley Township, Mercer County.
E62-359. Encroachment. PA Electric Company d/b/a GPU Energy, 2800 Pottsville Pike, Reading, PA 19640-0001. To install an aerial fiber optic utility crossing and to operate and maintain existing aerial electric utility crossings (WD line) across Brokenstraw Creek (CSF, Trout Stocked, Nominated 1-A Scenic) on existing support structures. The project is located across Brokenstraw Creek approximately 2,000 feet south of the intersection of SR 6 and SR 957 in the village of Columbus (Columbus, PA-NY Quadrangle N: 10.3 inches; W: 12.1 inches) located in Columbus Township, Warren County.
E62-360. Encroachment. John Johnson, Bob's Garage, R. D. 1, Box 167, Youngsville, PA 16371. To remove the existing structure and to construct and maintain a steel girder/wooden deck bridge having a single clear span of 30 feet and a maximum underclearance of approximately 11.5 feet across Matthews Run (CWF) for private driveway access. The new bridge will be located approximately 15 feet upstream of the existing bridge across Matthews Run approximately 1.4 miles on SR 27 north of the Borough of Youngsville limits (Sugar Grove, PA Quadrangle N: 0.5 inch; W: 12.0 inches) located in Brokenstraw Township, Warren County.
Requests for Environmental Assessment approval under section 105.15 of 25 Pa. Code and requests for certification under section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act.
Central Office: Bureau of Waterways Engineering, 400 Market Street, 3rd Floor, P. O. Box 8554, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8555, (717) 787-8568.
D65-081EA. Environmental Assessment. Westmoreland County Girl Scout Council, (545 South Main Street, Greensburg, PA 15601). To breach and remove the Lake Janet Ruth Dam across Loyalhanna Creek (HQ-CWF) for the purpose of restoring the stream to a free flowing condition. The dam is located approximately 4,000 feet southwest of the intersection of S. R. 381 and Weaver Mill Rector Road (Stahlstown, PA Quadrangle N: 11.00 inches; W: 0.15 inch) in Cook Township, Westmoreland County.
D54-001EA. Environmental Assessment. Pennsylvania Game Commission (2001 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110). To breach and remove the Lofty Reservoir Dam across Messers Run (HQ-CWF) for the purpose of restoring the stream to a free flowing condition (Delano, PA Quadrangle N: 22.25 inches; W: 6.30 inches).
FINAL ACTIONS TAKEN UNDER THE PENNSYLVANIA CLEAN STREAMS LAW AND THE FEDERAL CLEAN WATER ACT [National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Program (NPDES)] DISCHARGE OF CONTROLLED INDUSTRIAL WASTE AND SEWERAGE WASTEWATER (Part I Permits) The Department of Environmental Protection has taken the following actions on previously received permit applications and requests for plan approval and has issued the following significant orders.
Any person aggrieved by this action may appeal, under section 4 of the Environmental Hearing Board Act (35 P. S. § 7514) and 2 Pa.C.S. §§ 501--508 and 701--704 (relating to the Administrative Agency Law), to the Environmental Hearing Board, Second Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, P. O. Box 8457, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8457, (717) 787-3483. TDD users may contact the Board through the Pennsylvania Relay Service, (800) 654-5984. Appeals must be filed with the Environmental Hearing Board within 30 days of receipt of written notice of this action unless the appropriate statute provide a different time period. Copies of the appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure may be obtained from the Board. The appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure are also available in Braille or on audiotape from the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483. This paragraph does not, in and of itself, create any right of appeal beyond that permitted by applicable statutes and decisional law.
Actions under The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. §§ 691.1--691.1001).
Southeast Regional Office: Regional Water Management Program Manager, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428, (610) 832-6130.
NPDES Permit No. PA0011436. Industrial waste. Handy and Harmon Tube Company, 701 West Township Line Road, Norristown, PA 19403-4629 is authorized to discharge from a facility located in East Norriton Township, Montgomery County to receiving waters named Stoney Creek.
NPDES Permit No. PA0056316. Sewerage. Robert G. Fitton, 3260 Mink Road, Kintnersville, PA 18930-9547, is authorized to discharge from a facility located in Springfield Township, Bucks County to an unnamed tributary to Haycock Creek.
NPDES Permit No. PA0036897. Sewage. Borough of South Coatesville, 136 Modena Road, South Coatesville, PA 19320, is authorized to discharge from a facility located in South Coatesville Borough, Chester County to receiving waters named West Branch of Brandywine Creek.
WQM Permit No. 1598201. Sewerage. Herr Foods, Inc., P. O. Box 300, Nottingham, PA 19362. Applicant was granted approval to upgrade the industrial wastewater treatment plant and to add a new 26.2 acre spray field located in West Nottingham Township, Chester County.
WQM Permit No. 0998428. Sewerage. Bucks County Water and Sewer Authority, 1275 Almshouse Road, Warrington, PA 18976. Applicant is granted approval for the construction and operation of sanitary sewers and pump station to serve Brayton Gardens Residential Subdivision located in Richland Township, Bucks County.
WQM Permit No. 0999422. Sewerage. Newtown Bucks County Joint Municipal Authority, P. O. Box 329, Newtown, PA 18940. Applicant is granted approval for the construction and operation of a pump station known as Eagle Glenn Pump Station located in Newtown Township, Bucks County.
WQM Permit No. 0981420T1. Amendment No. 1. Sewerage. Quakerwoods Campground, Inc., 2225 Rosedale Road, Quakertown, PA 18951. Applicant is granted approval for the construction and operation of sewage treatment plant with infiltration beds located in Milford Township, Bucks County.
WQM Permit No. 2399409. Sewerage. Upper Providence Township Sewer Authority, 935 North Providence Road, Media, PA 19063. Applicant is granted approval for the construction and operation of a low pressure sanitary sewer extension known as Wooded Way located in Upper Providence Township, Delaware County.
Northeast Regional Office: Water Management Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790, (570) 826-2511.
NPDES Permit No. PA-0060691. Sewerage. Luzerne County Parks Department, R. R. 2, Box 301, Hunlock Creek, PA 18621 is authorized to discharge from a facility located in Plymouth Township, Luzerne County.
NPDES Permit No. PA-0060917. Sewerage. Chestnut Ridge Associates, P. O. Box 1085, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 is authorized to discharge from a facility located in Lehman Township, Luzerne County.
Southcentral Regional Office: Regional Water Management Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, (717) 705-4795.
Permit No. 0699406. Sewage. Kutztown School District, 50 Trexler Avenue, Kutztown, PA 19530. This permit approves the construction of Sewage Treatment Facilities in Greenwich Township, Berks County.
Permit No. 2199408. Sewage. Lower Allen Township Authority, 120 Limekiln Road, New Cumberland, PA 17070. This permit approves the construction of Pump Station in Lower Allen Township, Cumberland County.
Permit No. 0699408. Sewage. Lower Heidelberg Township Municipal Authority, 720 Brownsville Road, Sinking Springs, PA 19608. This permit approves the construction of Sewers and Appurtenances in Lower Heidelberg Township, Berks County.
Permit No. 0007391. Industrial waste. The York Water Company, 130 East Market Street, P. O. Box 15089, York, PA 17405-7089 is authorized to discharge from a facility located in Spring Garden Township, York County to the receiving waters named the south branch of Codorus Creek (Outfall 001) and an unnamed tributary of Codorus Creek (Outfall 002).
Permit No. 0081515. Sewerage. Lancaster County Career & Technology Center, (Brownstown Campus), 1730 Hans Herr Drive, P. O. Box 527, Willow Street, PA 17584 is authorized to discharge from a facility located in West Earl Township, Lancaster County to the receiving waters named Conestoga River.
Permit No. 0086304. Sewerage. Earl Township Sewer Authority, 517 North Railroad Avenue, New Holland, PA 17557 is authorized to discharge from a facility located in Earl Township, Lancaster County to the receiving waters named Mill Creek.
Permit No. 0080764. Industrial waste. Red Lion Municipal Authority, (Cabin Creek Water Treatment Plant), P. O. Box 190, Red Lion, PA 17356 is authorized to discharge from a facility located in Windsor Township, York County to the receiving waters named Cabin Creek.
Permit No. PA0088064. Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations. Ruth Family Farms, L. P., 357 Yorktown Road, Hershey, PA 17033 is authorized to operate a 1277 Animal Equivalent Unit Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) located at Perry Meadows Farm, R. D. 1, Box 150-A, Blain, PA 17006 in Jackson Township, Perry County.
Permit No. PAG043508. Sewerage--Single Family Residence. Michael J. McDermott, 1113 Seifrit Lane, Bernville, PA 19506 is authorized to discharge from a facility located in Bern Township, Berks County to the receiving waters named unnamed tributary to Plum Creek.
Permit No. PAG053529. Groundwater Cleanup. Former Wolfe's Repair, P. O. Box 9, Fishertown, PA 15539 is authorized to discharge from a facility located at Route 56E in East St. Clair Township, Bedford County to the receiving waters named unnamed tributary to Dunning Creek.
Permit No. PA0087009. Industrial waste. Hanover Cold Storage, 1301 Carlisle Pike, Hanover, PA 17331 is authorized to discharge from a facility located in Penn Township, York County to the receiving waters named South Branch of West Conewago Creek.
Northwest Regional Office: Regional Water Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335, (814) 332-6942.
NPDES Permit No. PA0101664. Sewage. Orchard Park Plan of Lots, John B. Best, Bredinsburg Road, Franklin, PA 16323 is authorized to discharge from a facility located in Cranberry Township, Venango County to an unnamed tributary to Lower Twomile Run.
NPDES Permit No. PA0222968. Sewage. Humane Society of Mercer County, Inc., P. O. Box 331, Sharpsville, PA 16150 is authorized to discharge from a facility located in Jefferson Township, Mercer County to an unnamed tributary to Daley Run.
NPDES Permit No. PA0222852. Sewage. West Fallowfield Township, 6993 Westford Road, Hartstown, PA 16131 is authorized to discharge from a facility located in West Fallowfield Township, Crawford County to Patton Creek.
NPDES Permit No. PA0222976. Sewage. Albert R. Shouey, R. R. 2, Box 113B, Worthington, PA 16262 is authorized to discharge from a facility located in Barnett Township, Jefferson County to an unnamed tributary to Cathers Run.
NPDES Permit No. PA0004251. Industrial Waste. Advanced Cast Products, Inc., P. O. Box 417, Mill Street, Meadville, PA 16335 is authorized to discharge from a facility located in Vernon Township, Crawford County to French Creek.
NPDES Permit No. PA0030724. Sewage. Pleasant Ridge Manor--West, 8300 West Ridge Road, Girard, PA 16417 is authorized to discharge from a facility located in Fairview Township, Erie County to Trout Run.
NPDES Permit No. PA0005061. Industrial Waste. Pennsylvania Power Company, New Castle Plant, 76 South Main Street, Akron, OH 44308 is authorized to discharge from a facility located in Taylor Township, Lawrence County to the Beaver River and McKee Run.
WQM Permit No. 2499402. Sewage City of St. Marys, 808 South Michael Road, St. Marys, PA 15857. This project is for the sewer replacement project at the 4th Street Bridge in the City of St. Marys, Elk County.
WQM Permit No. 2599419. Sewage. Washington Township Sewer Authority, 11800 Edinboro Road, Edinboro, PA 16412. This project is for the installation of a new, additional microscreen at the existing wastewater treatment plant in Washington Township, Erie County.
[Continued on next Web Page]
[Continued from previous Web Page] INDIVIDUAL PERMITS (PAS) The following NPDES Individual Permits for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities have been issued.
Southeast Regional Office: Regional Water Management Program Manager, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428-2233, (610) 832-6130.
NPDES Applicant Name County and Receiving Permit No. and Address Municipality Stream or Body of Water PAS10-G345 Megill Development Company, Inc.
2 Huntrise Lane
West Chester, PA 19382Lower Oxford Township
Chester CountyMcDonald Run Northeast Regional Office: Regional Water Management Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790, (570) 826-2511.
NPDES Applicant Name County and Receiving Permit No. and Address Municipality Stream or Body of Water PAS10U121 Saint Jane Frances
DeChantal Church
1918 Washington Blvd.
Easton, PA 18042Northampton County
Palmer TownshipBushkill Creek PAS101319 Ray C. Tuthill
P. O. Box 216
Palmerton, PA 18701Carbon County
Lower Towamensing
TownshipAquashicola Creek PAS10Q013-R Anthony Koneski
5202 Mill Rd.
Emmaus, PA 18049Lehigh County
Upper Milford TownshipLittle Lehigh Creek PAS10Q177 Lehigh West Land
4445 Harriet Lane
Bethlehem, PA 18017Lehigh County
Lower Macungie TownshipLittle Lehigh Creek Southcentral Regional Office: Section Chief, Water Management Program, Soils and Waterways Section, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110-8200, (717) 705-4707.
PAS-10-I016-1. Individual NPDES. The McNaughton Company, 4400 Deer Path Road, Harrisburg, PA 17110. To Implement an Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan for a residential development (Deer Path Woods PRD) on 309.1 acres in Susquehanna Township, Dauphin County. The project is located north of Route 39 near Crooked Hill Road (Harrisburg East, PA Quadrangle N: 15.0 inches; W: 20.1 inches). Drainage will be to a tributary to Wildwood Lake and Paxton Creek. (WWF).
Southwest Regional Office: Regional Water Management Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745, (412) 442-4000.
NPDES Applicant Name County and Receiving Permit No. and Address Municipality Stream or Body of Water PAS10A109 Ron Plis Co.
P. O. Box 545
Monroeville, PA 15146Allegheny County
North Versailles TownshipJack's Run PAS10B011 Armstrong County Industrial
Development Authority
Armstrong County Dept. of
Planning and Development
402 Market Street
Kittanning, PA 16201-1485Armstrong County
North Buffalo Township
South Buffalo TownshipPine Creek
Nicholson RunPAS100245 Chippewa Township
2568 Darlington Road
Beaver Falls, PA 15010Beaver County
Chippewa TownshipNorth Fork of Little
Beaver CreekPAS10L021 Level 3 Communications
14023 Denver West Parkway
Golden, CO 80401-3107Fayette County
Brownsville Borough
Henry Clay Township
Menallen Township
North Union Township
Redstone Township
Uniontown City
Wharton TownshipBeaver Creek
Bennington Spring Run
Big Sandy Creek
Braddock Run
Coal Lick Run
Deadman Run
Jennings Run
Meadow Run
Monongahela River
Noahs Glade Run
Pickham Run
Redstone Creek
UNT Beaver Creek
UNT Big Sandy Creek
UNT Braddock Run
UNT Deadman Run
UNT Dunlap Creek
Little Sandy Creek
UNT Meadow Run
UNT Pinkham Run
UNT Redstone Creek
UNT Saltlick RunWashington County
Allenport Borough
California Borough
Carroll Township
Charleroi Borough
Coal Center Borough
Donora Township
Dunlevy Borough
Elco Borough
Monongahela City
New Eagle Borough
North Charleroi Borough
Roscoe Borough
Speers Borough
Union Township
West Brownsville BoroughDry Run
Hooder Run
Houston Run
Lily Run
Maple Creek
Mingo Creek
Monongahela River
Pigeon Creek
Pike Run
UNT Monongahela
Wood RunAllegheny County
Baldwin Borough
Clairton City
Dravosburg Borough
Duquesne City
Homestead Borough
Jefferson Borough
Pittsburgh City
West Homestead Borough
West Mifflin Borough
Whitaker BoroughBecks Run
Homestead Run
Lobbs Run
Monongahela River
Ohio River
Peters Creek
Sawmill Run
Thompson Run
UNT Monongahela
West RunPAS10X094 Ralph Smith & Son, Inc.
R. D. 1, Box 184C
Derry, PA 15627Westmoreland County
Salem TownshipUNT Porters Run Northeast Regional Office: Regional Water Management Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790, (570) 826-2511.
NPDES Applicant Name County and Receiving Permit No. and Address Municipality Stream PAS232207 Gellner & Company, Inc.
P. O. Box 208
Tamaqua, PA 18252Schuylkill County
Tamaqua BoroughUnnamed
Tributary to
The following parties have submitted (1) Notices of Intent (NOIs) for coverage under General NPDES Permit(s) to discharge wastewater into the surface waters of this Commonwealth; (2) NOIs for coverage under General Permit(s) for Beneficial Use of Sewage Sludge or Residential Septage by Land Application in Pennsylvania; or (3) Notifications for First Land Application of Sewage Sludge.
The approval of coverage under these General Permits may be subject to one or more of the following: pollutant or effluent discharge limitations, monitoring and reporting, pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements, operational standards, general requirements, management practices and other conditions set forth in the respective general permit. The Department of Environmental Protection (Department) has reviewed the NOIs and determined that they comply with administrative requirements of the respective permit application. Also, the Department has evaluated the First Land Application of Sewage Sludge for the sites applying for coverage under PAG-7, PAG-8, and PAG-9 and determined that the sites are suitable for land application of sewage sludge.
The EPA Region III Regional Administrator has waived the right to review or object to this permit action under the waiver provision: 40 CFR 123.24.
The application and related documents, effluent limitations, permitting requirements and other information are on file and may be inspected and arrangement made for copying at the contact office noted.
The Department has acted on the following requests for coverage under the specified General Permit as follows:
List of General Permit Type PAG-1 General Permit for Discharges From Stripper Oil Well Facilities PAG-2 General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater Construction Activities PAG-3 General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater From Industrial Activities PAG-4 General Permit for Discharges From Single Residence Sewage Treatment Plant PAG-5 General Permit for Discharges From Gasoline Contaminated Ground Water Remediation Systems PAG-6 General Permit for Wet Weather Overflow Discharges From Combined Sewer Systems PAG-7 General Permit for Beneficial Use of Exceptional Quality Sewage Sludge By Land Application PAG-8 General Permit for Beneficial Use of Non-Exceptional Quality Sewage Sludge By Land Application to Agricultural Land, Forest, a Public Contact Site or a Land Reclamation Site PAG-9 General Permit for Beneficial Use of Residential Septage By Land Application to Agricultural Land, Forest or a Land Reclamation Site PAG-10 General Permit for Discharges Resulting From Hydrostatic Testing of Tanks and Pipelines General Permit Type--PAG-2
Receiving Stream, Facility Location Body of Water County and Applicant Name or Site Name Contact Office and Municipality Permit No. and Address and Address Telephone No. Lower Pottsgrove Township
Montgomery CountyPAR10-T447 Sanatoga Ridge Community, Inc.
2461 East High Street Pottstown, PASanatoga Creek Suite 6010, Lee Park 555 North Lane
Conshohocken, PA 19428
(610) 832-6130Whitpain Township
Montgomery CountyPAR10-T592 Wings Field Preservation Assoc., LP, Inc.
Wings Field
1501 Narcissa Road
Blue Bell, PA 19422Prophecy Creek Suite 6010, Lee Park 555 North Lane
Conshohocken, PA 19428
(610) 832-6130Antis Township
Snyder Township
Blair CountyPAR-10-0689 Bellwood Road & Roots Area Sewer
N. Blair Regional Sewer Auth.Bells Gap Run &
Little JuniataBlair County CD
1407 Blair Street
Hollidaysburg, PA 16648
(814) 696-0877Hampden Township
Cumberland CountyPAR-10-H207 Pinehurst Hills LP
Watts Tract
2171 Tall Oaks Lane
York, PA 17403Sears Run Cumberland County CD
43 Brookwood Avenue,
Suite 4
Carlisle, PA 17013
(717) 240-7812Monroe Township
Cumberland CountyPAR-10-H212 Ridge Marketing Associates
Mountain View Subdivision
621 Lemar Avenue
Harrisburg, PA 17112Hogestown Run Cumberland County CD
43 Brookwood Avenue
Suite 4
Carlisle, PA 17013
(717) 240-7812Bethel Township
Lebanon CountyPAR-10-P108 CDS Storage Facility
Donald Smith
5023 Trindle Road
PO Box 688
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055Little Swatara Lebanon County CD
2120 Cornwall Rd.
Suite 5
Lebanon, PA 17042
(717) 272-3908 Ext. 3Bethel Township
Lebanon CountyPAR-10-P116 Leroy Geesaman Subdivision
Leroy Geesaman
53 Maple Drive
Fredericksburg, PA 17026Beach Run
Little SwataraLebanon County CD
2120 Cornwall Rd.
Suite 5
Lebanon, PA 17042
(717) 272-3908 Ext. 3Derry Township
Lewistown Borough
Mifflin CountyPAR-10-4503 Municipal Authority of Lewistown
70 Chestnut Street
P. O. Box 68
Lewistown, PA 17044-0068Jacks Creek Mifflin County CD
20 Windmill Hill, Rm. 4
Burnham, PA 17009
(717) 248-4695Luzerne County
Hanover TownshipPAR10R191 Greater Wilkes-Barre Ind.
Fund, Inc.
2 Public Square
P. O. Box 5340
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18710-5340E. Branch
Warrior Run
(Garringers Creek)Luzerne CD
(570) 674-7991Schuylkill County
Schuylkill TownshipPAR105794 Tamaqua Anthracite, Inc.
DEP/Bur. of Abandoned
Mine Reclamation
P. O. Box 8476
Harrisburg, PA 17105-8476Schuylkill
RiverSchuylkill CD
(570) 622-3742Luzerne County
Sugar Notch BoroughPAR10R182 Mericle Commercial
600 Baltimore Dr.
E. Mountain Corp. Ctr.
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702Unnamed Trib.
to Warrior CreekLuzerne CD
(570) 674-7991Butler County
Buffalo TownshipPAS10E070 South Pike Square L. P.
100 Highland Avenue
Cheswick, PA 15024Buffalo Creek
Little Buffalo CreekButler Conservation District
122 McCune Drive
Butler, PA 16001-6501
(724) 284-5270Forest County
Howe TownshipPAR102700 Azco Oil Company, Inc.
HC-1, Box 645
Sheffield, PA 16347-9738Bush Creek
UNT to Bush Creek
Tionesta CreekNorthwest Region
Oil and Gas Management
230 Chestnut Street
Meadville, PA
(814) 332-6860Mercer County
West Salem Township
Greenville BoroughPAR104345 West Salem Township
Municipal Sewage Authority
610 Vernon Road
Greenville, PA 16125Shenango River and Big Run Tributaries Mercer Conservation District
747 Greenville Road
Mercer, PA 16137
(724) 662-2242Centre County
Union TownshipPAR10F093 Eagle Creek Mfg. Home
1901 East College Ave.
State College, PA 16801Bald Eagle Creek Centre County CD
414 Holmes Ave.,
Suite 4
Bellefonte, PA 16823
(814) 355-6817Centre County
College TownshipPAR10F105 Penn State Research Park
PSRP Developers, Inc.
The Belgravia Suite 701
1811 Chestnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19102Unt. Spring Creek Centre County CD
414 Holmes Ave.,
Suite 4
Bellefonte, PA 16823
(814) 355-6817Columbia County
Town of BloomsburgPAR102139 Franklin Heights Develop.
Susquehanna Valley Dev. Gp.
R. R. 2, Box 181
Turbotville, PA 17772Muni Separate Storm Sew/
Fishing Creek (Main Stem, Green Creek to Mouth) WWFColumbia County CD
702 Sawmill Rd., Suite 202
Bloomsburg, PA 17815
(570) 784-1310General Permit Type--PAG-8
Receiving Stream, Facility Location Body of Water County and Applicant Name or Site Name Contact Office and Municipality Permit No. and Address and Address Telephone No. Schuylkill County
Butler TownshipPAG08-2209 Frackville WWTP
41 N. Lehigh Ave.
Frackville, PA 17931N/A Northeast Reg. Office
Water Mgmt. Program
2 Public Sq.
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711
(570) 826-2511
SEWAGE FACILITIES ACT PLAN APPROVAL The Department of Environmental Protection has taken actions on municipal requests for Act 537 Plan Approval.
Any person aggrieved by this action may appeal, under section 4 of the Environmental Hearing Board Act (35 P. S. § 7514), and 2 Pa.C.S. §§ 501--508 and 701--704 (relating to the Administrative Agency Law), to the Environmental Hearing Board, Second Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, P. O. Box 8457, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8457, (717) 787-3483. TDD users may contact the Board through the Pennsylvania Relay Service, (800) 654-5984. Appeals must be filed with the Environmental Hearing Board within 30 days of receipt of written notice of this action unless the appropriate statute provides a different time period. Copies of the appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure are also available in Braille or on audio tape from the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483. This paragraph does not, in and of itself, create any right of appeal beyond that permitted by applicable statutes and decisional law.
Actions under the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act (35 P. S. §§ 750.1--750.20).
Southeast Regional Office: Sewage Planning Specialist Supervisor, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428.
The Plan Approval is granted for a revision to the Official Sewage Facilities Plan of Marple Township, Morton Borough, Nether Providence Township, Prospect Park Borough, Ridley Park Borough, Ridley Township, Rutledge Borough, Springfield Township and Swarthmore Borough, Delaware County to provide for the diversion of existing sewage flows currently treated at the City of Philadelphia Southwest Wastewater Treatment Facility to the DELCORA Western Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility (WRWWTF). This will be accomplished by upgrade, expansion and modification to the Central Delaware County Sewer Authority Service Area Pump Station to 12 mgd average annual and 40 mgd peak instantaneous and construction of a new force main to connect to the existing Chester Force Main at Concord Avenue. The diverted flows will be managed so as to not cause an exceedance of the permitted capacity at the WRWWTF nor exceed maximum daily flow of 12 million gallons. The balance of the sewage flow above 12 million gallons will continue to be pumped to the City of Philadelphia Southwest Wastewater Treatment Facility. The Department's review of the sewage facilities update has not identified any significant environmental impacts resulting from this approval. A Water Quality Part II permit is required for the facility.
Actions taken under the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act (35 P. S. §§ 721.1--721.17).
Northeast Regional Office: Sanitarian Regional Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790, (717) 826-2511.
Permit No. 3599502. Public water supply. Pennsylvania American Water Company, 800 West Hershey Park Drive, Hershey, PA 17033. David R. Kaufman, Oper. Manager, 20 East Union Street, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701. This proposal involves an extension to the existing PAWC system that services a large portion of Lackawanna County. The project will serve the PEI Power Park, to provide the necessary pressure to serve the PEI Power Park. Water will be taken from the existing White Oak Finished Water Storage Tank (1MG) and pumped to the new Salem Mountain finished water tank via a 16" water main. The Salem Mountain Water Tank (05.MG) feeds the PEI Power Park by gravity. The elevation difference from the White Oak Water Tank to the Salem Mountain Water Tank is approximately 300 feet. Thus, the booster station is required to adequately maintain the new Salem Mountain Water Tank.
Permit Transfer. Lake Side Mobile Home Park to George H. Roeder, 2465 Milford Square Pike, Quakertown, PA 18951. Permit issued on November 15, 1999.
Minor Amendment. Public water supply. Montrose Water Treatment Plant, PAWC, 800 West Hershey Drive, Hershey, PA 17033, Paul Zielinski. Service Pump Replacement located in Bridgewater Township, Susquehanna County. Permit issued November 16, 1999.
Operations Permit issued to Community Association of Pocono Farms on November 12, 1999, located in Coolbaugh Township, Monroe County.
Operations Permit issued to Lehigh County Authority, Far View Farms Pump Station, on November 16, 1999, located in Upper Milford Township, Lehigh County.
Operations Permits issued to Schuylkill County Municipal Authority, Mount Laurel, Indian Run, Broad Mountain Sites, November 12, 1999, located in Schuylkill County.
Operations Permit issued to Country Estates Mobile Home Park on November 23, 1999, located in Salem Township, Luzerne County.
Operations Permit issued to Upper Saucon Township on November 23, 1999, located in Upper Saucon Township, Lehigh County.
Regional Office: Northcentral Field Operations, Environmental Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Suite 101, Williamsport, PA 17701.
Permit No. 1999501. Construction Innovative Technology. The Department issued an Innovative Technology Construction Permit to Benton Municipal Water & Sewer Authority, P. O. Box 516, Benton, PA 17814-0516, Benton Borough, Columbia County. This permit authorizes construction of an Environmental Products Division (EPD) pressure sand filtration plant to treat water from the existing Artesian Well #1.
Northwest Regional Office: Regional Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA, (814) 332-6899.
Permit No. 2099501. Public water supply. Cambridge Springs Borough, 26 Federal Street, Cambridge Springs, PA 16403 has been issued a permit for the construction of new water filtration facilities to include raw water pumps, chemical addition, flash mix, flocculation, settling, filtration, clearwell and finished water pumps in Cambridge Springs Borough, Crawford County.
Type of Facility: Community Water Supply.
Consulting Engineer: John F. Larimer, P.E., The EADS Group, Inc., 1126 Eighth Avenue, Altoona, PA 16602.
Permit to Construct Issued: November 30, 1999.
The following final reports were submitted under the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (35 P. S. §§ 6026.101--6026.908).
Provisions of Chapter 3 of the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (Act) require the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) to publish in the Pennsylvania Bulletin a notice of submission of final reports. A final report is submitted to document cleanup of a release of a regulated substance at a site to one of the Act's remediation standards. A final report provides a description of the site investigation to characterize the nature and extent of contaminants in environmental media, the basis for selecting the environmental media of concern, documentation supporting the selection of residential or nonresidential exposure factors, a description of the remediation performed, and summaries of sampling methodology and analytical results which demonstrate that the remediation has attained the cleanup standard selected.
For further information concerning the final report, please contact the Environmental Cleanup Program Manager in the Department of Environmental Protection Regional Office under which the notice of receipt of a final report appears. If information concerning a final report is required in an alternative form, contact the community relations coordinator at the appropriate Regional Office listed. TDD users may telephone the Department through the AT&T Relay Service at 1-(800) 654-5984.
The Department has received the following final reports:
Southeast Regional Office: Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428, (610) 832-5950.
Estate of Martin Spinelli, Tredyffrin Township, Chester County. William G. Murray, URS Greiner Woodward Clyde, 1400 Union Meeting Road, Suite 202, Blue Bell, PA 19422-1972, has submitted a Final Report concerning remediation of site soil contaminated with lead and BTEX. The report is intended to document remediation of the site to meet the Statewide health standard.
Eddystone Crossing, Eddystone Borough, Delaware County. J. Anthony Sauder, P.E., P.G., Pennoni Associates, Inc., 3001 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-2897, has submitted a combined Remedial Investigation/Final Report concerning remediation of site soil contaminated with lead, heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; and groundwater contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The report is intended to document remediation of the site to meet site-specific standards.
Schramm, Inc., West Goshen Township, Chester County. David B. Farrington, P.G., Walter B. Satterthwaite Associates, Inc., 720 Old Fern Hill Road, West Chester, PA 19380, has submitted a Final Report concerning remediation of site groundwater contaminated with solvents. The report is intended to document remediation of the site to meet background standards.
Northeast Regional Field Office: Joseph Brogna, Regional Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790, (570) 826-2511.
Former Penn Reed & Harness Factory, City of Allentown, Lehigh County. Doug Sammak, President, American Analytical and Environmental, Inc., 738 Front Street, Catasauqua, PA 18032 has submitted a Final Report (on behalf of his client, Sally Kutz, Penn Reed & Harness Company, P. O. Box 1189, Allentown, PA 18105) concerning the remediation of site soils contaminated with lead, hexavalent chromium, selenium and arsenic. The report was submitted to document remediation of the site to meet the Statewide health standard.
Former Penn Reed & Harness Factory, City of Allentown, Lehigh County. Doug Sammak, President, American Analytical and Environmental, Inc., 738 Front Street, Catasauqua, PA 18032 has submitted a Final Report (on behalf of Robert Morgan, 127 South Aubrey Street, Allentown, PA 18103) concerning the remediation of site soils contaminated with lead, hexavalent chromium, selenium and arsenic. The report was submitted to document remediation of the site to meet the Statewide health standard.
Former Penn Reed & Harness Factory, City of Allentown, Lehigh County. Doug Sammak, President, American Analytical and Environmental, Inc., 738 Front Street, Catasauqua, PA 18032 has submitted a Final Report (on behalf of Eli J. Deily, Jr., 115 South Aubrey Street, Allentown, PA 18103) concerning the remediation of site soils contaminated with lead, hexavalent chromium, selenium and arsenic. The report was submitted to document remediation of the site to meet the Statewide health standard.
Former Penn Reed & Harness Factory, City of Allentown, Lehigh County. Doug Sammak, President, American Analytical and Environmental, Inc., 738 Front Street, Catasauqua, PA 18032 has submitted a Final Report (on behalf of Tami Van Horn, 117 South Aubrey Street, Allentown, PA 18103) concerning the remediation of site soils contaminated with lead, hexavalent chromium, selenium and arsenic. The report was submitted to document remediation of the site to meet the Statewide health standard.
Northwest Regional Office: Craig Lobins, Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335, (814) 332-6648.
Rockwell International Corporation, New Castle, City of, Lawrence County, has submitted a Final Report concerning remediation of groundwater contaminated with Solvents and PAHs. The report is intended to document remediation of the site to meet the Site Specific Standard.
The Department has taken action on the following plans and reports under the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediations Act (35 P. S. §§ 6026.101--6026.908) and Chapter 250 Administration of Land Recycling Program.
Provisions of 25 Code § 250.8 Administration of Land Recycling Program requires the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) to publish in the Pennsylvania Bulletin a notice of its final actions on plans and reports. A final report is submitted to document cleanup of a release of a regulated substance at a site to one of the remediation standards of the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediations Standards Act (Act). Plans and reports required by provisions of the Act for compliance with selection of remediation to a site-specific standard, in addition to a final report, include a remedial investigation report, risk assessment report, and cleanup plan. A remedial investigation report includes conclusions from the site investigation, concentration of regulated substances in environmental media, benefits of reuse of the property, and in some circumstances, a fate and transport analysis. If required, a risk assessment report describes potential adverse effects caused by the presence of regulated substances. A cleanup plan evaluates the abilities of potential remedies to achieve remedy requirements. A final report provides a description of the site investigation to characterize the nature and extent of contaminants in environmental media, the basis for selecting the environmental media of concern, documentation supporting the selection of residential or nonresidential exposure factors, a description of the remediation performed, and summaries of sampling methodology and analytical results which demonstrate that the remediation has attained the cleanup standard selected. The Department may approve or disapprove plans and reports submitted. This notice provides the Department's decision and, if relevant, the basis for disapproval.
For further information concerning the plans and reports, please contact the Environmental Cleanup Program Manager in the Department of Environmental Protection Regional Office under which the notice of the plan or report appears. If information concerning a final report is required in an alternative form, contact the community relations coordinator at the appropriate Regional Office listed. TDD users may telephone the Department through the AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.
The Department of Environmental Protection has acted upon the following plans and reports:
Southeast Regional Office: Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428, (610) 832-5950.
Norquay Technology, Inc., City of Chester, Delaware County. John F. Van Wagenen, P.G., Coventry Environmental Associates, Inc., 991 Ridge Road, Bucktown, PA 19165 has submitted a Baseline Remedial Report, concerning remediation of site soil contaminated with heavy metals, petroleum hydrocarbons and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; and groundwater contaminated with solvents, petroleum hydrocarbons and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The report was disapproved by the Department on November 22, 1999.
Southwest Field Office: John J. Matviya, Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745, (412) 442-5217.
Pittsburgh Tube Company, Monaca Borough, Beaver County. Timothy M. Rea, Mount Research, Inc., 825 25th Street, Altoona, PA 16601 and the Pittsburgh Tube Company, Cherrington Corporate Center, 600 Clubhouse Drive, Moon Township, PA 15408-3195 has submitted a final report concerning remediation of site soil contaminated with heavy metals. The final report demonstrated attainment of the Statewide health standard and was approved by the Department on June 14, 1999.
[Continued on next Web Page]
Registration revoked under the Solid Waste Management Act (35 P. S. §§ 6018.101--6018.1003); the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act (53 P. S. §§ 4000.101--4000.1904); and the residual waste regulations for a general permit to operate residual waste processing facilities and the beneficial use of residual waste other than coal ash.
Central Office--Division of Municipal and Residual Waste, 14th Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101-2301.
Registration under General Permit No. WMGR011R003. Residua, Inc., P. O. Box 233, Malvern, PA 19355. Residua, Inc. no longer operates under General Permit Number WMGR011 for the processing of spent ethylene glycol base antifreeze in mobile processing units for the purpose of reconditioning spent antifreeze generated by coolant or heating systems. The Department revoked the registration on December 3, 1999.
Permits issued under the Solid Waste Management Act (35 P. S. §§ 6018.101--6018.1003) and regulations to operate a hazardous and mixed waste storage facility.
Southwest Regional Office: Regional Solid Waste Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745, (412) 442-4000.
Permit ID No. PA0890090004. U. S. Department of Energy, Pittsburgh Naval Reactors Office, Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory. Operation of a mixed waste storage facility in West Mifflin Borough, Allegheny County. Permit modified in the Regional Office on December 1, 1999.
Permits issued under the Solid Waste Management Act (35 P. S. §§ 6018.101--6018.1003) and regulations to operate solid waste processing or disposal area or site.
Southcentral Regional Office: Regional Solid Waste Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, (717) 705-4706.
Permit No. 101566. Hanover Area Transfer Station, (Borough of Hanover, 44 Frederick Street, Hanover, PA 17311). Application for permit renewal of a transfer station in Penn Township, York County. Permit issued in the Regional Office December 3, 1999.
Permits revoked under the Solid Waste Management Act (35 P. S. §§ 6018.101--6018.1003) and regulations to operate solid waste processing or disposal area or site.
Southcentral Regional Office: Regional Solid Waste Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110-8200, (717) 705-4706.
Permit No. 603318. Sinking Springs Farm, Inc., Northeastern York County Sewer Authority, 175 Chestnut Street, Mount Wolf, PA 17347. This permit has been revoked at the request of the permittee for a site in Manchester Township, York County. Permit revoked in the Southcentral Regional Office November 18, 1999.
General Plan Approval and Operating Permit issued under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and regulations to construct, modify, reactivate or operate air contamination sources and associated air cleaning devices.
Northeast Regional Office: Air Quality Program, Two Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 17811-0790, (570) 826-2531.
48-323-007GP: M. A. Hanna Color (2513 Highland Avenue, Bethlehem, PA 18020) for construction and operation of a burn off oven at its Wire and Cable Division facility in Bethlehem Township, Northampton County.
48-323-008GP: M. A. Hanna Color (2513 Highland Avenue, Bethlehem, PA 18020) for construction and operation of a burn off oven at its Wire and Cable Division facility in Bethlehem Township, Northampton County.
54-310-023GP: Haines & Kibblehouse, Inc. (P. O. Box 196, Skippack, PA 19474) for construction and operation of a portable stone crushing plant in Tremont Township, Schuylkill County.
54-310-024GP: Haines & Kibblehouse, Inc. (P. O. Box 196, Skippack, PA 19474) for construction and operation of a portable stone crushing plant in Tremont Township, Schuylkill County.
Southcentral Regional Office: Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, (717) 705-4702.
GP4-05-03001A: Bedford Burn Off Oven Services, Inc. (528 Forbes Road, Bedford, PA 15522) issued a general permit for two burn off ovens in Fannett Township, Franklin County.
GP3-28-03028A: New Enterprise Stone & Lime Co., Inc. (P. O. Box 77, New Enterprise, PA 16664) issued a general permit for a second portable nonmetallic mineral processing plant at the Dry Run Quarry in Fannett Township, Franklin County.
Northwest Regional Office: Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481, (814) 332-6940.
GP-33-001: Brookville Area School District, Brookville Junior Senior High School (Jenks Street, Brookville, PA 15825) on November 30, 1999, for operation of two natural gas fired boilers (Spencer, Models 6080115-6080130) in Brookville Borough, Jefferson County.
Operating Permits Minor Modification issued under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001-4015) and regulations to construct, modify, reactivate or operate air contamination sources and associated air cleaning devices.
Northeast Regional Office: Air Quality Program, Two Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 17811-0790, (570) 826-2531.
35-318-048C: Gentex Corp. (P. O. Box 315, Carbondale, PA 18407) for minor modification of a Surface Coating Process in Fell Township, Lackawanna County.
Northcentral Regional Office: Air Quality Program, 208 West Third Street, Suite 101, Williamsport, PA 17701, (570) 327-3637.
18-322-003: Clinton County Solid Waste Authority (P. O. Box 209, McElhattan, PA 17748-0209) on December 1, 1999, to incorporate the provisions of a revised municipal waste landfill surface monitoring plan and change the surface monitoring frequency from monthly to quarterly at the Clinton County Landfill in Wayne Township, Clinton County.
Administrative Amendment of Operating Permits issued under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and regulations to construct, modify, reactivate or operate air contamination sources and associated air cleaning devices.
Southeast Regional Office: Air Quality Program, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428, (610) 832-6242.
CP-46-0005: Merck & Co., Inc. (770 Sumneytown Pike, West Point, PA 19486) on November 29, 1999, for Facility VOCs/NOx RACT in Upper Gwynedd Township, Montgomery County.
OP-15-0014A: Norwood Industries, Inc. (57 Morehall Road, Frazer, PA 19355) on December 2, 1999, for Facility VOC/NOx RACT in East Whiteland Township, Chester County.
Operating Permits issued under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and regulations to construct, modify, reactivate or operate air contamination sources and associated air cleaning devices.
Southeast Regional Office: Air Quality Program, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428, (610) 832-6242.
NMOP-46-00173: New Hanover Incineration, Inc. (3645 Church Road, Perkiomenville, PA 18074) for operation of a Natural Minor Operating Permit in New Hanover Township, Montgomery County.
Southcentral Regional Office: Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, (717) 705-4702.
06-01069D: East Penn Mfg. Co., Inc. (P. O. Box 147, Lyon Station, PA 19536-0147) on December 1, 1999, for operation of a battery assembly facility at the Battery Assembly Plant in Richmond Township, Berks County. These sources are subject to 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart KK of the Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources.
06-03001A: Unicast Co. (241 Washington Street, Boyertown, PA 19512) on December 1, 1999, for operation of a gray iron foundry controlled by various devices in Boyertown Borough, Berks County.
06-307-068A: PA Steel Foundry & Machine Co. (P. O. Box 128, Hamburg, PA 19526) on November 24, 1999, for operation of a steel foundry controlled by eight fabric collectors at the Hamburg Plant in Hamburg Borough, Berks County.
21-03001A: Ahlstrom Filtration, Inc. (P. O. Box A, Mount Holly Springs, PA 17065) on November 24, 1999, for operation of a No. 1 dual-fuel Johnston boiler in Mount Holly Springs, Cumberland County. This source is subject to 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart Dc--Standards of Performance for Small Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Stream Generating Units.
28-02001A: Martin's Famous Pastry Shoppe, Inc. (1000 Potato Roll Lane, Chambersburg, PA 17201-8800) on November 24, 1999, for operation of the Chambersburg Bakery in Guilford Township, Franklin County.
67-05024B: Lehigh Portland Cement Co. (200 Hokes Mill Road, York, PA 17404) on November 30, 1999, for operation of a raw mill feed system controlled by a fabric collector in West Manchester Township, York County.
67-309-107: Lehigh Portland Cement Co. (200 Hokes Mill Road, York, PA 17404) on November 30, 1999, for operation of a railcar cement loading system controlled by a cartridge collector in West Manchester Township, York County.
67-310-054: Lehigh Portland Cement Co. (200 Hokes Mill Road, York, PA 17404) on November 30, 1999, for operation of a plaster mold roll crusher in West Manchester Township, York County.
Northcentral Regional Office: Air Quality Program, 208 West Third Street, Suite 101, Williamsport, PA 17701, (570) 327-3637.
17-303-006A: Clearfield Asphalt and Construction Supply, Inc. (R. D. 1, Box 179, Curwensville, PA 16833) on November 2, 1999, for operation of a batch asphalt concrete plant and associated air cleaning device (a fabric collector) and 455 KW diesel generator in Lawrence Township, Clearfield County. The asphalt plant is subject to Subpart I of the Federal Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources.
41-318-043: John Savoy and Sons, Inc. (P. O. Box 248, Montoursville, PA 17754) on November 2, 1999, for operation of a wood furniture finishing operation consisting of four spray booths and a UV coater in Montoursville Borough, Lycoming County.
41-318-044: Ralph S. Alberts Co., Inc. (60 Choate Circle, Montoursville, PA 17754) on November 2, 1999, for operation of molded plastic parts surface coating opera-tion consisting of five spray booths and a spray gun solvent cleaning sink in Fairfield Township, Lycoming County.
12-399-014A: GKN Sinter Metals (R. R. 2, Box 47, Emporium, PA 15834-9740) on November 16, 1999, for operation of two sintered metal parts induction hardening operations and associated air cleaning device (an electrostatic precipitator) at Plant #6 (Airport Road Plant) in Emporium Borough, Cameron County.
55-303-003: Meckley's Limestone Products, Inc. (R. D. 1, Box 950, Herndon, PA 17830) on November 16, 1999, for operation of a batch asphalt plant and associated air cleaning device (a fabric collector) in Franklin Township, Snyder County. This plant is subject to Subpart I of the Federal Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources.
08-303-006B: Dalyrmple Gravel and Contracting Co., Inc. (2105 South Broadway, Pine City, NY 14871) on November 23, 1999, for operation of a drum mix asphalt concrete plant and associated air cleaning device (a fabric collector) in Athens Township, Bradford County. This plant is subject to Subpart I of the Federal Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources.
19-310-002C: Hanson Aggregates Pennsylvania, Inc. (P. O Box 231, Easton, PA 18044-0231) on November 23, 1999, for operation of a vertical shaft impact stone crusher and associated air cleaning device (a fabric collector) in Hemlock Township, Columbia County. This crusher is subject to Subpart OOO of the Federal Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources.
41-310-001F: Hanson Aggregates Pennsylvania, Inc. (P. O. Box 231, Easton, PA 18044-0231) on November 23, 1999, for operation of stone crushing and screening equipment and associated air cleaning device (a fabric collector) at the Pine Creek Quarry in Limestone Township, Lycoming County.
08-302-041: Cummings Lumber Company, Inc. (P. O. Box 6, Troy, PA 16947) on November 30, 1999, for operation of a 16.7 million BTU per hour wood-fired boiler and associated air cleaning devices (2 sets of multiclones in series) in Troy Township, Bradford County. This boiler is subject to Subpart Dc of the Federal Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources.
17-305-043: M. B. Energy, Inc. (P. O. Box 1319, Indiana, PA 15701) on November 30, 1999, for operation of a coal crushing, stockpiling and loading facility at the Brink-Scollon No. 3 Strip Mine in Chest Township, Clearfield County. This facility is subject to Subpart Y of the Federal Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources.
TVOP-19-00007: Transcontinental Gas Pipeline Corp., Station 517 (Benton, PA 17814) on December 1, 1999, for operation of three natural gas fired turbines, several small heaters, storage tanks and an emergency generator in Jackson Township, Columbia County.
Southwest Regional Office: Air Quality Program, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745, (412) 442-4174.
OP-04-445A: VEKA, Inc. (100 Veka Drive, Fombell, PA 16123) on December 1, 1999, for operation of coating of PVC lineals in Marion Township, Beaver County.
Plan Approvals issued under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and regulations to construct, modify, reactivate or operate air contamination sources and associated air cleaning devices.
Southeast Regional Office: Air Quality Program, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428, (610) 832-6242.
PA-46-0025G: Lonza, Inc. (900 River Road, Conshohocken, PA 19428) on December 2, 1999, for operation of two prescrubbers in Upper Merion Township, Montgomery County.
Southcentral Regional Office: Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, (717) 705-4702.
06-03107: Morgan Corp. (P. O. Box 588, Morgantown, PA 19543) on November 24, 1999, for construction of a paint spray booth with dry filters at Plant 7 in New Morgan Borough, Berks County.
06-05035: Glidden Co. DBA ICI Paints (301 Bern Street, Reading, PA 19601-1252) on November 24, 1999, for modification of thinning tanks controlled by a fabric collector at the Glidden Plant in Reading City, Berks County.
67-318-124: Root Corp./New York Wire Co. (152 N. Main Street, Mount Wolf, PA 17347) on November 24, 1999, for modification of a tenter frame line No. 2 controlled by an electrostatic precipitator in Mount Wolf Borough, York County.
Northcentral Regional Office: Air Quality Program, 208 West Third Street, Suite 101, Williamsport, PA 17701, (570) 327-3637.
49-309-008D: Watsontown Brick Co. (P. O. Box 68, Watsontown, PA 17777) on November 3, 1999, for construction of a shale roll crusher and impact mill to be controlled by existing air cleaning devices (a water spray dust suppression system and a fabric collector) in Delaware Township, Northumberland County. The roll crusher and impact mill are subject to Subpart OOO of the Federal Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources.
TVOP-49-00003A: ACF Industries, Inc. (P. O. Box 109, Milton, PA 17847) on November 4, 1999, for installation of an air cleaning device (a fabric collector) on a railcar grit blast operation in Milton Borough, Northumberland County.
17-314-001E: Equimeter, Inc. (P. O. Box 528, Dubois, PA 15801) on November 22, 1999, for modification of two rubber curing ovens and construction of a third curing oven, all three to be controlled by existing air cleaning devices (a venturi scrubber and a packed bed scrubber) at Plant #1 in the City of Dubois, Clearfield County.
OP-18-0005A: International Paper Co. (P. O. Box 268, Lock Haven, PA 17745) on November 22, 1999, for installation of air cleaning devices (flue gas recirculation systems) on two bituminous coal and tire derived fuel-fired spreader stoker-equipped boilers (Boilers 1 and 2) at the Lock Haven Mill in Castanea Township, Clinton County.
17-329-002: Petroleum Development Corp. (P. O. Box 26, Bridgeport, WV 26330-1706) on November 23, 1999, for construction of a 115 horsepower natural gas-fired reciprocating internal combustion compressor engine and a natural gas dehydrator at the Tate Compressor Site in Greenwood Township, Clearfield County.
17-329-003: Petroleum Development Corp. (P. O. Box 26, Bridgeport, WV 26330-1706) on November 23, 1999, for construction of a 180 horsepower natural gas-fired reciprocating internal combustion compressor engine and a natural gas dehydrator at the Passmore Compressor Site in Bell Township, Clearfield County.
Southwest Regional Office: Air Quality Program, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745, (412) 442-4174.
PA-04-065A: Midland Foundry Division (1 12th Street, Midland, PA 15059) on December 1, 1999, for operation of a sand storage silo at Midland Foundry Division in Midland Borough, Beaver County.
PA-63-028E: Cerdec Corp. (P. O. Box 519, Washington, PA 15301) on December 1, 1999, for operation of product packaging station at Drakenfeld Products in Canton Township, Washington County.
PA-63-014B: Duquesne Light Co. (411 Seventh Avenue, Mail Drop 14-705, Pittsburgh, PA 15230) on December 1, 1999, for operation of low-NOx burner, Unit #4 at Alrama Station in Union Township, Washington County.
Northwest Regional Office: Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481, (814) 332-6940.
PA-42-310C: Duferco Farrell Corp. (15 Roemer Boulevard, Farrell, PA 16121) on November 17, 1999, for operation of #4 Tandem Mill and oil mist emission control system in Farrell, Mercer County.
PA-10-047E: Mine Safety Appliances, Co., Callery Chemical Division (1420 Mars Evans City Road, Evans City, PA 16033) on November 29, 1999, for construction of an elemental potassium metal production facility in Forward Township, Butler County.
PA-42-182B: Allegheny Store Fixtures, Inc. (57 Holley Avenue, Bradford, PA 16701) on November 22, 1999, for operation of a surface coating operation in Bradford Township, McKean County.
Plan Approvals extensions issued under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and regulations to construct, modify, reactivate or operate air contamination sources and associated air cleaning devices.
Southcentral Regional Office: Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, (717) 705-4702.
21-05021A: Arnold Fuel Oil, Inc. (P. O. Box 2621, Harrisburg, PA 17105) on December 1, 1999, for temporary operation of three gasoline storage tanks, covered under this Plan Approval until March 29, 2000, at the Star Mechanicsburg Terminal, 127 Texaco Road in Silver Spring Township, Cumberland County.
36-310-023E: Compass Quarries, Inc. (47 McIlvaine Road, Paradise, PA 17562) on December 1, 1999, for temporary operation of an agriculture limestone production plant, covered under this Plan Approval until November 30, 2000, in Paradise Township, Lancaster County.
Southwest Regional Office: Air Quality Program, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745, (412) 442-4174.
PA-04-009A: Maverick Tube, LP (4400 W. Fourth Avenue, Beaver Falls, PA 15010) on July 16, 1999, for operation of boiler and metal heat furnaces at Beaver Falls site in Beaver Falls, Beaver County.
PA-65-884A: IA Construction Corp. (P. O. Box 290, Homer City, PA 15648) on July 27, 1999, for operation of bituminous concrete plant at Donegal Plant in Mt. Pleasant Township, Westmoreland County.
Northwest Regional Office: Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481, (814) 332-6940.
PA-16-136A: Bituminous Road Maintenance (521 South Street, Clarion, PA 16214) on November 30, 1999, for a drum type hot mix asphalt plant in Beaver and Licking Townships, Clarion County.
Plan Approvals transferred under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015).
Northcentral Regional Office: Air Quality Program, 208 West Third Street, Suite 101, Williamsport, PA 17701, (570) 327-3637.
17-305-042: DTE River Hill, LLC (425 S. Main Street, Suite 201, Ann Arbor, MI 48107) owner, and Covol Technologies, Inc. (3280 Frontage Road, Lehi, UT 84043), operator, on November 17, 1999, for construction of a coal fines agglomeration (fuel pellet) facility previously owned by Commonwealth Synfuel LLC in Karthaus Township, Clearfield County.
MINING APPROVALS TO CONDUCT COAL AND NONCOAL ACTIVITIES MINING ACTIVITY ACTIONS Actions on applications under the Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act, (52 P. S. §§ 1396.1--1396.31); the Noncoal Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act (52 P. S. §§ 3301--3326); The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. §§ 691.1--691.1001); the Coal Refuse Disposal Control Act (52 P. S. §§ 30.51--30.66); The Bituminous Mine Subsidence and Land Conservation Act (52 P. S. §§ 1406.1--1406.21). The final action on each application also constitutes action on the request for 401 water quality certification. Mining activity permits issued in response to such applications will also address the applicable permitting requirements of the following statutes: the Air Quality Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4401--4015); the Dam Safety and encroachments Act (32 P. S. §§ 693.1--693.27); and the Solid Waste Management Act (35 P. S. §§ 6018.101--6018.1003).
Ebensburg District Office, 437 South Center Street, P. O. Box 625, Ebensburg, PA 15931-0625.
Coal Applications Issued
56803015, Permit Renewal. Action Mining, Inc. (1117 Shaw Mines Road, Meyersdale, PA 15552), for continued operation and restoration of a bituminous strip mine in Elk Lick Township, Somerset County, affecting 375.8 acres, receiving stream unnamed tributaries of the Casselman River, application received October 9, 1998, issued November 24, 1999.
56663069, Revision. Action Mining, Inc. (1117 Shaw Mines Road, Meyersdale, PA 15552), to include a stream and road variance to conduct mining operations within the 100 foot barriers to an unnamed tributary to the Casselman River and to State Route 2014, in Elk Lick and Summit Townships, Somerset County, affecting 3110.0 acres, receiving streams unnamed tributaries of/and to the Casselman River; unnamed tributaries of and to Elk Lick Creek, application received October 9, 1998, issued November 24, 1999.
56970103, Permit Revision. Marquise Mining Corporation (3889 Menoher Boulevard, Johnstown, PA 15905), for a stream crossing relative to Fallen Timber Run in Shade Township, Somerset County, affecting 308.9 acres, receiving stream Fallen Timber Run and an unnamed tributary to Stonycreek, application received September 9, 1999, issued December 2, 1999.
Pottsville District Office, 5 West Laurel Boulevard, Pottsville, PA 17901-2454.
54991301. Joliett Coal Company (837 East Grand Avenue, Tower City, PA 17980), commencement, operation and restoration of an anthracite underground mine operation in Porter Township, Schuylkill County affecting 3.0 acres, receiving stream--Wiconisco Creek. Permit issued November 22, 1999.
54980102T. Triple T Mining Company, LP (P. O. Box 487, New Philadelphia, PA 17959-0487), transfer of an existing anthracite surface mine operation in Blythe Township, Schuylkill County affecting 140.0 acres, receiving stream--none. Transfer issued November 23, 1999.
Greensburg District Office, R. R. 2, Box 603-C, Greensburg, PA 15601.
03970109. Amerikohl Mining, Inc. (202 Sunset Drive, Butler, PA 16001). Permit revised: to relocate 11 acres of permit area; encroach within 100 feet of unnamed tributary #9 to Huskins Run (including a temporary stream crossing); erosion and sedimentation Module 12 modifications (addition of Sediment Pond F and treatment facilities TE and associated collection ditches) and new haul road #5; and Modules 19 and 20 to include new permit area and new pre and post mining land uses at an existing bituminous surface/auger mining site located in Cowanshannock Township, Armstrong County, affecting 97 acres. Receiving streams: Huskins Run and two unnamed tributaries to Huskins Run. Application received: October 20, 1999. Revision issued: December 1, 1999.
65910111R. Ralph Smith & Son, Inc. (200 Second Street, Derry, PA 15627). Renewal issued for continued reclamation only of a bituminous surface mine located in Salem Township, Westmoreland County, affecting 75.5 acres. Receiving streams: unnamed tributary to Beaver Run Reservoir. Application received: August 23, 1999. Reclamation only renewal issued: December 1, 1999.
03990103. Amerikohl Mining, Inc. (202 Sunset Drive, Butler, PA 16001). Permit issued for commencement, operation and reclamation of a bituminous surface/auger mining site located in Cowanshannock Township, Armstrong County, affecting 59.5 acres. Receiving streams: unnamed tributaries to Cowanshannock Creek. Application received: June 8, 1999. Permit issued: December 3, 1999.
McMurray District Office, 3913 Washington Road, McMurray, PA 15317.
17921603. Hepburnia Coal Company (P. O. Box I, Grampian, PA 16838), to renew the permit for the Bells Landing Tipple in Greenwood Township, Clearfield County to renew permit, no additional discharges. Permit issued November 18, 1999.
Pottsville District Office, 5 West Laurel Boulevard, Pottsville, PA 17901-2454.
Small Noncoal (Industrial Mineral) Permits Issued
28992807. St. Thomas Towing Rollback Service & Auto Repair (4571 Race Track Road, St. Thomas, PA 17252), commencement, operation and restoration of a quarry operation in St. Thomas Township, Franklin County affecting 3.0 acres, receiving stream--none. Permit issued November 23, 1999.
Knox District Office, P. O. Box 669, Knox, PA 16232.
Noncoal Permits Issued
3072SM3. Allegheny Mineral Corporation (P. O. Box 1022, Kittanning, PA 16201) Renewal of NPDES No. PA0605336, Marion and Mercer Townships, Butler County. Receiving streams: Two unnamed tributaries to McMurray Run, McMurray Run and unnamed tributary to North Branch Slippery Rock Creek. Application received: November 2, 1999. Permit Issued: November 17, 1999.
33900307. Robert J. Cole (P. O. Box 678, Falls Creek, PA 15840) Revision to an existing noncoal clay and shale operation to add 1.5 acres in Washington Township, Jefferson County. New Surface Mining Permit acreage is 41.5 acres. Receiving streams: Beaver Dam Run and one unnamed tributary to Beaver Dam Run. Application received: July 27, 1998. Permit Issued: November 24, 1999.
Pottsville District Office, 5 West Laurel Boulevard, Pottsville, PA 17901-2454.
Noncoal Permits Issued
6476SM19T. David H. Martin Excavating, Inc. (4961 Cumberland Highway, Chambersburg, PA 17201), transfer of an existing quarry operation in Greene Township, Franklin County, affecting 19.0 acres, receiving stream--none. Transfer issued November 22, 1999.
ACTIONS TAKEN UNDER SECTION 401: FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT ENCROACHMENTS The Department of Environmental Protection (Department) has taken the following actions on previously received Dam Safety and Encroachment permit applications, requests for Environmental Assessment approval and requests for Water Quality Certification under section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341(a)).
Persons aggrieved by this action may appeal, under section 4 of the Environmental Hearing Board Act (35 P. S. § 7514) and 2 Pa.C.S. §§ 501--508 and 701--704 (relating to the Administrative Agency Law) to the Environmental Hearing Board, 400 Market Street, Floor 2, P. O. Box 8457, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8457, (717) 787-3483. TDD users may contact the Board through the Pennsylvania Relay Service, 1 (800) 654-5984. Appeals must be filed with the Environmental Hearing Board within 30 days of receipt of the written notice of this action unless the appropriate statute provides a different time period. Copies of the appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure may be obtained from the Board at (717) 787-3483. This paragraph does not, in and of itself, create any right of appeal beyond that permitted by applicable statutes and decisional law.
Actions on applications filed under the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act (32 P. S. §§ 693.1--693.27) and section 302 of the Flood Plain Management Act (32 P. S. § 679.302) and sections 5 and 402 of The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. §§ 691.5 and 691.402) and notice of final action for certification under section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341(a)). (Note: Permits issued for Small Projects do not include 401 Certification, unless specifically stated in the description.)
Northeast Regional Office: Soils and Waterways Section, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790, (570) 826-2511.
E35-317. Encroachment. Abington Heights School District, 218 East Grove Street, Clarks Summit, PA 18411. To maintain additions to the existing school facility with a total of approximately 14,000 square feet within the floodplain of Leggetts Creek and Lackawanna Trail Tributary. The project, known as the Renovation and Expansion of South Abington Elementary School, includes the construction of sidewalks, parking areas and a basketball court. The project is located on the east side of S. R. 0006, approximately 0.2 mile north of the intersection with S. R. 4032 (Scranton, PA Quadrangle N: 18.5 inches; W: 8.0 inches) in South Abington Township, Lackawanna County.
E39-369. Encroachment. North Whitehall Township Board of Supervisors, 3256 Levans Road, Coplay, PA 18037. To maintain the existing twin span, steel I-beam bridge with spans of 14-feet, 10-inches and 15-feet, 9-inches and an average underclearance of 3 feet across Coplay Creek. The project involves construction of a new wooden deck and railings and is located at the former Conrail Railroad Bridge over Coplay Creek approximately 0.2 mile downstream of the T-695 bridge over Coplay Creek (Cementon, PA Quadrangle N: 8.7 inches; W: 5.7 inches) in North Whitehall Township, Lehigh County.
E39-370. Encroachment. Cedar Fair, L. P., 3830 Dorney Park Road, Allentown, PA 18104. To construct and maintain a stream enclosure in a Tributary to Cedar Creek and in a portion of the floodway of Cedar Creek having a total length of 1,261.3 linear feet as follows: 122 feet of 36-inch diameter HDPE pipe, 743 feet of dual 36-inch diameter HDPE pipe, 376.5 feet of dual 42-inch diameter HDPE pipe and associated inlet/junction boxes; To place and maintain fill within the floodway of Cedar Creek associated with the expansion of the lower midway of Dorney Park and Wildwater Kingdom. The project is located at Dorney Park and Wildwater Kingdom, approximately 0.3 mile north of the intersection of S. R. 0309 and S. R. 0222 (Hamilton Boulevard) (Allentown West, PA Quadrangle N: 14.0 inches; W: 5.0 inches) in South Whitehall Township, Lehigh County.
E40-527. Encroachment. Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Engineering District 4-0, P. O. Box 111, Scranton, PA 18501. To remove the existing structure and to construct and maintain a road crossing of Huntington Creek, approximately 40 feet downstream of the existing structure, consisting of twin 16.0-foot × 7.0-foot box culverts with their inverts depressed 1.0-foot below streambed elevation. The southern culvert will have a 1.0-foot high concrete weir at its inlet. The project is located on S. R. 4024, Section 270, approximately 1.1 miles south of the intersection of S. R. 4024 (Grassy Pond Road) and S. R. 0118 (Sweet Valley, PA Quadrangle N: 8.2 inches; W: 5.9 inches) in Ross Township, Luzerne County.
E48-285. Encroachment. John and Susan Carl, 1970 Bridge Lane, Bethlehem, PA 18015. To modify and maintain an existing single-span private bridge across Black River by replacing the existing deck and beams with a 12-inch thick pre-cast concrete deck to provide access to three private residences. The proposed superstructure will be attached to the existing stone abutments and the bridge will have a span of 12.5 feet and an underclearance of approximately 3.9 feet. The project is located along Bridge Lane, northwest of the intersection of Friedensville Road and Meadows Road (Hellertown, PA Quadrangle N: 14.3 inches; W: 16.3 inches) in Lower Saucon Township, Northampton County.
E64-206. Encroachment. Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Engineering District 4-0, P. O. Box 111, Scranton, PA 18501. To remove the existing structure and to construct and maintain a road crossing of Little Keen Creek consisting of an 18.0-foot (5.48-meter) × 8.0-foot (2.43-meter) reinforced concrete box culvert with its invert depressed 1.0 foot (0.30 meter) below the streambed elevation. Also authorized is a temporary road crossing consisting of two 42-inch (1.05 meter) diameter CMP culverts. The project includes the placement of fill in a de minimis area of wetlands equal to 0.01 acre. The project is located on S. R. 0296, Section 671, Segment 0240, Offset 1311 (Waymart, PA Quadrangle N: 18.2 inches; W: 5.1 inches), in Clinton Township, Wayne County.
Southcentral Regional Office: Section Chief, Water Management Program, Soils and Waterways Section, 909 Elmerton Avenue, 2nd Floor, Harrisburg, PA 17110, (717) 705-4707.
E05-274. Encroachment. Bedford County Commissioners, 230 S. Juliana Street, Bedford, PA 15522. To rehabilitate and maintain Hewitt Covered Bridge having a clear span of 79.39 feet with an underclearance of 11.29 feet over Town Creek (HQ-CWF) on T-305 located in the Village of Hewitt (Beans Cove, PA Quadrangle N: 0.8 inch; W: 1.6 inches) in Southampton Township, Bedford County. This permit also includes 401 Water Quality Certification.
E06-526. Encroachment. Pioneer Crossing Landfill, Ryan Inch, 727 Red Ln. Rd., Birdsboro, PA 19508. To construct and maintain a 200 foot extension of an existing twin 48-inch stream enclosure and to construct and maintain a 48-foot section of a 24-inch culvert in the channel of a tributary to the Schuylkill River (WWF) at a point at the Pioneer Crossing Landfill (Birdsboro, PA Quadrangle N: 4.99 inches; W: 8.79 inches) for the purpose of relocating the landfill entrance road in Exeter Township, Berks County. This permit also includes 401 Water Quality Certification.
E31-154. Encroachment. PA Department of Transportation, Engineering District 9-0, 1620 N. Juniata Street, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648. To remove an existing bridge and to (1) construct and maintain a single span prestressed concrete spread box beam bridge having a normal clear span of 31.16 feet and an underclearance of 6.48 feet in an unnamed tributary to Sideling Hill Creek (HQ-CWF), (2) excavate about 90 feet of stream channel to construct an armored elevated floodplain channel upstream, downstream and through the bridge, and (3) construct permanent rock lined channels on both streambanks below the bridge to convey stormwater drainage into the stream along with the construction of a temporary road crossing and a temporary sand bag cofferdam in the stream channel to facilitate construction of the bridge located on SR 0655, Segment 0020, Offset 1607 (Saltillo, PA Quadrangle N: 2.2 inches; W: 6.0 inches) in Clay Township, Huntingdon County. This permit also includes 401 Water Quality Certification.
E36-659. Encroachment. City of Lancaster, 120 N. Duke Street, Lancaster, PA 17608. To remove the existing pump station structure and construct and maintain a new Susquehanna (Sewage) Pump Station with a valve vault and wet well to be located within the 100-year floodplain of the Conestoga River. The purpose of the project is to increase the station capacity which conveys flows to the Lancaster City WWTP. The facility is located at the northeast corner of Chesapeake and Strawberry Streets (Lancaster, PA Quadrangle, N: 5.25 inches; W: 6.5 inches) in the City of Lancaster, Lancaster County. This permit was issued under Chapter 106 Floodplain Management.
Southwest Regional Office: Soils & Waterways Section, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.
E03-382. Encroachment. Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Engineering District 10-0, P. O. Box 429, Route 286 S, Indiana, PA 15701. To remove the existing structure and to construct and maintain a single span bridge having a normal span of 43.467 meters and an underclearance of 5.7 meters across Crooked Creek (WWF) for the purpose of improving the roadway standards and transportation safety. This permit also authorizes the construction, maintenance and removal of a temporary causeway in Crooked Creek (WWF) for the purpose of removing the existing bridge piers. The project is located on S. R. 156, Segment 0362, Offset 2777, Station 7+009.00 m at the Village of South Bend (Elderton, PA Quadrangle N: 0.6 inch; W: 16.7 inches) in South Bend Township, Armstrong County.
E26-262. Encroachment. Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Engineering District 12-0, P. O. Box 459, Uniontown, PA 15401. To remove the existing structure and to construct and maintain a bridge having a normal clear span of 42 feet and an underclearance of 3.5 feet across Dunlap Creek (WWF) located on S. R. 4004 Section C01 approximately 200 feet west of its intersection with S. R. 3023. Also, to construct and maintain an 18-inch diameter CMP outfall structure in Dunlap Creek; to conduct channel cleaning within 70 feet upstream and 60 feet downstream of the bridge; to permanently place and maintain fill within a de minimis area of wetland totaling 0.033 acre (PEM/PFO); and to temporarily place and maintain fill within 0.017 acre of PEM/PFO wetlands (New Salem, PA Quadrangle N: 8.5 inches; W: 13.0 inches) in German and Menallen Townships, Fayette County.
Northwest Regional Office: Soils and Waterways Section, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481, (814) 332-6942.
E20-481. Encroachment Conneaut Valley Economic and Industrial Development Authority, 103 Main Street, P. O. Box 33, Springboro, PA 16435. To dredge approximately 812 cubic yards of accumulated sediment and maintain the channel capacity of a tributary to Conneaut Creek (CWF-MF) beginning at S. R. 18 and extending downstream approximately 850 feet and to construct and maintain a levee having a top elevation of 937 feet beginning at S. R. 18 and extending upstream along the right (north) bank approximately 637 feet to provide flood protection to the Logan Drive Trailer Court along S. R. 18 approximately 0.7 mile north of S. R. 198 (Conneautville, PA Quadrangle N: 2.8 inches; W: 16.9 inches) located in Spring Township and Conneautville Borough, Crawford County.
E20-483. Encroachment. PA Department of Transportation, 255 Elm Street, Oil City, PA 16301. To remove the existing bridge and to construct and maintain a prestressed concrete adjacent box beam bridge having two clear spans of 30.6 meters and an underclearance of 8.824 meters on an 83 degree skew across French Creek on S. R. 1025, Section B00 (Grant Street) (Cambridge Springs, PA Quadrangle N: 10.25 inches; W: 8.34 inches) located in Cambridge Springs Borough, Crawford County. This project includes impact to a de minimis area of wetland (0.01 hectare) associated with roadway approach fill.
E20-484. Encroachment. Beaver Township, 725 Artman Road, Conneautville, PA 16406. To remove the existing bridge and to construct and maintain a steel stringer bridge having a span of 25 feet and an underclearance of 5 feet across a tributary to Conneaut Creek on T-348 (Cole Road) approximately 500 feet south of S. R. 198 (Beaver Center, PA Quadrangle N: 1.35 inches; W: 4.9 inches) located in Beaver Township, Crawford County.
E25-588. Encroachment. Level 3 Communication, L.L.C., 14023 Denver West Parkway, Golden, CO 80401-3107. To install and maintain a fiber optic cable communications line across the following streams and wetlands from the OH-PA state line approximately 1,800 feet north of S. R. 20 and crossing Erie County to the PA-NY state line approximately 2,700 feet south of S. R. 20, a distance of approximately 44 miles located within the existing Norfolk Southern Railroad right-of-way:
1. A tributary to Turkey Creek by open trench disturbing approximately 16 square feet (Conneaut OH-PA Quadrangle N: 13.9 inches; W: 12.5 inches) in Springfield Township, Erie County.
2. Turkey Creek within the existing railroad ballast (East Springfield, PA Quadrangle N: 14.8 inches; W: 15.8 inches) in Springfield Township, Erie County.
3. A tributary to Turkey Creek and adjoining EV wetlands by open trench disturbing approximately 13 square feet (East Springfield, PA Quadrangle N: 15.2 inches; W: 14.95 inches) in Springfield Township, Erie County.
4. A tributary to Turkey Creek and adjoining EV wetlands by open trench disturbing approximately 36 square feet (East Springfield, PA Quadrangle N: 15.35 inches; W: 14.6 inches) in Springfield Township, Erie County.
5. A tributary to Lake Erie and adjoining EV wetlands by open trench disturbing approximately 6 square feet (East Springfield, PA Quadrangle N: 18.7 inches; W: 5.2 inches) in Springfield Township, Erie County.
6. A tributary to Elk Creek and adjoining wetlands by open trench disturbing approximately 30 square feet (Albion, PA Quadrangle N: 21.1 inches; W: 14.6 inches) in Girard Township, Erie County.
7. Elk Creek by bridge attachment (Fairview, PA Quadrangle N: 0.6 inch; W: 13.3 inches) in Girard Township, Erie County.
8. A tributary to Elk Creek and adjoining wetlands by open trench disturbing approximately 12 square feet (Fairview, PA Quadrangle N: 2.5 inches; W: 9.5 inches) in Girard Borough, Erie County.
9. A tributary to Lake Erie (Godfrey Run) by directional drilling (Fairview, PA Quadrangle N: 3.5 inches; W: 7.8 inches) in Girard Township, Erie County.
[Continued on next Web Page]
[Continued from previous Web Page] 10. A tributary to Lake Erie (Godfrey Run) by open trench disturbing approximately 10 square feet (Fairview, PA Quadrangle N: 3.9 inches; W: 7.3 inches) in Girard Township, Erie County.
11. Walnut Creek by bridge attachment (Swanville, PA Quadrangle N: 10.5 inches; W: 13.5 inches) in Fairview Township, Erie County.
12. A tributary to Lake Erie by bridge attachment (Swanville, PA Quadrangle N: 16.9 inches; W: 2.2 inches) in Millcreek Township, Erie County.
13. West Branch Cascade Creek by directional boring (Swanville, PA Quadrangle N: 17.8 inches; W: 0.5 inch) in the City of Erie, Erie County.
14. Fourmile Creek by bridge attachment (Erie North, PA Quadrangle N: 3.6 inches; W: 1.9 inches) in Lawrence Park Borough, Erie County.
15. A tributary to Fourmile Creek and adjoining wetlands by open trench disturbing approximately 38 square feet (Harborcreek, PA Quadrangle N: 4.7 inches; W: 16.7 inches) in Harborcreek Township, Erie County.
16. Sixmile Creek by bridge attachment (Harborcreek, PA Quadrangle N: 6.0 inches; W: 13.9 inches) in Harborcreek Township, Erie County.
17. A tributary to Sixmile Creek by open trench disturbing approximately 10 square feet (Harborcreek, PA Quadrangle N: 6.7 inches; W: 12.5 inches) in Harborcreek Township, Erie County.
18. A tributary to Sevenmile Creek by directional bore (Harborcreek, PA Quadrangle N: 7.1 inches; W: 11.6 inches) in Harborcreek Township, Erie County.
19. Sevenmile Creek by bridge attachment (Harborcreek, PA Quadrangle N: 7.5 inches; W: 11.0 inches) in Harborcreek Township, Erie County.
20. A tributary to Elliots Run by open trench disturbing approximately 6 square feet (Harborcreek, PA Quadrangle N: 8.1 inches; W: 9.7 inches) in Harborcreek Township, Erie County.
21. Elliots Run and adjoining wetlands by open trench disturbing approximately 30 square feet (Harborcreek, PA Quadrangle N: 8.8 inches; W: 8.3 inches) in Harborcreek Township, Erie County.
22. A tributary to Elliots Run and adjoining wetlands by open trench disturbing approximately 16 square feet (Harborcreek, PA Quadrangle N: 8.9 inches; W: 8.1 inches) in Harborcreek Township, Erie County.
23. A tributary to Eightmile Creek by open trench disturbing approximately 26 square feet (Harborcreek, PA Quadrangle N: 9.5 inches; W: 6.75 inches) in Harborcreek Township, Erie County.
24. Eightmile Creek and adjoining wetlands by open trench disturbing approximately 34 square feet (Harborcreek, PA Quadrangle N: 10.0 inches; W: 5.9 inches) in Harborcreek Township, Erie County.
25. A tributary to Scott Run and adjoining wetland by open trench disturbing approximately 38 square feet (Harborcreek, PA Quadrangle N: 10.35 inches; W: 5.2 inches) in Harborcreek Township, Erie County.
26. Scott Run and adjoining wetland by open trench disturbing approximately 20 square feet (Harborcreek, PA Quadrangle N: 10.8 inches; W: 4.2 inches) in Harborcreek Township, Erie County.
27. A tributary to Twelvemile Creek (HQ-CWF) and adjoining wetland by open trench disturbing approximately 48 square feet (Harborcreek, PA Quadrangle N: 11.0 inches; W: 3.8 inches) in Harborcreek Township, Erie County.
28. Twelvemile Creek (HQ-CWF) by bridge attachment (Harborcreek, PA Quadrangle N: 12.1 inches; W: 1.6 inches) in Harborcreek Township, Erie County.
29. A tributary to Twelvemile Creek (HQ-CWF) by directional boring (North East, PA-NY Quadrangle N: 13.0 inches; W: 16.7 inches) in North East Township, Erie County.
30. A tributary to Sixteenmile Creek and adjoining wetland by open trench disturbing approximately 12 square feet (North East, PA-NY Quadrangle N: 13.5 inches; W: 15.8 inches) in North East Township, Erie County.
31. A tributary to Sixteenmile Creek and adjoining wetland by open trench disturbing approximately 8 square feet (North East, PA-NY Quadrangle N: 13.9 inches; W: 15.0 inches) in North East Township, Erie County.
32. Sixteenmile Creek by bridge attachment (North East, PA-NY Quadrangle N: 15.0 inches; W: 12.7 inches) in North East Borough, Erie County.
33. A tributary to Sixteenmile Creek by open trench disturbing approximately 20 square feet (North East, PA-NY Quadrangle N: 16.1 inches; W: 10.4 inches) in North East Borough, Erie County.
34. A tributary to Lake Erie and adjoining wetland by open trench disturbing approximately 30 square feet (North East, PA-NY Quadrangle N: 17.7 inches; W: 7.4 inches) in North East Township, Erie County.
35. Eighteenmile Creek by bridge attachment (North East, PA-NY Quadrangle N: 19.0 inches; W: 3.8 inches) in North East Township, Erie County.
36. Twentymile Creek by bridge attachment (North East, PA-NY Quadrangle N: 19.3 inches; W: 2.8 inches) in North East Township, Erie County.
E25-591. Encroachment. Amity Township, 15030 Casler Road, Union City, PA 16438, Venango Township, 9141 Townhall Road, Wattsburg, PA 16442, Wattsburg Borough, 14431 Main Street, Wattsburg, PA 16442. To construct and maintain a total of approximately 3,500 feet of bank stabilization consisting of root wads, grading and plantings and a total of 1,000 feet of 20-foot-wide high flow channel impacting 0.4 acre of wetland (PSS/EM) at various locations along a total reach of approximately 1.5 miles of French Creek extending upstream from S. R. 8 (Union City, PA Quadrangle N: 22.4 inches; W: 8.3 inches) to near S. R. 474 (Wattsburg, PA-NY Quadrangle N: 1.1 inches; W: 5.8 inches) located in Amity and Venango Townships and Wattsburg Borough, Erie County.
E25-593. Encroachment. PA Department of Transportation, District 1-0, 255 Elm Street, P. O. Box 398, Oil City, PA 16301. To construct the following work in and along Walnut Creek on S. R. 79, Section A01 approximately 2,200 feet north of the Kearsarge Intyerchange (S. R. 4012) (Erie South, PA Quadrangle N: 13.2 inches; W: 14.5 inches) located in Millcreek Township, Erie County:
1. Remove the existing northbound and southbound bridges.
2. Remove a gravel bar extending upstream from the southbound bridge along the north bank approximately 180 feet.
3. Install and maintain rock riprap bank protection along both banks beginning approximately 50 feet upstream of the northbound bridge and extending downstream approximately 265 feet.
4. To construct and maintain two prestressed concrete composite I-beam bridges having clear spans of 90.5 feet with the northbound bridge having an underclearance of 14 feet and the southbound bridge having an underclearance of 12.25 feet.
E37-128. Encroachment. Mitcheltree Brothers, P. O. Box 332, Pulaski, PA 16143. To construct and maintain a 90-foot-long, 142-inch-wide by 91-inch-high corrugated steel pipe arch culvert in a tributary to Buchanan Run on an access roadway to Mitcheltree Brothers Sawmill extending west from Route 551 (T-649) approximately 1 mile north of S. R. 208 (Edinburg, PA Quadrangle N: 22.6 inches; W: 7.5 inches) located in Pulaski Township, Lawrence County.
E61-226. Encroachment. Cranberry Township, P. O. Box 378, Seneca, PA 16346. To remove the existing superstructure, modify and extend the existing abutments approximately 7 feet upstream, install new wingwalls, steel I-beam superstructure and rock riprap scour protection and to maintain the bridge having a clear span of 30 feet and an underclearance of 8.9 feet across Lower Twomile Run on Aires Road approximately 500 feet south of Deep Hollow Road (Franklin, PA Quadrangle N: 0.4 inches; W: 1.3 inches) located in Cranberry Township, Venango County.
E62-350. Encroachment. Cochran and Zandi Lumber Company, P. O. Box 547, Sheffield, PA 16347. To construct and maintain a steel beam bridge having a clear span of 24 feet and an underclearance of 4 feet across Arnot Run (EV, Wild Trout) for a private timber access road 800 feet west of T-524 approximately 3,200 feet south of the intersection of Cherry Grove Road (S. R. 2001) and Sorenon Road (Cherry Grove, PA Quadrangle N: 3.3 inches; W: 1.8 inches) located in Cherry Grove Township, Warren County.
E62-351. Encroachment. Allegheny Partners, L. P. c/o Forest Investment Associates, Box 1474, 312 W. Main Street, Smethport, PA 16749. To remove the existing structure, remove a gravel bar, stabilize the stream banks and to construct and maintain a pre-fabricated steel bridge having a span of 22.5 feet and a maximum underclearance of 5.4 feet across tributary to Andrews Run for a private timber access road extending east from S. R. 3007 (Davy Hill Road) approximately 1.5 miles south of S. R. 27 (Pittsfield, PA Quadrangle N: 11.0 inches; W: 1.1 inches) located in Pittsfield Township, Warren County.
The following Storage Tank Site Specific Installation Permits under the authority of the Storage Tank and Spill Prevention Act, (35 P. S. §§ 6021.304, 6021.504, 6021.1101--1102) and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 245, Subchapter C have been issued by the Bureau of Watershed Conservation, Director, P. O. Box 8555, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8555, (717) 787-5267.
SSIP Applicant Name County and Tank Type Permit No. and Address Municipality and Capacity 99-02-004 Barry Atkins
Neville Chemical Company
2800 Neville Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15225-1496Allegheny County
Neville Township1 AST storing
aka LP-220
100,000 gallons99-02-005 Robert Spargal
U. S. Steel, Clairton Works
400 State Street
Clairton, PA 15025-1855Allegheny County
Clairton2 ASTs storing
50,000 gallons each99-02-006 Dale Dodson
U. S. Steel Group
P. O. Box 878 MS #160
Dravosburg, PA 15034Allegheny County
West Mifflin1 AST storing
Hydrochloric Acid
40,000 gallons
102/NPDES Stormwater Public Hearing The Department of Environmental Protection (Department) Water Management Program will be holding a fact finding hearing on the following Stormwater NPDES permit applications: General Residential Properties, Lowland Farm, PAS10-G387, Carl Wright, Welsh Tract Subdivision, PAS10-G389, F. Brian Forcine, Forcine Concrete, PAS10-G393.
The hearing is scheduled for January 26, 2000, at 1:30 p.m. at the Chester County Conservation District Office, Conference Room 240, 601 Westtown Road, West Chester, PA 19382-4519, Chester County. The hearing is being held to solicit pertinent comments on these applications. The applications are for stormwater construction activities, with a discharge to Valley Creek, Broad Run and Little Valley Creek respectively. A copy of the applications are available for review in the Southeast Regional Office's Record Management Section, (610) 832-6268. Those interested in reviewing the applications should call to schedule a date to review the file. The project sponsors are General Residential Properties, 666 Exton Commons, Exton, PA 1934; Carl Wright, 532 Bryn Mawr Avenue, Swarthmore, PA 19081; F. Brian Forcine, 2403 Yellow Springs Road, Malvern, PA 19355.
Comments received will be considered by the Department in completing its review and prior to taking final actions concerning any of the applications. The hearing will not be a question and answer session.
Anyone intending to make a presentation at the hearing should submit written notice to the Regional Manager, Water Management Program at the above address. The notice should include your name, address and phone number, whether you are opposed or in favor of the project and a brief statement about your presentation. Comments should be kept brief and, depending on the number of speakers, may be limited to 10 minutes per speaker. Where groups are represented, a spokesperson is requested to present the group's concern. Anyone wishing to present written material directly to the Department may do so within 30 days following the hearing.
Persons with a disability who wish to attend the hearing and require an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodations to participate in the proceedings should contact Sharon Moore, at (610) 832-6073. TDD users may contact the Department through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.
Availability of Grants for the Remediation of Waste Tire Piles in Pennsylvania under the Waste Tire Recycling Act (Act 190 of 1996)
The Department of Environmental Protection (Department) hereby announces the availability of grants under the Waste Tire Recycling Act (Act 190 of 1996) for fiscal year 99/00 for the remediation of waste tire piles in Pennsylvania. Act 190 provides a grant program, tax credits and enforcement provisions to reduce the stockpiles of waste tires. The Waste Tire Pile Remediation Grant Program is funded through the Used Tire Pile Remediation Restricted Account, which may receive up to $1 million annually from the Recycling Fund established by Act 101, the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act. The total grants funds available is $200,000 that may be awarded to remediate the waste tire piles listed. Only those waste tire piles listed are eligible under this grant offering.
In order to be considered for a grant, an applicant: 1) must propose to remediate any of the following waste tire piles, Norman K. Lady located in Butler Township, Adams County, Moulstown Road located in Heidelberg Township, York County, and Beltrami located in Foster Township, Luzerne County (copies of this list is available from the Division of Municipal and Residual Waste, (717) 787-7381, or may be obtained electronically via the DEP Internet site on the world wide web at: http// under the Municipal and Residual Waste page); 2) must not have contributed, in any manner, to the creation of a noncompliant waste tire pile; and 3) must have an identifiable end-use for the waste tires to be remediated.
Grant funds are to be used for activities directly related to the remediation of priority waste tire sites (such as employe wages, operation of equipment, transportation, processing costs, and the like). Grants may not be used for the purchase of equipment and grant recipients shall use funds only for those activities approved by the Department.
All applicants must complete and submit an official two-part application for each proposed tire pile remediation. The Waste Tire Remediation Grant Application Parts A and B include all the materials and instructions necessary for applying for a grant. Copies of these documents are available by contacting the Division of Municipal and Residual Waste at (717) 787-7381 or may be obtained electronically from the DEP Internet site on the world wide web at: (choose subject and select T). Six copies of the application containing both Parts A and B must be completed and submitted by 4 p.m. on January 28, 2000, to: Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Municipal and Residual Waste, 14th Floor--Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, P. O. Box 8472, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8472. Applications, which are incomplete or arrive after the deadline, will not be considered.
At a minimum, all applications must contain: (1) a description of the applicant's experience in waste tire remediation, (2) markets or end-uses for the remediated tires, (3) a schedule for the remediation of tires at the site, (4) proposed cost of the waste tire pile remediation, and (5) any additional information the Department deems necessary. Please follow the instructions in the Part A and B Grant Application to assure you are submitting all of the necessary information in the correct format.
Persons who have any questions about this grant program should contact the Division of Municipal and Residual Waste (717) 787-7381.
Certification to Perform Radon-Related Activities in Pennsylvania
In the month of November 1999 the Department of Environmental Protection of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, under the authority contained in the Radon Certification Act (63 P. S. §§ 2001--2014) and regulations promulgated thereunder at 25 Pa. Code Chapter 240, has certified the persons listed to perform radon-related activities in Pennsylvania. The period of certification is 2 years. For a complete list of persons currently certified to perform radon-related activities in Pennsylvania and for information as to the specific testing devices that persons certified for testing or laboratory are certified to use, contact the Bureau of Radiation Protection, Radon Division, P. O. Box 8469, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8469, (800) 23RADON.
Name Address Type of Certification Robert Anderson
Radon Protection Services282 Longstreet Drive
Gettysburg, PA 17325Mitigation Michael Cush P. O. Box 273
Gilbert, PA 18331Testing Arnold Fiergang R. R. 2, Box 340B
Dallas, PA 18612Testing Jeffrey Flood
Centre Region Home InspectorsP. O. Box 191
Centre Hall, PA 16828Testing Steven Gorman
Mason Dixon Home Insp. Services, Inc.282 Longstreet Drive
Gettysburg, PA 17325Testing David Grammer
Radata, Inc.27 Ironia Road, Unit 2
Flanders, NJ 07836Laboratory Robert Latorra RR 1, Box 241
Benton, PA 17814Testing Juan Lluna-Garces 1324 Crestmont Drive
Downingtown, PA 19335Testing
MitigationJohn Mallon, Jr.
Radon Detection & ControlP. O. Box 419/153 Jordan Street
South Heights, PA 15081Testing
MitigationMid-State Inspections Service 2020 Bellemeade Drive
Altoona, PA 16602Testing Bess Naylor
Quality Testing Services, Inc.1660 Camp Betty Washington Road
York, PA 17402Testing
MitigationRandolph Ragland
Radon Test, Inc.145 Derr Drive
Collegeville, PA 19426Testing John Trusa 454 Dana Street
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702Mitigation Malcolm Whipkey 1934 Overland Court
Allison Park, PA 15101Testing [Pa.B. Doc. No. 99-2136. Filed for public inspection December 17, 1999, 9:00 a.m.]