2449 Statements of net assets?  


    Statements of Net Assets

    [42 Pa.B. 7624]
    [Saturday, December 15, 2012]

    As of June 30, 2012 and 2011

    2012 2011
    Cash and cash equivalents $29,947,762 $33,346,750
    Receivables, net 6,067,075 3,786,151
     Total current assets 36,014,837 37,132,901
    Prepaid expenses and other assets 672,626 861,677
    Property, plant and equipment 923,639,001 915,305,106
    Less: Accumulated depreciation (196,202,986) (168,315,162)
    727,436,015 746,989,944
    Welcome Fund receivable 122,000,000 122,000,000
     Total assets 886,123,478 906,984,522
    Liabilities and Fund Net Assets
    Accounts payable and other accrued expenses 9,456,580 10,747,599
    Operating agreement liability 8,449,445 3,334,311
    Deferred revenue 1,820,149 3,036,470
    Current portion of term loan payable 143,752 610,391
    Current portion of net OPEB liability 160,690 157,532
     Total current liabilities 20,030,617 17,886,303
    Loan payable 123,345,856 127,389,609
    Net OPEB liability 3,105,147 2,641,682
     Total liabilities 146,481,620 147,917,594
    Restricted fund net assets $ 739,641,858 $ 759,066,928

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

    Statements of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Fund Net Assets
    For the Years Ended June 30, 2012 and 2011

    2012 2011
    Operating Revenues
    Convention Center events
     Space license fees $7,252,750 $5,073,090
     Commissions 6,639,678 4,382,860
     Other 655,453 423,688
      Total operating revenues 14,547,881 9,879,638
    Operating expenses 32,009,464 28,026,487
    Operating loss (17,461,583) (18,146,849)
    Depreciation 27,887,824 17,566,517
    Operating loss after depreciation (45,349,407) (35,713,366)
    Non-Operating Revenue (Expense)
    Hotel tax income 27,365,574 24,165,787
    Interest income 13,972 123,262
    Operating agreement revenue (expense) 297,176 (3,224,987)
    Interest expense (221,009) (88,970)
    Grant income 1,633,068 1,994,614
    Welcome Fund loan interest and fee revenue (1,855,415) 1,855,415
    Welcome Fund loan interest and fee expense 1,855,415 (1,855,415)
    Other expenses (3,164,444) (1,580,065)
    Other income - 500,000
     Total non-operating revenue, net 25,924,337 21,889,641
    Decrease in net assets before contributions (19,425,070) (13,823,725)
    Capital contributions - 86,027,787
    (Decrease) increase in net assets (19,425,070) 72,204,062
    Restricted fund net assets, beginning of year 759,066,928 686,862,866
    Restricted fund net assets, end of year $739,641,858 $759,066,928

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 12-2449. Filed for public inspection December 14, 2012, 9:00 a.m.]

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