2256 En banc hearing concerning demand side response programs  

  • En Banc Hearing Concerning Demand Side Response Programs

    [32 Pa.B. 6226]

       Following is an agenda for the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission's (Commission) en banc hearing concerning Demand Side Response (DSR) Programs. The hearing will cover the following topics: structure of current DSR Programs; success/failure of current DSR Programs; deployment of advanced metering technology; comparison of the Commonwealth to other states; future of DSR programs; and real or perceived obstacles to successful DSR Programs.

       The hearing is open to the public and will be held on December 19, 2002, from 1:30 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. in Hearing Room 1, Commonwealth Keystone Building 400 North Street, Harrisburg, PA.

       PJM Interconnection will be afforded a maximum of 15 minutes for its presentation. Other presenters will be afforded a maximum of 10 minutes each for their presentations. The additional time allotted for each panel will be taken up with a ''Question and Answer'' session from Commissioners to the panelists. Audience members will not be permitted to ask questions.

       Presenters who require specific audio-visual aids, such as a PowerPoint setup, should contact Elaine Deichmiller, Assistant Secretary of the Commission, (717) 787-8147 by December 5, 2002.

       Interested persons or entities may file written comments with the Commission regarding the hearing topics. Comments must be filed by January 9, 2003. Filings should be sent to James J. McNulty, Secretary, Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, P. O. Box 3265, Harrisburg, PA 17105-3265. Reference Doc. No. M-00021689. An electronic version of comments (PDF format preferred) can also be e-mailed to Ra-dsrcomments@state.pa.us.

       Questions should be addressed to Dave Zambito, Counsel to the Chairperson, (717) 783-7349, dzambito@state. pa.us.

    GLEN R. THOMAS,   

    Time Name Company/Organization
    1:30--1:40 Introductory Remarks
    Chairperson and Commissioners Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission
    1:40--2:00 Independent System Operator
    Stu Bresler, Manager, Market Development PJM Interconnection
    2:00--3:00 Panel One
    Ed Johnstonbaugh, Project Coordinator Allegheny Power
    Nancy J. Krajovic, Manager, Regulatory Affairs Duquesne Light
    Chris Siebens, Manager, Demand Response Programs FirstEnergy
    William J. Patterer, Engineer PECO Energy Company
    John F. Sipics, VP Asset Management PPL Electric Utilities
    3:00--3:10 Break
    3:10--4:00 Panel Two
    Dan Griffiths, Senior Public Policy Research Analyst Office of Consumer Advocate
    Carol Pennington, Acting Small Business Advocate Office of Small Business Advocate
    David Kleppinger, Esq. Industrial Energy Consumers of PA and PJM Industrial Customer Coalition
    Peter Adels, General Counsel PennFuture
    4:00--4:40 Panel Three
    Paul Dwyer, Regional Director of Regulatory Affairs Green Mountain Energy
    Bruce Bleiweis, Director of Asset Commercialization Reliant Energy
    Mark Bowen, VP, Sales and Marketing Honeywell DMC Services
    4:40--4:45 Closing Remarks
    Chairperson Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission
    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 02-2256. Filed for public inspection December 13, 2002, 9:00 a.m.]

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