2250 Cancellation order  


    Cancellation Order

    [32 Pa.B. 6223]

    Public Meeting held
    November 21, 2002

    Commissioners Present: Glen R. Thomas, Chairperson; Robert K. Bloom, Vice Chairperson; Aaron Wilson, Jr.; Terrance J. Fitzpatrick; Kim Pizzingrilli

    Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission Law Bureau Prosecutory Staff v. Enron Energy Services, Inc. (2002.0277); Doc. No. C-20028513; A-125004

    Cancellation Order

    By the Commission:

       On September 17, 2002, Law Bureau Prosecutory Staff filed a Formal Complaint against Enron Energy Services, Inc. (Respondent), a natural gas supplier (NGS) licensed at A-125004. In the Complaint, Prosecutory Staff alleged that Commission staff had notified Respondent by both first class and certified mail, return receipt requested, that Respondent had failed to file its 2001 Annual Report.

       The Complaint requested that the Commission issue an order canceling the Respondent's NGS license for failure to file its 2001 Annual Report in violation of 66 Pa.C.S. § 2208(c)(2) and 52 Pa. Code § 62.110.

       Service of the complaint was perfected on September 23, 2002. Respondent filed an answer on October 25, 2002, in which it admitted the allegations in the Complaint and stated that it does not object to the cancellation of its NGS license. Furthermore, Respondent informed the Commission that it no longer has retail natural gas customers within Pennsylvania, is no longer marketing any service within Pennsylvania, has no intention of doing so in the future, and as a result wishes to abandon its Pennsylvania natural gas license.

       Based upon the foregoing, it is appropriate to cancel the NGS license of Enron Energy Services, Inc.; Therefore,

    It Is Ordered That:

       1.  The allegations in Law Bureau Prosecutory Staff's complaint are deemed admitted and the complaint is hereby sustained.

       2.  The NGS license held by Enron Energy Services, Inc. at A-125004 is hereby cancelled.

       3.  The Secretary strike the name of Enron Energy Services, Inc. from all active-utility lists maintained by the Annual Report Section of the Secretary's Bureau and the Assessment Section of the Bureau of Administrative Services.

       4.  Notice of this Cancellation Order shall be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.

       5.  The Secretary serve a copy of this Cancellation Order upon all jurisdictional natural gas distribution companies as well as the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue.


    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 02-2250. Filed for public inspection December 13, 2002, 9:00 a.m.]

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