DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Retention of Engineering Firms [26 Pa.B. 6031] Erie County
Reference No. 08430AG2034The Department of Transportation will retain an engineering firm for final design, consultation during construction, and shop drawing review for the Nagle Road Bridge project located in the Lawrence Park and Harborcreek Townships, Erie County, PA. The engineering agreement will be administered by the Department on behalf of Lawrence Park and Harborcreek Townships.
This project involves the construction of a grade separated crossing over four railroad tracks in Lawrence Park Township and Harborcreek, Township, Erie County. Nagle Road currently ends at the railroad corridor on both the north and south sides; at one time there was an at-grade crossing. Environmental clearance has been obtained as part of the East Side Access Road E.I.S. S. R. 4034, Section A40. This project was identified as a non-T.S.M.
The project limits are from T. R. 20 (Buffalo Road) north to T. R. 955 (Iroquois Avenue). The railroads involved are Norfolk and Southern, ConRail (two tracks), and East Erie Commercial Railroad. Close coordination with the railroads will be required, as well as both Townships. The crossing was abolished in 1957 at the request of the Townships. The estimated construction cost is $3.35 million.
In 1993, Lawrence Park and Harborcreek Townships applied to the PUC to reopen the road; this application was denied by the PUC. During preparation of the EIS for S. R. 4034, Section A40, also known as the East Side Access Road, the reestablishment of this crossing was identified as a key component in upgrading the transportation system in the study area.
The selected firm will provide engineering services which will include the following tasks: field surveys and property investigations; preliminary roadway and railroad design; traffic counts; a traffic circulation study; preliminary traffic signal design; a type, size and location submission; a subsurface boring, sampling and testing program; utility coordination; preliminary and final right-of-way plans; meetings and design coordination; Public Utility Commission (PUC) and railroad coordination; final roadway design and preparation of construction drawings; final traffic signal design; foundation and final structure design and drawings; preparation of final plans, specifications and estimates; development of a CPM schedule for construction activities and project management and administration. The selected firm will also be required to perform shop drawing reviews, alternatives review and provide construction consultation.
The goal for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation in this agreement shall be 10% of the total contract price. Additional information concerning DBE participation in this agreement is contained in the General Requirements and Information section after the advertised projects.
The following factors, listed in order of importance, will be considered by the Department during the evaluation of the firms submitting letters-of-interest.
a. Specialized experience and technical competence of firm on other projects of this type and magnitude.
b. Past record of performance with respect to cost control, quality of work products and ability to meet schedules.
c. Experience and managerial ability of proposed project manager and other key staff that will be assigned to this project.
d. Available staffing for this assignment.
e. Relative size of the firm to the size of the project.
The District's copy of the letter of interest and required forms (see general requirements and information section) shall be sent to: John L. Baker, P. E. District Engineer, 1140 Liberty Street, Franklin, PA 16323.
Technical questions concerning the requirements for this project should be directed to William G. Petit, P.E., District 1-0, at (814) 437-4270 or Michael L. McMullen, P.E., District 1-0, at (814) 437-4331.
Questions concerning the submittal of the letter of interest can be directed to the Consultant Agreement Division at (717) 783-9309.
Berks, Carbon, Lehigh, Monroe, Northampton
and Schuylkill Counties
Reference No. 08430AG2035The Department of Transportation will retain an engineering firm to perform periodic NBIS inspections for various locally-owned bridges in the six county area of Engineering District 5-0, that is, Berks, Carbon, Lehigh, Monroe, Northampton and Schuylkill Counties. Approximately 440 bridges of various types and material will be involved; that is reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete, steel beam, steel truss and others. A detailed listing of the bridges will be distributed during the Scope of Work meeting. Two 2-year NBIS cycles are involved.
The selected firm will be required to inspect/reinspect approximately 440 selected locally-owned bridges at various locations with inspection due dates prior to April 30, 2000, and provide updated inspection reports including a bridge load capacity rating/rerating and/or posting recommendation as warranted; furnish bridge inventory and appraisal data and completed BMS coding sheets; to provide inventory and operating ratings based on existing conditions for H, HS and ML 80 loadings using the Department's approved computer program for load factor design method (LFD) for all of the newly inspected bridges and for previously inspected bridges when deemed necessary; and to provide load posting recommendations in accordance with the Department's current load posting policy.
The following factors, listed in order of importance, will be considered by the Department during the evaluation of the firms submitting letters of interest:
a. Past performance in regard to bridge inspection.
b. Availability of sufficient bridge inspectors to handle peak inspection periods.
c. Location.
d. Inspectors' experience with emphasis on bridge inspection capabilities and bridge rating capabilities.
e. Understanding of Department's requirements, policies and specifications and BMS System.
All of the work must be completed within 48 months following the Notice to Proceed.
The District's copy of the letter of interest and required form (see general requirements and information section) shall be sent to: Walter E. Bortree, P.E., District Engineer, 1713 Lehigh Street, Allentown, PA 18103.
Technical questions concerning the requirements for this project should be directed to Donald E. Lerch, P.E., District 5-0, at (610) 791-6019 or Anthony F. Testen, District 5-0, at (610) 798-4152.
Questions concerning the submittal of the letter of interest can be directed to the Consultant Agreement Division at (717) 783-9309.
Delaware County Reference No. 08430AG2036 The Department of Transportation will retain an engineering firm to perform environmental studies, preliminary engineering, final design, and construction consultation for S. R. 0452, Section 03S, Market Street, in Marcus Hook Borough, and Lower Chichester Township, Delaware County. This project involves replacement of the 17 span bridge over AMTRAK and SEPTA. The limit of work is from Segment 10 Offset 300 to Segment 10 Offset 1355. The estimated project construction cost is $5.7 million.
The selected firm will be required to provide the following engineering and design services: surveys; roadway design; pavement design; preparation of cross sections; soils and geological investigations; erosion and sedimentation control design; right-of-way investigation and plan; structure design; hydrologic and hydraulic analysis; preparation of traffic control, pavement marking, and signing plans; traffic signal design; utility coordination and design; railroad catenary and electrification design; coordination with PUC, DEP, municipal officials, and the public; preparation of final plans, specifications, and estimates; shop drawing review and alternate design review.
The selected firm will also be required to provide environmental services to identify and assess the following: historic and archaeological resources; regional and community growth; land use and development patterns; surface water and ground water; vegetation; noise and air quality; parks and recreational facilities; emergency service, health, and educational facilities; utility locations; residential and commercial property values; hazardous waste; vibration; aesthetics and visual qualities; and construction impacts.
The environmental studies will be conducted to prepare a Categorical Exclusion in accordance with accepted analysis techniques and methodologies.
The selected firm will be required to perform the following to insure that a complete environmental investigation has been performed; provide all necessary environmental services, material and equipment necessary to collect, analyze and organize data, assess impacts, conduct agency and public involvement activities, and prepare reports and mitigation plans. The reports and other written graphic material to be prepared may include, but are not limited to, early coordination and scoping correspondence; project need; preliminary alternatives analysis; meeting minutes, public meetings; handouts and displays; NEPA environmental documents; Section 106 documents; Section 4(f) evaluation; mitigation plans and reports; hazardous waste mitigation plans; PADEP permits, formulating and participating in public involvement program; and coordinating the development of the study with various agencies and special interest groups.
Firms that are currently serving, or are being considered for selection, as the municipal engineer in the municipalities listed in the project description will not be considered for this assignment. Also, firms that are under contract, or are being considered, to provide engineering services to a land developer for a site located along the project will likewise not be considered for this assignment. Firms should state in the letter of interest that they are not serving in either capacity as a municipal engineer or as a representative of a site developer. Any questions concerning this requirement should be directed to Timothy R. O'Brien, P.E., at the telephone number listed below.
The goal for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation in this agreement shall be 10% of the total contract price. Additional information concerning DBE participation in this agreement is contained in the General Requirements and Information section after the advertised projects.
We encourage small firms to submit a letter of interest for this assignment.
The District's copy of the letter of interest and required forms (see general requirements and information section) shall be sent to: Andrew Warren, District Administrator, 200 Radnor-Chester Road, St. Davids, PA 19087.
Technical questions concerning the requirements for this project should be directed to Timothy R. O'Brien, P.E., District 6-0, at (610) 964-6526 or Lawrence J. Link, P.E., District 6-0, at (610) 964-6536.
Questions concerning the submittal of the letter of interest can be directed to the Consultant Agreement Division, at (717) 783-9309.
General Requirements and Information Firms interested in providing the above work and services are invited to submit two copies of a letter of interest and required forms for each Project Reference Number for which the applicant wishes to be considered.
One copy of the letter of interest and required forms must be submitted to: Director, Bureau of Design, Consultant Selection Committee, Forum Place, 555 Walnut Street, 7th Floor, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17101-1900.
The letter of interest and required forms must be received within 13 calendar days of this notice. The deadline for receipt of a letter of interest at the above address is 4:30 p.m. prevailing time of the thirteenth day.
The second copy of the letter of interest and required forms must be submitted to the appropriate District Engineer/Administrator or the Bureau Director as indicated in the individual advertisement. This copy must be postmarked or delivered on or before the deadline indicated above.
If the individual, firm or corporation not authorized to engage in the practice of engineering desires to submit a letter of interest, said individual, firm or corporation may do so as part of a joint venture with an individual, firm, or corporate which is permitted under the State law to engage in the practice of engineering.
If a Joint Venture responds to a project advertisement, the Department of Transportation will not accept separate Letters of Interest from the Joint Venture constituents. A firm will not be permitted to submit on more than one Joint Venture for the same Project Reference Number. Also a firm that responds to a project as a prime may not be included as a designated subcontractor to another firm that responds as a prime to the project. Multiple responses under any of the foregoing situations will cause the rejection of all responses of the firm or firms involved. The above does not preclude a firm from being set forth as a designated subcontractor to more than one prime responding to the project advertisement.
If a goal for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation is established for an advertised project, firms expressing interest in the project must agree to ensure that Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) firms as defined in the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 and currently certified by the Department of Transportation shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in any subcontracting or furnishing supplies or services approved under Form 442, Section 1.10(a). The act requires that firms owned and controlled by women (WBEs) be included, as a presumptive group, within the definition of Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE). The goal for DBE participation shall be as stated in the individual project advertisement. Responding firms shall make good faith efforts to meet the DBE goal using DBEs (as they were defined prior to the act), WBEs or combinations thereof.
Proposing DBE firms must be certified at the time of submission of the letter of interest. If the selected firm fails to meet the goal established, it shall be required to demonstrate its good faith efforts to attain the goal.
Responses are encouraged by small engineering firms, disadvantaged business enterprise engineering firms and other engineering firms who have not previously performed work for the Department of Transportation.
Each letter of interest must include the following:
1. The project reference number for which the applicant wishes to be considered.
2. The firm's legal name, factious name (if applicable), and the firm's Federal identification number.
3. If the project advertisement indicated the Department will retain an engineering firm for the project, the applicant must indicate the names and license number of individuals who are directing heads or employes of the firm is responsible charge of the firm's engineering activities, and whose names and seal shall be stamped on all plans, specifications, plats and reports issued by the firm.
4. Standard Form 255, ''Architect-Engineer and Related Services Questionnaire for Specific Project.'' The Standard Form 255 must be signed, dated and filled out in its entirety including Item No. 6 listing the proposed subconsultants and the type of work or service they will perform on the project.
If a Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE) goal is specified for the project, the DBE must be currently certified by the Department of Transportation, and the name of the firm and the work to be performed must be indicated in Item No. 6.
If a Woman Business Enterprise (WBE) firm is substituted for the DBE, the WBE firm must also be presently certified by the Department of Transportation and indicated in Item 6.
5. Standard Form 254, ''Architect-Engineer and Related Services Questionnaire'' not more than 1 year old as of the date of this advertisement, must accompany each letter of interest for the firm, each party to a joint venture and for each subconsultant the firm or joint venture is proposing to use for the performance of professional services regardless of whether the subconsultant is an individual, a college professor of a Company, unless an acceptable Standard Form 254 for the prime and each subconsultant/subcontractor is on file in both the Bureau of Design and the Engineering District Office or Central Office Bureau identified in the individual project advertisement.
If the Standard Form 254 is not submitted with the letter of interest the transmittal letter shall indicate the dates that the Standard Forms 254 were submitted to the Bureau of Design and appropriate Engineering District/Central Office Bureau.
6. A ''Workload Projection'' form for the prime and each subconsultant/subcontractor. The ''Workload Projection'' form should indicate the firms current and anticipated workload compared to the anticipated capacity available during the agreement projected time frame.
7. Firms with out-of-State headquarters or corporations not incorporated in Pennsylvania must include with each letter of interest a copy of their registration to do business in the Commonwealth as provided by the Department of State. Firms who are not registered to do business in Pennsylvania at the time of this advertisement must document that they have applied for registration to the Department of State, Corporation Bureau. The telephone number for the Corporation Bureau is (717) 787-1057 or (717) 787-2004.
8. The latest audited overhead rate of the prime consultant and each subconsultant.
9. The overhead rate that the prime would accept and the overhead that each subconsultant would accept for providing work services described under the Project Reference Number.
The assignment of the agreement/contract for the above advertisement(s) will be made to one of the firms who submitted an acceptable letter of interest in response to this project advertisement. The assignment will be made based on the Department's evaluation of the firm's qualification and capabilities. The Department reserves the right to reject all letters submitted, to cancel the solicitations requested under this notice, and/or to readvertise solicitation for the work and services.
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 96-2109. Filed for public inspection December 13, 1996, 9:00 a.m.]