1990 Availability of technical guidance  

  • Availability of Technical Guidance

    [27 Pa.B. 6523]

       Technical guidance documents are on DEP's World Wide Web site (http://www.dep.state.pa.us) at the Public Participation Center. The ''June 1997 Inventory'' heading is the Governor's List of Nonregulatory Documents. The ''Search the Inventory of Technical Guidance Documents'' heading is a database of the Inventory. The ''Final Documents'' heading is the link to a menu of the various DEP bureaus and from there to each bureau's final technical guidance documents. The ''Draft Technical Guidance'' heading is the link to DEP's draft technical guidance documents.

       DEP will be adding its revised documents to the Web throughout 1997.

    Ordering Paper Copies of DEP Technical Guidance

       Persons can order a bound paper copy of the latest Inventory or an unbound paper copy of any of the final documents listed on the Inventory by calling DEP at (717) 783-8727.

       In addition, bound copies of some of DEP's documents are available as DEP publications. Persons should check with the appropriate bureau for more information about the availability of a particular document as a publication.

    Changes to Technical Guidance Documents

       Here is the current list of recent changes. Persons who have any questions or comments about a particular document should call the contact person whose name and phone number is listed with each document. Persons who have questions or comments in general should call Jonathan Brightbill at (717) 783-8727.

    Final Technical Guidance--Substantive Revision

       DEP ID: 383-3310-209 Title: PADWIS Inventory Reports by PWSID Description: Establishes uniform instructions and protocol for accessing and printing computerized inventory data for individual public water systems in support of the Safe Drinking Water Program. Effective Date: November 15, 1997 Page Length: 25 pages Location: Vol 23, Tab 02 Contact: Joseph Hoffman at (717) 787-5017

       DEP ID: 383-3310-409 Title: Pennsylvania Drinking Water Information System (PADWIS) Violation and Enforcement User's Manual Description: Establishes uniform instructions and protocol for maintaining and using a computerized database of public water system violation and enforcement information in support of the Safe Drinking Water Program. Effective Date: December 15, 1997 Page Length: 102 pages Location: Vol 23, Tab 04 Contact: Joseph Hoffman at (717) 787-5017

    Final Technical Guidance--Minor Revision

       DEP ID: 381-5511-012 Title: Memorandum of Understanding--Between the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) Description: Delineates responsibility, authority, accountability, and procedures for and areas of cooperation between the two agencies regarding the implementation and administration of the sewer, stormwater and water infrastructure funding programs authorized by the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority Act. Effective Date: April 23, 1997 Page Length: 12 pages Location: Vol 27, Tab 08 Contact: Joseph Hoffman at (717) 787-5017

       DEP ID: 383-2126-303 Title: Public Water Supply Manual--Part III Description: Standards and application procedures for processing permit applications for bottled water, bulk water hauling, water vending machines and retail water facilities. Effective Date: November 1, 1997 Page Length: 76 pages Location: Vol 17, Tab 08 Contact: Joseph Hoffman at (717) 787-5017

       DEP ID: 383-5900-111 Title: Public Water Supply Manual--Part VI Description: Procedures for reviewing and evaluating public water suppliers' Emergency Response Plans under the drinking water management programs. Effective Date: October 1, 1997 Page Length: 32 pages Location: Vol 25, Tab 04 Contact: Joseph Hoffman at (717) 787-5017

       DEP ID: 400-5900-110 Title: Field Order Authorization of Emergency Response Team Description: Establishes procedures by which members of the Department's Emergency Response Team may obtain authority to issue field orders to a responsible party who has otherwise failed to abate an emergency situation. Effective Date: April 21, 1997 Page Length: 1 page Location: Vol 08, Tab 13 Contact: Charles High at (717) 787-5027

       DEP ID: 400-5900-111 Title: Procedures for Emergency Contracting to Extinguish Mine Fires Description: Allows the Department to effectively mitigate mine fires which are not being properly addressed by responsible parties or other public safety agencies. Effective Date: September 8, 1997 Page Length: 2 pages Location: Vol 08, Tab 14 Contact: Charles High at (717) 787-5027

       DEP ID: 550-4000-001 Title: Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Policy Procedure Manual Description: Manual of policy and staff instruction for the compliance monitoring and enforcement efforts of DEP's oil and gas management program. Effective Date: November 20, 1997 Page Length: 138 pages Location: Vol 10, Tab 01 Contact: Frank Bialas at (717) 782-2199

    Notice of Intent Revise Technical Guidance

       DEP ID: 563-2112-203 Title: Insignificant Boundary Corrections for Surface Mining Activities Description: Defines what is meant by an insignificant boundary correction in the context of adding areas not previously affected by mining to an existing permit. Guidance being revised to expand the definition to include the addition of sizable areas for remining. Anticipated Effective Date: March 6, 1998 Anticipated Draft Development Date: December 6, 1997 Contact: Evan Shuster at (717) 787-7846

    Notice of Intent to Add Existing Guidance to Inventory

       DEP ID: 393-0900-018 Title: Summary of the Technical Requirements for Aboveground Storage Tanks Description: Existing document summarizing the changes in the Storage Tanks program is being added to the inventory of technical guidance. Effective Date: 10/11/97 Page Length: 13 pages Location: Vol 32, Tab 23 Contact: Tammy Young at (717) 772-5831

       DEP ID: 393-0900-019 Title: Summary of the Simplified Program for Small Aboveground Storage Tanks Description: Existing document summarizing the changes in the Storage Tanks program is being added to the inventory of technical guidance. Effective Date: 10/11/97 Page Length: 6 pages Location: Vol 32, Tab 24 Contact: Tammy Young at (717) 772-5831

       DEP ID: 393-0900-020 Title: Summary of the Technical Standards for Underground Storage Tanks Description: Existing document summarizing the changes in the Storage Tanks program is being added to the inventory of technical guidance. Effective Date: 10/11/97 Page Length: 13 pages Location: Vol 32, Tab 21 Contact: Tammy Young at (717) 772-5831

       DEP ID: 393-2318-004 Title: Summary of the Permitting of Underground and Aboveground Storage Tank Systems and Facilities Description: Existing document summarizing the changes in the Storage Tanks program is being added to the inventory of technical guidance. Effective Date: 10/11/97 Page Length: 6 pages Location: Vol 32, Tab 22 Contact: Tammy Young at (717) 772-5831

    Notice of Intent to Rescind Technical Guidance

       DEP ID: 560-0600-201 Title: Scheduling Joint DER/OSM Oversight Inspections Description: This is a Federal Office of Surface Mining Control and Enforcement document (OSM). It establishes procedures for OSM inspection staff; it provides no guidance to state inspectors. Anticipated Effective Date: December 15, 1997 Contact: Evan Shuster at (717) 783-8845

       DEP ID: 562-3000-104 Title: Inspection of Bond Forfeiture Sites Description: This guidance has been superseded by the revisions to technical guidance 562-3000-102 Inspections. Anticipated Effective Date: December 15, 1997 Contact: Evan Shuster at (717) 783-8845

       DEP ID: 562-3200-202 Title: Sample Identification Description: This document describes the procedures for identifying samples taken by the mining program. The content is administrative in nature and has relevancy only to the Bureau of Laboratories and the sample collector. Anticipated Effective Date: December 15, 1997 Contact: Evan Shuster at (717) 783-8845

       DEP ID: 563-2112-501 Title: Incomplete Permit Applications and Applicant Response to Requested Permit Revisions Description: This guidance has been replaced by 563-2112-215 ''Review of Accepted Coal Mining Activity Permit Applications.'' Anticipated Effective Date: December 15, 1997 Contact: Evan Shuster at (717) 783-8845

    JAMES M. SEIF,   

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 97-1990. Filed for public inspection December 12, 1997, 9:00 a.m.]

Document Information