2380 Notice of filing of final rulemakings?  


    Notice of Filing of Final Rulemakings

    [40 Pa.B. 7164]
    [Saturday, December 11, 2010]

     The Independent Regulatory Review Commission (Commission) received the following regulations. They are scheduled to be considered on the dates noted. The Commission's public meetings are held at 333 Market Street, 14th Floor, Harrisburg, PA at 10 a.m. To obtain a copy of the regulation, interested parties should first contact the promulgating agency. If a copy cannot be obtained from the promulgating agency, the Commission will provide a copy or a copy can be obtained on the web site, www.irrc.state.pa.us.


    Reg. No. Agency/Title Received Public Meeting
    7-441 Environmental Quality Board
    Air Quality Fee Schedules
    11/23/10 N/A*
    7-458 Environmental Quality Board
    Incidental Coal Extraction, Bonding,
     Enforcement, Sediment Control and
     Remining Financial Guarantees
    11/23/10 N/A*
    16A-4710 State Registration Board for
     Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors
     and Geologists
    Continuing Education
    11/24/10 12/16/10
    16-43 Department of State
    Schedule of Civil Penalties—Engineers,
     Land Surveyors and Geologists
    11/24/10 12/16/10
    16A-4318 State Board of Chiropractic
    Continuing Education Violations
    11/24/10 12/16/10
    16-44 Department of State
    Schedule of Civil Penalties—
    11/24/10 12/16/10

     *Due to the sine die adjournment of the General Assemby, the public meeting date will be determined after the designation of the Standing committees in the 2011-2012 Legislative session.


    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 10-2380. Filed for public inspection December 10, 2010, 9:00 a.m.]

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