Availability of Technical Guidance [26 Pa.B. 5474] Governor's Office List
Once a year on the first Saturday in August, the Governor's Office publishes a list of the nonregulatory guidance documents of all State agencies in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. The first publication of this list was in the August 3, 1996 edition of the Bulletin.
DEP's Technical Guidance Document Inventory
DEP publishes a list of its technical guidance documents in its Technical Guidance Document Inventory twice a year. The most recent Inventory was published June 1996. This Inventory is also posted on DEP's World Wide Web page. DEP's Web address is http://www.dep.state.pa.us. To go to the location of the Inventory once on the DEP home page, persons should choose Public Participation Center./Recently Finalized Regulations and Legislation/Technical Guidance Document Inventory (6/12/96).
DEP's Technical Guidance Documents on the World Wide Web
DEP's Web address is http://www.dep.state.pa.us. To go to the location of DEP's Technical Guidance Documents once on the DEP home page, persons should choose the Public Participation Center. The Center has several menus: the Technical Guidance menu has links to the Inventory, Draft Technical Guidance Documents, Recently Finalized Technical Guidance Documents and Final Documents on the Web.
Ordering Paper Copies of DEP Technical Guidance
Persons can order a copy of the latest Inventory or a copy of any of the final documents listed on the Inventory by calling Elwyn Inc. (the printer) at 1 (800) 804-4020 if calling in Pennsylvania or (610) 497-5841 if calling from outside Pennsylvania.
Changes to Technical Guidance Documents
Between publication of its Inventory, DEP announces changes to its technical guidance documents in its weekly newsletter the UPDATE and the Pennsylvania Bulletin. Here is the current list of recently finalized documents, draft documents and notices of intended changes to technical guidance.
Persons who have any questions or comments should call Nina Huizinga at (717) 783-8727.
Draft Technical Guidance
DEP ID: 383-3310-109 Title: Pennsylvania Drinking Water Information System (PADWIS) Inventory User's Manual Background: The computerized inventory of regulated public water supplies has changed from a batch system on a contractor's computer with paper forms providing data entry to a user-friendly, on-line SAS application on the Department's DEC computer. Also, numerous enhancements have been made to the inventory in response to program and user needs. The inventory user's manual is being revised accordingly. Deadline for Submittal of Comments: December 1, 1996 Contact: Barry Greenawald at (717) 772-4018.
Notice of Intent to Revise Technical Guidance--Revisions to Existing Guidance
Revisions to the Bureau of Water Quality Management's Technical Guidance
As part of DEP's Regulatory Basics Initiative, the Bureau reviewed all of its regulations and technical guidance. Where the Bureau proposes to revise a regulation and this revision will affect technical guidance, the Bureau will revise the guidance after the regulation has been changed. Where the Bureau proposes revisions to the guidance documents unrelated to changes in regulations, the Bureau anticipates the revisions to be completed by December 31, 1996. Persons who have questions about any of these documents should contact Lou Bercheni at (717) 787-4317.
DEP ID: 361-2000-002 Title: Evaluation & Process Thermal Discharges [316(a)] Federal Water Pollution Control Act Background: The document needs to be revised to reflect organizational changes in the Department and other resource agencies, and to conform to format requirements.
DEP ID: 361-2000-003 Title: Determining Water Quality Based Point Source Effluent Limits Background: The current document is (in some cases) redundant with other existing guidances and also lacks clarity because of the unrelated nature of many of the appendices.
DEP ID: 362-2000-001 Title: Permitting Background: Sections of the document addressing discharges to special protection waters and with reasons for denying issuance of an NPDES permit are based on regulations (Chapters 92 and 905) identified for revision as more stringent than Federal regulations. A section of the document which deals with permitting experimental treatment systems is based on a regulation (Chapter 91) identified for revisions as being prescriptive. These sections will be revised to conform to revisions to the regulations.
DEP ID: 362-2000-003 Title: Policy for Permitting Surface Water Diversions Background: Sections of the document relating to discharges to special protection waters, classification of all waters in the Commonwealth as potable water sources, and to parameters listed as necessary to protect water quality are based on regulations (Chapters 93 and 95) identified as more stringent than Federal regulations. Sections of the document requiring the use of Q7-10 flow for modeling are based on a regulation (Chapter 93) identified as being prescriptive. Similarly, sections of the document related to permitting discharges to special protection waters are based on a regulation (Chapter 95) identified as prescriptive. These sections will be revised to conform to revisions to the regulations. In addition, the Policy may be judged to impose disproportionate costs by requiring a permit for a diversion; however, a permit is required by a 1986 Commonwealth Court decision. Therefore, the policy should be retained.
DEP ID: 362-2183-001 Title: Technical Guidance for Permitting Landfill Leachate Discharges Background: Sections of the document dealing with classification of special protection waters, application of secondary treatment requirements, and grounds for denial of NPDES permits are based on regulations (Chapters 92 and 95) identified as being more stringent than Federal regulations. A section which sets out the policy for permitting discharges to special protection waters is based on a regulation (Chapter 95) identified as being prescriptive. The document is also prescriptive and inhibits green technologies in that it sets out specific treatment technologies to be used to meet the effluent limitations. The recommendation of specific technologies can be deleted from the document without a change in regulations. The remaining revisions will be made to conform to revisions in the regulations.
DEP ID: 362-2183-002 Title: Pollution Discharge Elimination/Petroleum Marketing Terminals Background: A section of the document for limiting discharges of oil and grease is based on a regulation (Chapter 97) identified as being more stringent than Federal regulations. However the Bureau has recommended retaining the regulation as written. If the regulation is changed, this document will also be changed. Another section of the document is based on a regulation (Chapter 97) identified as prescriptive and inhibiting green technologies. The regulation has been recommended for deletion. If the regulation is deleted, this document will be revised.
DEP ID: 362-2183-003 Title: Technology-Based Control Requirements for Water Treatment Plant Wastes Background: Sections of the document dealing with discharges to special protection waters, total residual chlorine discharges, and application of secondary treatment are based on a regulation (Chapter 95) identified as more stringent than Federal regulations. This document will be revised to conform to any revision to the regulation.
DEP ID: 362-2206-001 Title: Review and Coordination of Chapter 94 Reports and Act 537 Planning Background: This document needs to be updated to reflect changes as a result of Act 149 revisions to the Sewage Facilities Act. It also needs reformatting, including a new cover page.
DEP ID: 364-2207-004 Title: Impact/Subsurface Disposal on Ground Water Nitrate-Nitrogen Levels Background: This guidance needs to be revised to incorporate new technology into the list of available options. The document must also be reformatted.
DEP ID: 364-2208-002 Title: Municipal Guidance--Reconstructive Planning Background: This guidance must be revised as a result of the passage of Act 149 of 1994. In addition, formatting changes are needed.
Notice of Intent to Rescind Technical Guidance
Persons having questions about any of the Bureau of Water Quality Management technical guidance documents listed in this section, should contact Lou Bercheni at (717) 787-4317.
DEP ID: 361-2000-001 Title: Pollution Reports Reason for Rescision: This decision is obsolete and redundant with the NPDES Fact Sheet.
DEP ID: 361-2000-004 Title: Water Quality Analysis Template (WQAT 2.04), Release 4.2a, Users Guide Reason for Rescision: This document is obsolete. WQAT 2.04 has been replaced by PENTOXSD.
DEP ID: 361-2000-005 Title: Water Quality Analysis Template (WQAT 2.04) Release 4.2, Technical Reference Guide Reason for Rescision: This document is obsolete. WQAT 2.04 has been replaced by PENTOXSD.
DEP ID: 363-2318-004 Title: Commercial Heating Oil Tanks (CHOTS) Reason for Rescision: This document is obsolete. The topic of the document was deregulated by Act 16.
DEP ID: 364-2000-002 Title: Experimental Sewage Treatment Works Reason for Rescision: Information in this document will be included in the Domestic Wastewater Facilities Manual (DWFM), which is a Bureau publication. (Publication Number: 1357).
DEP ID: 364-2188-001 Title: Publicly Owned Treatment Works/Small Flows. Reason for Rescision: This document is obsolete.
DEP ID: 364-2188-007 Title: Alternative Sewer Systems Reason for Rescision: The information in this document will be included in DWFM.
DEP ID: 364-2206-002 Title: Act 537 Planning: Enforcement Actions/Plan Update/Implementation Notices Reason for Rescision: This document became obsolete when the Pennsylvania General Assembly passed Act 149.
DEP ID: 364-2206-003 Title: Act 537 Planning Coordination with Enforcement Strategy Reason for Rescision: This document became obsolete when the Pennsylvania General Assembly passed Act 149.
DEP ID: 364-2206-004 Title: Act 537 Official Sewage Plans Revision--Private Request Reason for Rescision: This document became obsolete when the Pennsylvania General Assembly passed Act 149.
DEP ID: 364-2206-005 Title: Act 537 Plan Content Reason for Rescision: This document is obsolete.
DEP ID: 364-2207-001 Title: Consistency Determinations in New Land Development Planning Reason for Rescision: This document is obsolete and redundant.
DEP ID: 365-2207-002 Title: Residential Tract Waiver from Act 537 Planning Reason for Rescision: This document is redundant. Removing it will have no impact on the program.
DEP ID: 364-2207-003 Title: Request for Non-building Waiver Reason for Rescision: This document has been replaced by a form. Removing it will have no impact on the program.
DEP ID: 364-2207-005 Title: Act 537 Minor Module Review Reason for Rescision: This document is obsolete.
DEP ID: 364-2207-006 Title: Act 537 PRC Recommendations Reason for Rescision: This document is obsolete.
DEP ID: 364-2207-007 Title: Minor Module Review Clarification Reason for Rescision: The information in this document will be included in 364-2207-004.
DEP ID: 364-2208-001 Title: Verification of Prior Testing Reason for Rescision: This document is now a form. There is no program impact caused by rescinding this document.
DEP ID: 364-2208-003 Title: Notice of Marginal Conditions Reason for Rescision: This document is redundant.
DEP ID: 364-2208-004 Title: General Methods for Testing Permeability Reason for Rescision: This document is obsolete.
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 96-1891. Filed for public inspection November 8, 1996, 9:00 a.m.]