TURNPIKE COMMISSION Retention of an Engineering Firm; Request for Expanded Letters of Interest [27 Pa.B. 5850] Preliminary Engineering and Environmental Work for Widening Two Sections of the Turnpike in Montgomery County, PA Reference No. 4-048 The Turnpike Commission (Commission) will retain an engineering firm to perform a feasibility study of widening the Turnpike from four travel lanes to six along two sections of the Turnpike in Montgomery County. The sections are from the Valley Forge Interchange (#24) to the Junction with the Northeast Extension and from the Junction to the Lansdale Interchange (#31). These two sections of highway are heavily traveled with volumes exceeding 55,000 ADT.
The study will include preliminary engineering for bridge and roadway widening (including study for median widening on the Northeast Extension), the need for replacing overhead bridges for horizontal clearance, side road impacts, right-of-way and utility impacts, potential environmental impacts such as wetlands and stream impacts, noise and air as well as other relevant issues. The study will also address potential construction phasing and the development of construction cost estimates.
Direct inquiries to Jeffrey C. Davis, P.E., at (717) 939-9551, extension 5160. Selection will be based on Expanded Letters of Interest submitted.
General Requirements and Information Firms interested in performing the above services are invited to submit Expanded Letters of Interest to Barry L. Troup, P.E., Assistant Chief Engineer--Design, Administration Building, located on Eisenhower Boulevard at the Harrisburg-East Interchange near Highspire, PA. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 67676, Harrisburg, PA 17106-7676.
The Expanded Letters of Interest must include in the heading the project reference number indicated in the advertisement. A Standard Form 254, ''Architect-Engineer and Related Services Questionnaire,'' not more than 1 year old as of the date of this advertisement, and Standard Form 255, ''Architect-Engineer and Related Services Questionnaire for Specific Project,'' must accompany each letter of interest. If the firm has multiple offices, the location of the office performing the work must be identified.
Firms with out-of-State headquarters or corporations not incorporated in this Commonwealth must include with each letter of interest a copy of their registration to do business in this Commonwealth as provided by the Department of State.
The Commission currently limits its participation in the remuneration of principals or consultant employes performing work on projects to $72,800 per annum or $35 per hour or their actual audited remuneration, whichever is less. The Commission currently limits its participation in the consultant's indirect payroll costs (overhead) on design projects to 130% or the consultant's actual audited overhead rate, whichever is less.
The following factors should be identified by the Consultant in their submission:
(A) Specialized experience and technical competence of firm.
(B) Past record of performance with respect to cost control, work quality and ability to meet schedules. The specific experience of individuals who would be involved in the project shall be identified, including the Project Manager.
(C) Expanded Letters of Interest should include an indication of the prime consultant's and subconsultant's current work load for all Department of Transportation and Turnpike Commission projects.
(D) Location of consultant's office where the work will be performed.
(E) Listing of subconsultants intended. Any deviation from the subconsultants listed in the letter of interest will require written approval from the Commission, if selected.
(F) Special requirements of the project.
(G) An organizational chart for the project identifying key personnel. Only resumes of key personnel should be included.
(H) Other factors, if any, specific to the project.
Each firm shall demonstrate in their Expanded Letter of Interest their ability to perform the specific requirements indicated for this project by including a maximum three page report on this subject.
There will not be a DBE/WBE/MBE requirement for this project.
The Expanded Letters of Interest and required forms must be received by 12 noon, Friday, November 21, 1997. Any letters of interest received after this date and time will be time-stamped and returned.
Based on an evaluation of acceptable Expanded Letters of Interest in response to this advertisement, one firm will be selected for this project. The order of preference will be established for the purpose of negotiating an agreement with the highest ranked firm established by the Technical Review Committee and approved by the Selection Committee. Technical Proposals will not be requested for final selection.
The Commission reserves the right to reject all Letters of Interest submitted, to cancel the solicitation requested under this notice and/or to readvertise solicitation for these services.
Chairperson[Pa.B. Doc. No. 97-1813. Filed for public inspection November 7, 1997, 9:00 a.m.]