PENNSYLVANIA PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION Continuation of Fuel Cost Recovery Surcharge [34 Pa.B. 6112] Public Meeting held
October 22, 2004Commissioners Present: Wendell F. Holland, Chairperson; Robert K. Bloom, Vice Chairperson; Glen R. Thomas; Kim Pizzingrilli
Continuation of Fuel Cost Recovery Surcharge; S.P. 28208 Order By the Commission:
The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (Commission) by its Fuel Cost Recovery Surcharge Order at Special Permission Number 28208, ratified June 10, 2004, authorized call or demand, paratransit and airport transfer carriers under the jurisdiction of this Commission to adjust rates and fares to offset unanticipated fuel expenditures.
All call or demand carriers were authorized a fuel surcharge of $.30 per trip for each paying passenger, and all paratransit and airport transfer carriers were authorized a fuel surcharge of $.70 per trip for each paying customer. The fuel surcharge is to be in addition to officially filed tariff rates. The fuel surcharge became effective on June 14, 2004, and is scheduled to terminate on June 12, 2005.
The order required the Bureau of Transportation and Safety to investigate the merits of the fuel surcharge on a quarterly basis, beginning September 30, 2004. In the process of conducting the investigation, the Bureau analyzed current information available from the Energy Information Administration of the Department of Energy.
At the time of approval of the fuel surcharge the average retail cost of regular gasoline was $2 per gallon. In the 3 months following the administration of the fuel surcharge, the average retail price of regular gasoline has been $1.95 per gallon. This represents a decrease of only two-and-one-half percent in the cost of regular gasoline.
In consideration of future prospects for retail gasoline prices, the Energy Information Administration of the Department of Energy was consulted. It has been projected that gasoline prices will rise in the winter months. The increase is expected due to the increase in crude prices.
After due consideration, we have determined that fuel costs have not substantially decreased. Based upon the evidence available, we are of the opinion that the passenger motor carrier industry continues to have a need for the fuel surcharge to permit the recovery of unanticipated fuel expenditures; Therefore,
It Is Ordered That:
1. The fuel surcharge established at Special Permission No. 28208 be continued.
2. The Secretary of this Commission shall duly certify this order and deposit same with the Legislative Reference Bureau for publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 04-2015. Filed for public inspection November 5, 2004, 9:00 a.m.]