DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Section 5310 Program State Management Plan Change [34 Pa.B. 6107] The Department of Transportation, Bureau of Public Transportation (Bureau), is proposing to change the State Management Plan (plan) for the Section 5310 Program to further the Bureau's goal to streamline grant programs by allowing entities eligible for both Section 5310 funds and Community Transportation Capital (CTC) funds to submit one application for both funding programs.
The Section 5310 Program allows private nonprofit organizations and designated public bodies to apply for Federal capital assistance which will pay up to 80% of the purchase cost of new wheelchair accessible small transit vehicles and other equipment used to provide needed transportation services for senior citizens and persons with disabilities who cannot be reasonably accommodated by existing transportation providers. Under the CTC program, Shared-Ride transportation providers in every county of this Commonwealth, except Philadelphia and Allegheny Counties, are allowed to apply for State and Federal funds that are used to purchase vehicles and other transportation-related equipment used in providing transit services to persons 65 years of age and older.
Copies of the proposed plan can be obtained by contacting Ben Brosius, Section 5310 Program Manager, P. O. Box 3151, Harrisburg, PA 17105-3151, (717) 787-1211. Questions or comments on the proposal shall be forwarded to Ben Brosius by December 6, 2004.
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 04-2008. Filed for public inspection November 5, 2004, 9:00 a.m.]