2002 Request for comment for the proposed total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) for an Unnamed Tributary (24679) to Trout Run in Elk County
DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Applications, Actions and Special Notices
[34 Pa.B. 6055] THE CLEAN STREAMS LAW AND THE FEDERAL CLEAN WATER ACT APPLICATIONS FOR NATIONAL POLLUTION DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) PERMITS AND WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT (WQM) PERMITS This notice provides information about persons who have applied for a new, amended or renewed NPDES or WQM permit, a permit waiver for certain stormwater discharges or submitted a Notice of Intent (NOI) for coverage under a general permit. The applications concern, but are not limited to, discharges related to industrial, animal or sewage waste, discharges to groundwater, discharges associated with municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4), stormwater associated with construction activities or concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). This notice is provided in accordance with 25 Pa. Code Chapters 91 and 92 and 40 CFR Part 122, implementing The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. §§ 691.1--691.1001) and the Federal Clean Water Act.
Location Permit Authority Application Type or Category Section I NPDES Renewals Section II NPDES New or amendment Section III WQM Industrial, sewage or animal waste; discharge into groundwater Section IV NPDES MS4 individual permit Section V NPDES MS4 permit waiver Section VI NPDES Individual permit stormwater construction Section VII NPDES NOI for coverage under NPDES general permits For NPDES renewal applications in Section I, the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) has made a tentative determination to reissue these permits for 5 years subject to effluent limitations and monitoring and reporting requirements in their current permits, with appropriate and necessary updated requirements to reflect new and changed regulations and other requirements.
For applications for new NPDES permits and renewal applications with major changes in Section II, as well as applications for MS4 individual permits and individual stormwater construction permits in Sections IV and VI, the Department, based upon preliminary reviews, has made a tentative determination of proposed effluent limitations and other terms and conditions for the permit applications. These determinations are published as proposed actions for comments prior to taking final actions.
Unless indicated otherwise, the EPA Region III Administrator has waived the right to review or object to proposed NPDES permit actions under the waiver provision in 40 CFR 123.24(d).
Persons wishing to comment on an NPDES application are invited to submit a statement to the regional office noted before an application within 30 days from the date of this public notice. Persons wishing to comment on a WQM permit application are invited to submit a statement to the regional office noted before the application within 15 days from the date of this public notice. Comments received within the respective comment periods will be considered in the final determinations regarding the applications. Comments should include the name, address and telephone number of the writer and a concise statement to inform the Department of the exact basis of a comment and the relevant facts upon which it is based.
The Department will also accept requests for a public hearing on applications. A public hearing may be held if the responsible office considers the public response significant. If a hearing is scheduled, a notice of the hearing will be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin and a newspaper of general circulation within the relevant geographical area. The Department will postpone its final determination until after a public hearing is held.
Persons with a disability who require an auxiliary aid, service, including TDD users, or other accommodations to seek additional information should contact the Department through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.
I. NPDES Renewal Applications
Southcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, (717) 705-4707.
NPDES Permit No. (Type) Facility Name and Address County and Municipality Stream Name
(Watershed No.)EPA Waived Y/N ? PA0083364
Chambersburg Borough
P. O. Box 1009
100 S. 2nd St.
Chambersburg, PA 17201-0909
Franklin County
Greene Township
Conocheaque Creek
Y PA0023183
Mt. Holly Springs Borough Authority
200 Harman Street
Mt. Holly Springs, PA 17065
Cumberland County
Mt. Holly Springs Borough
Mountain Creek
Y PA0052833
Excelsior Brass Works
331 June Avenue
P. O. Box 140
Blandon, PA 19510-0140
Berks County
Maidencreek Township
Willow Creek
Y PA0088307
Snyder, LLP
Eagles Crossing Golf Course
501 Conodoguinet Avenue
Carlisle, PA 17013
Cumberland County
North Middleton Township
Conodoguinet Creek
Northwest Region: Water Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481.NPDES Permit No. (Type) Facility Name and Address County and Municipality Stream Name
(Watershed No.)EPA Waived Y/N ? PA0222798 Westline Inn, Inc.
Box 137, Westline Road
Westline, PA 16740
Lafayette Township
McKean County
Unnamed tributary to Kinzua Creek
Y PA0029122 Saxonburg Area Authority
420 West Main Street
Saxonburg, PA 16056
Jefferson and Penn Townships
Butler County
Thorn Creek and Connoquenessing Creek
II. Applications for New or Expanded Facility Permits, Renewal of Major Permits and EPA Nonwaived Permit Applications
Southeast Region: Water Management Program Manager, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401.
PA0054691, Sewage, John Stoltzfus, 920 Pleasant View Road, Honey Brook, PA 19344. This proposed facility is in Honey Brook Township, Chester County.
Description of Proposed Activity: Renewal of an NPDES permit to discharge treated sewage from a small flow sewage treatment plant serving two units' apartment house.
The receiving stream, unnamed tributary to East Branch Brandywine Creek (Stream Code 00371), is in the State Water Plan Watershed 2H and classified for HQ-TSF and MF.
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 are based on a design flow of 800 gallons per day.
Mass (lb/day) Concentration (mg/l) Instantaneous Average Maximum Average Maximum Maximum Parameters Monthly Daily Monthly Daily (mg/l) CBOD5 (5-1 to 10-31) 10 20 (11-1 to 04-30) 20 40 Suspended Solids 10 20 NH3-N (5-1 to 10-31) 1.5 3.0 (11-1 to 4-30) 4.5 9.0 Phosphorus as P 2.0 4.0 Dissolved Oxygen minimum 6.0 pH within limits of 6.0 to 9.0 standard units at all times Fecal Coliform 200 colonies/L as a geometric mean Total Residual Chlorine Monitor In addition to the effluent limits, the permit contains the following major special conditions: abandon STP when public sewer available; remedial measures; no stormwater; property rights; dry stream discharge; change of ownership; sludge disposal; and AMMR to the Department.
PA0054950, Industrial Waste, SIC 2013, Pilgrim's Pride Corporation, 471 Harleysville Pike, P. O. Box 8, Franconia, PA 18924-0008. This proposed facility is in Franconia Township, Montgomery County.
Description of Proposed Activity: Discharge of treated process wastewater from the industrial waste water treatment plant.
The receiving stream, unnamed tributary to Indian Creek, is in the State Water Plan watershed 3E and is a dry swale which flows to the Indian Creek classified for TSF. The nearest downstream public water supply intake for the Philadelphia Suburban Water Company is on the Perkiomen Creek, 19.52 miles below the point of discharge.
The following proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 are based on a design flow of 300,000 gallons per day:
Mass (lb/day) Concentration (mg/l) Instantaneous Average Maximum Average Maximum Maximum Parameters Monthly Daily Monthly Daily (mg/l) CBOD5 (5-1 to 10-31) 25 50 10 20 25 (11-1 to 4-30) 50 100 20 40 50 Total Suspended Solids 25 50 10 20 25 Ammonia as N (5-1 to 10-31) 5.0 10.0 2.0 4.0 5.0 (11-1 to 4-30) 10.0 20.0 4.0 8.0 10.0 Total Nitrogen Monitor Monitor Monitor Phosphorus as P 2.5 5.0 1.0 2.0 2.5 Total Dissolved Solids 2,500 5,000 1,000 2,000 2,500 Fecal Coliform 200 col/100 ml pH (STD Unit) minimum 6.0 9.0 Oil and Grease 8 14 20 Total Residual Chlorine 0.5 1.2 Dissolved Oxygen minimum 6.0 Hardness as CACO3 Monitor Osmotic Pressure 100 mos/kg Color 100 PC units Temperature 110° F Mercury, Total 0.00005 0.0001 0.00012 Copper, Total 0.019 0.038 0.047 Zinc, Total 0.155 0.31 0.387 Phenolics, Total 0.005 0.01 0.012 In addition to the effluent limits, the permit contains the following major special conditions: effective disinfection; remedial measures; test methods; change of ownership; sludge disposal; TMDL/WLA analysis; stormwater discharge from Outfall 002; operations and maintenance plan; laboratory certification; and groundwater monitoring.
PA0026603, Sewage, SIC 4952, Borough of Ambler, 122 East Butler Avenue, Ambler, PA 19002-4476. This proposed facility is in Upper Dublin Township, Montgomery County.
Description of Proposed Activity: Issuance of NPDES renewal permit for an existing discharge of treated sewage.
The receiving stream, Wissahickon Creek, is in the State Water Plan watershed 3F and classified for TSF, MF, water supply, recreation and fish consumption. The nearest downstream public water supply intake for the Philadelphia Water Department is on the Schuylkill River, approximately 12.95 miles below the point of discharge.
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 are based on a design flow of 6.5 mgd.
Average Average Maximum Instantaneous Monthly (mg/l) Weekly (mg/l) Daily Maximum (mg/l) Parameters (mg/l) CBOD5 (5-1 to 10-31) 10 15 20 (11-1 to 4-30) 20 30 40 Total Suspended Solids 30 45 60 NH3-N (5-1 to 10-31) 1.5 3.0 (11-1 to 4-30) 4.5 9.0 Dissolved Oxygen 7.0, I. Min. Phosphorus as P (Issuance to Year 2) Monitor (Year 3 to Expiration) 2.0 4.0 Aluminum, Total 0.74 1.16 Copper, Total 0.17 0.27 Copper, Dissolved Monitor Monitor Chromium, Hexavalent Monitor Monitor Chromium, Total Monitor Monitor Silver, Total Monitor Monitor Lead, Total Monitor Monitor Arsenic, Total Monitor Monitor Cadmium, Total Monitor Monitor Mercury, Total Monitor Monitor Nickel, Total Monitor Monitor Zinc, Total Monitor Monitor Cyanide, Free Monitor Monitor Selenium, Total Monitor Monitor Phenolics, Total Monitor Monitor In addition to the effluent limits, the permit contains the following major special conditions: stormwater requirements; pretreatment program; upstream monitoring; and specification of test methods.
The EPA waiver is not in effect.
PA0050911, Sewage, SIC 4952, Upper Perkiomen School District, 201 West Fifth Street, East Greenville, PA 18041. This proposed facility is in Marlborough Township, Montgomery County.
Description of Proposed Activity: Discharge of treated sewage from the Marlborough Elementary School's sewage treatment plant.
The receiving stream, Green Lane Reservoir, is in the State Water Plan Watershed 3E Perkiomen Creek Basin and classified for TSF. The nearest downstream public water supply intake for the Philadelphia Suburban Water Company is on the Perkiomen Creek at RMI 0.98, 20.33 miles below the point of discharge.
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 are based on a design flow of 0.00425 mgd.
Average Average Maximum Instantaneous Monthly (mg/l) Weekly (mg/l) Daily Maximum (mg/l) Parameters (mg/l) CBOD5 25 50 Total Suspended Solids 30 45 60 NH3-N 4.0 8.0 Phosphorous as P 0.5 1.0 Dissolved Oxygen 4.0 minimum Fecal Coliform 200 # Col/100 ml pH (STD) 6.0 minimum 9.0 In addition to the effluent limits, the permit contains the following major special conditions: abandon STP; remedial measures; no stormwater; sewage sludge disposal; and laboratory certification.
Northeast Region: Water Management Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790.PA0032999, Sewage, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, 400 Market Street, Rachel Carson Office Building, P. O. Box 8451, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8451. This proposed facility is in Kidder Township, Carbon County.
Description of Proposed Activity: Issuance of a new NPDES permit.
The receiving stream, Hickory Run, is in the State Water Plan watershed no. 2A and classified for HQ-CWF. The nearest downstream public water supply intake for the City of Hazleton is on the Lehigh River, over 10 miles below the point of discharge.
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 based on a design flow of 0.060 mgd..
Average Average Instantaneous Parameter Monthly (mg/l) Weekly (mg/l) Maximum (mg/l) CBOD5 18.2 36.4 Total Suspended Solids 21.0 42.0 NH3-N (5-1 to 10-31) 1.9 3.8 (11-1 to 4-30) 5.7 11.4 Phosphorus as ''P'' 3.0 6.0 Fecal Coliform (5-1 to 9-30) 200/100 ml as a geometric mean
(10-1 to 4-30) 2,000/100 ml as a geometric mean
pH 6.0 to 9.0 standard units at all times.
Total Residual Chlorine 0.66 NO2-NO3 15.0
Southcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, (717) 705-4707.PA0082244, Industrial Waste, SIC Code 4581, Susquehanna Area Regional Airport Authority (Harrisburg International Airport), 208 Airport Drive, Middletown, PA 17057. This facility is in Lower Swatara Township, Dauphin County.
Description of activity: Renewal of an NPDES permit for an existing discharge of treated industrial waste.
The receiving stream, the Susquehanna River, is in Watershed 7-K and classified for WWF, water supply, recreation and fish consumption. The nearest downstream public water supply intake is the Columbia Borough on the Susquehanna River, approximately 19 miles downstream. The discharge is not expected to affect the water supply.
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 004 based on a design flow of 0.050 mgd are:
Concentration (mg/l) Average Maximum Instantaneous Parameter Monthly Daily Maximum pH from 6.0 to 9.0 inclusive Total Suspended Solids (mg/l) 30 60 The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 005 based on a design flow of 0.600 mgd are:
Concentration (mg/l) Average Maximum Instantaneous Parameter Monthly Daily Maximum pH from 6.0 to 9.0 inclusive Total Suspended Solids (mg/l) Monitor and Report Monitor and Report Individuals may make an appointment to review the Department files on this case by calling the File Review Coordinator at (717) 705-4732.
The EPA waiver is in effect.
PA0035157, Industrial Waste, SIC Code 2015, Farmer's Pride, Inc., P. O. Box 39, Fredericksburg, PA 17026. This facility is in Bethel Township, Lebanon County.
Description of activity: Renewal of an NPDES permit for a existing discharge of treated industrial waste.
The receiving stream, Deep Run, is in Watershed 7-D and classified for WWF, water supply, recreation and fish consumption. The nearest downstream public water supply intake is the Pennsylvania American Water Company on the Swatara Creek, approximately 28 miles downstream. The discharge is not expected to affect the water supply.
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 based on a design flow of 0.900 mgd are:
Mass (lb/day) Concentration (mg/l) Parameter Average Monthly Maximum Daily Average Monthly Maximum Daily Instantaneous Maximum pH from 6.0 to 9.0 inclusive Dissolved Oxygen (Min.) 5.0 mg/l at all times Total Residual Chlorine less than 0.1 less than 0.2 Total Suspended Solids 95 190 12.7 25.4 31.7 CBOD5 76 152 10.1 20.2 25.2 NH3-N (5-1 to 9-30) 7.5 15 1.0 2.0 2.5 (10-1 to 4-30) 22.5 45 3.0 6.0 7.5 Total Phosphorus 15 30 2.0 4.0 5.0 Fecal Coliform (5-1 to 9-30) 200/100 ml as a geometric average (10-1 to 4-30) 400/100 ml as a geometric average Total Nitrogen Report Report 103 147 257 Oil and Grease Report Report 8.0 14 30 Individuals may make an appointment to review the Department files on this case by calling the File Review Coordinator at (717) 705-4732.
The EPA waiver is not in effect.
Southwest Region: Water Management Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.PA0004979, Industrial Waste, SIC, Neville Chemical Company, 2800 Neville Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15225. This application is for amendment of an NPDES permit to discharge treated groundwater water from Neville Chemical Company in Neville Township, Allegheny County.
The following effluent limitations are proposed for discharge to the receiving waters, Ohio River, classified as a WWF with existing and/or potential uses for aquatic life, water supply and recreation. The first existing/proposed downstream potable water supply is the Robinson Township Authority, 2.43 miles below the discharge point.
Outfall 005: new discharge, design flow of 500 gpm.
Mass (lb/day) Concentration (mg/l) Average Maximum Average Maximum Instantaneous Parameter Monthly Daily Monthly Daily Maximum Flow 320 pgm 500 pgm Total Suspended Solids Monitor and Report Benzene 0.010 0.020 Ethylbenzene Monitor and Report Methylene Chloride Monitor and Report Toluene 0.03 0.075 Napthalene 0.025 0.05 Xylene Monitor and Report Chlorobenzene Monitor and Report 1,2 Dichloroethylene Monitor and Report Outfall 005: new discharge, design flow of 500 gpm.
Mass (lb/day) Concentration (mg/l) Average Maximum Average Maximum Instantaneous Parameter Monthly Daily Monthly Daily Maximum Cumene Monitor and Report Styrene Monitor and Report 1,2,4 Trimethylbenzene Monitor and Report 1,3,5 Trimethylbenzene Monitor and Report pH not less than 6.0 nor greater than 9.0 The EPA waiver is not in effect.
PA0203955, Sewage, 84 Lumber Company, 1019 Route 519, Eighty Four, PA 15330. This application is for renewal of an NPDES permit to discharge treated sewage from the 84 Lumber Company Sewage Treatment Plant in North Strabane Township, Washington County.
The following effluent limitations are proposed for discharge to the receiving waters, known as Little Chartiers Creek, which are classified as a HQ-WWF with existing and/or potential uses for aquatic life, water supply and recreation. The first downstream potable water supply intake from this facility is the Western Pennsylvania Water Company on Little Chartiers Creek.
Outfall 001: existing discharge, design flow of 0.025 mgd.
Concentration (mg/l) Average Average Maximum Instantaneous Parameter Monthly Weekly Daily Maximum CBOD5 25 50 Suspended Solids 30 60 Ammonia Nitrogen (5-1 to 10-31) 3.0 6.0 (11-1 to 4-30) 9.0 18.0 Total Residual Chlorine 1.4 3.3 Total Phosphorus (1st Month To 36th Month) Monitor and
Report(37th Month to Expiration) 6 12 Fecal Coliform (5-1 to 9-30) 200/100 ml as a geometric mean (10-1 to 4-30) 2,000/100 ml as a geometric mean Dissolved Oxygen not less than 6 mg/l pH not less than 6.0 nor greater than 9.0 The EPA waiver is in effect.
Northwest Region: Water Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481.PA0023213, Sewage, Borough of Ridgway, P. O. Box 149, Ridgway, PA 15853-0149. This proposed facility is in Ridgway Township, Elk County.
Description of Proposed Activity: Renewal of an existing discharge of treated sewage.
For the purpose of evaluating effluent requirements for TDS, NO2-NO3, fluoride, phenolics, sulfate and chloride, the existing/proposed downstream potable water supply, considered during the evaluation is the Pennsylvania American Water Company and the Clarion River at Clarion, 59. 8 miles below point of discharge.
The receiving stream, the Clarion River, is in watershed 17-A and classified for CWF, aquatic life, water supply and recreation.
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 are based on a design flow of 2.2 MGD with an effluent diffuser installed.
Loadings Concentrations Average Average Average Average Instantaneous Parameters Monthly
Maximum (mg/l) Flow XX XX CBOD5 460 735 25 40 50 Total Suspended Solids 550 825 30 45 60 Daily
MaximumNH3-N 729 1,090 XX 100 130 Fecal Coliform (5-1 to 9-30) 200/100 ml as a geometric average (10-1 to 4-30) 38000/100 ml as a geometric average Total Residual Chlorine 0.5 1.6 Fluoride 2,035 3,050 110 165 220 Copper 1.65 2.5 0.09 0.14 0.18 Zinc 10 15 0.55 0.83 1.1 Lead XX Acute Whole Effluent Toxicity 8.09 TUa pH 6.0 to 9.0 standard units at all times The proposed effluent limits for Outfalls 101, 006 and 007 are based on a design flow of n/a mgd.
This outfall shall consist of uncontaminated stormwater only.*
* See Special Condition 4 in Part C of the permit.
The EPA waiver is not in effect.
III. WQM Industrial Waste and Sewerage Applications under The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. §§ 691.1--691.1001)
Southcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, (717) 705-4707.
WQM Permit No. 6704411, Sewerage, Conewago Township Sewer Authority, 600 Locust Point Road, York, PA 17042. This proposed facility is in Conewago Township, York County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Construction of a new 99 gpm submersible pump station with a 3-inch ductile iron force main and 8-inch PVC gravity sanitary sewer for the new 79-home Mill Creek Development.
Southwest Region: Water Management Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.
WQM Permit No. WQG016105, Sewerage, Stephen Sowinski, 1502 Winners Cup Circle, St. Charles, IL 60174. This proposed facility is in East Huntingdon Township, Westmoreland County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Application for the construction and operation of a small flow treatment facility to serve the Sowinski residence.
WQM Permit No. 2604402, Sewage, Brownsville Municipal Authority, P. O. Box 330, 7 Jackson Street, Brownsville, PA 15417. This proposed facility is in Brownsville, Fayette County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Application for the construction and operation of a sewage treatment plant, sewers and pump stations and aerobic digestion tanks to serve the Brownsville WWTP.
The Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority, which administers the Commonwealth's State Revolving Fund, has been identified as the funding source. The Department's review of the sewage facilities plan revision has not identified any significant environmental impacts resulting from this proposal.
Northwest Region: Water Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481.
WQM Permit No. 1004407, Sewerage, Buffalo Township Municipal Authority, 707 South Pike Road, Sarver, PA 16055. This proposed facility is in Buffalo Township, Butler County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: This project is for a pump station and sewer extension to serve The Palms Investments Plan of Lots, which is a 30-acre, 45-lot subdivision along the north side of Grimm Road.
WQM Permit No. 1004406, Sewerage, William M. Hess, 222 South Market Street, Suite 103, Elizabethtown, PA 17022. This proposed facility is in Brady Township, Butler County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: This project is for the replacement of a malfunctioning on-lot sewage system with a trench dispersal system.
IV. NPDES Applications for Stormwater Discharges from MS4
Southeast Region: Water Management Program Manager, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401.
Permit No.Applicant Name and
AddressCounty Municipality Receiving Water/Use Department Protocol (Y/N)
PAI130545 Delaware County
201 West Front St.
Media, PA 19063
Delaware Media Borough 3G Watershed N
V. Applications for NPDES Waiver Stormwater Discharges from MS4
VI. NPDES Individual Permit Applications for Discharges of Stormwater Associated with Construction Activities
Southeast Region: Water Management Program Manager, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401.
Permit No.Applicant Name and Address County Municipality Receiving Water/Use PAI010904017 Dawn Ward
Ward Site Plan Development
1493 Amherst Court
Bethlehem, PA 18015
Bucks Springfield Township
Cooks Creek
PAI011504072 Edward Thomas Builders, Inc.
Morstein Road at King Road Sbdv.
21 Crest Avenue
Malvern, PA 19355
Chester East Whiteland Township Ridley Creek
HQPAI011504073 Francis and Kathryn Segner
Segner Property Development
P. O. Box 176
Birchrunville, PA 19421-00176
Chester West Vincent Township Birch Run
PAS10J043-R YMCA of Philadelphia
Rocky Run YMCA
2000 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Delaware Middletown Township Rocky Run
HQSouthcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
Permit No.Applicant Name and Address County Municipality Receiving Water/Use PAI030703002-1 Paul Yohn
P. O. Box 951
Altoona, PA 16603
Blair Frankstown
Unnamed tributary
to Canoe Creek
HQ-CWFPAI036704002 Dennis Pantano
2425 Spring Wood Rd.
York, PA 17402
York Springfield Seaks Run
HG-CWFPAI032804003 LTP Aaron's Inc.
4 Kline Blvd.
Frederick, MD 21701
Franklin Guilford Falling Spring Branch of Conococheague Creek
PAI033604010 Little Britain Township
356 Nottingham Rd.
Quarryville, PA 17566
Lancaster Little Britain Township Little Conestoga Creek
HQ-CWFNorthcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701.
Clinton County Conservation District: 45 Cooperation Lane, Mill Hall, PA 17754, (570) 726-3798.
Permit No.Applicant Name and Address County Municipality Receiving Water/Use PAI041404004 Belgium Acres
Robert Davis
401 Allegheny St.
Jersey Shore, PA 17740
Clinton Pine Creek Township
Pine Creek
HQ-TSF Northwest Region: Water Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481.
Elk Conservation District, (814) 776-5373.
Permit No.Applicant Name and Address County Municipality Receiving Water/Use PAI062404004 Bruce Winslow Elk Benezette Township Dents Run
VII. List of NOIs for NPDES and/or Other General Permit Types
PAG-12 CAFOs PAG-13 Stormwater Discharges from MS4 [Continued on next Web Page]
[Continued from previous Web Page] PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY (PWS) PERMIT Under the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act (35 P. S. §§ 721.1--721.17), the following parties have applied for a PWS permit to construct or substantially modify a public water system.
Persons wishing to comment on a permit application are invited to submit a statement to the office listed before the application within 30 days of this public notice. Comments received within the 30-day comment period will be considered in the formulation of the final determinations regarding the application. Comments should include the name, address and telephone number of the writer and a concise statement to inform the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) of the exact basis of a comment and the relevant facts upon which it is based. A public hearing may be held after consideration of comments received during the 30-day public comment period.
Following the comment period, the Department will make a final determination regarding the proposed permit. Notice of this final determination will be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin at which time this determination may be appealed to the Environmental Hearing Board.
The permit application and any related documents are on file at the office listed before the application and are available for public review. Arrangements for inspection and copying information should be made with the office listed before the application.
Persons with a disability who require an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodations to participate during the 30-day public comment period should contact the office listed before the application. TDD users should contact the Department through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.
Applications Received under the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act
Northeast Region: Water Supply Management Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790.
Permit No. 4504504, Public Water Supply.
Applicant Stroudsburg Municipal Authority Township or Borough Stroud Township County Monroe Responsible Official Ken Brown, Manager
Stroudsburg Municipal Authority
410 Stokes Avenue
East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
Type of Facility PWS Consulting Engineer John Davis, P. E.
RKR Hess Associates, Inc.
310 Spruce Street, Suite 202
Scranton, PA 18503
Application Received Date October 22, 2004 Description of Action The applicant requests approval to upgrade existing vertical turbine pumps from 150 gpm to 300 gpm and also to provide a connection for an emergency by-pass pump. Southcentral Region: Water Supply Management Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
Permit No. 6704513, Public Water Supply.
Applicant Lower Windsor Township Municipality Windsor Township County York Responsible Official Donald L. Keener, Township Manager
111 Walnut Valley Court
Wrightsville, PA 17368
Type of Facility PWS Consulting Engineer Kent A. Bitting, P. E.
C S Davidson Inc.
38 North Duke Street
York, PA 17401
Application Received Date October 18, 2004 Description of Action New municipal building with onsite well requiring the installation of nitrate treatment. Permit No. 3604512, Public Water Supply.
Applicant Warwick Township Municipal Authority Municipality Warwick Township County Lancaster Responsible Official Daniel Zimmerman, Township Manager
Authority Administrator
315 Clay Road
P. O. Box 336
Lititz, PA 17543
Type of Facility PWS Consulting Engineer Vaughan Leer, P. E.
Herbert Rowland Grubic
1846 Charter Lane
P. O. Box 336
Lancaster, PA 17605
Application Received Date July 2, 2004 Description of Action Addition of the Bonfield and Wrigley Wells to augment the existing sources of supply. Southwest Region: Water Supply Management Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.
Permit No. 0204503, Public Water Supply.
Applicant Municipal Authority of the Township of Robinson
P. O. Box 15539
Pittsburgh, PA 15244Township or Borough Robinson Township Responsible Official Anthony Lenze, Executive Director
Municipal Authority of the Township of Robinson
P. O. Box 15539
Pittsburgh, PA 15244
Type of Facility Water Treatment Plant Consulting Engineer NIRA Consulting Engineers, Inc.
950 Fifth Avenue
Coraopolis, PA 15108
Application Received Date October 5, 2004 Description of Action Installation of 17,700 LF of water transmission main from the Groveton Water Treatment Plant to connection with the existing 16-inch main. Permit No. 5604504, Public Water Supply.
Applicant Municipal Water Authority of the Township of Jenner
124 West Street
Jenners, PA 15546
Township or Borough Jenner Township Responsible Official Robert Blough, Chairperson
Municipal Water Authority of the Township of Jenner
124 West Street
Jenners, PA 15546
Type of Facility Water Treatment Plant Consulting Engineer The EADS Group, Inc.
450 Aberdeen Drive
Somerset, PA 15501
Application Received Date August 25, 2004 Description of Action Construction of a 300,000-gallon concrete finished water storage tank. MINOR AMENDMENT
Applications Received under the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act
Northeast Region: Water Supply Management Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790.
Application No. Minor Amendment.
Applicant Pennsylvania American Water Company Township or Borough Coolbaugh Township, Monroe County Responsible Official William Kelvington, Vice President--Operations
Pennsylvania American Water Company
800 West Hersheypark Drive
Hershey, PA 17033
Type of Facility PWS Consulting Engineer Scott M. Thomas, P. E., Operations Engineer
Pennsylvania American Water Company
800 West Hersheypark Drive
Hershey, PA 17033
Application Received Date October 18, 2004 Description of Action The applicant requests approval to blast and repaint the interior of the 490,000-gallon standpipe known as the PCP Main Tank in Monroe County near Tobyhanna, PA. Southwest Region: Water Supply Management Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.
Application No. 0204504, Minor Amendment.
Applicant Pennsylvania American Water Company
800 West Hersheypark Drive
Hershey, PA 17033
Township or Borough Lincoln Borough Responsible Official Scott Thomas, Operations Engineer
Pennsylvania American Water Company
800 West Hersheypark Drive
Hershey, PA 17033
Type of Facility Lincoln Borough Tank Application Received Date October 18, 2004 Description of Action Blasting and painting of the interior and exterior of the 275,000-gallon standpipe tank. Application No. 6304505, Minor Amendment.
Applicant Pennsylvania American Water Company
800 West Hersheypark Drive
Hershey, PA 17033
Township or Borough Carroll Township Responsible Official Scott Thomas, Operations Engineer
Pennsylvania American Water Company
800 West Hersheypark Drive
Hershey, PA 17033
Type of Facility Fourth Avenue Tank Application Received Date October 18, 2004 Description of Action Blasting and painting of the interior and exterior of the 250,000-gallon elevated tank. Application No. 3281501-T1-A2, Minor Amendment.
Applicant Pennsylvania American Water Company
800 West Hersheypark Drive
Hershey, PA 17033
Township or Borough Indiana Responsible Official Scott Thomas, Operations Engineer
Pennsylvania American Water Company
800 West Hersheypark Drive
Hershey, PA 17033
Type of Facility Indiana Aldrich Unit No. 2 Application Received Date October 18, 2004 Description of Action Rehabilitation of the Indiana Aldrich Unit No. 2 including blasting and repainting of the interior wet and interior dry areas and minor sanitary, structural and safety modifications. Application No. 4661W001-T1-A3, Minor Amendment.
Applicant Harrison Township Water Authority
1705 Rear Freeport Road
Natrona Heights, PA 15065
Township or Borough Harrison Township Responsible Official Charles Craig, General Manager
Harrison Township Water Authority
1705 Rear Freeport Road
Natrona Heights, PA 15065
Type of Facility Water Treatment Plant Consulting Engineer NIRA Consulting Engineers, Inc.
950 Fifth Avenue
Coraopolis, PA 15108Application Received Date September 8, 2004 Description of Action Replacement of existing backwash lagoon pump with a new 80 gpm pump. Northwest Region: Water Supply Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481.
Application No. 3419-T1-MA1, Minor Amendment.
Applicant Pennsylvania American Water Company Township or Borough Clarion Township, Clarion County Responsible Official Wm. C. Kelvington, VP Operations Type of Facility PWS Application Received Date October 19, 2004 Description of Action Repaint/rehabilitate 0.5 MG storage tank, known as the Clarion Tank. LAND RECYCLING AND ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION UNDER ACT 2, 1995 PREAMBLE 1
Acknowledgment of Notices of Intent to Remediate Submitted under the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (35 P. S. §§ 6026.101--6026.908).
Sections 302--305 of the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (act) require the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) to publish in the Pennsylvania Bulletin an acknowledgment noting receipt of Notices of Intent to Remediate. An acknowledgment of the receipt of a Notice of Intent to Remediate is used to identify a site where a person proposes to, or has been required to, respond to a release of a regulated substance at a site. Persons intending to use the Background Standard, Statewide Health Standard, the Site-Specific Standard or who intend to remediate a site as a special industrial area must file a Notice of Intent to Remediate with the Department. A Notice of Intent to Remediate filed with the Department provides a brief description of the location of the site, a list of known or suspected contaminants at the site, the proposed remediation measures for the site and a description of the intended future use of the site. A person who demonstrates attainment of one, a combination of the cleanup standards or who receives approval of a special industrial area remediation identified under the act will be relieved of further liability for the remediation of the site for any contamination identified in reports submitted to and approved by the Department. Furthermore, the person shall not be subject to citizen suits or other contribution actions brought by responsible persons not participating in the remediation.
Under sections 304(n)(1)(ii) and 305(c)(2) of the act, there is a 30-day public and municipal comment period for sites proposed for remediation using a Site-Specific Standard, in whole or in part, and for sites remediated as a special industrial area. This period begins when a summary of the Notice of Intent to Remediate is published in a newspaper of general circulation in the area of the site. For the sites identified, proposed for remediation to a Site-Specific Standard or as a special industrial area, the municipality within which the site is located may request to be involved in the development of the remediation and reuse plans for the site if the request is made within 30 days of the date specified. During this comment period, the municipality may request that the person identified as the remediator of the site develop and implement a public involvement plan. Requests to be involved and comments should be directed to the remediator of the site.
For further information concerning the content of a Notice of Intent to Remediate, contact the environmental cleanup program manager in the Department regional office before which the notice appears. If information concerning this acknowledgment is required in an alternative form, contact the community relations coordinator at the appropriate regional office. TDD users may telephone the Department through the AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.
The Department has received the following Notices of Intent to Remediate:
Southeast Region: Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401.
Capozzi Property, City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. Rodd Bender, Manko, Gold, Katcher & Fox, LLP, 401 City Ave., Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 on behalf of Robert Rosenthal, Westrum Park Place, LP, 370 Commerce Dr., Ft. Washington, PA 19034 has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate. Soil and groundwater at the site have been impacted by petroleum compounds, metals, polynuclear aramatic hydrocarbons and other organic compounds. The intended future use of the site will be residential.
Philadelphia Gas Works Tioga, City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. Lisa Popovics, Philadelphia Gas Works, 800 W. Montgomery Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19122 on behalf of Michael Handwerk, Philadelphia Gas Works/City of Philadelphia, 800 W. Montgomery Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19122 has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate. Soil and groundwater at the site have been impacted by VOCs, semi-VOCs and metals. The site will continue to be used as a nonresidential PGW industrial facility. A summary of the Notice of Intent was reported to have been published in the Philadelphia Daily News on October 8, 2004.
Philadelphia Gas Works Belfield, City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. Lisa Popovics, Philadelphia Gas Works, 800 W. Montgomery Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19122 on behalf of Michael Handwerk, Philadelphia Gas Works/City of Philadelphia, 800 W. Montgomery Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19122 has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate. Soil and groundwater at the site have been impacted by VOCs, semi-VOCs and metals. The site will continue to be used as a nonresidential PGW industrial facility. A summary of the Notice of Intent was reported to have been published in the Philadelphia Daily News on October 8, 2004.
Philadelphia Gas Works Richmond, City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. Lisa Popovics, Philadelphia Gas Works, 800 W. Montgomery Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19122 on behalf of Michael Handwerk, Philadelphia Gas Works/City of Philadelphia, 800 W. Montgomery Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19122 has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate. Soils at the site have been impacted by VOCs and metals and groundwater at the site has been impacted by VOCs and semi-VOCs. The site will continue to be used as a nonresidential PGW industrial facility. A summary of the Notice of Intent was reported to have been published in the Philadelphia Daily News on October 8, 2004.
Philadelphia Gas Works Passyunk, City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. Lisa Popovics, Philadelphia Gas Works, 800 W. Montgomery Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19122 on behalf of Michael Handwerk, Philadelphia Gas Works/City of Philadelphia, 800 W. Montgomery Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19122 has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate. Soils at the site have been impacted by VOCs and metals and groundwater at the site has been impacted by VOCs and semi-VOCs. The site will continue to be used as a nonresidential PGW industrial facility. A summary of the Notice of Intent was reported to have been published in the Philadelphia Daily News on October 8, 2004.
Philadelphia Gas Works 9th and Diamond, City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. Lisa Popovics, Philadelphia Gas Works, 800 W. Montgomery Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19122 on behalf of Michael Handwerk, Philadelphia Gas Works/City of Philadelphia, 800 W. Montgomery Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19122 has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate. Groundwater at the site has been impacted by VOCs and semi-VOCs. The site will continue to be used as a nonresidential PGW industrial facility. A summary of the Notice of Intent was reported to have been published in the Philadelphia Daily News on October 8, 2004.
Rockel Residence, Newton Borough, Bucks County. Michelle Harrison, React Environmental Svc., Inc., 6901 Kingsessing Ave., Philadelphia, PA 9142, on behalf of Lee Brahin, Garnet Assoc., LLC, 1533 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102 has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate. Soil at the site has been impacted with no. 2 fuel oil and groundwater has been impacted with chlorinated solvents.
Northeast Regional Field Office: Joseph A. Brogna, Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790, (570) 826-2511.
Sterling Oaks at Lower Nazareth Properties, Lower Nazareth Township, Northampton County. Darryl Borrelli, Manko, Gold, Katcher & Fox, LLP, 401 City Avenue, Suite 500, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate (on behalf of Eric Witmondt, Hidden Oaks, LLP, 119 Cherry Hill Rd., Parsippany, NJ 07054) concerning the remediation of soils found to have been impacted by inorganics. The applicant proposes to remediate the site to meet a combination of the Statewide Health and Background Soil Standards. A summary of the Notice of Intent to Remediate is expected to be published in a local newspaper serving the general area in the near future. A Final Report was simultaneously submitted.
HRA Unit A, City of Hazleton, Luzerne County. Larry Roach, P. G., Groundwater Sciences Corporation, 2601 Market Place Street, Suite 310, Harrisburg, PA 17110 has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate (on behalf of Hazleton Redevelopment Authority, City Hall, 40 N. Church St., Hazleton, PA 18201) concerning the remediation of site soils found to be impacted by low concentrations of chlorinated solvents, used motor oil, metals, pesticides and PCBs as the result of historic operations. The applicant proposes to remediate the site to meet the Special Industrial Area (SIA) and site-specific standards. The proposed future use of the site will be for commercial development.
HRA Units B and C, City of Hazleton, Luzerne County. Larry Roach, P. G., Groundwater Sciences Corporation, 2601 Market Place Street, Suite 310, Harrisburg, PA 17110 has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate (on behalf of Hazleton Redevelopment Authority, City Hall, 40 N. Church St., Hazleton, PA 18201) concerning the remediation of site soils found to be impacted by low concentrations of chlorinated solvents, used motor oil, metals, pesticides and PCBs as the result of historic operations. The applicant proposes to remediate the site to meet the SIA and site-specific standards. The proposed future use of the site will be for commercial development.
Residential Property Daniel Residence, Penn Forest Township, Carbon County. Guy Sheets, Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., 630 Freedom Business Center, 3rd Floor, King of Prussia, PA 19406 has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate (on behalf of Bethlehem Authority, 10 E. Church Street, Bethlehem, PA 18018) concerning the remediation of soils found to have been impacted by fuel oil no. 2. The applicant proposes to remediate the site to meet the Statewide Health Soil Standard. A summary of the Notice of Intent to Remediate is expected to be published in a local newspaper serving the general area sometime in the near future. A Final Report was simultaneously submitted.
Sheckler Residence, Lehigh Township, Northampton County. Thomas Martinelli, Environmental Scientist, JMT Environmental Technologies, Inc., has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate (on behalf of Jane Sheckler, Main Street, Walnutport, PA 18088) concerning the remediation of soils and groundwater found or suspected to have been impacted by the accidental release of home heating oil contaminated with MTBE. The applicant proposes to remediate the site to meet the Statewide Health Standard. A summary of the Notice of Intent to Remediate was published in The Morning Call on August 13, 2004. A Final Report was simultaneously submitted. The property is proposed to remain residential.
Bold's Automotive Service, City of Bethlehem, Northampton County. John Van Wagenen, P. G., Coventry Environmental Associates, Inc., 991 Ridge Road, Bucktown, PA 19465 has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate (on behalf of John Bold, 435 Pembroke Road, Bethlehem, PA 18018) concerning the remediation of soils found or suspected to have been impacted by gasoline. The applicant proposes to remediate the site to meet the Statewide Health Standard. A summary of the Notice of Intent to Remediate is expected to be published in a local newspaper serving the general area sometime in the near future. A Final Report was simultaneously submitted. The property will be used for the sale of used automobiles.
Southcentral Region: Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
Sunset Landfill (Olmsted AFB, Sunset Annex), Londonderry Township, Dauphin County. MWH Americas, Inc., 335 Phoenixville Pike, Malvern, PA 19355, on behalf of Londonderry Township, 783 Geyers Church Road, Middletown, PA 17057, submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate site groundwater contaminated with fuel oil. The applicant seeks to remediate the site to a combination of Statewide Health and Site-Specific Standards.
Northcentral Region: Environmental Cleanup Program, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701.
BVK, Inc., Berwick Borough, Columbia County, AGI Aegis Company, Inc., 19 North Center Street, Corry, PA 16407 has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate soil and groundwater contaminated with diesel fuel. This site is being remediated to meet the Special Industrial Area.
Meeker Hill Station (M-77), Lawrence Township, Tioga County, PPL Services Corp., 2 North 9th Street GENTW17, Allentown, PA 18101 has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate soil contaminated with mercury. This site is being remediated to meet the Statewide Health Standards.
M. P. Close Well (MW-703), Lawrence Township, Tioga County, PPL Services Corp., 2 North 9th Street GENTW17, Allentown, PA 18101 has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate soil contaminated with mercury. This site is being remediated to meet the Statewide Health Standards.
Palmer No. 3 (TW-400), Farmington Township, Tioga County, PPL Services Corp., 2 North 9th Street GENTW17, Allentown, PA 18101 has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate soil contaminated with mercury. This site is being remediated to meet the Statewide Health Standards.
Meeker No. 1 (MW-706), Tioga Township, Tioga County, PPL Services Corp., 2 North 9th Street GENTW17, Allentown, PA 18101 has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate soil contaminated with mercury. This site is being remediated to meet the Statewide Health Standards.
Southwest Region: Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.
BP Site No. 07176, 101 Tenth Street at Meldon Avenue, City of Donora, Washington County. Heather Fazekas, URS Corporation, Foster Plaza 4, 501 Holiday Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15220 (on behalf of Anthony Noll, Integrity Precision Corporation, 111 Tenth Street, Donora, PA 15033 and Richard Blackburn, BP Products North America, Inc., 1 West Pennsylvania Ave., Suite 440, Towson, MD 21204) has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate soil contaminated with unleaded gasoline and waste oil.
Applications received or withdrawn under the Solid Waste Management Act (35 P. S. §§ 6018.101--6018.1003), the act of July 13, 1988 (P. L. 525, No. 93) (35 P. S. §§ 6019.1--6019.6) and regulations to transport infectious and chemotherapeutic waste.
Central Office: Bureau of Land Recycling and Waste Management, Division of Hazardous Waste Management, P. O. Box 8471, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8471.
New Applications Received
Onyx Environmental Services, LLC, 1 Eden Lane, Flanders, NJ 07836. Received on August 31, 2004.
AIR QUALITY PLAN APPROVAL AND OPERATING PERMIT APPLICATIONS NEW SOURCES AND MODIFICATIONS The Department of Environmental Protection (Department) has developed an ''integrated'' plan approval, State operating permit and Title V operating permit program. This integrated approach is designed to make the permitting process more efficient for the Department, the regulated community and the public. This approach allows the owner or operator of a facility to complete and submit all the permitting documents relevant to its application one time, affords an opportunity for public input and provides for sequential issuance of the necessary permits.
The Department has received applications for plan approvals and/or operating permits from the following facilities.
Copies of the applications, subsequently prepared draft permits, review summaries and other support materials are available for review in the regional office identified in this notice. Persons interested in reviewing the application files should contact the appropriate regional office to schedule an appointment.
Persons wishing to receive a copy of a proposed plan approval or operating permit must indicate their interest to the Department regional office within 30 days of the date of this notice and must file protests or comments on a proposed plan approval or operating permit within 30 days of the Department providing a copy of the proposed document to that person or within 30 days of its publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, whichever comes first. Interested persons may also request that a hearing be held concerning the proposed plan approval and operating permit. Comments or protests filed with the Department regional offices must include a concise statement of the objections to the issuance of the Plan approval or operating permit and relevant facts which serve as the basis for the objections. If the Department schedules a hearing, a notice will be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin at least 30 days prior the date of the hearing.
Persons with a disability who wish to comment and require an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodation to participate should contact the regional office identified before the application. TDD users should contact the Department through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.
Final plan approvals and operating permits will contain terms and conditions to ensure that the source is constructed and operating in compliance with applicable requirements in 25 Pa. Code Chapters 121--143, the Federal Clean Air Act (act) and regulations adopted under the act.
Plan Approval Applications Received under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter B that may have special public interest. These applications are in review and no decision on disposition has been reached.
Northwest Region: Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481; Devendra Verma, New Source Review Chief, (814) 332-6940.
10-281F: II-VI, Inc. (375 Saxonburg Blvd., Saxonburg, Butler, PA 16056-9499) for post-construction plan approval of four 1,200 horsepower emergency generators at their Saxonburg facility in Clinton Township, Butler County.
10-281E: II-VI, Inc. (375 Saxonburg Blvd., Saxonburg, Butler, PA 16056-9499) for plan approval to construct a new isopropanol dryer (degreaser) in Clinton Township, Butler County.
43-336A: Pennsylvania Rail Car Co., Inc. (33 Carbaugh Street, West Middlesex, PA 16159) plan approval for post construction of a flow coating line at their West Middlesex Plant in the Borough of West Middlesex, Mercer County.
Intent to Issue Plan Approvals and Intent to Issue or Amend Operating Permits under the Air Pollution Control Act and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter B. These actions may include the administrative amendments of an associated operating permit.
Northeast Region: Air Quality Program, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790; Mark Wejkszner, New Source Review Chief, (570) 826-2531.
39-302-178: St. Luke's Hospital (801 Ostrum Street, Bethlehem, PA 18015) for construction of three no. 6 fuel oil/natural gas-fired boilers to replace three existing no. 6 fuel oil/natural gas-fired boilers at their facility in Fountain Hill, Lehigh County. The facility is a non-Title V (State-only) facility and has been issued Synthetic Minor Operating Permit 39-00036. Each boiler will utilize low-NOx burners and flue gas recirculation to reduce NOx emissions. All three boilers are limited to a total annual no. 6 fuel oil usage not to exceed 1.5 million gallons per year (based on a 12-month rolling sum), which will result in total potential emissions of 41.25 tons per year of NOx, 3.75 tons per year of CO and 58.9 tons per year of SO2. The boilers are subject to Subpart Dc of the Federal Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources for Small Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units. The Plan Approval and Operating Permit will include stack testing, monitoring, reporting, work practices and recordkeeping requirements designed to keep the sources operating within all applicable air quality requirements. This plan approval will, in accordance with 25 Pa. Code § 127.450, be incorporated into the Synthetic Minor Operating Permit through an administrative amendment at a later date.
39-309-015: ConAgra Food Ingredients Co. (312 East Breadfruit Drive, Treichlers, PA 18086) for construction and operation of the B-Mill Separator and associated air cleaning device (baghouse) for this mill and existing grain handling and cleaning operation, at their facility in Lehigh Township, Northampton County. Particulate emissions in the grain handling and cleaning operations will be controlled by a refurbished fabric-collector. Expected particulate emission rate will be less than 0.02 grain/dscf. The company will operate the facility and maintain the equipment in accordance with the good engineering practices to assure proper operation of the system. The Plan Approval and Operating permit will contain additional recordkeeping and operating restrictions, that are designed to keep the facility operating within all applicable air quality requirements. The facility has a valid Synthetic Minor Operating Permit 48-00024. Once the equipment is operational in compliance with all requirements, this plan approval will, in accordance with 25 Pa. Code § 127.450, be incorporated into the Synthetic Minor Operating Permit.
Southcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110; Ronald Davis, New Source Review Chief, (717) 705-4702.
06-05002B: Lehigh Cement Co. (537 Evansville Road, Fleetwood, PA 19522) for modification of their Portland cement manufacturing facility from a long kiln to a single stage preheater and long kiln controlled by various devises in Maidencreek Township, Berks County. The modification will involve the increase in the maximum annual production of the facility, but limits will be included to limit the emissions to less than the NSR thresholds. The facility is a major source subject to Title V and 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart LLL, National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants from Portland Cement Manufacturing. The plan approval will include monitoring, testing, recordkeeping, work practices and reporting requirements designed to keep the source operating within all applicable air quality requirements. The facility is presently covered by the Title V Operating Permit 06-05002. The plan approval will be incorporated into this permit in accordance with 25 Pa. Code § 127.450 (Administrative Amendment).
06-05020A: Craft Maid Kitchens, Inc. (501 South Ninth Street, Building C, Reading, PA 19602) for construction of three new spray booths controlled by dry filter pads and low VOC and HAP coatings in the City of Reading, Berks County. The facility's VOC emissions will be limited to less than 25 tons per year. The HAP emissions will be limited to less than 10/25 tons per year. Limits will be placed on the VOC and HAP contents in the coatings used. A limit on the amount of coatings applied will be included in the approval. The facility will be required to record the coating usage and calculate the monthly VOC and HAP emissions. The permit will include monitoring, work practices, recordkeeping and reporting requirements designed to keep the sources and facility operating within all applicable air quality requirements.
28-05005A: York Refrigeration--Frick (100 CV Avenue, Waynesboro, PA 17268) for modification of their existing metal surface coating operations in the Borough of Waynesboro, Franklin County. The modifications include the installation of a replacement paint spray booth and filter system. The facility's surface coating operations account for most of the facility's VOC emissions which will not be impacted by these modifications. The plan approval will include monitoring, work practices, recordkeeping and reporting requirements to ensure the facility complies with the applicable air quality requirements. The plan approval will be incorporated into the facility's Title V operating permit in accordance with 25 Pa. Code § 127.450.
Northcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701; Richard Maxwell, New Source Review Chief, (570) 327-3637.
49-302-028B: Catawissa Lumber and Specialty Co., Inc. (P. O. Box 176 Catawissa, PA 17820-0176) for construction of a 17.44 mmBtu/hr Biomass Combustion Systems wood fired boiler and associated air cleaning device (multiclone collector) in Ralpho Township, Northumberland County.
The plan approval application submitted by Catawissa Lumber indicates that the source constructed will comply with all applicable air quality requirements pertaining to air contamination sources and the emission of air contaminants, including the fugitive air contaminant emission requirement of 25 Pa. Code § 123.1, particulate matter emission limitation of 25 Pa. Code § 123.11, the SOx emission limitation of 25 Pa. Code § 123.22, the visible emission limitation of 25 Pa. Code § 123.41 and the best available technology requirements of 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.1 and 127.12.
Based upon the technical review of the application, the Department proposes to issue plan approval for the construction of the boiler and air-cleaning device. The following is a summary of the conditions the Department proposes to place in the plan approval to be issued to ensure compliance with all applicable regulatory requirements:
1. The particulate matter emissions from the boiler shall not exceed a rate of 0.25 pound per million Btu of heat input.
2. The boiler shall not exceed particulate matter emissions of 19.10 tons in any 12 consecutive month period.
3. The NOx and CO emissions from the boiler shall not exceed 0.5 lb/mmBtu of heat input and 0.6 lb/mmBtu of heat input respectively.
4. The boiler shall be fired on sawdust and ''hardwood shavings'' consisting of kiln-dried green wood only. No coated or treated wood, laminated wood, particleboard, flakeboard or materials other than kiln-dried wood shall be burned in this boiler. During startup, newspaper may be used to aid in the ignition of the boiler.
5. The multiclone shall be equipped with instrumentation to measure the pressure drop across the collector on a continuous basis.
6. The multiclone collector ash discharge system shall remain sealed from the open air at all times except when changing flyash disposal drums. Additionally, the level of accumulated ash in the flyash disposal drum shall be checked daily and the drum shall be emptied prior to becoming full.
7. The permittee shall, upon Department request, provide analyses or samples of the wood burned in the boiler.
8. Within 120 days of completion of boiler construction the company shall perform particulate and NOx stack testing while being operated at its maximum rate.
9. The boiler is subject to subpart Dc of the Federal Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources, 40 CFR 60.40c--60.48c.
Northwest Region: Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481; Devendra Verma, New Source Review Chief, (814) 332-6940.
25-994B: Advanced Mold Technologies (2011 East 30th Street, Erie, PA 16510) for postconstruction of a chrome electroplating process in the City of Erie, Erie County.
In accordance with 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.44(b) and 127.424(b), the Department intends to issue a plan approval for post construction of a chrome electroplating process in the City of Erie, Erie County. This plan approval will be incorporated into a State-only operating permit at a later date. Issuance of the plan approval is recommended with the appropriate conditions in the plan approval:
1. This source is subject to 25 Pa. Code §§ 123.1, 123.31 and 123.41 for fugitive, odor and visible emissions, respectively.
2. The sources shall comply with 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart N, National Emission Standards for Chromium Emissions From Hard and Decorative Chromium Electroplating and Chromium Anodizing Tanks.
3. 40 CFR 63.13 requires submission of copies of all requests, reports, applications, submittals and other communications to both the EPA and the Department. The EPA copies shall be forwarded to Director; Air, Toxics and Radiation Division; US EPA, Region III; 1650 Arch St. Philadelphia, PA 19103-2029.
4. Recordkeeping and reporting requirements shall be maintained in accordance with 40 CFR 63.346 and 63.347, respectively.
5. The source shall comply with 40 CFR 63.343(c)(5)(ii), monitoring to demonstrate continuous compliance.
6. The source shall comply with 40 CFR 63.342, summary of work practice standards.
Department of Public Health, Air Management Services: 321 University Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19104; Edward Braun, Chief, (215) 823-7584.
AMS 03134: Henry H. Ottens Manufacturing Co. (7800 Holstein Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19153) for permitting various process and control equipment associated with food flavoring manufacturing in the City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. VOC emission from the operation is restricted to 24.5 tons in any rolling 12-month period. The plan approval will contain operating and recordkeeping requirements to ensure operation within all applicable requirements.
AMS 04122: Philadelphia Gas Works (800 West Montgomery Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19122) for installation of a 12.53 mmBtu/hr natural gas fired turbine compressor in the City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. NOx emissions will increase by 12.02 tons per 12-month rolling period. This is a Title V facility. The plan approval will contain operating and recordkeeping requirements to ensure operation within all applicable requirements.
Intent to Issue Title V Operating Permits under the Air Pollution Control Act and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter G.
Southeast Region: Air Quality Program, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401; Edward Jurdones Brown, Facilities Permitting Chief, (484) 250-5920.
23-00017: Exelon Generation Co. (1 Industrial Highway, Eddystone, PA 19022) for incorporation of the Acid Rain (Title IV) permit conditions (ORIS No. 3161) in Eddystone Borough, Delaware County. This action is an amendment of the Title V Operating Permit. No other changes have taken place at this facility. The acid rain permit establishes current SOx allowances for Units 1--4 for calendar years 2004--2008.
15-00019: Exelon Generation Co. (Township Line and Cromby Roads, Phoenixville, PA 19460) for incorporation of the Acid Rain (Title IV) permit conditions (ORIS No. 3159) in East Pikeland Township, Chester County. This action is an amendment of the Title V Operating Permit. No other changes have taken place at this facility. The acid rain permit establishes current SOx allowances for Units 1 and 2 for calendar years 2004--2008.
Northcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701; Muhammad Zaman, Facilities Permitting Chief, (570) 327-0512.
41-00001: Transcontinental Gas Pipeline Corp. (2800 Post Oak Blvd., P. O. Box 1396, Houston, TX 77251) for renewal of the Title V Operating Permit for their Salladasburg facility in Mifflin Township, Lycoming County. The facility's sources include 5 reciprocating internal combustion engines, 2 compressor turbine engines, 12 space heaters, 5 storage tanks, 2 furnaces, 1 parts washer, 1 auxiliary generators, 1 boiler and associated pipeline flanges and valves, which have the potential to emit major quantities of NOx, CO, VOCs and HAPs. The facility has the potential to emit PM/PM10 and SOx below the major emission thresholds. The two compressor turbine engines are subject to 40 CFR 60.330--60.335. The proposed Title V operating permit contains all applicable regulatory requirements including monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting conditions.
53-00002: Transcontinental Gas Pipeline Corp. (2800 Post Oak Blvd., P. O. Box 1396, Houston, TX 77251) for renewal of the Title V Operating Permit for their Wharton facility in Wharton Township, Potter County. The facility's sources include 5 reciprocating internal combustion engines, 13 space heaters, 11 storage tanks, 3 field heaters, 1 regen heater, 1 parts washer, 1 auxiliary generators, 1 boiler and associated pipeline flanges and valves, which have the potential to emit major quantities of NOx, CO, VOCs and HAPs. The facility has the potential to emit PM/PM10 and SOx below the major emission thresholds. The three field heaters are subject to 40 CFR 60.40c--60.48c. The proposed Title V operating permit contains all applicable regulatory requirements including monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting conditions.
Intent to Issue Operating Permits under the Air Pollution Control Act and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter F.
Southeast Region: Air Quality Program, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19428; Edward Jurdones Brown, Facilities Permitting Chief, (484) 250-5920.
46-00152: Upper Merion Area School District (435 Crossfield Road, King of Prussia, PA 19406) for a non-Title V, State-only, Natural Minor Operating Permit in Upper Merion Township, Montgomery County. Upper Merion Area School District owns and operates two 12.6 million Btu/hr boilers, a 15.77 million Btu/hr boiler and four emergency generators that are on the contiguous properties of the high school, the middle school and the administrative building. The facility emits 9.76 tons of NOx per year, 0.97 ton of SO2 per year, 0.63 ton of PM per year, 7.51 tons of CO per year and 0.99 ton of VOCs per year. Monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements have been added to the permit to address applicable limitations.
23-00049: PPL Interstate Energy Co.--Marcus Hook (1111 Ridge Road, Linwood, PA 19061) for a non-Title V Facility, State-only, Synthetic Minor Operating Permit in the Lower Chichester Township, Delaware County. PPL Interstate Energy Company's Marcus Hook pumping station pumps 2 and 6 fuel oil from eight aboveground storage tanks at Sunoco, Inc. (R&M)'s Marcus Hook refinery to PPL's Martins Creek LLC power plant. The facility's major emission points are three mainline fuel heaters and a maintenance heater, from which the main pollutants emitted are SOx and NOx. The facility pollutant potentials to emit for SOx and NOx exceed the major facility thresholds of 100 and 25 tons per year, respectively. However, the facility will limit the fuel usage for their heaters to prevent exceeding these thresholds. The permit will contain monitoring, recordkeeping, reporting and work practice standards designed to keep the facility operating within all applicable air quality requirements.
Northcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701; David Aldenderfer, Program Manager, (570) 327-3637.
14-00033: Spectra Wood, Inc. (2625 Carolean Industrial Drive, State College, PA 16801) for their State College facility in College Township, Centre County. The facility's main sources include 11 natural gas fired combustion units, 4 surface coating booths, woodworking operations and various other wood coating operations. The facility has the potential to emit SOx, NOx, CO, PM (PM10), VOCs and HAPs below the major emission thresholds. The proposed operating permit contains all applicable regulatory requirements including monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting conditions.
[Continued on next Web Page]
[Continued from previous Web Page] COAL AND NONCOAL MINING ACTIVITY APPLICATIONS Applications under the Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act (52 P. S. §§ 1396.1--1396.19a); the Noncoal Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act (52 P. S. §§ 3301--3326); The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. §§ 691.1--691.1001); the Coal Refuse Disposal Control Act (52 P. S. §§ 30.51--30.66); and The Bituminous Mine Subsidence and Land Conservation Act (52 P. S. §§ 1406.1--1406.21). Mining activity permits issued in response to applications will also address the applicable permitting requirements of the following statutes: the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015); the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act (32 P. S. §§ 693.1--693.27); and the Solid Waste Management Act (35 P. S. §§ 6018.101--6018.1003).
The following permit applications to conduct mining activities have been received by the Department of Environmental Protection (Department). A copy of an application is available for inspection at the district mining office indicated before an application. Where a 401 Water Quality Certification is needed for any aspect of a particular proposed mining activity, the submittal of the permit application will serve as the request for certification.
Written comments, objections or requests for informal conferences on applications may be submitted by any person or any officer or head of any Federal, State or local government agency or authority to the Department at the district mining office indicated before an application within 30 days of this publication, or within 30 days after the last publication of the applicant's newspaper advertisement, as provided by 25 Pa. Code §§ 77.121--77.123 and 86.31--86.34.
Where any of the mining activities listed will have discharges of wastewater to streams, the Department will incorporate NPDES permits into the mining activity permits issued in response to these applications. NPDES permits will contain, at a minimum, technology-based effluent limitations as identified in this notice for the respective coal and noncoal applications. In addition, more restrictive effluent limitations, restrictions on discharge volume or restrictions on the extent of mining which may occur will be incorporated into a mining activity permit, when necessary, for compliance with water quality standards (in accordance with 25 Pa. Code Chapters 93 and 95). Persons or agencies who have requested review of NPDES permit requirements for a particular mining activity within the previously mentioned public comment period will be provided with a 30-day period to review and submit comments on the requirements.
Written comments or objections should contain the name, address and telephone number of the person submitting comments or objections; the application number; and a statement of sufficient detail to inform the Department on the basis of comment or objection and relevant facts upon which it is based. Requests for an informal conference must contain the name, address and telephone number of requestor; the application number; a brief summary of the issues to be raised by the requestor at the conference; and a statement whether the requestor wishes to have the conference conducted in the locality of the proposed mining activities.
Coal Applications Received
Effluent Limits--The following coal mining applications that include an NPDES permit application will be subject to, at a minimum, the following technology-based effluent limitations for discharges of wastewater to streams:
30-Day Daily Instantaneous Parameter Average Maximum Maximum Iron (total) 3.0 mg/l 6.0 mg/l 7.0 mg/l Manganese (total) 2.0 mg/l 4.0 mg/l 5.0 mg/l Suspended solids 35 mg/l 70 mg/l 90 mg/l pH* greater than 6.0; less than 9.0 Alkalinity greater than acidity* * The parameter is applicable at all times.
A settleable solids instantaneous maximum limit of 0.5 ml/l applied to: (1) surface runoff (resulting from a precipitation event of less than or equal to a 10-year 24-hour event) from active mining areas, active areas disturbed by coal refuse disposal activities and mined areas backfilled and revegetated; and (2) drainage (resulting from a precipitation event of less than or equal to a 1-year 24-hour event) from coal refuse disposal piles.
Cambria District Mining Office: 286 Industrial Park Road, Ebensburg, PA 15931, (814) 472-1900.
56040106, Mountaineer Mining Corporation, 1010 Garrett Shortcut Road, Berlin, PA 15530, commencement, operation and restoration of a bituminous surface mine in Brothersvalley Township, Somerset County, affecting 4.1 acres. Receiving streams: unnamed tributaries to/and Buffalo Creek and unnamed tributaries to/and Hays Run (CWF). There are no potable water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. Application received October 18, 2004.
32040106 and NPDES Permit No. PA0249653. KMP Associates, Inc., 1094 Lantz Road, Avonmore, PA 15618, commencement, operation and restoration of a bituminous surface, auger and limestone removal mine in Young Township, Indiana County, affecting 351.4 acres. Receiving streams: unnamed tributaries to Whiskey Run and Whiskey Run to Blacklegs Creek (CWF). There are no potable water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. Application received October 14, 2004.
Greensburg District Mining Office: R. R. 2, Box 603-C, Greensburg, PA 15601, (724) 925-5500.
65810113. M. B. Energy, Inc. (P. O. Box 1319, Indiana, PA 15701-1319). Renewal application for continued mining of an existing bituminous surface mine in Cook and Donegal Townships, Westmoreland County, affecting 76.4 acres. Receiving streams: unnamed tributary to Four Mile Run to Loyalhanna Creek (TSF). There is no potable water supply intake within 10 miles from the point of discharge. Renewal application received October 21, 2004.
Pottsville District Mining Office: 5 W. Laurel Blvd., Pottsville, PA 17901, (570) 621-3118.
54773017R4. K & K Coal Company (133 Valley Furnace Avenue, Port Carbon, PA 17965-1215), renewal of an existing anthracite surface mine operation in East Norwegian and Blythe Townships, Schuylkill County affecting 243.1 acres, receiving stream: none. Application received October 18, 2004.
Noncoal Permit Applications Received
Pottsville District Mining Office: 5 W. Laurel Blvd., Pottsville, PA 17901, (570) 621-3118.
58930810. Douglas G. Kilmer (R. R. 1 Box 85K, Union Dale, PA 18470), Stages I and II Bond release for a quarry operation in New Milford Township, Susquehanna County affecting 3.0 acres on property owned by Franklin Innes. Application received October 21, 2004.
FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT, SECTION 401 The following permit applications, requests for Environmental Assessment approval and requests for 401 Water Quality Certification have been received by the Department of Environmental Protection (Department). Section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA) (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341) requires the State to certify that the involved projects will not violate the applicable provisions of sections 301--303, 306 and 307 of the FWPCA (33 U.S.C.A. §§ 1311--1313, 1316 and 1317) as well as relevant State requirements. Persons objecting to approval of a request for certification under section 401 of the FWPCA or to the issuance of a Dam Permit, Water Obstruction and Encroachment Permit or the approval of an Environmental Assessment must submit comments, suggestions or objections within 30 days of the date of this notice, as well as questions, to the regional office noted before the application. Comments should contain the name, address and telephone number of the person commenting, identification of the certification request to which the comments or objections are addressed and a concise statement of comments, objections or suggestions including the relevant facts upon which they are based.
The Department may conduct a fact-finding hearing or an informal conference in response to comments if deemed necessary. Individuals will be notified, in writing, of the time and place of a scheduled hearing or conference concerning the certification request to which the comment, objection or suggestion relates. Maps, drawings and other data pertinent to the certification request are available for inspection between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. on each working day at the regional office noted before the application.
Persons with a disability who wish to attend a hearing and require an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodation to participate in the proceedings should contact the specified program. TDD users should contact the Department through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.
Applications received under the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act (32 P. S. §§ 693.1--693.27) and section 302 of the Flood Plain Management Act (32 P. S. § 679.302) and requests for certification under section 401 of the FWPCA (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341(a)).
WATER OBSTRUCTIONS AND ENCROACHMENTS Southeast Region: Water Management Program Manager, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401.
E46-968. The Moser Group, 210 Holly Drive, Chalfont, PA 18914, Montgomery Township, Montgomery County, ACOE Philadelphia District.
To perform the following activities associated with the proposed Indian Lake Farms Residential Subdivision:
1. To construct and maintain a pedestrian bridge across an unnamed tributary to West Branch of Neshaminy Creek (WWF, MF) immediately upstream and adjacent to the existing box culvert at Richardson Road.
2. To enlarge the off-stream reservoir of an existing nonjurisdictional dam adjacent to the unnamed tributary to West Branch of Neshaminy Creek.
3. To modify and maintain the existing nonjurisdictional dam by placing fill in 0.03 acre of wetlands (PEM) which exist within the reservoir area. The height of the berm will be raised and the pond will be converted into a stormwater management facility. The applicant has requested an Environmental Assessment approval for this activity.
The site is approximately 2,000 feet northeast of the intersection of Richardson Road and Bethlehem Pike (SR 0309) (Doylestown, PA USGS Quadrangle N: 2.7 inches; W: 16.6 inches).
E23-445. County of Delaware, 201 West Front Street, Media, PA 19063-2788, Thornbury Township, Delaware County and ACOE Philadelphia District. Delaware County Bridge No. 177 Replacement Project.
To construct and maintain a single span bridge with a clear span of 70 feet and an underclearance of approximately 9.06 feet to replace the existing bridge structure, which spans the East Branch of the Chester Creek (TSF). The work will involve:
1. Incidental grading activities and structural backfill to accommodate roadway embankment and to establish finish conditions.
2. Construction of new abutment to accommodate the proposed bridge.
3. Minor grading of the bridge work.
4. Construction of a cofferdam structure system consisting of concrete barrier, sand bags, piping and impervious fabric with a sediment filter bag serving as temporary control measure.
5. Placement of 45 cubic yards of R-5 rip rap at the base of the abutments and other critical areas along the structure for scour protection.
The project site is along Locksley Road (T 373) approximately 185 feet north of the intersection of Lockleys and Creek Roads (West Chester, PA Quadrangle N: 10.19 inches; W: 0.63 inch).
E46-967. The Cutler Group, P. O. Box 629, Horsham, PA 19044, Lower Gwynedd Township, Montgomery County, ACOE Philadelphia District.
To construct and maintain the following water obstructions and encroachments activities associated with the proposed residential subdivision on the Goodman Tract:
1. A pedestrian trail west of proposed lot 45; temporarily impacting 10 linear feet of an unnamed tributary of Trewellen Creek (TSF).
2. Road B bridge crossing of Trewellen Creek, consisting of 50 linear feet of a 29.75-foot by 8.42-foot wide high concrete arch culvert, including an 8-inch sanitary sewer line under the structure and a 30-inch stormwater outfall. The construction will impact an additional 50 feet of watercourse due to temporary equipment crossing and foundation dewatering.
3. Road B bridge crossing of an unnamed tributary of Trewellen Creek consisting of a 60 linear feet of 20-foot wide by 6.33-foot high concrete arch culvert. The construction will impact an additional 45 feet of watercourse due to temporary equipment crossing and foundation dewatering.
4. Emergency Access road crossing of Trewellen Creek, consisting of 30 linear feet of 29.75-foot high by 8.42-foot high concrete arch culvert. The construction will impact an additional 45 feet of watercourse due to temporary equipment crossing and foundation dewatering.
5. Road E Cul-de-sac crossing of unnamed tributary of Trewellen Creek consisting of 144 linear feet of 8-foot wide by 3-foot high concrete box stream enclosure, including an 18-inch stormwater outfall.
6. Road D crossing of an unnamed tributary of Trewellen Creek consisting of 50 linear feet of 10-foot span by 4.79-foot high concrete arch culvert. The construction will impact an additional 20 feet of watercourse due to temporary foundation dewatering.
7. Relocate the course of an enclosed unnamed tributary of Trewellen Creek to facilitate the construction of Road D and lot 84, by removing 270 linear feet of the downstream segment of an existing 24-inch stream enclosure of an unnamed tributary of Trewellen Creek and to construct in its place 315 linear feet of 36-inch stream enclosure starting at manhole J4 including manhole J5 and endwall J6.
8. Utility line stream crossing of Trewellen Creek by excavating a trench impacting 17 linear feet of stream to placing an 8-inch sanitary sewer line.
The site is on a 74.03-acre area immediately southwest of the intersection of Bethlehem Pike (SR 0309) and Welsh Road (SR 0063) (Ambler, PA USGS N: 14.1 inches; W: 14.3 inches).
Southcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
E22-485. Island Grill, LP, 424 River Road, P. O. Box 296, Dauphin, PA 17018 in the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, ACOE Baltimore District.
To construct and maintain precast columns and associated caissons and retaining walls within the floodway and floodplain of the Susquehanna River (WWF) to construct the City Island Grill restaurant and associated parking on the south side of Market Street on City Island (Harrisburg West, PA Quadrangle N: 0.80 inch; W: 1.58 inches) in the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County.
E31-198. Department of Transportation, Engineering District 9-0, 1620 North Juniata Street, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648 in Hopewell Township, Huntingdon County, ACOE Baltimore District.
To construct and maintain a five-span concrete bridge with a total length of 392 feet across the Raystown Branch Juniata River (WWF) and associated improvements and then to remove the existing structure to improve the traffic condition of SR 3003, Section 001, Segment 30, Offset 1673 in Raystown Lake (Saxton, PA Quadrangle N: 20 inches; W: 13.1 inches) in Hopewell Township, Huntingdon County.
E31-199. Department of Transportation, Engineering District 9-0, 1620 North Juniata Street, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648 in Morris Township, Huntingdon County, ACOE Baltimore District.
To construct and maintain a 15-foot by 5-foot concrete box culvert; a 15-foot by 5-foot concrete channel; an 84-inch by 260-foot long stream enclosure at the channel of; and to relocate: (1) a 1,400-foot long stream channel; and (2) a 850-foot long stream channel of an unnamed tributary to Frankstown Branch Juniata River (WWF) and associated improvements to upgrade the condition of SR 0453, Section 002 in the Village of Water Street (Spruce Creek, PA Quadrangle N: 13.2 inches; W: 2.0 inches; N: 13.85 inches; W: 2.3 inches; N: 14.45 inches; W: 2.55 inches and N: 13.55 inches; W: 2.2 inches) in Morris Township, Huntingdon County.
E36-787. Department of Transportation, Engineering District 8-0, 2140 Herr Street, Harrisburg, PA 17103 in Earl Township, Lancaster County, ACOE Baltimore District.
To remove the existing structure and then to construct and maintain two cells of 11-foot by 3.5-foot box culverts on a 67 degree skew at the channel of an unnamed tributary to Mill Creek (WWF) on SR 1011, Section 002 to improve traffic safety about a mile south of New Holland Borough (New Holland, PA Quadrangle N: 15.0 inches; W: 10.3 inches) in Earl Township, Lancaster County.
Northcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701, (570) 327-3636.
E08-417. Smithfield Township Supervisors, P. O. Box 27, East Smithfield, PA 18817. Culvert replacement in Smithfield Township, Bradford County, ACOE Baltimore District (Ulster, PA Quadrangle N: 18.3 inches; W: 10.9 inches).
To: (1) remove the existing arch corrugated steel pipe which has a span of 8 feet 2 inches and a rise of 5 feet 9 inches; (2) construct and maintain a 40-foot long, 8-foot 7-inch by 5-foot 11-inch ACMP culvert in an unnamed tributary to Sugar Creek (WWF) on T-623 about 0.8 mile south of the intersection of T-623 with Riggs Road; and (3) place R-5 riprap 24 inches deep 6 feet by 10 feet long by 10 feet wide at the outlet end of the pipe. The project will not impact wetlands while impacting about 60 feet of waterway.
E17-400. Treasure Lake Property Owners Association, 13 Treasure Lake, DuBois, PA 15801. Operation and maintenance of Basse Terra Road crossing an unnamed tributary to Gravel Lick Creek in Sandy Township, Clearfield County, ACOE Pittsburgh District (Sabula, PA Quadrangle N: 3 inches; W: 13 inches).
After the fact to repair, operate and maintain the crossing of Basse Terra Road across an unnamed tributary to Gravel Lick Creek (CWF). In accordance with Emergency Permit EP1704504, the public road crossing the unnamed tributary was constructed with a single reinforced concrete culvert pipe that has a minimum diameter of 60 inches and length of 73 feet. All future road crossing repair and maintenance work to be conducted at stream low flow. As proposed the project will not impact wetlands while impacting 80 feet of waterway that is along the western right-of-way of SR 0255 approximately 2.1 miles west of Treasure Lake Road and SR 0255 intersection.
E17-402. Jemsite Development, LLC, 1608 Highway 221 North, Jefferson, NC 28640. Retail store construction in Lawrence Township, Clearfield County, ACOE Baltimore District (Clearfield, PA Quadrangle N: 6.6 inches; W: 3.2 inches).
The applicant proposes to construct a 138,916 square foot retail store with an accompanying parking area and access roadway encompassing 8.28 acres within an existing industrial park. The construction will permanently fill or impact the hydrology of two palustrine wetland habitat areas totaling 0.17 acre. Mitigation for the 0.17 acre of permanent wetland impact, as well as possible future wetland impacts of development within the industrial park, will be addressed through a Consent Order and Agreement between the Department and the Clearfield Foundation, operators of the industrial park.
E18-377. Department of Transportation, Engineering District 2-0, 1924-30 Daisy Street Extension, P. O. Box 342, Clearfield, PA 16830. SR 0120, Section A01, Structure Replacement over Shintown Run in Noyes Township, Clinton County, ACOE Baltimore District (Renovo-West, PA Quadrangle N: 10.5 inches; W: 7.10 inches).
To remove the existing bridge and to construct and maintain: (1) a reinforced concrete culvert with a waterway opening of 230 square feet, a normal clear span of 20 feet and a minimum underclearance of 12 feet; (2) a temporary roadway of two 8-foot diameter pipes (minimum hydraulic opening of 83 SF) and clean fill 20 feet downstream of the existing bridge; (3) a 90-foot long by 10-foot wide earthen/sandbag ditch temporary by-pass around the bridge site. This project proposes to permanently impact 142 feet of Shintown Run (CWF) without any wetland impacts.
E53-404. Department of Transportation, District 2-0, 1924-30 Daisy Street, Clearfield, PA 16830. SR 1020, Section A01 Bridge Replacement in Galeton Borough, Potter County, ACOE Baltimore District (Galeton, PA Quadrangle N: 19.50 inches; W: 3.42 inches).
To remove an existing bridge and to construct, operate and maintain a two span prestressed concrete spread box beam bridge that will carry SR 1029, Section A01, across the West Branch of Pine Creek (HQ-CWF). The two span SR 1020, Section A01, bridge shall be constructed with each span having a minimum clear span of 46 feet. The bridge will also be constructed with a minimum underclearance of 10.92 feet and skew of 90 degrees. All in-stream bridge appurtenances shall be constructed during stream low flow and dry conditions by dams and pumping or fluming stream flow around in-stream work areas. Since West Branch of Pine Creek is a stock trout fishery, no construction or future repair work shall be done in or along the stream channel between March 1 and June 15 without prior written permission from the Fish and Boat Commission. As proposed, the bridge construction project will have no impact to wetlands, while permanently impacting 75 feet of the West Branch of Pine Creek. The project is along the western right-of-way of SR 0144 approximately 1.5 miles west of SR 1020 and SR 0144 intersection. This permit also authorizes construction, operation, maintenance and removal of temporary pedestrian bridge, construction causeway, cofferdams and/or stream diversions. If any altered or added design element is proposed for the temporary structures that were reviewed and approved for issuing this permit, then the permittee shall submit those proposed design revisions to the Department for review and written approval prior to any design changes being made to the temporary structures.
E53-406. Nicolo Tamburo, Two Monaco Avenue, Elmont, NY 11003. Construct, operate and maintain a private bridge across a contributory flood channel associated to First Fork-Sinnemahoning Creek in Wharton Township, Potter County, ACOE Baltimore District (Wharton, PA Quadrangle N: 8.2 inches; W: 3.3 inches).
To remove an existing structure and construct, operate and maintain a private single span bridge across a contributory flood channel associated to First Fork-Sinnemahoning Creek (HQ-CWF). The private single span bridge shall be constructed with a minimum clear span of 38 feet, width of 12 feet and underclearance of 6 feet. Bridge construction and maintenance shall be completed during stream low flow. Since First Fork-Sinnemahoning Creek is a stocked trout fishery, no construction or future repair work shall be done in or along the stream channel between March 1 and June 15 without prior written approval of the Fish and Boat Commission. As proposed the project will not impact wetlands while impacting 40 feet of waterway that is approximately along the western right-of-way of SR 0872 approximately 1.2-miles north of SR 3001 and SR 0872 intersection.
Southwest Region: Water Management Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.
E65-859. City of Greensburg, 416 South Main Street, Greensburg, PA 15601. Mt. Pleasant Street Pedestrian Bridge in the City of Greensburg, Westmoreland County, Pittsburgh ACOE District (Greensburg, PA Quadrangle N: 7.67 inches; W: 5.46 inches and Latitude: 40° 17` 32"--Longitude: 79° 32` 21"). The applicant proposes to construct and maintain a pedestrian bridge, having a span of 10 feet across an unnamed tributary to Jacks Run (WWF) (with concrete sidewalls). The proposed bridge will be constructed on channel constructed as part of the Mt. Pleasant Street Flood Control Project.
Northwest Region: Water Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481.
E61-272, Frenchcreek Township Supervisors, 4505 Georgetown Road Franklin, PA 16323. Whippoorwill Road Bridge Replacement in Frenchcreek Township, Venango County. ACOE Pittsburgh District (Warren, PA Quadrangle N: 2.1 inches; W: 10.0 inches).
The applicant proposes to remove the existing structure and to construct and maintain a single-span bridge with concrete deck having a clear span of approximately 50 feet and an under clearance of approximately 9 feet at a point along Whippoorwill Road spanning Little Sandy Creek (HQ-CWF).
Northwest Region: Oil and Gas Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481, (814) 332-6860.
E24-238. Catalyst Energy, Inc., 120 Shangri Lane, Pittsburgh, PA 15237-3384. Warrant 3773 Pipeline Project in Highland Township, Elk County, ACOE Pittsburgh District (Russell City, PA Quadrangle N: 20.9 inches; W: 7.2 inches).
The applicant proposes to construct approximately 2,800 feet of 4-inch plastic pipeline to transport natural gas from the southeast corner of their Warrant 3773 development to existing sales facilities in the central portion of the same development. The proposed pipeline will cross Crane Run (EV, perennial) by directional drilling. Crane Run is approximately 10 feet wide and 8 inches deep at the crossing location, which is approximately 6,200 feet upstream of the confluence with South Branch Tionesta Creek.
Cambria District: Environmental Program Manager, 286 Industrial Pk. Rd., Ebensburg, PA 15931-4119.
E10-09-001. Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Abandoned Mine Reclamation, Cambria Office, 286 Industrial Park Rd., Ebensburg, PA 15931. Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Project in Cherry Township, Butler County, Pittsburgh ACOE District.
The applicant proposes to backfill several abandoned surface mines, which include a total of 6,550 linear feet of dangerous highwall. The project will include the backfilling of (1) 0.03 acre of PEM wetland and (2) 3.23 acres of open water. In addition, a (3) 2.04-acre open water body will be relocated approximately 40 feet and expanded to (4) 3.26 acres. (5) 1.15 acres of PEM replacement wetland will be constructed onsite to provide mitigation for impacts to the open water bodies. (6) 0.03 acre of off-site advanced compensation wetland constructed in early 2004, under an earlier phase of this project, will replace the impacted wetlands onsite. The project will directly impact 0.03 acre of wetland and 5.27 acres of open water. 0.03 acre of an off-site replacement wetland will be utilized to compensate for wetland impacts. Relocation and enlargement of an existing water body to 3.26 acres and construction of 1.15 acres of onsite replacement wetland will compensate for water body impacts (West Sunbury Quadrangle N: 14.4 inches; W: 3.3 inches).
THE CLEAN STREAMS LAW AND THE FEDERAL CLEAN WATER ACT FINAL ACTIONS TAKEN FOR NATIONAL POLLUTION DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) PERMITS AND WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT (WQM) PERMITS The Department of Environmental Protection (Department) has taken the following actions on previously received applications for new, amended and renewed NPDES and WQM permits, applications for permit waivers and Notices of Intent (NOI) for coverage under general permits. This notice is provided in accordance with 25 Pa. Code Chapters 91 and 92 and 40 CFR Part 122, implementing provisions of The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. §§ 691.1--691.1001) and the Federal Clean Water Act.
Location Permit Authority Application Type or Category Section I NPDES Renewals Section II NPDES New or amendment Section III WQM Industrial, sewage or animal wastes; discharges to groundwater Section IV NPDES MS4 individual permit Section V NPDES MS4 permit waiver Section VI NPDES Individual permit stormwater construction Section VII NPDES NOI for coverage under NPDES general permits Sections I--VI contain actions related to industrial, animal or sewage wastes discharges, discharges to groundwater and discharges associated with municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4), stormwater associated with construction activities and concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). Section VII contains notices for parties who have submitted NOIs for coverage under general NPDES permits. The approval for coverage under general NPDES permits is subject to applicable effluent limitations, monitoring, reporting requirements and other conditions set forth in each general permit. The approval of coverage for land application of sewage sludge or residential septage under applicable general permit is subject to pollutant limitations, pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements, operational standards, general requirements, management practices and other conditions set forth in the respective permit. Permits and related documents, effluent limitations, permitting requirements and other information are on file and may be inspected and arrangements made for copying at the contact office noted before the action.
Persons aggrieved by an action may appeal, under section 4 of the Environmental Hearing Board Act (35 P. S. § 7514) and 2 Pa.C.S. §§ 501--508 and 701--704 (relating to the Administrative Agency Law), to the Environmental Hearing Board, Second Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, P. O. Box 8457, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8457, (717) 787-3483. TDD users should contact the Environmental Hearing Board (Board) through the Pennsylvania Relay Service, (800) 654-5984. Appeals must be filed with the Board within 30 days of publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, unless the appropriate statute provides a different time period. Copies of the appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure may be obtained from the Board. The appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure are also available in Braille or on audiotape from the Secretary of the Board at (717) 787-3483. This paragraph does not, in and of itself, create any right of appeal beyond that permitted by applicable statutes and decision law.
For individuals who wish to challenge an action, appeals must reach the Board within 30 days. A lawyer is not needed to file an appeal with the Board.
Important legal rights are at stake, however, so individuals should show this notice to a lawyer at once. Persons who cannot afford a lawyer may qualify for free pro bono representation. Call the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483 for more information.
I. NPDES Renewal Permit Actions
Southcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, (717) 705-4707.
NPDES Permit
No. (Type)Facility Name and
AddressCounty and
MunicipalityStream Name
(Watershed No.)EPA Waived
Y/N ?
Maple Leaf Acres SubdivisionV. P. Development, Inc.
P. O. Box 67
Temple, PA 19560Berks County
Centre TownshipUNT Schuylkill River
WWFY PA0082571
SEWWest Penn District Grace Brethren Mennonite, Inc.
Camp Mantowagon
P. O. Box 95
Saxton, PA 16678-0095Huntingdon County
Todd TownshipTateman Run
11-DY Southwest Region: Water Management Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.
NPDES Permit
No. (Type)Facility Name and
AddressCounty and
MunicipalityStream Name
(Watershed No.)EPA Waived
Industrial WasteGuardian Industries Corporation
1000 Glasshouse Road
Jefferson Hills, PA 15025Allegheny County
Jefferson BoroughMonongahela River Y
Industrial WasteCentral Indiana County Water Authority
30 East Wiley Street
Homer City, PA 15748Indiana County
Center TownshipYellow Creek Y PA0034185
SewageHigh Meadows MHP
4751 Kendor Drive
Lower Burrell, PA 15068Westmoreland County
Allegheny TownshipAllegheny River Y
SewageMunicipal Authority of the Borough of Cresson
P. O. Box 172
Cresson, PA 16630Cambria County
Cresson TownshipLittle Conemaugh River N Northwest Region: Water Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481.
NPDES Permit
No. (Type)Facility Name and
AddressCounty and
MunicipalityStream Name
(Watershed No.)EPA Waived
Y/N ?
PA0100510 Greenville Metals, Inc.
99 Crestview Drive Extension
Transfer, PA 16154Pymatuning Township
Mercer CountyShenango River
II. New or Expanded Facility Permits, Renewal of Major Permits and EPA Nonwaived Permit Actions
Southeast Region: Water Management Program Manager, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401.
NPDES Permit No. PA0243931, Sewage, James W. Williams, P. O. Box 222, 809 Township Line Road, Wycombe, PA 18980-0222. This proposed facility is in Wrightstown Township, Bucks County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Approval for a new permit to discharge treated sewage from a small flow treatment plant into an unnamed tributary to Mill Creek in Watershed 2F.
Southcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, (717) 705-4707.
NPDES Permit No. PA0247464, Sewage, East Hanover Township, R. D. 2, Box 4323, Grantville, PA 17028-8650. This proposed facility is in East Hanover Township, Dauphin County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Authorization to discharge to Bow Creek in Watershed 7-D.
NPDES Permit No. PA0088293, Sewage, Todd A. Librandi, 93 Airport Drive, Middletown, PA 17057. This proposed facility is in Londonderry Township, Dauphin County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Transfer of permit.
NPDES Permit No. PA0027197, Amendment No. 1, Sewage, The Harrisburg Authority, One Keystone Plaza, Suite 104, Harrisburg, PA 17101. This proposed facility is in Harrisburg City, Dauphin County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Authorization to discharge to Susquehanna River in Watershed 7-C.
NPDES Permit No. PA0080241, Sewage, West Perry School District, High School and Middle School, 2606 Shermans Valley Road, Elliottsburg, PA 17024. This proposed facility is in Spring Township, Perry County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Authorization to discharge to the Montour Creek in Watershed 7-A.
NPDES Permit No. PA0086550, Sewage, Jeffrey and Rose A. Siddens, 65 Stonewall Lane, Alburtis, PA 18011. This proposed facility is in Longswamp Township, Berks County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Authorization to discharge to the receiving water of an unnamed tributary to Swabia Creek in Watershed 2-C.
NPDES Permit No. PA0086266, Sewage, Northern Lancaster County Authority, Kramer Mill Road, 983 Beam Road, Denver, PA 17517. This proposed facility is in Brecknock Township, Lancaster County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Authorization to discharge to the Little Muddy Creek in Watershed 7-J.
NPDES Permit No. PA0082937, Industrial Waste, R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company, 1375 Harrisburg Pike, Lancaster, PA 17601. This proposed facility is in Lancaster City, Lancaster County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Authorization to discharge to an unnamed tributary to the Little Conestoga Creek in Watershed 7-J.
NPDES Permit No. PA0247006, Amendment No. 1, Sewage, Neighborhood Homeowners Association, 6350 Daniel Boone Road, Birdsboro, PA 19508. This proposed facility is in Exeter Township, Berks County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Authorization to discharge to Schuylkill River in Watershed 3-D.
III. WQM Industrial Waste and Sewerage Actions under The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. §§ 691.1--691.1001)
Southcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, (717) 705-4707.
WQM Permit No. 2804404, Sewerage, Roger A. Wingert, 4546 Philadelphia Avenue, Chambersburg, PA 17201. This proposed facility is in Greene Township, Franklin County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Construction/operation of a small flow individual residence spray irrigation system for denitrification consisting of a septic tank, Zabel filter, chlorine disinfection and spray field.
WQM Permit No. 0604407, Sewerage, Keith Brobst, Hamburg Municipal Authority, 61 North Third Street, Hamburg, PA 19526. This proposed facility is in Hamburg Borough, Berks County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Construction/operation of the Ridge Lawn Pump Station on upgrade.
WQM Permit No. 2299409, Sewerage, Todd Librandi, 93 Airport Drive, Middletown, PA 17057. This proposed facility is in Londonderry Township, Dauphin County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Permit transfer.
WQM Permit No. 2204406, Sewerage, East Hanover Township, Dairy Lane Wastewater Treatment Plant, 8848 Jonestown Road, R. D. 2, Box 4323, Grantville, PA 17028-8650. This proposed facility is in East Hanover Township, Dauphin County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Construction/operation of a new sequencing batch reactor wastewater treatment plant, Dairy Lane Wastewater Treatment Plant and Bow Creek Interceptor.
WQM Permit No. 0604404, Sewerage, Birdsboro Municipal Authority, 202 East Main Street, Birdsboro, PA 19508. This proposed facility is in Birdsboro Borough, Berks County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Approval for the construction/operation of sewerage facilities of the replacement of the existing River Road Pump Station with a submersible pump station.
WQM Permit No. 6704403, Sewerage, Penn Township Board of Commissioners, 20 Wayne Avenue, Hanover, PA 17331. This proposed facility is in Penn Township, York County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Approval for the construction of approximately 6,300 LF of 18-inch and 24-inch PVC sewers between Westminster Avenue and Manhole R38, west of Frederick Street (Route 194) in Penn Township, to replace the existing 12-inch Plum Creek Interceptor for anticipated flows from the Homewood at Plum Creek retirement community and other future growth. The 24-inch sewer will tie in to the existing 18-inch sewer owned by Hanover Borough at a new manhole (MH 8-79).
WQM Permit No. 2204407, Sewerage, West Hanover Township Water and Sewer Authority, 7901 Jonestown Road, Harrisburg, PA 17112. This proposed facility is in West Hanover Township, Dauphin County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Approval for the construction of sewerage facilities consisting of a submersible pump station and force main to serve Clover Hill Business Park and surrounding area.
WQM Permit No. 6704410, Sewerage, Dillsburg Area Authority, 4 Barlo Circle, Suite E, Dillsburg, PA 17019. This proposed facility is in Carroll Township, York County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Construction/operation of interceptor, duplex suction lift pump station and 4-inch diameter force main to serve Stonebridge Crossing.
WQM Permit No. 3601405, Amendment 04-2, Sewerage, Black Rock Retreat Association, 1345 Kirkwood Pike, Quarryville, PA 17566. This proposed facility is in Colerain Township, Lancaster County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Installation of equalization tanks to control flow to the recirculating sand filter and a pressure dosing system for the wetland bed.
WQM Permit No. 0603413, Amendment 04-1, Sewerage, Neighborhood Homeowner's Association, 6350 Daniel Boone Road, Birdsboro, PA 19508. This proposed facility is in Exeter Township, Berks County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Installation of five Orenco Systems, Inc. AvanTex 1-Ax20 treatment systems to serve five single family homes.
WQM Permit No. 6703403, Sewerage, West Manheim Township, 31 Fairview Drive, Hanover, PA 17331. This proposed facility is in West Manheim Township, York County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Construction/operation of Area 1 Sewers and Black Mill Road Pump Station.
Southwest Region: Water Management Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.
WQM Permit No. 2685407-A2, Sewerage, Fairchance-Georges Joint Municipal Sewage Authority, 141 Big 6 Road, Smithfield, PA 15478. This proposed facility is in Georges Township, Fayette County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Construction and operation of a .75 mgd average and 3.6 mgd peak flow sequential batch reactor treatment plant.
WQM Permit No. 6304408, Sewerage, Metz Development, Inc., 524 Waterdam Road, McMurray, PA 15317. This proposed facility is in North Strabane Township, Washington County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: to construct approximately 900 feet of 4-inch diameter ductile iron force main and a submersible type wastewater pumping station to serve the Waterdam Farms Phase IIIB Development.
WQM Permit No. 6504402, Sewerage, P. O. Box 748, Belle Vernon, PA 15012. This proposed facility is in Rostraver Township, Westmoreland County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Construction of a pump station, force main and interim sewage treatment plant to serve expanded C. Harper Ford dealership and service center.
WQM Permit No. 6504403, Sewerage, Oak Farm Estates Partners, 27 Barri Drive, Greensburg, PA 15601-4628. This proposed facility is in Penn Township, Westmoreland County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Submersible type wastewater pumping station and force main to serve Oak Farm Estates, Phase V.
Northwest Region: Water Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481.
WQM Permit No. WQG018320, Sewerage, Richard C. Borgeson, P. O. Box 62, Edinboro, PA 16412. This proposed facility is in Cussewago Township, Crawford County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Sewage discharge for a single residence.
IV. NPDES Stormwater Discharges from MS4 Permit Actions
V. NPDES Waiver Stormwater Discharges from MS4 Actions
VI. NPDES Discharges of Stormwater Associated with Construction Activities Individual Permit Actions
Northeast Region: Water Management Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790.
Permit No.Applicant Name and
AddressCounty Municipality Receiving
Water/UsePAG2005404026 Kevin Dempsey
1 Nicholas St.
Middleport, PA 17953Schuylkill Middleport Borough Schuylkill River
CWFPAG2005404028 Russ and Linda Hepler
1751 Chestnut St.
New Ringgold, PA 17960Schuylkill Barry Township Mahanoy Creek
CWF[Continued on next Web Page]
[Continued from previous Web Page]
VII. Approvals to Use NPDES and/or Other General Permits
The EPA Region III Administrator has waived the right to review or object to this permit action under the waiver provision 40 CFR 123.23(d).
List of NPDES and/or Other General Permit Types
PAG-1 General Permit for Discharges from Stripper Oil Well Facilities PAG-2 General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater Associated with Construction Activities (PAR) PAG-3 General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Industrial Activities PAG-4 General Permit for Discharges from Single Residence Sewage Treatment Plants PAG-5 General Permit for Discharges from Gasoline Contaminated Ground Water Remediation Systems PAG-6 General Permit for Wet Weather Overflow Discharges from Combined Sewer Systems PAG-7 General Permit for Beneficial Use of Exceptional Quality Sewage Sludge by Land Application PAG-8 General Permit for Beneficial Use of Nonexceptional Quality Sewage Sludge by Land Application to Agricultural Land, Forest, a Public Contact Site or a Land Reclamation Site PAG-8 (SSN) Site Suitability Notice for Land Application under Approved PAG-8 General Permit Coverage PAG-9 General Permit for Beneficial Use of Residential Septage by Land Application to Agricultural Land, Forest or a Land Reclamation Site PAG-9 (SSN) Site Suitability Notice for Land Application under Approved PAG-9 General Permit Coverage PAG-10 General Permit for Discharge Resulting from Hydrostatic Testing of Tanks and Pipelines PAG-11 (To Be Announced) PAG-12 CAFOs PAG-13 Stormwater Discharges from MS4 General Permit Type--PAG-2
Facility Location and
MunicipalityPermit No. Applicant Name and
Water/UseContact Office and
Telephone No.Warminster Township
Bucks CountyPAG2000904079 Warminster Municipal Authority
NAWC Wastewater Treatment Plant
P. O. Box 2279
Warminster, PA 18974Unnamed tributary Little Neshaminy
WWF, MFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401 (484) 250-5900Haycock Township
Bucks CountyPAG2000904024 Soliday LLC (Corporation)
Soliday LLC Development
703 West Market Street
Perkasie, PA 18944Unnamed tributary Lake Nockamixon Southeast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
(484) 250-5900Bridgeton Township
Bucks CountyPAG2000904071 Robert and Tracy Lessing Subdivision
411 East Columbia Street
Colorado Spring, CO 80907High Falls Creek
TSFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
(484) 250-5900New Britain Township
Bucks CountyPAG2000903050 NPA 17, LP
c/o Nappen and Associates
New Britain Bus Pk.--Lots 17 and 18
119 Keystone Drive
Montgomeryville, PA 18936West Branch Neshaminy Creek
WWF, MFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
(484) 250-5900Warrington Township
Bucks CountyPAG2000904075 Elbow Lane LLC Subdivision
2421 Bristol Road
Warrington, PA 18976
Unnamed tributary Little Neshaminy
WWF, MFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
(484) 250-5900Hilltown Township
Bucks CountyPAG2000904082 FSB Realty
First Service Bank Branch
152 North Main Street
Doylestown, PA 18901East Branch
Perkiomen Creek
TSFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
(484) 250-5900Plumstead Township
Bucks CountyPAG2000904067 Plumstead Center Associates, LLC
Plumstead Shopping Center Expan
5790 Easton Road
Plumsteadville, PA 18949North Branch Neshaminy Creek
WWF, MFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
(484) 250-5900Valley Township
Chester CountyPAG2001504086 Urban Outfitters, Inc. Development
1809 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103Rock Run
TSF, MFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
(484) 250-5900Penn Township
Chester CountyPAG2001504043 Kevin Holt
Holt--184 Sunnyside Road Dev.
1318 Meetinghouse Road
Boothwyn, PA 19061White Clay Creek
CWFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
(484) 250-5900Franklin Township
Chester CountyPAG2001503133 Noelle Barbone
Hyde Property
2939 Columbia Avenue
Suite 1202
Lancaster, PA 17603East Branch White Clay Creek
IWWFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
(484) 250-5900Atglen Township
Chester CountyPAG2001504073 Chetty Builders, Inc.
Applewood Development
511 School House Road
Suite 100
Kennett Square, PA 19348Octoraro Creek/Valley Creek
TSF, MFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
(484) 250-5900Phoenixville Borough
Chester CountyPAG2001504062 Shainline Excavating, Inc.
800 Township Line Road
Phoenixville, PA 19460
Schuylkill River
WWF, MFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
(484) 250-5900London Grove Township
Chester CountyPAG2001504047 Avon Grove School District Stadium Project
275 South Jennersville Road
West Grove, PA 19390
Middle Branch White Clay Creek
TSF, MFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
(484) 250-5900Birmingham Township
Chester CountyPAG2001504083 Jeffrey and Marion White
Jeffery D. White Property
981 Whitetail Lane
West Chester, PA 19390Plum Run
WWF, MFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
(484) 250-5900Cheltenham Township
Montgomery CountyPAG2004604051 Highland Yorktown Associates, LP
Yorktown Development
8120 Old York Road
Elkins Park, PA 19027Tookany Creek
WWFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
(484) 250-5900Lower Pottsgrove Township
Montgomery CountyPAG2004603250 Wilmer Hallman
Sanatoga Ridge Community Phase II
2461 East High Street
Pottstown, PA 19464Sanatoga Creek
WWFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
(484) 250-5900Upper Gwynedd Township
Montgomery CountyPAG2004604137 Department of Transportation
North Penn Work Order 2
7000 Geerdes Blvd.
King of Prussia, PA 19406Wissahickon Creek
TSFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
(484) 250-5900Lower Gwynedd Township
Montgomery CountyPAG2004604143 Phil Guidi
Guidi School House Lane Subdivision
9128 North Bethlehem Pike
Springhouse, PA 19477
Wissahickon Creek
TSFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
(484) 250-5900Limerick Township
Montgomery CountyPAG2004604041 GBH Linfield Partnership
Church Hill Estates
25 Heffner Road
Limerick, PA 19468Schuylkill River
TSFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
(484) 250-5900Franconia Township
Montgomery CountyPAG2004604094 Chad Clemens
Hagey Road Development
562 Melvin Road
Telford, PA 18969Tributary Skippack Creek
TSFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
(484) 250-5900Whitpain Township
Montgomery CountyPAG2004604192 Whitpain Township
North Wales Road Bridge Replacement
960 Wentz Road
P. O. Box 800
Blue Bell, PA 19422Stony Run Creek
TSFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
(484) 250-5900Whitpain Township
Montgomery CountyPAG2004604071 Robert Wagner
Better Living Homes, Inc.
101 Greenbriar Road
Lansdale, PA 19446Tributary to Stony Creek
TSFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
(484) 250-5900Horsham Township
Montgomery CountyPAG2004604079 Centocor, Inc.
200 Great Valley Parkway
Malvern, PA 19355
Little Neshaminy
WWFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
(484) 250-5900Skippack Township
Montgomery CountyPAG2004604070 David Kane
Scheer Tract
3737 Kratz Road
Collegeville, PA 19474Skippack Creek
TSFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
(484) 250-5900Upper Providence Township
Montgomery CountyPAG2004604118 Gambone Brothers Development Co.
Providence Business Park at Oaks
1030 W. Germantown Pike
Fairview Village, PA 19409Unnamed tributary Schuylkill River
WWFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
(484) 250-5900Collegeville Borough
Montgomery CountyPAG2004604105 JPJR Collegeville, LP
Baptist Children's Services
520 Route 22 East
P. O. Box 6817
Bridgewater, NJ 08807Perkiomen Creek
TSFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
(484) 250-5900Douglas and New Hanover Townships
Montgomery CountyPAG2004604001 Berks Montgomery Municipal Authority
Sassamansville Sanitary Sewer System
136 Municipal Drive
P. O. Box 370
Gilbertsville, PA 19525Schlegel Run and Middle Creek
TSF, MFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
(484) 250-5900Franconia Township
Montgomery CountyPAG2004603218 TH Properties
Belmont Estates
345 Main Street
Harleysville, PA 19438Indian Creek
TSFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
(484) 250-5900Jackson Township
Luzerne CountyPAR10R166R Rolling Meadows Dev. Co.
46 Pierce St.
Kingston, PA 18704
Huntsville Creek
CWFLuzerne County Conservation District
(570) 674-7991North Whitehall Township
Lehigh CountyPAG2003904031 North Whitehall Township
3256 Levans Rd.
Coplay, PA 18037
Coplay Creek
CWFLehigh County Conservation District
(610) 391-9583Upper Saucon Township
Lehigh CountyPAG2003904026 Tom Williams
2851 S. Pike Ave.
Allentown, PA 18103
Saucon Creek
CWFLehigh County Conservation District
(610) 391-9583Hazle Township
Luzerne CountyPAG2004004018 Rocco Arruzzo
101 S. Butler Terrace Dr.
Hazleton, PA 18202
Tributary to Black Creek
CWFLuzerne County Conservation District
(570) 674-7991Lehigh Township
Northampton CountyPAG2004804027 Dominic Farole
5290 W. Coplay Rd.
Whitehall, PA 18052
Bertsch Creek
CWFNorthampton County Conservation District
(610) 746-1971Lower Saucon Township
Northampton CountyPAG2004804033 Elena Wiseman
Lehigh Village Homes, LP
3029 N. Front St.
Harrisburg, PA 17110Saucon Creek
CWFNorthampton County Conservation District
(610) 746-1971East Allen Township
Northampton CountyPAG2004804022 Joseph Keglovits
1492 Main St. A
North Catasauqua, PA 18032Catasauqua Creek
CWFNorthampton County Conservation District
(610) 746-1971Lower Saucon Township
Northampton CountyPAG2004804034 John Blair
Blair Custom Homes, Inc.
Route 378 (south) and Walter Ave.
Bethlehem, PA 18016Saucon Creek
CWFNorthampton County Conservation District
(610) 746-1971East Donegal Township
Lancaster CountyPAG2003604070 Triple S Associates
110 Brusen Drive
Lititz, PA 17543Susquehanna River
WWFLancaster County Conservation District
1383 Arcadia Road
Room 6
Lancaster, PA 17601-3149East Hempfield Township
Lancaster CountyPAG2003604083 Mennonite Home
1520 Harrisburg Pike
Lancaster, PA 17601Little Conestoga Creek
WWFLancaster County Conservation District
1383 Arcadia Road
Room 6
Lancaster, PA 17601-3149Upper Leacock Township
Lancaster CountyPAG2003604090 Blackford Development
120 North Pointe Blvd.
Lancaster, PA 17603
UNT Conestoga River
WWFLancaster County Conservation District
1383 Arcadia Road
Room 6
Lancaster, PA 17601-3149Lancaster Township
Lancaster CountyPAG2003604095 Heslin, Bigler and Ramsey/Hogan HE
1821 Oregon Pike
Suite 204
Lancaster, PA 17601Conestoga River
WWFLancaster County Conservation District
1383 Arcadia Road
Room 6
Lancaster, PA 17601-3149East Hempfield Township
Lancaster CountyPAR100383-R LGH Health Campus
2100 Harrisburg Pike
Lancaster, PA 17601
UNT Little Conestoga Creek
WWFLancaster County Conservation District
1383 Arcadia Road
Room 6
Lancaster, PA 17601-3149Manheim Township
Lancaster CountyPAR100424-R Manheim Township Commissioners
1840 Municipal Drive
Lancaster, PA 17601
Little Conestoga Creek
WWFLancaster County Conservation District
1383 Arcadia Road
Room 6
Lancaster, PA 17601-3149Dauphin County
Reed TownshipPAG2002204058 Bruce Corsnitz
228A Mountain Road
Halifax, PA 17032
Powells Creek
WWFDauphin County Conservation District
1451 Peters Mountain Road
Dauphin, PA 17018
(717) 921-8100Dauphin County
Lower Paxton TownshipPAR10I205R Continental Senior Housing Corporation
220 N. 72nd Street
Harrisburg, PA 17111
Spring Creek
WWFDauphin County Conservation District
1451 Peters Mountain Road
Dauphin, PA 17018
(717) 921-8100Dauphin County
Lower Paxton TownshipPAG2002204057 Harrisburg News Company
980 Briarsdale Road
Harrisburg, PA 17109Spring Creek
WWFDauphin County Conservation District
1451 Peters Mountain Road
Dauphin, PA 17018
(717) 921-8100Dauphin County
Lower Paxton TownshipPAG2002204025 Anthony Leo
895 Country Lake Drive
Harrisburg, PA 17111
Beaver Creek
WWFDauphin County Conservation District
1451 Peters Mountain Road
Dauphin, PA 17018
(717) 921-8100Dauphin County
City of HarrisburgPAR10I241R Harrisburg City School District
P. O. Box 2645
Harrisburg, PA 17105-2645
Spring Creek
WWFDauphin County Conservation District
1451 Peters Mountain Road
Dauphin, PA 17018
(717) 921-8100Berks County
Centre TownshipPAG2000604098 Larry Phillips
Phillips Farm--Irish Creek Excavation Fill Site
1047 Irish Creek Road
Mohrsville, PA 19541
Irish Creek
WWFBerks County Conservation District
1238 County Welfare Road
P. O. Box 520
Leesport, PA 19533Berks County
Windsor TownshipPAGA2000604101 Richard Snyder
Snyder Developers
Helene Townhomes
119 West Lancaster Avenue
Shillington, PA 19607Schuylkill River
WWFBerks County Conservation District
1238 County Welfare Road
P. O. Box 520
Leesport, PA 19533Berks County
Leesport BoroughPAG2000604091 Peter Saia
Century Cabinetry
220 Phillips Road
Exton, PA 19341Schuylkill River
WWFBerks County Conservation District
1238 County Welfare Road
P. O. Box 520
Leesport, PA 19533Dauphin County
Lower Paxton TownshipPAG2002204051 Bern 6 LLC
5500 Linglestown Road
Harrisburg, PA 17112
Paxton Creek
WWFDauphin County Conservation District
1451 Peters Mountain Road
Dauphin, PA 17018Cumberland County
Middlesex TownshipPAG2002104047 Trindle Gardens
Larry Hatter and
J. Marc Baurele
Box 1218
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
Letort Spring
CWFCumberland County Conservation District
43 Brookwood Ave.
Carlisle, PA 17013
Cumberland County
Upper Allen TownshipPAG2002104041 United Rentals
P. O. Box 432
Dillsburg, PA 17019
Cedar Run
CWFCumberland County Conservation District
43 Brookwood Ave.
Carlisle, PA 17013
Berks County
Kenhorst TownshipPAG2000604098 John Lis
Lis Construction Inc.
432 Penn Avenue
West Reading, PA 19611
Angelica Creek
CWFBerks County Conservation District
1238 County Welfare Road
P. O. Box 520
Leesport, PA 19533Berks County
Sinking Spring BoroughPAG2000604076 Stephen Muther
Buckeye Pipeline Company
P. O. Box 368
5002 Buckeye Road
Emmaus, PA 18049Caccoosing Creek
WWFBerks County Conservation District
1238 County Welfare Road
P. O. Box 520
Leesport, PA 19533
Berks County
Muhlenberg TownshipPAG2000604102 Lynne Woodside
NGK Metals Corporation
P. O. Box 13367
Reading, PA 19612Laurel Run Creek
WWF and MFBerks County Conservation District
1238 County Welfare Road
P. O. Box 520
Leesport, PA 19533Lancaster County
Conestoga TownshipPAG2003604035 Robert L. Hershey
99 Stehman Road
Lancaster, PA 17603
UNT Sherman Run
WWFLancaster County Conservation District
1383 Arcadia Road
Room 6
Lancaster, PA 17601-3149
Lancaster County
Paradise TownshipPAG2003604078 David S. Fisher
391A Osceola Mill Road
Paradise, PA 17562
Pequea Creek
CWFLancaster County Conservation District
1383 Arcadia Road
Room 6
Lancaster, PA 17601-3149Lancaster County
Penn TownshipPAG2003604079 Creek LLC
214A Willow Valley Lakes Drive
Willow Valley, PA 17584
Little Conestoga Creek
WWFLancaster County Conservation District
1383 Arcadia Road
Room 6
Lancaster, PA 17601-3149Lancaster County
Strasburg BoroughPAG2003604086 Strasburg Volunteer Fire Department
46 West Main Street
Strasburg, PA 17579
UNT Walnut Run
WWFLancaster County Conservation District
1383 Arcadia Road
Room 6
Lancaster, PA 17601-3149Lancaster County
Manheim TownshipPAG2003604087 St. Peters Evangelical Lutheran Church
10 Delp Road
Lancaster, PA 17601Landis Run
WWFLancaster County Conservation District
1383 Arcadia Road
Room 6
Lancaster, PA 17601-3149Lancaster County
East Drumore TownshipPAG2003604091 David S. King
285 Clearfield Road
New Providence, PA 17560
Big Beaver Creek
South Fork
WWFLancaster County Conservation District
1383 Arcadia Road
Room 6
Lancaster, PA 17601-3149Lancaster County
Warwick TownshipPAG2003604094 Buckhill Farm Partnership
1001 Lititz Pike
Lititz, PA 17543UNT Little Conestoga Creek
WWFLancaster County Conservation District
1383 Arcadia Road
Room 6
Lancaster, PA 17601-3149Lancaster County
East Cocalico TownshipPAG2003604100 Ron Good
25 Kurtz Road, Box F
Reamstown, PA 17560
UNT Stony Run
WWFLancaster County Conservation District
1383 Arcadia Road
Room 6
Lancaster, PA 17601-3149Lancaster County
Manheim TownshipPAG2003604101 Calvary Church
1051 Landis Valley Road
Lancaster, PA 17601Huber Run
CWFLancaster County Conservation District
1383 Arcadia Road
Room 6
Lancaster, PA 17601-3149Lancaster County
East Hempfield TownshipPAG2003604104 Healthy Life Style Enterprises
223 Wohlsen Way
Lancaster, PA 17603-4043
Swarr Run
TSFLancaster County Conservation District
1383 Arcadia Road
Room 6
Lancaster, PA 17601-3149Centre County
Spring TownshipPAG2001403007 Carl Bankert
S & A Custom Built Homes
501 Rolling Ridge Dr.
Suite 200
State College, PA 16801Logan Branch
CWFCentre County Conservation District
414 Holmes Ave.
Suite 4
Bellefonte, PA 16823
(814) 355-6817Clearfield County
Bigler TownshipPAG2001704011 Madera Volunteer Fire Co., Inc.
P. O. Box 206
Madera, PA 16661
Clearfield Creek
WWFClearfield County Conservation District
650 Leonard St.
Clearfield, PA 16830
(814) 765-2629Columbia County
Mifflin TownshipPAG2001904008 Loves Travel Stops & Country Stores
P. O. Box 26210
Oklahoma City, OK 73126
Susquehanna River
WWFColumbia County Conservation District
702 Sawmill Road
Suite 204
Bloomsburg, PA 17815
(570) 784-1310Columbia County
Mifflin, S. Centre Townships
Briar Creek Borough
PAG2001903018 Mifflin Township Supervisors
P. O. Box 359
Mifflinville, PA 18631North Branch Susquehanna River
WWFColumbia County Conservation District
702 Sawmill Road
Suite 204
Bloomsburg, PA 17815
(570) 784-1310Lycoming County
City of WilliamsportPAG2004104011 Ronald Kennedy
J & J Inn Partners LLP
303 Country Club Dr.
Williamsport, PA 17701West Branch Susquehanna River
WWFLycoming County Conservation District
542 County Farm Rd.
Suite 202
Montoursville, PA 17754
(570) 433-3003Fayette County
Springfield TownshipPAG2002604033 Atlas Services Corp.
1600 Route 136
Washington, PA 15301
Unnamed tributary to Indiana Creek
CWFIndiana County Conservation District
(724) 463-8547General Permit Type--PAG-3
Facility Location and
MunicipalityPermit No. Applicant Name and
Water/UseContact Office and
Telephone No.York County
Springettsbury TownshipPAR203547 York Operation
Cooper Tools, Inc.
3990 E Market Street
York, PA 17402-2769Kreutz Creek
909 Elmerton Avenue
Harrisburg, PA 17110
(717) 705-4707Bedford County
Saxton BoroughPAR133507 Seton Company
Horton Drive
Saxton, PA 16678-1502
Raystown Branch of
the Juniata River
909 Elmerton Avenue
Harrisburg, PA 17110
(717) 705-4707Lancaster County
Columbia BoroughPAR203531 ITT Industries
Engineered Process Solutions Group
4 West Red Oak Lane
White Plains, NY 10604
Shawnee Run
909 Elmerton Avenue
Harrisburg, PA 17110
(717) 705-4707Bradford City
McKean CountyPAR238312 Graham Packaging Company, LP
2401 Pleasant Valley Road
York, PA 17402-9600Tunungwant Creek
Water Management
230 Chestnut Street
Meadville, PA 16335-3481
(814) 332-6942General Permit Type--PAG-4
Facility Location and
MunicipalityPermit No. Applicant Name and
Water/UseContact Office and
Telephone No.Berks County
Maxatawny TownshipPAG043512 Robert Bunner
949 Bennicoff Road
Kutztown, PA 19530
Mill Creek
909 Elmerton Avenue
Harrisburg, PA 17110
(717) 705-4707Franklin County
Lurgan TownshipPAG043720 Robert L. Boyd
P. O. Box 43
Lurgan, PA 17232UNT Conodoguinet Creek
909 Elmerton Avenue
Harrisburg, PA 17110
(717) 705-4707Cussewago Township
Crawford CountyPAG049012 Richard C. Borgeson
P. O. Box 62
Edinboro, PA 16412Cussewago Creek NWRO
Water Management
230 Chestnut Street
Meadville, PA 16335-3481
(814) 332-6942General Permit Type--PAG-5
Facility Location and
MunicipalityPermit No. Applicant Name and
Water/UseContact Office and
Telephone No.Upper Moreland Township
Montgomery CountyPAG050058 Sunoco, Inc.
20/10 Penn Center
1801 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103Mill Creek Southeast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
(484) 250-5970Richland Township
Allegheny CountyPAG056198 David Tesone Trucking Inc.
5316 William Flynn Highway
Gibsonia, PA 15044
Tributary of Crouse Run
Southwest Regional Office
Water Management Program Manager
400 Waterfront Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745
(412) 442-4000Roscoe Borough
Washington CountyPAG056200 Coen Oil Company
P. O. Box 34
1100 West Chestnut Street
Washington, PA 15301
Monongahela River Southwest Regional Office
Water Management Program Manager
400 Waterfront Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745
(412) 442-4000General Permit Type--PAG-13
Northeast Region: Water Management Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790.
Permit No.Applicant Name and
AddressCounty Municipality Receiving
Water/UseDepartment Protocol
PAG132276 Pottsville City
401 North Centre St.
Pottsville, PA 17901Schuylkill Pottsville City Schuylkill River
West Branch of Schuylkill River
Norwegian Creek
CWFY [Continued on next Web Page]
[Continued from previous Web Page] PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY (PWS) PERMITS The Department of Environmental Protection has taken the following actions on applications received under the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act (35 P. S. §§ 721.1--721.17) for the construction, substantial modification or operation of a public water system.
Persons aggrieved by an action may appeal, under section 4 of the Environmental Hearing Board Act (35 P. S. § 7514) and 2 Pa.C.S. §§ 501--508 and 701--704 (relating to the Administrative Agency Law), to the Environmental Hearing Board, Second Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, P. O. Box 8457, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8457, (717) 787-3483. TDD users should contact the Environmental Hearing Board (Board) through the Pennsylvania Relay Service, (800) 654-5984. Appeals must be filed with the Board within 30 days of publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, unless the appropriate statute provides a different time period. Copies of the appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure may be obtained from the Board. The appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure are also available in Braille or on audiotape from the Secretary of the Board at (717) 787-3483. This paragraph does not, in and of itself, create any right of appeal beyond that permitted by applicable statutes and decision law.
For individuals who wish to challenge an action, appeals must reach the Board within 30 days. A lawyer is not needed to file an appeal with the Board.
Important legal rights are at stake, however, so individuals should show this notice to a lawyer at once. Persons who cannot afford a lawyer may qualify for free pro bono representation. Call the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483 for more information.
Actions taken under the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act.
Northeast Region: Water Supply Management Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790.
Operations Permit issued to Fox Ledge, Inc., R. R. 1, Box 1230, Honesdale, PA 18431, PWS ID 2646395, Mount Pleasant Township, Wayne County on October 15, 2004, for the operation of facilities approved under construction permit minor amendment dated August 5, 2004.
Southcentral Region: Water Supply Management Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
Permit No. 0604514 MA, Minor Amendment, Public Water Supply.
Applicant Maidencreek Township Authority Municipality Maidencreek Township County Berks Type of Facility This permit approves repainting and minor repairs to the existing Treetops and Peter's Spring storage tanks. Both tanks have a capacity of 423,000 gallons. The permittee plans to repaint the interior and exterior of both tanks. Consulting Engineer Gregory T. Unger, P. E.
Systems Design Engineering, Inc.
1032 James Drive
Leesport, PA 19533Permit to Construct Issued October 19, 2004 Operations Permit issued to Dillsburg Area Authority, 7670071, Franklin Township, York County on October 19, 2004, for the operation of facilities approved under Construction Permit No. 6703503 MA.
Northcentral Region: Water Supply Management Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701.
Permit No. Minor Amendment--Construction, Public Water Supply.
Applicant Osceola Township Municipal Authority Township or Borough Osceola Township County Tioga Responsible Official Jon Seely
Osceola Township Municipal Authority
P. O. Box 115
Osceola, PA 16942Type of Facility PWS--Construction. Permit Issued Date October 20, 2004 Description of Action Replacement of their existing 3,000-gallon tank with two 1,200-gallon chlorine contact tanks. Permit No. Minor Amendment--Construction, Public Water Supply.
Applicant Graham Township Township or Borough Graham Township County Clearfield Responsible Official Dan Kent, Township Supervisor
Graham Township
R. R. 1, Box 349
Morrisdale, PA 16858Type of Facility PWS--Construction. Permit Issued Date October 20, 2004 Description of Action Extend Pennsylvania American's waterline to the residents of the Graham Township area. Permit No. Minor Amendment--Construction, Public Water Supply.
Applicant The Pennsylvania State University Township or Borough College Township County Centre Responsible Official Robert E. Cooper, P. E.
Manager, Engineering Services
The Pennsylvania State University
Physical Plant Building
University Park, PA 16802-1118
Type of Facility
PWS--Construction. Permit Issued Date October 20, 2004 Description of Action Addition of polyphosphate for corrosion control at the Bryce Jordan Center. Permit No. Minor Amendment--Operation, Public Water Supply.
Applicant Boggs Township Board of Supervisors Township or Borough Boggs Township County Centre Responsible Official William Griffith, Chairperson
Boggs Township Board of Supervisors
1270 Runville Road
Bellefonte, PA 16823
Type of Facility PWS--Operation. Permit Issued Date October 22, 2004 Description of Action Operation of Well 2. Permit No. 4496031, Amendment 14--Operation, Public Water Supply.
Applicant Tulpehocken Spring Water Co., Inc. Township or Borough Point Township County Northumberland Responsible Official Joseph V. Malloy, President
Tulpehocken Spring Water Co., Inc.
R. R. 1, Box 114T
Northumberland, PA 17857Type of Facility PWS--Operation. Permit Issued Date October 21, 2004 Description of Action Use of 26 new bottled water labels and replacement of the ozone generator. Southwest Region: Water Supply Management Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.
Permit No. 3204502, Public Water Supply.
Applicant Central Indiana County Water Authority
30 East Wiley Street
Homer City, PA 15748Borough or Township Center Township County Indiana Type of Facility Water Treatment Plant Consulting Engineer Bankson Engineers, Inc.
267 Blue Run Road
Indianola, PA 15051Permit to Construct Issued October 12, 2004 Permit No. 1104503, Public Water Supply.
Applicant Greater Johnstown Water Authority
P. O. Box 1287
Johnstown, PA 15907-1287Borough or Township Stoneycreek Township County Cambria Type of Facility Water Treatment Plant Consulting Engineer Gibson-Thomas Engineering Co., Inc.
1004 Ligonier Street
Latrobe, PA 15650Permit to Construct Issued October 20, 2004 Permit No. 5320017-A1, Public Water Supply.
Applicant Beverly Health Care Mountain View Manor
138 Mountain View Drive
Hillsdale, PA 15746Borough or Township Montgomery Township County Indiana Type of Facility Mountain View Manor water system Consulting Engineer Keller Engineers, Inc.
420 Allegheny Street
P. O. Box 61
Hollidaysburg, PA 16648Permit to Construct Issued October 20, 2004 Permit No. 5604501, Public Water Supply.
Applicant Municipal Authority of the Borough of Berlin
700 North Street
Berlin, PA 15530Borough or Township Brothersvalley Township County Somerset Type of Facility Water Storage Tank Consulting Engineer The EADS Group, Inc.
450 Aberdeen Drive
P. O. Box 837
Somerset, PA 15501
Permit to Construct Issued October 25, 2004 Permit No. 0389503-A2, Minor Amendment, Public Water Supply.
Applicant Sugar Creek Rest Home, Inc.
R. D. 2, Box 80
Worthington, PA 16262-9004Borough or Township Sugar Creek County Armstrong Type of Facility Rest home Consulting Engineer R.B. Shannon & Associates, Inc.
314 South Water Street
Kittanning, PA 16201Permit to Construct Issued October 12, 2004 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT
Action on plans submitted under the Storm Water Management Act (32 P. S. §§ 680.1--680.17)
Bureau of Watershed Management, P. O. Box 8555, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8555.
Plan No. 336:60, West Branch Susquehanna River Stormwater Management Plan, as submitted by Union County, was approved on October 14, 2004.
Plan No. 151:11, Little Conemaugh River (Update) Stormwater Management Plan, as submitted by Cambria County, was approved on October 13, 2004.
Plan Approvals Granted under the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act (35 P. S. §§ 750.1--750.20a)
Northwest Region: Water Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481.
Plan Location:
Borough or Township Borough or Township Address County Millcreek Township 3608 West 26th Street
Erie, PA 16506-2037Erie Plan Description: The approved plan provides for the elimination of all overflow events at the Kearsarge Pump Station through pump station upgrades, construction of an overflow retention facility and sanitary sewer diversions within sewers tributary to the Kearsarge Pump Station. Any required NPDES permits or WQM permits must be obtained in the name of the municipality or authority as appropriate.
Plan Disapprovals Granted under the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act
Northcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701.
Plan Location:
Borough or Township Borough or Township Address County Berwick Area Joint Sewer Authority 1108 Freas Ave.
Berwick, PA 18603Columbia Plan Description: This plan was for sewer extensions in Briar Creek Borough and Briar Creek Township, Columbia County. The plan was disapproved because several items were missing from the plan that precluded the Department from determining the Authority's ability to secure funding and implement the proposed project.
HAZARDOUS SITES CLEANUP UNDER THE ACT OF OCTOBER 18, 1988 Proposed Consent Order and Agreement
Interlectric Mercury Site, Clarendon Borough, Warren CountyUnder section 1113 of the Hazardous Sites Cleanup Act (HSCA) (35 P. S. § 6020.1113), the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) has entered into an Agreement with Interlectric Corporation (Interlectric) to remediate the Interlectric Mercury Site (Site), Clarendon Borough, Warren County (41° 47.0252` N latitude and 79° 59.566` W longitude on the USGS Clarendon, PA, 7.5 minute topographic quadrangle map). The Site is a small portion of a former industrial facility that began historically as a petroleum refinery. The facility was owned and operated historically by Tiona Refining Company, Bradford-Penn Oil Company and Bond Electric from the 1920s through the 1960s.
In the past, elemental mercury was released at the site and this mercury contaminated the environment at the site. Under the terms of the settlement, Interlectric will conduct a cleanup of the site by removing mercury and mercury contaminated soils and other materials from the Site for proper off-Site disposal.
The specific terms of this settlement are set forth in the Consent Order and Agreement (Agreement) with Interlectric. The Department will receive and consider comments regarding the Agreement for 60 days from the date of this public notice. The Department has the right to withdraw its consent to the Agreement if the comments concerning the Agreement disclose facts or considerations that indicate that the Agreement is inappropriate, improper or not in the public interest.
After the public comment period, the Department's settlement with Interlectric shall be effective upon the date that the Department notifies Interlectric, in writing, that this Agreement is final and effective in its present form and that the Department has filed a response to significant written comments to the Agreement or that no comments were received.
The Agreement is available for inspection and copying at the Department's office at 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA. Comments may be submitted in writing to James W. Weaver, Project Manager, Department of Environmental Protection, Hazardous Sites Cleanup, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335. Further information may be obtained by contacting James W. Weaver, (814) 332-6648. TDD users should contact the Department through the Pennsylvania Relay Service at (800) 645-5984.
The following plans and reports were submitted under the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (35 P. S. §§ 6026.101--6026.908).
Provisions of Chapter 3 of the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (act) require the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) to publish in the Pennsylvania Bulletin a notice of submission of plans and reports. A final report is submitted to document cleanup of a release of a regulated substance at a site to one of the act's remediation standards. A final report provides a description of the site investigation to characterize the nature and extent of contaminants in environmental media, the basis for selecting the environmental media of concern, documentation supporting the selection of residential or nonresidential exposure factors, a description of the remediation performed and summaries of sampling analytical results which demonstrate that remediation has attained the cleanup standard selected. Submission of plans and reports, other than the final report, shall also be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. These include the remedial investigation report, risk assessment report and cleanup plan for a site-specific standard remediation. A remedial investigation report includes conclusions from the site investigation, concentration of regulated substances in environmental media; benefits of refuse of the property and, in some circumstances, a fate and transport analysis. If required, a risk assessment report describes potential adverse effects caused by the presence of regulated substances. If required, a cleanup plan evaluates the abilities of potential remedies to achieve remedy requirements.
For further information concerning plans or reports, contact the Environmental Cleanup Program manager in the Department regional office after which the notice of receipt of plans or reports appears. If information concerning plans or reports is required in an alternative form, contact the Community Relations Coordinator at the appropriate regional office. TDD users may telephone the Department through the AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.
The Department has received the following plans and reports:
Southeast Region: Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401.
Namico Plant, City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. Paul Martino, P. G., Pennoni Assoc., Inc., 3001 Market St., Philadelphia, PA 19102 has submitted a Remedial Investigation/Remedial Assessment/Cleanup Plan Report concerning remediation of site soil and groundwater contaminated with inorganics, PAH and other organics. The report is intended to document remediation of the site to meet the Site-Specific Standard.
Northeast Regional Field Office, Joseph A. Brogna, Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790, (570) 826-2511.
Sterling Oaks at Lower Nazareth Properties, Lower Nazareth Township, Northampton County. Darryl Borrelli, Manko, Gold, Katcher & Fox, LLP, 401 City Avenue, Suite 500, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 has submitted a Final Report (on behalf of Eric Witmondt, Hidden Oaks, LLP, 119 Cherry Hill Rd., Parsippany, NJ 07054) concerning the remediation of soils found to have been impacted by inorganics. The report was submitted to document attainment of a combination of the Statewide Health and Background Soil Standards. A Notice of Intent to Remediate was simultaneously submitted.
Residential Property Daniel Residence, Penn Forest Township, Carbon County. Guy Sheets, Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., 630 Freedom Business Center, 3rd Floor, King of Prussia, PA 19406 has submitted a Final Report (on behalf of Bethlehem Authority, 10 E. Church Street, Bethlehem, PA 18018) concerning the remediation of soils found to have been impacted by fuel oil no. 2. The report was submitted to document attainment of the Residential Statewide Health Soil Standard. A Notice of Intent to Remediate was simultaneously submitted.
Sheckler Residence, Lehigh Township, Northampton County. Thomas Martinelli, Environmental Scientist, JMT Environmental Technologies, Inc., has submitted a Final Report (on behalf of Jane Sheckler, Main Street, Walnutport, PA 18088) concerning the remediation of soils and groundwater found or suspected to have been impacted by the accidental release of home heating oil contaminated with MTBE. The report was submitted to document attainment of the Residential Statewide Health Standard. A Notice of Intent to Remediate was simultaneously submitted.
Bold's Automotive Service, City of Bethlehem, Northampton County. John Van Wagenen, P. G., Coventry Environmental Associates, Inc., 991 Ridge Road, Bucktown, PA 19465 has submitted a Final Report (on behalf of John Bold, 435 Pembroke Road, Bethlehem, PA 18018) concerning the remediation of soils found or suspected to have been impacted by gasoline. The report was submitted to document attainment of the Residential Statewide Health Standard. A Notice of Intent to Remediate was simultaneously submitted.
Southcentral Region: Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
Reading Eagle Distribution Facility, City of Reading, Berks County. Synergy Environmental, Inc., Center City Executive Centre, 607 Washington Street, Reading, PA 19601, on behalf of Reagle Realty Company, 345 Penn Street, P. O. Box 582, Reading, PA 19603, submitted a Remedial Investigation Report and a Final Report concerning remediation of site soils and groundwater contaminated with lead, chlorinated solvents and other organics. The report is intended to document remediation of the site to a combination of the Statewide Health and Site-Specific Standards.
Envirotest Site, City of Lebanon, Lebanon County. Penn E & R, Inc., 2755 Bergey Road, Hatfield, PA 19440, on behalf of Environmental System Products, Inc., 11 Kripes Road, East Granby, CT 06026, submitted a Final Report concerning remediation of site soils and groundwater contaminated with inorganics, lead and PAHs. The report is intended to document remediation of the site to a combination of the Statewide Health and Site-Specific Standards.
Southwest Region: Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.
Proposed Bausman Street Independent Living Property, City of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County. Mary King, Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc., 333 Baldwin Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15205 (on behalf of Richard Ripley, Ripley & Sons, 1910 South 18th Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15203 and Kevin Hanley, Bauseman Street Independent Living, Inc., 50 South 14th Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15203) has submitted a Final Report concerning remediation of site soil and groundwater contaminated with other organics, inorganics, lead and pesticides. The report is intended to document remediation of the site to meet the Statewide Health Standard.
The Department has taken action on the following plans and reports under the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (35 P. S. §§ 6026.101--6026.908).
Provisions of 25 Pa. Code § 250.8, administration of the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (act), require the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) to publish in the Pennsylvania Bulletin a notice of final actions on plans and reports. A final report is submitted to document cleanup of a release of a regulated substance at a site to one of the remediation standards of the act. A final report provides a description of the site investigation to characterize the nature and extent of contaminants in environmental media, the basis of selecting the environmental media of concern, documentation supporting the selection of residential or nonresidential exposure factors, a description of the remediation performed and summaries of sampling methodology and analytical results which demonstrate that the remediation has attained the cleanup standard selected. Plans and reports required by provisions of the act for compliance with selection of remediation to a site-specific standard, in addition to a final report, include a remedial investigation report, risk assessment report and cleanup plan. A remedial investigation report includes conclusions from the site investigation, concentration of regulated substances in environmental media, benefits of refuse of the property and, in some circumstances, a fate and transport analysis. If required, a risk assessment report describes potential adverse effects caused by the presence of regulated substances. If required, a cleanup plan evaluates the abilities of potential remedies to achieve remedy requirements. A work plan for conducting a baseline remedial investigation is required by provisions of the act for compliance with selection of a special industrial area remediation. The baseline remedial investigation, based on the work plan, is compiled into the baseline environmental report to establish a reference point to show existing contamination, describe proposed remediation to be done and include a description of existing or potential public benefits of the use or reuse of the property. The Department may approve or disapprove plans and reports submitted. This notice provides the Department's decision and, if relevant, the basis for disapproval.
For further information concerning the plans and reports, contact the Environmental Cleanup Program manager in the Department regional office before which the notice of the plan or report appears. If information concerning a final report is required in an alternative form, contact the Community Relations Coordinator at the appropriate regional office. TDD users may telephone the Department through the AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.
The Department has received the following plans and reports:
Southeast Region: Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401.
Christian and Swanson St., 3-7 Christian St., City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. Michael s. Roscoe, P. G., Mid-Atlantic Assoc., Inc., P. O. Box 1128, North Wales, PA 19454-0128 on behalf of Fred Tropea, Stone Creek Homes, Ruggiero Development Group, 75 W. Baltimore Pike, Media, PA 19063 has submitted a Final Report concerning the remediation of site soils contaminated with diesel fuel, fuel oil nos. 1 and 6, inorganics, kerosene, leaded gasoline, lead, MTBE, new motor oil other organics, unleaded gasoline, used motor oil and PAH. The Final Report demonstrated attainment of the Statewide Health Standard and was approved by the Department on October 15, 2004.
Christian and Swanson St., 9-15 Christian St., City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. Michael S. Roscoe, P. G., Mid-Atlantic Assoc., Inc., P. O. Box 1128, North Wales, PA 19454-0128 on behalf of Fred Tropea, Stone Creek Homes, Ruggiero Development Group, 75 W. Baltimore Pike, Media, PA 19063 has submitted a Final Report concerning the remediation of site soils contaminated with diesel fuel, fuel oil no. 1, inorganics, kerosene, leaded gasoline, lead, MTBE, new motor oil, other organics, unleaded gasoline, used motor oil and PAH and groundwater contaminated with chlorinated solvents, diesel fuel, fuel oil no. 6, inorganics, kerosene, leaded gasoline, lead, MTBE, new motor oil, other organics, unleaded gasoline, used motor oil. The Final Report demonstrated attainment of the Statewide Health Standard and was approved by the Department on October 15, 2004.
Christian and Swanson St., 836-844, 846-850 Swanson St., City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. Michael S. Roscoe, P. G., Mid-Atlantic Assoc., Inc., P. O. Box 1128, North Wales, PA 19454-0128 on behalf of Fred Tropea, Stone Creek Homes, Ruggiero Development Group, 75 W. Baltimore Pike, Media, PA 19063 has submitted a Final Report concerning the remediation of site soils contaminated with diesel fuel, fuel oil no. 1 and 6, inorganics, kerosene, leaded gasoline, lead, MTBE, new motor oil, other organics, unleaded gasoline, used motor oil and PAH. The Final Report demonstrated attainment of the Statewide Health Standard and was approved by the Department on October 15, 2004.
Former SPS Technologies, Inc. Facility, Dublin Township, Montgomery County. Kate Gibbons, Environmental Strategies Corp., 334 Elizabeth Ave., Suite B, Somerset, NJ 08873 on behalf of Philip L. Hinerman Esq., 135 Commerce, Inc., Fort Washington, PA 19634 has submitted a Final Report concerning the remediation of site groundwater contaminated with chlorinated solvents. The Final Report demonstrated attainment of the Site-Specific Standard and was approved by the Department on October 19, 2004.
Northeast Region: Joseph A. Brogna, Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790, (570) 826-2511.
Proposed Brookhaven Development, Upper Milford and Hereford Townships, Lehigh and Berks County. Ethan Prout, P. G., American Resource Consultants, Inc., P. O. Box 579, Quakertown, PA 18951 submitted a Remedial Investigation Report (on behalf of Judd Builders and Developers, 1750 Walton Road, Blue Bell, PA 19422-0465) concerning the remediation of soils found to have elevated arsenic concentrations as the result of pesticide application to former orchards. The report was submitted in partial fulfillment of the Site-Specific Standard for soils and was approved on September 13, 2004.
Kerr-McGee Chemical LLC--Avoca Property, Avoca Borough, Luzerne County. David R. Kerschner, P. G., Principal, KU Resources, Inc., One Library Place, Suite 207, Duquesne, PA 15110 submitted a combined Remedial Investigation Report and Risk Assessment Report (on behalf of Kerr-McGee Chemical LLC, P. O. Box 25861, Oklahoma City, OK 73125) concerning the characterization and remediation of site soils found or suspected to be contaminated with lead and other inorganics, PAHs and other organics. The reports were submitted in partial fulfillment of the Site-Specific Standard and were approved on September 9, 2004.
Godshalk Residence (2460 North Delaware Drive), Upper Mount Bethel Township, Northampton County. Kevin S. Keat, Senior Environmental Scientist, MEA Inc., 1365 Ackermanville Road, Bangor, PA 18013 submitted a Final Report and addendum (on behalf of Valerie Godshalk, Swiftwater, PA) concerning the remediation of groundwater found to have been contaminated with no. 2 home heating oil due to an accidental release. The report demonstrated attainment of the Residential Statewide Health Groundwater Standard and was approved on September 9, 2004.
Former Allentown Paint Property, City of Allentown, Lehigh County. Vincent M. Carbone, P. G., Project Geologist, Lawler, Matusky & Skelly Engineers, LLP, The Sovereign Building, 609 Hamilton Mall, Allentown, PA 18101 submitted a revised Final Report (on behalf of Ramzi Haddad, Allen Street Development, Inc., 1111 Sixth Street, Whitehall, PA 18052) concerning the remediation of soils found or suspected of being contaminated with lead, petroleum hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and BTEX components. A final report for this site was previously approved on October 12, 2000, after demonstrating attainment of the Nonresidential Statewide Health Standard. The revised report reflected a change to meet the Residential Statewide Health Standard and was approved on August 23, 2004.
PPL--Quarry Substation (East Market Street), City of Bethlehem, Northampton County. Donald Coleman, P. G., Penn Environmental & Remediation, Inc., 2755 Bergey Road, Hatfield, PA 19440 submitted a Final Report (on behalf of PPL Electric Utilities, 2 North Ninth Street, Allentown, PA 18101) concerning the remediation of site soils found or suspected to be contaminated with PCBs. The report demonstrated attainment of the site to the residential Statewide Health Standard and was approved on August 12, 2004.
Southwest Region: Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.
C. E. Kelly Support Facility/Neville Island Maintenance Facility, Neville Island Allegheny County. John Mason, CHEMHILL, 1700 Market Street, Suite 1600, Philadelphia, PA 19103 (on behalf of Steven R. Lenney, Charles E. Kelly Support Facility, 6 Loubaugh Street, Oakdale, PA 15701) has submitted a Final Report concerning the remediation of site groundwater contaminated with chlorinated solvents. The Final Report demonstrated attainment of the Site Specific Standard and was approved by the Department on September 30, 2004.
Johnstown High School, City of Johnstown, Cambria County. Von E. Fisher, KU Resources, Inc., One Library Place, Suite 207, Duquesne, PA 15110 (on behalf of Donald Irwin, Greater Johnstown School District, 1091 Broad Street, Johnstown, PA 15901) has submitted a Final Report concerning the remediation of site soil and groundwater contaminated with chlorinated solvents, inorganics, leaded gasoline, PAHs, unleaded gas, used motor oil, diesel fuel and other organics. The Final Report demonstrated attainment of the Site-Specific Standard and was approved by the Department on October 5, 2004.
American Refining Group--Indianola Plant, Allegheny County. Key Environmental Inc., Don Blackert, 1200 Arch Street, Suite 200, Carnegie, PA 15106 and American Refining Group, Inc., 3240 William Pitt Way, Pittsburgh, PA 15238 (on behalf of Kinder Morgan Inc., 2010 William Pitt Way, Pittsburgh, PA 15238) has submitted a Final Report concerning the remediation of site soil and groundwater contaminated with BTEX, PAHs and MTBE. The Final Report demonstrated attainment of the Site-Specific Standard and was approved by the Department on October 4, 2004.
Actions on applications for Hazardous Waste Transporter License received under the Solid Waste Management Act (35 P. S. §§ 6018.101--6018.1003) and regulations to transport hazardous waste.
Central Office: Bureau of Land Recycling and Waste Management, Division of Hazardous Waste Management, P. O. Box 8471, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8471.
Hazardous Waste Transporter License Issued
Laidlaw Carriers Van GP, Inc., 1179 Ridgeway Road, Woodstock, ON N4S 8P6. License No. PA-AH0714. Effective October 19, 2004.
Hazardous Waste Transporter License Renewed
Pioneer Tank Lines, Inc., 12501 Hudson Road South, Afton, MN 55001-9751. License No. PA-AH0600. Effective October 19, 2004.
Transport Rollex, LTEE, 910 Boul Lionel-Boulet, Varennes, PQ J3X 1P7. License No. PA-AH0544. Effective October 19, 2004.
T. A. G. Transport, Inc., 2818 Roane State Hwy, Harriman, TN 37748. License No. PA-AH0539. Effective October 19, 2004.
Gary W. Gray Trucking, Inc., P. O. Box 48, Delaware, NJ 07833. License No. PA-AH0474. Effective October 6, 2004.
R.L. Carter Trucking, Inc., 8451 S. State Road 39, Clayton, IN 46118. License No. PA-AH0662. Effective October 6, 2004.
Envirite of Pennsylvania, Inc., 730 Vogelsong Road, York, PA 17404. License No. PA-AH0549. Effective October 4, 2004.
Technic, Inc., 1 Spectacle Street, Cranston, RI 02910. License No. PA-AH S134. Effective September 30, 2004.
Inland Waters Pollution Control, Inc., 2021 S. Schaefer Hwy., Detroit, MI 48217. Effective September 30, 2004.
Actions on applications for Infectious and Chemotherapeutic Waste Transporter License received under the act of July 13, 1988 (P. L. 525, No. 93) (35 P. S. §§ 6019.1--6019.6) and regulations to transport infectious and chemotherapeutic waste.
Central Office: Bureau of Land Recycling and Waste Management, Division of Hazardous Waste Management, P. O. Box 8471, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8471.
Infectious and Chemotherapeutic Waste Transporter License Issued
Onyx Environmental Services, LLC, 1 Eden Lane, Flanders, NJ 07836. License No. PA-HC0221. Effective October 14, 2004.
General Plan Approval and Operating Permit Usage Authorized under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127 to construct, modify, reactivate or operate air contamination sources and associated air cleaning devices.
Southwest Region: Air Quality Program, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745; William Charlton, New Source Review Chief, (412) 442-4174.
GP5-65-965A: Great Lakes Energy Partners LLC (P. O. Box 235, Route 85 and Northern Avenue, Yatesboro, PA 15683) on October 22, 2004, to install and operate a 1,340 hp engine and a 750 mmBtu/hr dehydrator unit at this natural gas production station in East Huntingdon Township, Westmoreland County.
Northwest Region: Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481; Devendra Verma, New Source Review Chief, (814) 332-6940.
62-172: Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc.--Brokenstraw Plant (Route 6 West, Warren, PA 16365) on October 20, 2004, to operate their mobile mineral processing plant in Pittsfield Township, Warren County.
43-300: Atlas Pipeline Pennsylvania, LLC--Hurtt Compressor Station (57 Drake Road, Mercer, PA 16137) on September 27, 2004, to operate two natural gas fired compressor engines in New Wilmington, Mercer County.
43-301: Atlas Pipeline Pennsylvania, LLC--Jackson Center Compressor Station (103 Hosack Road, Jackson Center, PA 16133) on September 27, 2004, to operate a natural gas fired compressor engine in Jackson Center, Mercer County.
43-293: Atlas Pipeline Pennsylvania, LLC--Garvis Compressor Station (275 Center Town Road, Grove City, PA 16137) on September 27, 2004, to operate a natural gas fired compressor engine in Pine Township, Mercer County.
27-030: PA General Energy--Warrant 5138 (Allegheny National Forest Road 5138, Marienville, PA) on October 6, 2004, to operate a natural gas fired compressor engine in Jenks Township, Forest County.
Plan Approvals Issued under the Air Pollution Control Act and regulations in 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter B relating to construction, modification and reactivation of air contamination sources and associated air cleaning devices.
Southeast Region: Air Quality Program, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401; Thomas McGinley, New Source Review Chief, (484) 250-5920.
23-0014E: Kimberly Clark PA LLC (Front Street and Avenue of the States, Chester, PA 19013) on October 22, 2004, to operate a paper machine No. 16 hood dryer in the City Of Chester, Delaware County.
Northwest Region: Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481; Devendra Verma, New Source Review Chief, (814) 332-6940.
24-012D: C/G Electrodes LLC--St. Marys Plant (800 Theresia Street, St. Marys, PA 15857-1898) on October 12, 2004, to reactivate the 25-inch press and dust collector in the Extrusion Department in St. Marys City, Elk County. This is a Title V facility.
10-345A: Allegheny Mineral Corp.--Murrinsville Quarry (102 VanDyke Road, Harrisville, PA 16038) on September 28, 2004, to install a limestone processing facility in conjunction with their new Limestone Mining Operation in Marion Township, Butler County.
37-248F: United States Can Co. (1902 Old Butler Road, New Castle, PA 16101) on September 30, 2004, for the temporary bypassing of the RTO when using compliant coatings during periods of RTO maintenance and malfunctions in Shenango Township, Lawrence County. This is a Title V facility.
10-027E: Penreco (138 Petrolia Street Karns City, PA 16041) on September 29, 2004, to construct a new gas/oil fired boiler rated at 91 mmBtu/hr to replace the existing coal fired boiler in Karns City Borough, Butler County. The new boiler is subject to the New Source Performance Standards for boilers greater than 10 mmBtu and less than 100 mmBtu. The facility is a Title V Facility.
37-290C: Industrial Concerns, Inc. (526 South Jefferson Street, New Castle, PA 16101) on September 22, 2004, to modify plan approval 37-290B for use of a second torch in New Castle, Lawrence County.
Plan Approval Revisions Issued including Extensions, Minor Modifications and Transfers of Ownership under the Air Pollution Control Act and 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.13, 127.13a and 127.32.
Southeast Region: Air Quality Program, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401; Thomas McGinley, New Source Review Chief, (484) 250-5920.
09-0075A: Dunmore Corp. (145 Wharton Road, Bristol, PA 19007) on October 19, 2004, to operate a two coater and mixing equipment in Bristol Township, Bucks County.
46-0036I: Visteon Systems LLC (2750 Morris Road, Lansdale, PA 19446) on October 20, 2004, to operate a selective solder machines 12 and 13 in Worcester Township, Montgomery County.
46-0194A: Freedom Alloys, Inc. (155 Railroad Plaza, Royersford, PA 19468) on October 20, 2004, to operate a 4,000-pound inductotherm furnace in Royersford Borough, Montgomery County.
Northeast Region: Air Quality Program, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790; Mark Wejkszner, New Source Review Chief, (570) 826-2531.
64-303-009: Leeward Construction, Inc. (R. R. 6, P. O. Box 6825, Honesdale, PA 18431) on October 20, 2004, for construction of a batch asphalt plant and associated air cleaning device at their facility in Palmyra Township, Wayne County. The Plan Approval has been extended.
Northcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701; David Aldenderfer, Program Manager, (570) 327-3637.
41-330-004: Sunoco, Inc.--R & M (1109 Milton Avenue, Syracuse, NY 13204) on October 15, 2004, to authorize the use of a different blower than originally approved and to operate a soil vapor extraction system and associated air cleaning device (a biofilter) on a temporary basis until February 12, 2005, in Armstrong Township, Lycoming County. The plan approval and authorization have been extended.
Southwest Region: Air Quality Program, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745; William Charlton, New Source Review Chief, (412) 442-4174.
65-00661B: Derry Construction Co., Inc. (527 Route 217, Latrobe, PA 15650) on October 18, 2004, to authorize the use of waste derived liquid fuel and recycled asphalt (RAPO at their existing Delmont hot mix asphalt plant in Salem Township, Westmoreland County. The Plan Approval for this facility has been revised to change the asphalt production limit from 175,000 tons per year to 250,000 tons per year. The emissions from the facility will remain below major source threshold values and has no impact on work practice standards or emission controls. Plan Approval Special Condition No. 6 has been changed as follows:
Plan Approval Condition 6: Production at the facility shall not exceed 250,000 tons of asphalt in any consecutive 12-month period. The Owner/Operator shall maintain records of daily, monthly and 12-month rolling total for asphalt production, these records shall be kept onsite for a period of 5 years and be made available to the Department upon request. (25 Pa. Code § 127.12b)
03-00234A: Amerikohl Mining, Inc. (202 Sunset Drive, Butler, PA 16001) on October 19, 2004, to operate a portable coal crusher at Yount Surface Mine in Madison Township, Armstrong County. This Plan Approval was extended.
65-00661B: Derry Construction Co., Inc. (527 Route 217, Latrobe, PA 15650) on October 18, 2004, to operate an asphalt plant in Salem Township, Westmoreland County. This Plan Approval was extended.
Northwest Region: Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481; Devendra Verma, New Source Review Chief, (814) 332-6940.
25-006A: Russell Standard Corp.--Wheelertown Road (Wheelertown Road, Union City, PA 16438) on October 12, 2004, to replace an existing asphalt plant in LeBoeuf Township, Erie County.
Operating Permits for Non-Title V Facilities Issued under the Air Pollution Control Act and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter F.
Southeast Region: Air Quality Program, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401; Edward Jurdones Brown, Facilities Permitting Chief, (484) 250-5920.
46-00122: Unisys Corp. (Township and Union Meeting Roads, Blue Bell, PA 19424) on October 22, 2004, to operate a Synthetic Minor Operating Permit in Whitpain Township, Montgomery County.
Southcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110; Ronald Davis, New Source Review Chief, (717) 705-4702.
22-03063: Chemetron Railway Products, Inc. (5600 Stillwell, Kansas City, MO 64120) on October 19, 2004, for a railway track welding operation in Steelton Borough, Dauphin County.
28-03023: Valley Quarries, Inc. (169 Quarry Road, Chambersburg, PA 17201) on October 18, 2004, to operate their Mt. Cydonia Sand Plant No. 2 in Greene Township, Franklin County.
Northcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701; David Aldenderfer, Program Manager, (570) 327-3637.
17-00007: Sensus Metering Systems--North America, Inc. (805 Liberty Blvd., DuBois, PA 15801) on October 14, 2004, issued State-only operating permit for their gas meter and regulator manufacturing facility in DuBois Borough, Clearfield County. The facility's main sources include three natural gas fired boilers, four natural gas fired air make-up units, two restroom heaters, an emergency generator, a paint burnoff oven, three rubber diaphragm curing ovens, three manual spray booths, an automated surface coating operation, two parts cleaners, resin application, shellac application, adhesive application, ink marking and solvent cleaning of glue guns. The State-only operating permit contains all applicable requirements including monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting conditions.
Southwest Region: Air Quality Program, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745; Mark Wayner, Facilities Permitting Chief, (412) 442-4174.
65-00592: Burrell School District (1021 Puckety Church Road, Lower Burrell, PA 15068) on October 18, 2004, to operate Sportz Incinerator at Stewart School in Lower Burrell, Westmoreland County.
Operating Permit Revisions Issued including Administrative Amendments, Minor Modifications or Transfers of Ownership under the Air Pollution Control Act and 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.412, 127.450, 127.462 and 127.464.
Northcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701; David Aldenderfer, Program Manager, (570) 327-3637.
49-00009: Mohawk Flush Doors, Inc. (P. O. Box 112, Northumberland, PA 17858) on October 18, 2004, to incorporate, through and administrative amendment, conditions established in Plan Approval 49-00009A for two new wood door roll coaters and a new wood door spray booth (Booth 5) and conditions established in Plan Approval 49-00009B for a modified wood door spray booth (Booth 4) in Point Township, Northumberland County.
41-00002: Koppers, Inc. (P. O. Box 189, Montgomery, PA 17752) on October 20, 2004, to incorporate, through an administrative amendment, conditions established in Plan Approval OP-41-0008A for a fuel feeding system on a creosoted woodwaste-fired boiler in Clinton Township, Lycoming County.
49-00001: Mt. Carmel Cogen, Inc. (Marion Heights Road, Marion Heights, PA 17832) on October 19, 2004, through the minor operating permit modification requirements of 25 Pa. Code § 127.462, to include conditions for a raw culm grizzly feeder, a .2 million Btu per hour waste oil-fired furnace, eight diesel, lubricating oil and waste oil storage tanks and a gasoline storage tank in Mt. Carmel Township, Northumberland County.
Southwest Region: Air Quality Program, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745; Mark Wayner, Facilities Permitting Chief, (412) 442-4174.
26-00119: Anchor Glass Container Corp. (4343 Anchor Plaza Parkway, Tampa, FL 33634) on October 20, 2004, the Title V Operating Permit was revised to administratively incorporate the applicable provisions of Plan Approval PA-26-119D, issued to allow an increase in the throughput through Furnace 2 and to allow the construction of Decorating Line 3 at this glass manufacturing facility in Connellsville, Fayette County.
Department of Public Health, Air Management Services: 321 University Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19104; Edward Braun, Chief, (215) 823-7584.
S95-069: Ashland Specialty Chemical Co. (2801 Christopher Columbus Blvd., Philadelphia, PA 19148-5103) on October 25, 2004, administratively amended to incorporate an installation permit, add some insignificant activities and correct contact information. The Synthetic Minor Operating Permit was originally issued April 25, 2001.
N96-021: The Curtis Center (Independence Square West, Suite 707E, Philadelphia, PA 19106) on October 25, 2004, administratively amended to incorporate two installation permits and change contact information. The Natural Minor Operating Permit was originally issued September 4, 2001.
De Minimis Emissions Increases Authorized under 25 Pa. Code § 127.449.
Southwest Region: Air Quality Program, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745; Mark Wayner, Facilities Permitting Chief, (412) 442-4174.
65-00137: Allegheny Ludlum Corp. (100 River Road, Brackenridge, PA 15014-1597) to replace the existing 60,000 gallon per hour cooling tower with a new 70,000 gallon per hour cooling tower. The Cooling tower is utilized by the Z-8 Mill. This new equipment will increase PM10 emissions by .09 ton per year, which qualifies as a de minimis increase specified under 25 Pa. Code § 127.449.
[Continued on next Web Page]
Actions on applications under the Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act (52 P. S. §§ 1396.1--1396.19a); the Noncoal Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act (52 P. S. §§ 3301--3326); The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. §§ 691.1--691.1001); the Coal Refuse Disposal Control Act (52 P. S. §§ 30.51--30.66); and The Bituminous Mine Subsidence and Land Conservation Act (52 P. S. §§ 1406.1--1406.21). The final action on each application also constitutes action on the request for 401 Water Quality Certification and the NPDES permit application. Mining activity permits issued in response to the applications will also address the application permitting requirements of the following statutes: the Air Quality Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015); the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act (32 P. S. §§ 693.1--693.27); and the Solid Waste Management Act (35 P. S. §§ 6018.101--6018.1003).
Coal Permits Actions
Cambria District Mining Office: 286 Industrial Park Road, Ebensburg, PA 15931, (814) 472-1900.
32030105 and NPDES Permit No. PA0249131. P & N Coal Co., Inc., P. O. Box 332, Punxsutawney, PA 15767-0332, commencement, operation and restoration of a bituminous surface and auger mine in East Mahoning Township, Indiana County, affecting 54.0 acres. The site is in the Little Mahoning Creek Watershed (HQ-CWF). The operation does not propose to discharge treated mine drainage, but will utilize nondischarge alternatives instead. There are no potable water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. Application received April 3, 2003. Permit issued October 18, 2004.
56030107 and NPDES Permit No. PA0249521. Future Industries, Inc., P. O. Box 157, Meyersdale, PA 15552, commencement, operation and restoration of a bituminous surface mine in Brothersvalley Township, Somerset County, affecting 121.7 acres. Receiving streams: Buffalo Creek and Millers Run (CWF). There are no potable water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. Application received August 26, 2003. Permit issued October 15, 2004.
07920101 and NPDES Permit No. PA0599581. Cooney Brothers Coal Company, P. O. Box 246, Cresson, PA 16630, SMP Transfer to E. P. Bender Coal Company, Inc., P. O. Box 594, Carrolltown, PA 15722 in Allegheny Township, Cambria County, affecting 474 acres. Receiving streams: UNTs to Sugar Run and Sugar Run (CWF). There are no potable water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. Application received March 8, 2004. Permit issued October 21, 2004.
56970104 and NPDES Permit No. PA0234541. Sherpa Mining Contractors, Inc., P. O. Box 4459, 1738 Snowfield Drive, Hidden Valley, PA 15502, surface mine permit renewal in Shade Township, Somerset County, affecting 86.4 acres. Receiving stream: unnamed tributaries to Stoney Creek (CWF). The first downstream potable water supply intake from the point of discharge is the Hooversville Borough Somerset County Municipal Authority Stoneycreek Surface Water Withdrawal. Application received January 24, 2004. Permit issued October 21, 2004.
Moshannon District Mining Office: 186 Enterprise Drive, Philipsburg, PA 16866, (814) 342-8200.
17990124 and NPDES Permit No. PA0242802. River Hill Coal Co., Inc. (P. O. Box 141, Kylertown, PA 16847). Transfer of an existing bituminous surface mine permit from Mark Coal Company in Bigler Township, Clearfield County affecting 73.7 acres. Receiving streams: unnamed tributaries to Muddy Run and Muddy Run. Application received March 29, 2004. Permit issued October 8, 2004.
14030102 and NPDES Permit No. PA0243540. Lee Coal Contracting, Inc. (147 Loop Road, West Decatur, PA 16878). Commencement, operation and restoration of a bituminous surface mine permit in Snow Shoe Township, Centre County affecting 37 acres. Receiving streams: unnamed tributary to Black Moshannon Creek, Moshannon Creek to West Branch Susquehanna River. Application received July 25, 2003. Permit issued October 8, 2004.
17793044 and NPDES Permit No. PA0119334. River Hill Coal Co., Inc. (P. O. Box 141, Kylertown, PA 16847). Renewal of an existing bituminous surface mine permit in Karthaus Township, Clearfield County affecting 112 acres. Receiving streams: unnamed tributary to Marks Run, to Marks Run to Upper Three Runs and Saltlick Run to West Branch Susquehanna River. Application received June 11, 2004. Permit issued October 12, 2004.
Noncoal Permits Actions
Moshannon District Mining Office: 186 Enterprise Drive, Philipsburg, PA 16866, (814) 342-8200.
08040805. David B. Williams (R. R. 2, Box 197, Kingsley, PA 18826). Commencement, operation and restoration of a small industrial minerals (bluestone) permit in Rome Township, Bradford County affecting 3 acres. Receiving streams: unnamed tributary to Parks Creek. Application received April 30, 2004. Application returned: October 14, 2004.
59041003. Terry Jacobson (P. O. Box 32, Sabinsville, PA 16943), authorization to extract noncoal in Nelson Township, Tioga County to supply fill material for the SR 49 Sec. 55M Slide Repair Project. Receiving stream: Cowanesque River, tributary to Chemung River. Application received October 4, 2004. Authorization approved: October 13, 2004.
08990803. Lester West (R. R. 2, Box 248-A1, Wysox, PA 18854). Transfer of an existing small industrial minerals (flagstone) permit from Scott A Dunn in Standing Stone Township, Bradford County affecting 3 acres. Receiving streams: unnamed tributary, tributary to King Creek. Application received June 25, 2004. Permit issued October 15, 2004.
59030801. Harry L. and Joyce M. Horvath (R. R. 1, Box 85A, East State Road, Covington, PA 16917). Commencement, operation and restoration of a small industrial minerals (shale) permit in Covington Township, Tioga County affecting 5 acres. Receiving streams: unnamed tributary, tributary to Tioga River. Application received April 1, 2003. Application returned: October 22, 2004.
59950301 and NPDES Permit No. PA0220086. Jill D. Cross (P. O. Box 240, Mainesburg, PA 16932), transfer of an existing large industrial minerals permit from Clifford Cross, Jr. in Sullivan Township, Tioga County affecting 30 acres. Receiving streams: unnamed tributary to Corey Creek. Application received August 6, 2004. Permit issued October 15, 2004.
59910301 and NPDES Permit No. PA0206580. Jill D. Cross (P. O. Box 240, Mainesburg, PA 16932), transfer of an exiting large industrial minerals permit from Clifford Cross, Jr. in Delmar Township, Tioga County affecting 15.45 acres. Receiving streams: unnamed stream, tributary to Marsh Creek. Application received August 6, 2004. Permit issued October 18, 2004.
59880301 and NPDES Permit No. PA0116327. Jill D. Cross (P. O. Box 240, Mainesburg, PA 16932), transfer of an existing large industrial minerals permit from Clifford Cross, Jr. in Clymer Township, Tioga County affecting 4.41 acres. Receiving streams: Mill Creek, tributary to Cowanesque River. Application received August 6, 2004. Permit issued October 15, 2004
59880302 and NPDES Permit No. PA0116335. Jill D. Cross (P. O. Box 240, Mainesburg, PA 16932), transfer of an existing large industrial minerals permit from Clifford Cross, Jr. in Richmond Township, Tioga County affecting 12.4 acres. Receiving streams: unnamed tributary to Corey Creek. Application received August 6, 2004. Permit issued October 18, 2004.
4977SM6. Jill D. Cross (P. O. Box 240, Mainesburg, PA 16932), transfer of an existing large industrial mineral permit from Clifford Cross, Jr. in Clymer Township, Tioga County affecting 6.35 acres. Receiving streams: Baker Branch of Asaph Run. Application received August 6, 2004. Permit issued October 19, 2004.
Pottsville District Mining Office: 5 W. Laurel Blvd., Pottsville, PA 17901, (570) 621-3118.
6875SM5C and NPDES Permit No. PA0595128. Eastern Industries, Inc. (4401 Camp Meeting Road, Suite 200, Center Valley, PA 18034), renewal of NPDES Permit for discharge of treated mine drainage from a quarry operation in Oliver Township, Mifflin County, receiving stream: unnamed tributary to Strodes Run. Application received March 24, 2004. Renewal issued October 20, 2004.
67870301C6 and NPDES Permit No. PA0010235. York Building Products Co., Inc. (P. O. Box 1708, York, PA 17405), renewal of NPDES Permit for discharge of treated mine drainage from a quarry operation in West Manchester Township, Chester County, receiving stream: Willis Run. Application received August 16, 2004. Renewal issued October 20, 2004.
Actions on applications under the Explosives Acts of 1937 and 1957 (73 P. S. §§ 151--161) and 25 Pa. Code § 211.124. Blasting activity performed as part of a coal or noncoal mining activity will be regulated by the mining permit for that coal or noncoal mining activity.
Blasting Permits Actions
Knox District Mining Office: P. O. Box 669, Knox, PA 16232, (814) 797-1191.
37045003. Demtech, Inc. (65 Bald Mountain Road, DuBois, WY 82513). Blasting activity permit to demolish a bridge in Ellwood City, Lawrence County for ten days. Application received October 20, 2004. Application issued October 21, 2004.
Moshannon District Mining Office: 186 Enterprise Drive, Philipsburg, PA 16866, (814) 342-8200.
14044025. Galen Driebelbis (1535 N. Atherton Street, State College, PA 16804), for construction blasting in Ferguson Township, Centre County, with an expected duration of 48 days. Permit issued October 14, 2004.
Blasting Activity Permits Issued
Pottsville District Mining Office: 5 W. Laurel Blvd., Pottsville, PA 17901, (570) 621-3118.
06044103. Keystone Blasting Service (381 Reifsnyder Road, Lititz, PA 17543), construction blasting for Stonecroft Village in Merion Township, Berks County with an expiration date of December 30, 2005. Permit issued October 18, 2004.
36044111. Hall Explosives, Inc. (2981 Elizabethtown Road, Hershey, 17033), construction blasting for a sewer trench at 187 Merts Drive in Mt. Joy Township, Lancaster County with an expiration date of December 30, 2004. Permit issued October 18, 2004.
09044032. Eastern Blasting Company, Inc. (1292 Street Road, New Hope, PA 18938), construction blasting at The Villages/Arbor Pointe in Buckingham Township, Bucks County with an expiration date of November 13, 2005. Permit issued October 19, 2004.
46044035. Horst Drilling & Blasting, Inc. (141 Ranck's Church Road, New Holland, PA 17557), construction blasting at Rivercrest Phase II in Upper Providence Township, Montgomery County with an expiration date of November 12, 2005. Permit issued October 19, 2004.
09044033. Rock Work, Inc. (1257 DeKalb Pike, R. D. 2, Blue Bell, PA 19422), construction blasting at Thompson Tract, et al in Bedminster Township, Bucks County with an expiration date of September 30, 2005. Permit issued October 19, 2004.
38044020. Warren's Excavating & Drilling, Inc. (P. O. Box 189, Bowmansville, PA 17507-0189), construction blasting at Greystone Development in Jackson Township, Lebanon County with an expiration date of October 1, 2005. Permit issued October 19, 2004.
52044015. Holbert Explosives, Inc. (237 Masthope Plank Road, Suite A, Lackawaxen, PA 18435), construction blasting at Milford Highlands in Milford Borough, Pike County with an expiration date of November 15, 2005. Permit issued October 19, 2004.
06044042. J. Roy's, Inc. (Box 125, Bowmansville, PA 17507), construction blasting at Lenhartsville Pump Station in Greenwich Township, Berks County with an expiration date of October 1, 2005. Permit issued October 19, 2004.
36044088. J. Roy's, Inc. (Box 125, Bowmansville, PA 17507), construction blasting at Distribution Warehouse in East Cocalico Township, Lancaster County with an expiration date of October 1, 2005. Permit issued October 19, 2004.
67044105. Hall Explosives, Inc. (2981 Elizabethtown Road, Hershey, 17033), construction blasting for a development in Newberry Township, York County with an expiration date of January 30, 2005. Permit issued October 19, 2004.
21044103. M & J Explosives, Inc. (P. O. Box 608, Carlisle, PA 17013), construction blasting in West Pennsboro Township, Cumberland County with an expiration date of October 31, 2005. Permit issued October 19, 2004.
06044104. Keystone Blasting Service (381 Reifsnyder Road, Lititz, PA 17543), construction blasting for Racis Auto in South Heidelberg Township, Berks County with an expiration date of October 31, 2005. Permit issued October 20, 2004.
36044112. Keystone Blasting Service (381 Reifsnyder Road, Lititz, PA 17543), construction blasting in Ephrata Township, Lancaster County with an expiration date of November 30, 2004. Permit issued October 20, 2004.
36044113. Gerlach's Drilling & Blasting (172 Bender Mill Road, Lancaster, PA 17603), construction blasting for Green Park III in Rapho Township, Lancaster County with an expiration date of November 1, 2005. Permit issued October 20, 2004.
36044114. Keystone Blasting Service (381 Reifsnyder Road, Lititz, PA 17543), construction blasting in Rapho Township, Lancaster County with an expiration date of November 30, 2005. Permit issued October 20, 2004.
48044039. West End Drilling & Blasting, Inc. (P. O. Box 1646, Brodheadsville, PA 18322), construction blasting at Saddle Creek Residential Estates in Upper Mt. Bethel Township, Northampton County with an expiration date of November 17, 2005. Permit issued October 21, 2004.
45044035. West End Drilling & Blasting, Inc. (P. O. Box 1646, Brodheadsville, PA 18322), construction blasting at Newton Run Lot No. 2 in Middle Smithfield Township, Monroe County with an expiration date of November 30, 2004. Permit issued October 21, 2004.
67044049. Cumberland Valley Drilling & Blasting, Inc. (6820 Wertzville Road, Enola, PA 17025), construction blasting at Cloisters Condominium/The Towns on the Green in Newberry Township, York County with an expiration date of October 31, 2005. Permit issued October 21, 2004.
38044021. Cumberland Valley Drilling & Blasting, Inc. (6820 Wertzville Road, Enola, PA 17025), construction blasting at North Lebanon Business Park in North Lebanon Township, Lebanon County with an expiration date of November 13, 2005. Permit issued October 21, 2004.
09044034. Brubacher Excavating, Inc. (P. O. Box 528, 825 Reading Road, Bowmansville, PA 17507), construction blasting at Richland Township Water Authority Tank Installation in Richland Township, Bucks County with an expiration date of November 18, 2005. Permit issued October 21, 2004.
23044009. Eastern Blasting Company, Inc. (1292 Street Road, New Hope, PA 18938), construction blasting at Northbrook Development in Bethel Township, Delaware County with an expiration date of November 18, 2005. Permit issued October 21, 2004.
64044101. Hayduk Enterprises (P. O. Box 554, Dalton, PA 18414), construction blasting for Hideout Development in Lake Township, Wayne County with an expiration date of December 31, 2005. Permit issued October 21, 2004.
45044104. Hayduk Enterprises (P. O. Box 554, Dalton, PA 18414), construction blasting for Rock Ledge Estates in Price Township, Monroe County with an expiration date of December 31, 2005. Permit issued October 21, 2004.
45044105. Hayduk Enterprises (P. O. Box 554, Dalton, PA 18414), construction blasting for Pocono Construction Community in Pocono Township, Monroe County with an expiration date December 31, 2005. Permit issued October 22, 2004.
49044005. Popple Construction, Inc. (202 Main Street, Laflin, PA 18702) and D. C. Guelich Explosive Company (P. O. Box 29, Bloomsburg, PA 17815), construction blasting at Little Mahoning Crop Wall Phase II (OSM) in Little Mahanoy Township, Northumberland County with an expiration date of October 31, 2005. Permit issued October 22, 2004.
FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT SECTION 401 The Department of Environmental Protection (Department) has taken the following actions on previously received permit applications, requests for Environmental Assessment approval and requests for Water Quality Certification under section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA) (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341).
Except as otherwise noted, the Department has granted 401 Water Quality Certification certifying that the construction and operation described will comply with the applicable provisions of sections 301--303, 306 and 307 of the FWPCA (33 U.S.C.A. §§ 1311--1313, 1316 and 1317) and that the construction will not violate applicable Federal and State water quality standards.
Persons aggrieved by an action may appeal, under section 4 of the Environmental Hearing Board Act (35 P. S. § 7514) and 2 Pa.C.S. §§ 501--508 and 701--704 (relating to the Administrative Agency Law), to the Environmental Hearing Board, Second Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, P. O. Box 8457, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8457, (717) 787-3483. TDD users should contact the Environmental Hearing Board (Board) through the Pennsylvania Relay Service, (800) 654-5984. Appeals must be filed with the Board within 30 days of publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, unless the appropriate statute provides a different time period. Copies of the appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure may be obtained from the Board. The appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure are also available in Braille or on audiotape from the Secretary of the Board at (717) 787-3483. This paragraph does not, in and of itself, create any right of appeal beyond that permitted by applicable statutes and decision law.
For individuals who wish to challenge an action, appeals must reach the Board within 30 days. A lawyer is not needed to file an appeal with the Board.
Important legal rights are at stake, however, so individuals should show this notice to a lawyer at once. Persons who cannot afford a lawyer may qualify for free pro bono representation. Call the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483 for more information.
Actions on applications for the following activities filed under the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act (32 P. S. §§ 693.1--693.27), section 302 of the Flood Plain Management Act (32 P. S. § 679.302) and The Clean Streams Law (35 §§ 691.1--691.702) and Notice of Final Action for Certification under section 401 of the FWPCA (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341).
Permits, Environmental Assessments and 401 Water Quality Certifications Issued
WATER OBSTRUCTIONS AND ENCROACHMENTS Southcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
E06-593. Cumru Township, 1775 Welsh Road, Mohnton, PA 19540 in Cumru Township, Berks County, ACOE Baltimore District.
To construct and maintain a retaining wall within the floodway of a UNT to the Schuylkill River (WWF) to prevent structural failure of Ridgeway Road, (Reading, PA Quadrangle (N: 8 inches; W: 3.5 inches) in Cumru Township, Berks County. The issuance of this permit also constitutes approval of a Water Quality Certification under section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act.
E07-387. Pennsylvania State University, 101P Office of Physical Plant, University Park, PA 16802 in City of Altoona, Blair County, ACOE Baltimore District.
To construct and maintain a pedestrian bridge with a 6-foot wide by 38-foot long span and a minimum underclearance of 7 feet across the channel of an unnamed tributary to Spring Run at a point (Altoona, PA Quadrangle N: 7.05 inches; W: 4.73 inches) within the Altoona Campus in the City of Altoona, Blair County.
E44-123. United States Fish and Wildlife Service, 315 South Allen Street, Suite 322, State College, PA 16801 in Union Township, Mifflin County, ACOE Baltimore District.
To construct and maintain a stream rehabilitation project on Little Kishacoquillas Creek (CWF, perennial) beginning at the confluence of Little Kishacoquillas Creek and Kishacoquillas Creek (Belleville, PA Quadrangle N: 18.3 inches; W: 13.9 inches) and extending to a point approximately 2,250 feet upstream (Belleville, PA Quadrangle N: 19.05 inches; W: 14.05 inches) using a natural stream channel design approach involving floodway excavation, filling and grading, minor channel relocation, the placement of cross vanes, J-hook vanes, mud sills and random boulders for the purpose of eliminating existing channelization, reducing sediment aggradation, improving aquatic habitat and establishing a riparian buffer in Union Township, Mifflin County. The project proposes to directly affect 2,250 linear feet of the channel of Little Kishacoquillas Creek.
Northcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701.
E14-465. Wetlands Habitat Management Inc., 2525 Green Tech Drive, Suite D, State College, PA 16803. Phase 2 Bald Eagle Site in Huston Township, Centre County, ACOE Baltimore District (Port Matilda, PA Quadrangle N: 4.1 inches; W: 12.6 inches).
Applicant is permitted to create 18.2 acres of palustrine wetlands along the flood plain of Bald Eagle Creek (TSF). The site is comprised of two tracts lying just east and west of Steel Hollow Run and immediately south of SR 220. Temporary construction impacts (0.015 acre) are also approved to facilitate access to the site.
E18-376. John R. Cottoni, 129 Crestmont Drive, Lock Haven, PA 17745. Pavilion construction in Woodland Township, Clinton County, ACOE Baltimore District (Lock Haven, PA Quadrangle N: 5.63 inches; W: 4.25 inches).
To: (1) construct and maintain a 32-foot by 42-foot open pavilion on a 5-inch concrete/fiber mix pad; (2) place a 12-foot by 16-foot by 16-foot storage shed on skids; and (3) regrade an area 125 linear feet by 35 feet wide of the site in the 100-year floodway of the West Branch. Susquehanna River (WWF) on a private lot off Eden Lane immediately west of the intersection of Eden Lane with Water Valley Road. The project will not impact wetlands or waterways while disturbing approximately 0.09 acre of earth.
E41-538. Grays Run Club, 2316 Yale Avenue, Camp Hill, PA 17011. Grays Run stabilization in McIntyre Township, Lycoming County, ACOE Baltimore District (Trout Run, PA Quadrangle N: 20 inches; W: 4.2 inches).
To construct, operate and maintain a 250 linear foot stream revitalization project consisting of one rock ''J'' hook vane and one rock ''V'' cross vane. The structures will be constructed out of stone measuring a minimum of 3.7 feet by 3.2 feet by 2.1 feet. All structures shall be constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications.
E41-541. Warren H. Frantz, 435 Rivendell Road, Williamsport, PA 17701. Water Obstruction and Encroachment Joint Permit application in Loyalsock Township, Lycoming County, ACOE Susquehanna River Basin District (Montoursville North, PA Quadrangle N: 7.37 inches; W: 14.23 inches).
To remove an existing 3-foot metal pipe, construct and maintain a 4-foot diameter plastic pipe and two 2-foot diameter plastic pipes to be set above the larger pipe to prevent overtopping in Miller's Run, 2.1 miles north of the intersection of Four Mile Drive and Northway Road along Northway Road. This project proposes to permanently impact 20 linear feet of Miller's Run (WWF) and does not propose to impact any jurisdictional wetlands. This permit was issued under section 105.13(e) ''Small Projects.'' This permit also includes 401 Water Quality Certification.
E59-459. Farmington Township, R. R. 2, Box 800, Lawrenceville, PA 16929. Culvert addition in Farmington Township, Tioga County, ACOE Baltimore District (Elkland, PA Quadrangle N: 15.3 inches; W: 3.2 inches).
To construct and maintain an 8.5-foot diameter by 30-foot long culvert adjacent to an existing 7-foot diameter by 30-foot long culvert in Thornbottom Creek (WWF) on Pleasant Valley Road approximately 0.1 mile west of the intersection of Pleasant Valley Road with Thornbottom Road. A stone headwall with wings will be constructed at the inlet to the culverts and 10 linear feet by 25 feet wide by 10 feet high R-7 riprap and geotextile stabilization will be placed at the outlet end. The project will not impact wetlands while impacting approximately 45 feet of waterway and less than 0.02 acre of earth disturbance.
Public Hearing for NPDES Permit No. PAI020004001 The Department of Environmental Protection (Department) will hold a public hearing to accept comment on individual NPDES Permit Application No. PAI020004001 for the discharge of stormwater from construction activities at the proposed Columbia Gas Transmission Corporation, Forks, Lower Mount Bethel, Washington and Upper Mount Bethel Townships, Northampton County; Smithfield and Middle Smithfield Townships, Monroe County; and Lehman, Delaware and Dingmans Townships, Pike County.
The public hearing will be held on December 14, 2004, at 7 p.m. in the Delaware Township Municipal Building, SR 739, Delaware Township, Pike County by the Water Management Program, Soils and Waterways Section, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790, (570) 826-2553. The hearing is in response to an application submitted by Columbia Gas Transmission Corporation. The NPDES permit application proposes the discharge of stormwater from construction activities to Mud Run, Martins Creek, Little Martins Creek, Oughough Creek, East Fork Martins Creek, Jacoby Creek, Slate Ford Creek, Cherry Creek, Brodhead Creek, Marshalls Creek, Bushkill, Little Bushkill, Delaware River, Toms Creek, Hornbecks Creek, Dingmans Creek, Adams Creek, Long Meadow Brook, Conashaugh Creek and associated UNTs.
The Department requests that individuals wishing to testify at the hearing submit a written notice of intent to Columbia Gas Transmission Corporation Public Hearing, Department of Environmental Protection, Water Management Program, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711. The Department will accept notices up to the day of the hearing. The Department requests that individuals limit their testimony to 10 minutes so that all individuals have the opportunity to testify. The Department can only review comments made with regard to the NPDES Permit Application No. PAI020004001. Written copies of oral testimony are requested. Relinquishing time to others will not be allowed. Individuals attending the hearing will have the opportunity to testify if they so desire. However, individuals who preregister to testify will be given priority on the agenda.
Persons with a disability who wish to testify and require an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodation should contact Christine Domashinski at (570) 826-2511 or the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984 (TDD) to discuss how the Department can meet their needs.
The NPDES permit application is available for review at the Monroe County Conservation District Office, (570) 629-3060, the Northampton County Conservation District Office, (610) 746-7991, and the Pike County Conservation District Office, (570) 226-8220.
For further information, contact Mark Carmon, Northeast Regional Office, (570) 826-2511.
Request for Comment and Notice of Public Meeting for the Proposed Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for the Logway Run Watershed in Centre County The Department will hold a public meeting to discuss and accept comments on a proposed TMDL for the Logway Run Watershed in Centre County. The meeting will be held on November 15, 2004, at 7 p.m. at the Beech Creek Municipal Building, Beech Creek, PA. Individuals who plan to make a presentation at the public meeting should contact John Mital, Moshannon District Mining Office, (814) 342-8200 by 4 p.m. on Friday, November 12, 2004. The Department will consider all comments in developing the final TMDL for the Logway Run Watershed, which will be submitted to the EPA for approval.
The proposed TMDL for the Logway Run Watershed was established in accordance with the requirements of the Clean Water Act, section 303(d). One stream segment in the Logway Run Watershed has been identified as impaired on the 1996 Pennsylvania Section 303(d) list due to depressed pH and/or high concentrations of metals. The listed segment and miles degraded are as follows:
Stream Code (Segment ID) Stream Name Miles Degraded 22701 (7115) Logway Run 0.8 The proposed plan provides calculations of the stream's total capacity to accept metals (aluminum, iron, manganese and acidity), pH and maintain levels below water quality criteria. The applicable water quality criteria are as follows:
Parameter Criterion Value (mg/l) Total Recoverable/Dissolved Aluminum 0.75 Total Recoverable Iron 1.5 Total Recoverable Manganese 1.00 Total Recoverable pH 6.0--9.0 N/A The primary pollutant source for the watershed is abandoned mine workings. This watershed was mined for coal in the 1900s. The effects of this are still present.
The proposed TMDL was developed using Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) to determine long-term average concentrations that each stream segment could accept and still meet water quality criteria 99% of the time. MCS allows for the expansion of a data set based on its statistical makeup. Since there was no critical flow condition where criteria were exceeded, the Department used the average flow to express the loading values in the proposed TMDL. The proposed TMDL for the Logway Run Watershed sets allowable loading rates for metals and acidity at specified points in the watershed. Field data collected over the past 2 years was used to establish the proposed TMDL for the Logway Run Watershed. The data and all supporting information used to develop the proposed TMDL are available from the Department.
The Department will accept written comments on the proposed TMDL for the Logway Run Watershed. Written comments must be postmarked by January 5, 2005, and sent to John Mital, Geologic Specialist, Department of Environmental Protection, Moshannon District Mining Office, 186 Enterprise Drive, Philipsburg, PA 16866, (814) 342-8200, jmital@state.pa.us.
To request a copy of the proposed TMDL and associated information sheet or to obtain directions to the Beech Creek Municipal Building, contact John Mital at the phone number or e-mail address indicated previously.
The proposed TMDL for the Logway Run Watershed can be accessed through the Department's website: www.dep.state.pa.us (DEP Keyword: TMDL). Persons with a disability who require accommodations to attend this meting should contact the Department at (814) 472-1900 or the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984 (TDD users) or (800) 654-5988 (voice users) to discuss how the Department may accommodate their needs.
Request for Comment and Notice of Public Meeting for the Proposed Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for the Middle Branch Big Run Watershed in Centre County The Department will hold a public meeting to discuss and accept comments on a proposed TMDL for the Middle Branch Big Run Watershed in Centre County. The meeting will be held on November 15, 2004, at 7 p.m. at the Beech Creek Municipal Building, Beech Creek, PA. Individuals who plan to make a presentation at the public meeting should contact John Mital, Moshannon District Mining Office, (814) 342-8200 by 4 p.m. on Friday, November 12, 2004. The Department will consider all comments in developing the final TMDL for the Middle Branch Big Run Watershed, which will be submitted to the EPA for approval.
The proposed TMDL for the Middle Branch Big Run Watershed was established in accordance with the requirements of the Clean Water Act, section 303(d). One stream segment in the Middle Branch Big Run Watershed has been identified as impaired on the 1996 Pennsylvania Section 303(d) list due to depressed pH and/or high concentrations of metals. The listed segment and miles degraded are as follows:
Stream Code (Segment ID) Stream Name Miles Degraded 22662 (7112) Middle Branch Big Run 5.5 The proposed plan provides calculations of the stream's total capacity to accept metals (aluminum, iron, manganese and acidity), pH and maintain levels below water quality criteria. The applicable water quality criteria are as follows:
Parameter Criterion Value
(mg/l)Total Recoverable/Dissolved Aluminum 0.75 Total Recoverable Iron 1.5 Total Recoverable Manganese 1.00 Total Recoverable pH 6.0--9.0 N/A The primary pollutant source for the watershed is abandoned mine workings. This watershed was mined for coal in the 1900s. The effects of this are still present.
The proposed TMDL was developed using MCS to determine long-term average concentrations that each stream segment could accept and still meet water quality criteria 99% of the time. MCS allows for the expansion of a data set based on its statistical makeup. Since there was no critical flow condition where criteria were exceeded, the Department used the average flow to express the loading values in the proposed TMDL. The proposed TMDL for the Middle Branch Big Run Watershed sets allowable loading rates for metals and acidity at specified points in the watershed. Field data collected over the past 2 years was used to establish the proposed TMDL for the Middle Branch Big Run Watershed. The data and all supporting information used to develop the proposed TMDL are available from the Department.
The Department will accept written comments on the proposed TMDL for the Middle Branch Big Run Watershed. Written comments must be postmarked by January 5, 2005, and sent to John Mital, Geologic Specialist, Department of Environmental Protection, Moshannon District Mining Office, 186 Enterprise Drive, Philipsburg, PA 16866, (814) 342-8200, jmital@state.pa.us.
To request a copy of the proposed TMDL and associated information sheet or to obtain directions to the Beech Creek Municipal Building, contact John Mital.
The proposed TMDL for the Middle Branch Big Run Watershed can be accessed through the Department's website: www.dep.state.pa.us (DEP Keyword: TMDL). Persons with a disability who require accommodations to attend this meting should contact the Department at (814) 472-1900 or the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984 (TDD users) or (800) 654-5988 (voice users) to discuss how the Department may accommodate their needs.
Request for Comment and Notice of Public Meeting for the Proposed Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for the North Fork Beech Creek Watershed in Centre County The Department will hold a public meeting to discuss and accept comments on a proposed TMDL for the North Fork Beech Creek Watershed in Centre County. The meeting will be held on November 15, 2004, at 7 p.m. at the Beech Creek Municipal Building, Beech Creek, PA. Individuals who plan to make a presentation at the public meeting should contact John Mital, Moshannon District Mining Office, (814) 342-8200 by 4 p.m. on Friday, November 12, 2004. The Department will consider all comments in developing the final TMDL for the North Fork Beech Creek Watershed, which will be submitted to the EPA for approval.
The proposed TMDL for the North Fork Beech Creek Watershed was established in accordance with the requirements of the Clean Water Act, section 303(d). One stream segment in the North Fork Beech Creek Watershed has been identified as impaired on the 1996 Pennsylvania Section 303(d) list due to depressed pH and/or high concentrations of metals. The listed segment and miles degraded are as follows:
Stream Code (Segment ID) Stream Name Miles Degraded 22781 (7116) North Fork Beech Creek 5.9 The proposed plan provides calculations of the stream's total capacity to accept metals (aluminum, iron, manganese and acidity), pH and maintain levels below water quality criteria. The applicable water quality criteria are as follows:
Parameter Criterion Value
(mg/l)Total Recoverable/Dissolved Aluminum 0.75 Total Recoverable Iron 1.5 Total Recoverable Manganese 1.00 Total Recoverable pH 6.0--9.0 N/A The primary pollutant source for the watershed is abandoned mine workings. This watershed was mined for coal in the 1900s. The effects of this are still present.
The proposed TMDL was developed using MCS to determine long-term average concentrations that each stream segment could accept and still meet water quality criteria 99% of the time. MCS allows for the expansion of a data set based on its statistical makeup. Since there was no critical flow condition where criteria were exceeded, the Department used the average flow to express the loading values in the proposed TMDL. The proposed TMDL for the North Fork Beech Creek Watershed sets allowable loading rates for metals and acidity at specified points in the watershed. Field data collected over the past 2 years was used to establish the proposed TMDL for the North Fork Beech Creek Watershed. The data and all supporting information used to develop the proposed TMDL are available from the Department.
The Department will accept written comments on the proposed TMDL for the North Fork Beech Creek Watershed. Written comments must be postmarked by January 5, 2005, and sent to John Mital, Geologic Specialist, Department of Environmental Protection, Moshannon District Mining Office, 186 Enterprise Drive, Philipsburg, PA 16866, (814) 342-8200, jmital@state.pa.us.
To request a copy of the proposed TMDL and associated information sheet or to obtain directions to the Beech Creek Municipal Building, contact John Mital.
The proposed TMDL for the North Fork Beech Creek Watershed can be accessed through the Department's website: www.dep.state.pa.us (DEP Keyword: TMDL). Persons with a disability who require accommodations to attend this meting should contact the Department at (814) 472-1900 or the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984 (TDD users) or (800) 654-5988 (voice users) to discuss how the Department may accommodate their needs.
Request for Comment and Notice of Public Meeting for the Proposed Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for the Elk Creek Watershed in Cambria County Cambria District Mining Office: 286 Industrial Park Road, Ebensburg, PA 15931.
The Department is holding a public meeting on Tuesday, November 16, 2004, at 7 p.m. at the Nanty Glo Firehall, Nanty Glo, PA to discuss and accept comments on a proposed TMDL. The proposed TMDL was established in accordance with the requirements of the 1996 section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act. Four stream segments in the Elk Creek Watershed have been identified as impaired on the 1996, 1998 and 2002 Pennsylvania 303(d) lists due to high concentrations of metals and other inorganics (sulfates). The listed segments and miles degraded are shown as follows:
Stream Code Stream Name Miles Degraded 43257 (Segment 5084) Elk Creek 4.6 43257 (Segment 990222-1030-ALF) Elk Creek 1.6 43257 (Segment 990222-1100-ALF) Elk Creek 1.2 43257 (Segment 990222-1300-ALF) Elk Creek 0.5 The proposed plan provides calculations of the stream's total capacity to accept metals (aluminum, iron and manganese) and pH and maintain levels below water quality criteria. The applicable water quality criteria are as follows:
Parameter Criterion Value (mg/l) Total Recoverable/Dissolved Aluminum 0.75 Total Recoverable Iron 1.5 Total Recoverable Manganese 1.00 Total Recoverable pH 6.0--9.0 N/A The primary pollutant source for the watershed is abandoned mine workings. This watershed was heavily mined for coal in the 20th century. The effects of this are still present. Mining continues in the watershed today. The TMDL consists of both load allocations (LA), which are made to nonpoint sources of pollution and waste load allocations (WLA), which are made to point sources of pollution.
The TMDL was developed using MCS to determine long-term average concentrations that each stream segment could accept and still meet water quality criteria 99% of the time. MCS allows for the expansion of a dataset based on its statistical makeup. Since there was no critical flow condition where criteria were exceeded, the Department used the average flow to express the loading values in the TMDL.
The TMDL sets allowable loading rates for metals and acidity at specified points in the watershed. The basis of information used in the establishment of this TMDL is field data collected throughout 2002.
The data and all supporting information used to develop the proposed TMDL are available from the Department. To request a copy of the proposed TMDL and an information sheet, contact Tom Pongrac, Cambria District Mining Office, 286 Industrial Park Road, Ebensburg, PA 15931, (814) 472-1900, tpongrac@state.pa.us. Directions to the meeting place can also be obtained through this contact. The TMDL can be viewed and printed by accessing the Department's website: www.dep.state.pa.us (DEP Keyword: TMDL).
Written comments will be accepted at the previous address and must be postmarked by January 5, 2005. Persons who plan to make a presentation at the public meeting should notify the Department by 4 p.m. on November 12, 2004. The Department will consider all comments in developing the final TMDL, which will be submitted to the EPA for approval.
Request for Comment and Notice of Public Meeting for the Proposed Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for the Little Deer Creek Watershed in Allegheny County Greensburg District Mining Office: Ron Horansky, Watershed Manager, Armbrust Professional Center, R. D. 2 Box 603-C, Greensburg, PA 15601.
The Department is holding a public meeting on December 2, 2004, at 7 p.m. at the Plum Borough Municipal Building, Plum, PA to discuss and accept comments on a proposed TMDL, established in accordance with the requirements of the 1996 section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act. One stream segment in the Little Deer Creek Watershed has been identified as impaired on the Pennsylvania Section 303(d) list due to metals from AMD. The listed segment and miles degraded is shown in the following table:
Stream Code (Segment ID) Stream Name Miles Degraded 42289 (970801-1100-TVP) Little Deer Creek 7.82 The proposed plan provides calculations of the stream's total capacity to accept iron, aluminum, manganese and acidity, a surrogate for pH, and maintain levels below water quality criteria. The applicable water quality criteria are as follows:
Parameter Criterion Value
(mg/l)Total Recoverable/Dissolved Aluminum (Al) 0.75 Total Recoverable Iron (Fe) 1.50 30-Day Average; Total Recoverable Manganese (Mn) 1.00 Total Recoverable pH 6.0--9.0 N/A The primary pollutant source for the watershed is abandoned mine workings. All of the allocations in the TMDL are LAs assigned to nonpoint sources of pollution.
The TMDL was developed using MCS to determine long-term average concentrations that each stream segment could accept and still meet water quality criteria 99% of the time. MCS allows for the expansion of a dataset based on its statistical makeup. Since there was no critical flow condition where criteria were exceeded, the Department used the average flow to express the loading values in the TMDL.
The TMDL sets allowable loading rates for metals and acidity at specified points in the watershed. The basis of information used in the establishment of this TMDL is field data collected in 2002 and 2003.
The data and all supporting information used to develop the proposed TMDL are available from the Department. To request a copy of the proposed TMDL and an information sheet, contact Ron Horansky, Armbrust Professional Center, R. D. 2 Box 603-C, Greensburg, PA 15601, (724) 925-5500, rhoranksy@state.pa.us. Directions to the meeting place can also be obtained through this contact. The TMDL can be viewed and printed by accessing the Department's website: www.dep.state.pa.us (DEP Keyword: TMDL).
Written comments will be accepted at the previous address and must be postmarked by January 5, 2005. Persons who plan to make a presentation at the public meeting should notify the Department by 3 p.m. on January 3, 2005. The Department will consider all comments in developing the final TMDL, which will be submitted to the EPA for approval.
Request for Comment and Notice of Public Meeting for the Proposed Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for the Plum Creek Watershed in Allegheny County Greensburg District Mining Office: Ron Horansky, Watershed Manager, Armbrust Professional Center, R. D. 2 Box 603-C, Greensburg, PA 15601.
The Department is holding a public meeting on December 2, 2004, at 7 p.m. at the Plum Borough Municipal Building, Plum, PA to discuss and accept comments on a proposed TMDL, established in accordance with the requirements of the 1996 section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act. Five stream segments in the Plum Creek Watershed have been identified as impaired on the Pennsylvania Section 303(d) list due to metals and pH from AMD. The listed segments and miles degraded are as follows:
Stream Code (Segment ID) Stream Name Miles Degraded 42246 (990706-1530-TVP) Plum Creek 4.4
42256 (990608-1000-TVP) Little Plum Creek 2.7
42256 (990712-1100-TVP) Little Plum Creek 4.2
42256 (990609-1330-TVP) Little Plum Creek 3.9
42256 (990609-1245-TVP) Little Plum Creek 1.6 The proposed plan provides calculations of the stream's total capacity to accept iron, aluminum, manganese and acidity, a surrogate for pH, and maintain levels below water quality criteria. The applicable water quality criteria are as follows:
Parameter Criterion Value
(mg/l)Total Recoverable/Dissolved Aluminum (Al) 0.75 Total Recoverable Iron (Fe) 1.50 30-Day Average; Total Recoverable Manganese (Mn) 1.00 Total Recoverable pH 6.0--9.0 N/A The primary pollutant source for the watershed is abandoned mine workings. A WLA is assigned to the active mining permit in the watershed. All of the remaining allocations in the TMDL are LAs assigned to nonpoint sources of pollution.
The TMDL was developed using MCS to determine long-term average concentrations that each stream segment could accept and still meet water quality criteria 99% of the time. MCS allows for the expansion of a dataset based on its statistical makeup. Since there was no critical flow condition where criteria were exceeded, the Department used the average flow to express the loading values in the TMDL.
The TMDL sets allowable loading rates for metals and acidity at specified points in the watershed. The basis of information used in the establishment of this TMDL is field data collected in 2002 and 2003.
The data and all supporting information used to develop the proposed TMDL are available from the Department. To request a copy of the proposed TMDL and an information sheet, contact Ron Horansky, Armbrust Professional Center, R. D. 2 Box 603-C, Greensburg, PA 15601, (724) 925-5500, rhoranksy@state.pa.us. Directions to the meeting place can also be obtained through this contact. The TMDL can be viewed and printed by accessing the Department's website: www.dep.state.pa.us (DEP Keyword: TMDL).
Written comments will be accepted at the previous address and must be postmarked by January 5, 2005. Persons who plan to make a presentation at the public meeting should notify the Department by 3 p.m. on January 3, 2005. The Department will consider all comments in developing the final TMDL, which will be submitted to the EPA for approval.
Request for Comment and Notice of Public Meeting for the Proposed Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for the South Branch Blacklick Creek Watershed in Cambria and Indiana Counties Cambria District Mining Office: 286 Industrial Park Road, Ebensburg, PA 15931.
The Department is holding a public meeting on Tuesday, November 16, 2004, at 7 p.m. at the Nanty Glo Firehall, Nanty Glo, PA to discuss and accept comments on a proposed TMDL. The proposed TMDL was established in accordance with the requirements of the 1996 section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act. Three stream segments in the South Branch Blacklick Creek Watershed have been identified as impaired on the 1996, 1998 and 2002 Pennsylvania 303(d) lists due to depressed pH and/or high concentrations of metals. The listed segments and miles degraded are as follows:
Stream Code Stream Name Miles Degraded 44618 (Segment 5086) South Branch Blacklick Creek 1.02 44618 (Segment 990102-0855-TVP) South Branch Blacklick Creek 1.65 44618 (Segment 990102-0900-TVP) South Branch Blacklick Creek 5.12 The proposed plan provides calculations of the stream's total capacity to accept metals (aluminum, iron and manganese) and pH and maintain levels below water quality criteria. The applicable water quality criteria are as follows:
Parameter Criterion Value
(mg/l)Total Recoverable/Dissolved Aluminum 0.75 Total Recoverable Iron 1.5 Total Recoverable Manganese 1.00 Total Recoverable pH 6.0--9.0 N/A The primary pollutant source for the watershed is abandoned mine workings. This watershed was heavily mined for coal in the 19th century. The effects of this are still present. Mining continues in the watershed today. The TMDL consists of both LAs, which are made to nonpoint sources of pollution and WLAs, which are made to point sources of pollution.
The TMDL was developed using MCS to determine long-term average concentrations that each stream segment could accept and still meet water quality criteria 99% of the time. MCS allows for the expansion of a dataset based on its statistical makeup. Since there was no critical flow condition where criteria were exceeded, the Department used the average flow to express the loading values in the TMDL.
The TMDL sets allowable loading rates for metals and acidity at specified points in the watershed. The basis of information used in the establishment of this TMDL is field data collected throughout 2002.
The data and all supporting information used to develop the proposed TMDL are available from the Department. To request a copy of the proposed TMDL and an information sheet, contact Tim Kania, Cambria District Mining Office, 286 Industrial Park Road, Ebensburg, PA 15931, (814) 472-1900, tkania@state.pa.us. Directions to the meeting place can also be obtained through this contact. The TMDL can be viewed and printed by accessing the Department's website: www.dep.state.pa.us (DEP Keyword: TMDL).
Written comments will be accepted at the previous address and must be postmarked by January 5, 2005. Persons who plan to make a presentation at the public meeting should notify the Department by 4 p.m. on November 12, 2004. The Department will consider all comments in developing the final TMDL, which will be submitted to the EPA for approval.
Request for Comment and Notice of Public Meeting for the Proposed Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for Solomon Creek Watershed in Luzerne County Central Office: Clarence E. Yingling, Jr., Water Supply and Wastewater Management, P. O. Box 8467, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8467.
The Department is holding a public meeting on November 10, 2004, at 7 p.m. at the Hanover Township Building, 1267 Sanssouci Parkway, Hanover Township, PA to discuss and accept comments on a proposed TMDL, established in accordance with the requirements of the 1996 section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act. Two stream segments in the Solomon Creek Watershed have been identified as impaired on the 2004 Pennsylvania 303(d) list due to metals and siltation. The listed segments and miles degraded are as follows:
Stream Code Stream Name Miles Degraded 28352 (Segment 20010718-0900-CJD) Solomon Creek 4.0 28353 (Segment 20010718-0900-CJD) Spring Run 1.9 63991 (Segment 20010718-1120-CJD) Sugar Notch Run 2.6 The proposed plan provides calculations of the stream's total capacity to accept metals (iron, aluminum and manganese) and acidity, a surrogate for pH, and maintain levels below water quality criteria. The applicable water quality criteria are as follows:
Parameter Criterion Value
(mg/l)Total Recoverable/Dissolved Aluminum 0.75 Total Recoverable Iron 1.5 Total Recoverable Manganese 1.00 Total Recoverable pH 6.0--9.0 N/A The primary pollutant source for the watershed is abandoned mine workings. This watershed was heavily mined for coal throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. The effects of this are still present. All of the allocations made in the TMDL are LAs that are made to nonpoint sources of pollution.
The TMDL was developed using MCS to determine long-term average concentrations that each stream segment could accept and still meet water quality criteria 99% of the time. MCS allows for the expansion of a dataset based on its statistical makeup. Since there was no critical flow condition where criteria were exceeded, the Department used the average flow to express the loading values in the TMDL.
The TMDL sets allowable loading rates for metals and acidity at specified points in the watershed. The basis of information used in the establishment of this TMDL is field data collected in 2001 and 2002.
The data and all supporting information used to develop the proposed TMDL are available from the Department. To request a copy of the proposed TMDL and an information sheet, contact Clarence E. Yingling, Jr., Bureau of Water Supply and Wastewater Management, RCSOB, P. O. Box 8467, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8467, (717) 783-2958, cyingling@state.pa.us. Directions to the meeting place can also be obtained through this contact. The TMDL can be viewed and printed by accessing the Department's website: www.dep.state.pa.us (DEP Keyword: TMDL).
Written comments will be accepted at the previous address and must be postmarked by January 5, 2005. Persons who plan to make a presentation at the public meeting should notify the Department by 3 p.m. on November 9, 2004. The Department will consider all comments in developing the final TMDL, which will be submitted to the EPA for approval.
Request for Comment for the Proposed Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for an Unnamed Tributary (24679) to Trout Run in Elk County Central Office: Clarence E. Yingling, Jr., Water Supply and Wastewater Management, P. O. Box 8467, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8467.
TMDLs have been established in accordance with the requirements of the 1996 section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act. One stream segment has been identified as impaired on the Pennsylvania Section 303(d) list due to metals and pH. The listed segment and miles degraded are as follows:
Stream Code Stream Name Miles Degraded 24679 (Segment 981014-0717-BPG) UNT Trout Run 1.1 The proposed plan provides calculations of the stream's total capacity to accept metals (iron, aluminum and manganese) and acidity, a surrogate for pH, and maintain levels below water quality criteria. The applicable water quality criteria are as follows:
Parameter Criterion Value
(mg/l)Total Recoverable/Dissolved Aluminum 0.75 Total Recoverable Iron 1.5 Total Recoverable Manganese 1.00 Total Recoverable pH 6.0--9.0 N/A The primary pollutant source for the watershed is abandoned mine workings. This watershed was heavily mined for coal from the mid-1900s to present day. The effects of this are still present. All of the allocations made in the TMDL are LAs that are made to nonpoint sources of pollution.
The TMDL was developed using MCS to determine long-term average concentrations that each stream segment could accept and still meet water quality criteria 99% of the time. MCS allows for the expansion of a dataset based on its statistical makeup. Since there was no critical flow condition where criteria were exceeded, the Department used the average flow to express the loading values in the TMDL.
The TMDL sets allowable loading rates for metals and acidity at specified points in the watershed. The basis of information used in the establishment of this TMDL is field data collected over the past decade.
The data and all supporting information used to develop the proposed TMDL are available from the Department. To request a copy of the proposed TMDL and an information sheet, contact Clarence E. Yingling, Jr., Bureau of Water Supply and Wastewater Management, RCSOB, P. O. Box 8467, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8467, (717) 783-2958, cyingling@state.pa.us. The TMDL can be viewed and printed by accessing the Department's website: www.dep.state.pa.us (DEP Keyword: TMDL).
Written comments will be accepted at the previous address and must be postmarked by January 5, 2005. The Department will consider all comments in developing the final TMDL, which will be submitted to the EPA for approval.
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 04-2002. Filed for public inspection November 5, 2004, 9:00 a.m.]