OF AGRICULTUREApplication Period for Grants Under the Direct Farm Sales Grant Program; 2012 Project Year [41 Pa.B. 5995]
[Saturday, November 5, 2011]An application period for grants under the Direct Farm Sales Grant Program (Program) administered by the Department of Agriculture (Department), Bureau of Food Distribution (Bureau). For the 2012 Project Year, the application period is November 7, 2011, to December 19, 2011. Information about the Program and application forms can be accessed at the Department's web site at under the Bureau. Application forms are also available by contacting Sandy Hopple, (800) 468-2433.
In summary, the Program provides funds to Commonwealth-based businesses that manage or operate farm stands or farmers' markets, nonprofit organizations, farmers and local governments for projects intended to promote new or existing farmers' markets. Projects must pertain to specialty crops. The maximum grant amount per farm stand or farmers' market location shall be $7,500 and applicants shall be expected to provide 25% of the approved grant amount in matching funds or in-kinds goods or services. The anticipated date for the award of grants and notice thereof is expected to be on or before February 1, 2012. The application, work plan and budget should reflect March 1, 2012, as the project start date and the project completion date will be September 30, 2012.
Applications for the Program will be accepted by the Department beginning Monday, November 7, 2011, and continue through Monday, December 19, 2011. Applications to be hand-delivered must be received by 4 p.m. in the Bureau on Monday, December 19, 2011, the closing date. Applications which are mailed must be postmarked no later than Monday, December 19, 2011, and received no later than December 23, 2011.
Completed applications should be addressed to or delivered to Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Food Distribution, Direct Farm Sales Grant Program, 2301 North Cameron Street, Room 401, Harrisburg, PA 17110-9408.
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 11-1878. Filed for public inspection November 4, 2011, 9:00 a.m.]