Title 255--LOCAL
COURT RULESCARBON COUNTY Arrest Procedures in Delinquency Cases--Designation of Issuing Authorities; No. AD 2-2005 [35 Pa.B. 6091] Administrative Order No. 15-2005 And Now, this 19th day of October, 2005, in compliance with Pennsylvania Rule of Juvenile Court Procedure 210 (A) regarding arrest warrant applications for juveniles in delinquency matters, it is hereby
Ordered and Decreed that, effective immediately, the following are designated as issuing authorities for arrest warrants for juveniles in delinquency cases:
1. Any judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Carbon County--Fifty-Sixth Judicial District; and
2. Any magisterial district judge of Carbon County--Fifty-Sixth Judicial District.
It is Further Ordered and Decreed that when the Carbon County Courthouse is closed, applications under Rule 210 shall be submitted to the ''on-duty'' magisterial district judge.
The Carbon County District Court Administrator is Ordered and Directed to do the following:
1. File seven (7) certified copies of this Administrative Order with the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts.
2. File two (2) certified copies and one (1) diskette with the Legislative Reference Bureau for publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
3. File one (1) certified copy with the Pennsylvania Juvenile Court Procedural Rules Committee.
4. Forward one (1) copy for publication in the Carbon County Law Journal.
5. Forward one (1) copy to the Carbon County Law Library.
6. Keep continuously available for public inspection copies of this Administrative Order in the Juvenile Court's Office.
By the Court
President Judge[Pa.B. Doc. No. 05-2014. Filed for public inspection November 4, 2005, 9:00 a.m.]