2140 Local rules of judicial administration; administrative order no. 49 of 2012?  

  • Title 255—LOCAL


    Local Rules of Judicial Administration; Administrative Order No. 49 of 2012

    [42 Pa.B. 6887]
    [Saturday, November 3, 2012]

    Order of Court

    And Now, this 18th day of October, 2012, the Court hereby adopts the Local Rules of Judicial Administration follows as Exhibit ''A.'' Upon these rules becoming effective, the current Local Rules of Judicial Administration are rescinded.

     These rules shall become effective thirty (30) days after publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.

     It is further directed that:

     1. This Order shall be filed in the Office of Prothonotary of Adams County and a copy thereof shall be filed with the Adams County Clerk of Courts and the Adams County Law Library for inspection and copying;

     2. Seven (7) certified copies of this Order shall be forwarded to the Administrative Office of the Pennsylvania Courts for distribution in accordance with the provisions of Pa. R.J.A. No. 203(c)(2); and

     3. Two (2) certified copies of this Order together with a computer diskette that complies with the requirement of 1 Pa. Code § 13.11(b) containing the text of the local rules adopted hereby shall be distributed to the Legislative Reference Bureau for publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.

    By the Court

    JOHN D. KUHN, 
    President Judge

    Adams County Rules of Judicial Administration

    1—99. Applicability.

    1. Offices To Which Rules Apply. The Rules adopted under this chapter shall apply to all offices in the Adams County court system unless the context indicates otherwise. Offices in the court system shall include the offices of Magisterial District Judges, the Clerk of Courts, Orphans' Court Division, Criminal and Miscellaneous Sections, and the Prothonotary. In some instances these rules will also apply to the Sheriff, Register of Wills and Recorder of Deeds.

    2. Supplement To State Rules. Local rules are intended to supplement State rules and shall be read in context with those rules. In case of a conflict the rules adopted by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court shall prevail.

    3. Citation To Local Rules. Local rules may be cited:

     Adams C.R.J.A. (number)—Rules of Judicial Administration

     Adams C.Civ.R. (number)—Rules of Civil Procedure

     Adams C.Crim.R. (number)—Rules of Criminal Procedure

     Adams C.Juv.R. (number)—Rules of Juvenile Court Procedure

     Adams C.O.R. (number)—Rules of Orphans' Court Procedure

     They may also be cited as Local (R.J.A., Civ., Crim., Juv., O.C.) Rule (number).

    100—199. Administrative Matters.

    101. Court Calendar.

     The Court shall promulgate a court calendar annually. There shall be included therein no less than twelve (12) weeks set aside for criminal jury trials and no less than seven (7) weeks set aside for civil jury trials. The Prothonotary and Clerk shall prepare a list of cases scheduled for hearing, trial, argument or other action at lease five (5) days prior to a specified calendar day and provide each judge presiding over such cases with a copy thereof. Other than summary appeals, the hearing list shall reflect matters listed for hearing at least ten (10) days prior to hearing date. The list may be supplemented by order or with approval of a judge.

    110. Legal Journal.

     The Adams County Legal Journal is designated for the publication of Court or other legal notices as required by the various statutes, laws, rules, orders or decrees of the Court in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

    120. Bulletin Board.

     Both the Prothonotary and Clerk of Courts shall maintain in public view a bulletin board for the purpose of posting required notices.

    130. Law Library.

     A. Research and Reference Facility: The Adams County Law Library shall be used as a research facility by the Court, county officials, and county attorneys, in accordance with law, and subject to rules promulgated by the Law Library Committee and approved by the Court. In furtherance of a desire to maintain the Adams County Law Library as a complete County Reference Law Library, the following publications are to be provided for the law library:

     1. All published slip opinions authored by the Adams County Court shall be delivered to the Adams County Law Library which shall hereinafter act as a depository for said Opinions.

     2. All ordinances of municipalities and townships, including Zoning Ordinances, shall be made available to the Adams County Law Library.

     B. Open to the public: The Adams County Law Library shall be a facility open to the general public subject to rules promulgated by the Law Library Committee and approved by the Court.

     C. Law Library Committee: The President Judge shall appoint a chairman and committee to operate and maintain the Adams County Law Library. Committee members shall be selected from members of the Adams County Bar Association and shall serve at the pleasure of the President Judge. The committee may deal directly with the Adams County Commissioners in budgetary matters. The committee shall annually file a report and accounting with the Court. Upon approval, the report shall be filed of record in the Prothonotary's Office.

     D. Rules. Until changed, the following rules shall apply:

     1. The library is open to the public during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except during those times when the Courthouse is closed.

     2. The Adams County Law Library is intended primarily for a reference library. No books may be taken out by members of the general public. Limited borrowing privileges are as follows:

     a. All books must be returned within three (3) days from the date that they are signed out, in a register provided and located at the desk in the law library. Violation of this provision shall subject the violator to the following penalties:

     i. Books held beyond thirty (30) days—library privileges to be revoked and offender to be reported to the Adams County Court.

     ii. After thirty (30) days, the offender will be billed for the replacement cost of the volume(s) held.

     b. The following books are for reference only and may not be taken out of the law library: Purdons Statutes, Pennsylvania Law Encyclopedia, United States Code Annotated, U.S. Code Service, all Slip Opinions, Court Rules, Dictionaries, Directories, Shepard Citations, Pennsylvania Code, Pennsylvania Bulletin, and all other books maintained on shelves that are marked indicating that the contents may not be removed.

     3. For all materials which are in circulation and borrowed from the library, authorized individuals shall sign the register and indicate the volume number and title, the borrower's name (judge, attorney, or county official), address or department and the date that the volume was removed. Every item taken from the library must be signed out. When the item is returned to the library, the register must be signed to indicate the date that the item was returned. The item should be re-shelved when it is returned to the library.

     4. The photocopier in the law library is for the convenience of all persons authorized to use the law library. Use is restricted to making reasonable numbers of copies of library material. The Committee may subject the copier's use to conditions and restrictions by posting same by or on the copier and may revoke any person's usage privileges. The copy machine should be turned off after use.

     5. These rules shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the Adams County Law Library.

    140. Photographs and Broadcasting.

     A. No pictures or photographs shall be taken immediately preceding or during sessions of this Court or recesses between sessions, in any of the courtrooms or at any place in the courthouse within forty (40) feet of the entrance of such courtroom unless specially allowed by the President Judge.

     B. No Court proceeding shall be broadcast or televised, nor shall any court proceeding be mechanically or electronically recorded, except by the official court reporter unless specifically allowed by the President Judge or the Judge presiding over that proceeding.

     C. No pictures or photographs of any party to civil, criminal, orphans or juvenile action, juror, or witness shall be taken in the law library or in any office or other room of the courthouse, except with the knowledge and consent of the person or persons photographed.

    150. Extended hearing.

     An extended hearing is defined as one requiring two or more hours. Parties requesting a hearing, whether by order or praecipe, shall certify whether the hearing can reasonably be expected to become an extended hearing. The Court will then schedule the matter for conference or hearing as deemed appropriate by the Court.

    160. Termination of Inactive Cases.

     A. The Clerk of Courts, the Prothonotary, and each Magisterial District Judge shall annually review cases pending in his/her respective office on or before the first day in July. The Officer shall compile a list of cases in which there has been no docket activity for a period of two (2) years or more. The Officer shall, at least sixty (60) days prior to September 15, give notice to the parties and counsel either (a) in person, (b) by regular mail, addressed to the last address of record, or (c) by publication when notice by mail cannot be given or has been returned undelivered, that after that date the case will be considered by the Court for dismissal. The notice shall comply with the provisions of Pa. Rules of Judicial Administration 1901 and Pa. Rule of Civil Procedure 230.2.

     B. If no statement of intention to proceed is made, the Court will summarily dismiss the case any time after September 15 or sixty (60) days after service of the notice, whichever is later. If a statement of intention to proceed is made, the Court may either schedule a hearing or continue the case on active status for a period of one (1) year.

     C. Magisterial District Judges shall have the same powers and duties as the Court. Either party shall have the right to appeal to the Court from any decision, as in other cases in which judgment is entered by a Magisterial District Judge.

     D. Officers shall certify to the Court that proper notice has been given pursuant to this rule.

     E. Notice by publication shall be published once in a newspaper of general circulation in the Adams County area or once in the Adams County Legal Journal.

    200—299. Fees, Costs and Financial Matters.

    201. Money Paid Into Court.

     A. Any party wishing to pay money into Court shall request leave to do so by petition, in conformance with Adams County Civil Rule 206.4 (c).

     B. The Prothonotary and Clerk of Courts shall open and maintain accounts for the deposit of funds paid into Court, pursuant to court order. Accounts and depositories shall be approved by the Court. Disbursements or distributions shall be made pursuant to court order. An administrative fee of twenty-five ($25.00) dollars shall be paid from the fund.

     C. When money is paid to the Prothonotary pursuant to Pa. R.C.P.D.J. 1008, the payee shall state in writing whether or not the Prothonotary is authorized to periodically release sums to a landlord without application by the landlord. If authority is granted, the tenant shall state the amount that may be periodically disbursed. Until authority is cancelled by the tenant, those sums may be periodically released without further Order of Court.

    210. Fee Schedule: Public Access to Magisterial District Court Records.

     A. Any member of the public requesting access to the public records of the magisterial district courts of Adams County shall be charged the following fees:

     1. Photographing—$0.25 per page;

     2. Facsimile or other electronic memos—$0.25 per page;

     3. Conversion to paper from electronic storage—$0.15 per page;

     4. Postage—actual cost;

     5. Redaction—none;

     6. $5.00 per each quarter (1/4) hour associated with the preparation, copying and re-filing of requested records.

     B. Depending upon the volume of the records requested, the Magisterial District Judge may require a reasonable deposit before authorizing response to the request.

     C. Fees paid for services are non-refundable.

     D. Fees may be waived if the Magisterial District Judge determines that the requestor is indigent.

     E. All fees received pursuant to this Rule shall be identified as revenue to the magisterial district court and shall be remitted monthly to the general fund of the County of Adams.

     F. All terms used in this Rule shall have the same meaning as found in the definitional section of the Public Access Policy of the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania at 204 Pa. Code Sec. 213.1.

    300—399. Documents and Records.

    301. Papers Filed.

     For purposes of this Rule, papers include pleadings, motions, petitions and orders. Nothing in this rule shall be construed contrary to any State rule.

     A. Size and Color.

     Papers filed in the court system of Adams County shall be eight and one-half inches by eleven inches (8 1/2 x 11) in size. Papers shall be on white or off-white stock. Exhibits to papers may be of a different color if the original does not permit compliance with this Rule.

     B. Characters.

     Papers should be written in ink, printed, typewritten, photocopied, mimeographed or otherwise mechanically reproduced.

     C. Caption.

     The caption should include the name and division of the Court, identifying case number, the names of the parties, and the title of the proceeding.

     D. Orders.

     Papers requiring an order shall have a proposed order attached as the first page and shall be first filed in either the Office of the Clerk of Courts or the Office of the Prothonotary. Normally, papers should then be presented to the Court Administrator for routing. Papers may also be presented to the appropriate judge in chambers, or filed in open court, if the judge is already presiding over that litigation.

     E. Prior Action.

     If a paper refers to prior action taken by the Court, the paper shall identify the date the action was taken and the judge taking such action and shall have attached as an exhibit a copy of the order directing the action.

     F. Backers.

     The use of backers, mini-backers, toppers or other cover stock is discouraged. No substantive content of any pleading or document shall be contained on the backer, mini-backer, topper or other cover stock. The Clerk of Courts and the Prothonotary shall not physically retain or preserve any backer, mini-backer, topper or other cover stock, or retain or preserve any information contained thereon.

     G. Social Security Numbers.

     No document submitted for filing to the Prothonotary's Office shall disclose the Social Security number of any person, except as specifically authorized by Rule promulgated by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, court order, or as required by State or Federal law.

    310. Records.

     A. Officers.

     The Prothonotary, Clerk of Courts, Recorder of Deeds and Register of Wills shall be responsible for the safekeeping of records in their respective offices.

     B. Unsupervised Access to Records.

     No person other than a judge, attorney admitted to practice in Pennsylvania, or persons designated by a judge or attorney may have unsupervised access to records. Attorneys shall designate which employees from their law office may have unsupervised access. The designation of law office employees must be written and filed in the appropriate office. All unsupervised access shall be limited to the Court's normal business hours and confined to the Prothonotary, Clerk of Courts or Recorder/Register's Offices where the records are stored. Attorneys and designated employees must sign an acknowledgement that they understand this Rule and will do nothing to damage or compromise the integrity of records. If the law office employee's designation is to be removed due to termination of employment or otherwise the attorney shall promptly so notify the Officer. The Officer shall periodically request updated written designations.

     C. Removal of Records.

     Officers may not authorize temporary removal of records for the purposes of examination and study by any person other than a judge, judicial staff, masters, auditors, court-appointed arbitrators or other court appointed persons. Officers shall require receipts and must be informed precisely where the records may be located. Any person temporarily removing the records shall authorize the Officer to seize and regain possession of the records without process or notice, wherever they may be held. On the day of hearing the master, chairperson of Board of View, or chairperson of Board of Arbitration may remove the records applicable to the appointed case for use at the hearing and shall return said records in tact to the Officer at the end of said hearing. Where the records in a case are unusually voluminous the Officer may relax the restrictions of this Rule so that the original records may be removed from the office for a longer period of time.

     D. Electronic Copies.

     Upon appointment by the Court the Officer shall make electronic copies of the pleadings available to a master, members of Board of View and members of Board of Arbitration.

    320. Correction of Public Records.

     Neither the Prothonotary, the Register of Wills, the Clerk of Courts, the Recorder of Deeds, nor the Sheriff shall erase any matter erroneously entered in any official or public record, such as an entry book, docket, mortgage or deed, or will book. Any erroneous entry shall be stricken there from in red ink in such manner as to leave the stricken matter legible, and the correct entry inserted. Upon the making of any correction the Officer making the same shall note the date of such making. In the event that any such Officer shall inadvertently omit to make an entry and subsequently another entry shall be made, the omitted entry may be placed upon the record but it shall not be inserted between two other entries unless the Officer shall note on the record that it was so made, together with the date thereof.

    330. Civil Trial Exhibits.

     A. After trial, exhibits admitted into evidence shall be retained by the Prothonotary until it is determined whether an appeal has been taken from a final judgment. If an appeal has been taken, the exhibits shall be retained by the Prothonotary until disposition of the appeal.

     B. Within sixty (60) days after the final disposition of all appeals or the date when no further appeal may be taken under the Pennsylvania Rules of Appellate Procedure, the party who offered the exhibits may reclaim them from the Prothonotary. Any exhibits not so reclaimed may be destroyed or otherwise disposed of by the Prothonotary after thirty (30) days written notice by regular mail to the attorney or party who offered the exhibit.

     C. Notwithstanding the above, any person who has a possessory or legal interest in any exhibit which has been introduced into evidence may file a claim for such exhibit within thirty (30) days after trial. The presiding judge shall determine the validity of such claim and determine the manner and timing of disposition.

    400—499. Judicial Appointments.

    401. Petitions For Board of View.

     A. Content of Petition.

     1. Petitions filed for the appointment of a Board of View shall cite therein the statutory authority under which the board is being sought.

     2. The petition shall identify persons having an interest in the appointment of the board, persons who will be legally impacted by the decision of such board, and any attorney who has a real or potential conflict of interest in the matter.

     B. Delivery to the Court. Upon the filing of the petition with the Prothonotary, the petitioner(s) shall have the petition forwarded to the Court Administrator for processing.

     C. The Board.

     1. Boards of View shall generally be composed of three (3) persons, with the chairperson being an attorney licensed to practice in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania whose principal office is located in Adams County.

     2. The Court may revoke the appointment of the Board, or any member thereof, for whatever cause that the Court deems appropriate.

     D. Deposit.

     1. When the request for a Board of View concerns a private road or other circumstance where a party is statutorily responsible for such costs the Court shall, upon appointment of the Board of View, direct the petitioner to deposit a sum with the Prothonotary to cover the fees and expenses of the Board. That sum shall be from time to time designated by the President Judge but shall initially be set at $1,000.00. No further action on the petition shall occur until the deposit is presented to the Prothonotary. The Prothonotary shall notify the chairperson of the Board of such receipt.

     2. The Court may, at the request of the chairperson, direct that additional sums be deposited consistent with the services provided or to be provided by the Board. In such circumstance the proceedings shall be stayed pending receipt of the additional deposit, unless otherwise directed by the Court.

     3. The Prothonotary shall maintain the deposit, pay fees and expenses therefrom as directed by the Court, and return any remaining balance to the petitioner within forty (40) days after the date of approval of the Report of the Board by the Court.

     E. Compensation and Expenses.

     1. Boards of View shall be compensated at a rate established from time to time by the Court.

     2. A Petition For Compensation and Expenses shall be made by the Board of View at the time of the filing of its Report. A copy of that petition shall be served upon all parties of record, or their attorneys.

     3. Compensation and expenses shall be approved by the President Judge, or designee.

     F. Report. The Report of a Board of View shall be in writing and submitted to the Court within sixty (60) days of appointment of the Board. If the report cannot be completed and submitted within that period of time, the chairperson shall file a preliminary report with the Court explaining the reason(s) for the delay and setting forth the expected time needed to complete the report.

    410. Petition For Appointment of Humane Society Police Officer.

     Any person or entity seeking the appointment of a person to act as a humane society police officer pursuant to the provisions of 22 Pa.C.S.A. Sec. 3701, et. seq., shall file a petition in the Office of the Clerk of Courts setting forth verification that the proposed officer satisfies the requirements of the statute. Immediately after filing and docketing of the petition it shall be forwarded to the President Judge, or designee, for review. The Court will determine the sufficiency of the averments and whether the petition should be granted without the need for a hearing.

    420. Petition For Appointment of School Police Officer.

     Any school district seeking to have a person appointed as a school police officer pursuant to provisions of 24 P. S. Sec. 7-778 shall file a petition in the Office of Prothonotary. Immediately after filing and docketing of the petition, it shall be forwarded to the President Judge, or designee, for review. The Court will determine the sufficiency of the averments and whether the petition should be granted without the need for a hearing.

    430. Guardian Ad Litem.

     Any interested party may move, in the case wherein facts are of record, or may petition, in cases wherein facts are not of record, for the appointment of a guardian ad litem for any party in interest, not sui juris, by reason of infancy or otherwise. The fee for the guardian ad litem shall be set by the judge to whom the case is assigned, and shall be paid in the first instance by the moving or petitioning party. Thereafter, the judge may make such order as may be appropriate, including assessing the fees as costs in the case.

    500—599. Appeals To Court.

    501. Appeals From Government Agencies.

     A. Whenever an appeal is filed from the final order of a governmental agency pursuant to provisions of 42 Pa.C.S.A. Sec. 933, the appeal shall have attached thereto a copy of said final order.

     B. The Prothonotary or Clerk of Courts shall forward the file to the President Judge, or designee, on the thirty-first (31st) day following the filing of said appeal. The Court will then schedule a conference, hearing, or argument, or take such other action as may be deemed necessary or appropriate.

    510. Land Use Appeals.

     Whenever an appeal is filed pursuant to provisions of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, 53 P. S. Sec. 10101, et. seq., the Prothonotary shall forward the file to the President Judge, or designee, on the thirty-first (31st) day following the filing of said appeal. The Court shall then schedule a conference or hearing or take such other action as may be deemed necessary or appropriate.

    520. License Suspension Appeals.

     A. All appeals from governmental action suspending or revoking licenses, rights or privileges, shall have attached thereto a copy of the suspension or revocation order.

     B. Hearings for such appeals shall be held on a regularly scheduled Miscellaneous Court day.

    530. Tax Assessment Appeals.

     A. Caption.

     1. A real estate tax assessment appeal from a decision of the Adams County Board of Assessment Appeals as to the amount of assessment for real estate tax purposes or to an exemption of real estate from payment of real estate taxes shall be captioned ''Real Estate Tax Assessment Appeal'' and shall be filed in the Office of the Prothonotary within the time prescribed by statute.

     2. The caption shall designate the party taking the appeal as Appellant and the Adams County Board of Assessment Appeals as Appellee. If the appellant is a taxing authority it shall join the owner(s) of the real estate involved as of course as a party in the assessment appeal by designating such named owner(s) in the caption as Respondent(s).

     B. Joinder of Appeals. Joinder of more than one real estate tax parcel in a single appeal be permitted only where the parcels are situate adjacent to each other, are titled in the name of the same owner(s), and have been joined for title and taxing purposes in a single deed.

     C. Contents of Appeal. A Real Estate Tax Assessment Appeal shall contain the following:

     1. A caption as proscribed above.

     2. The name and address of the Appellant(s).

     3. The name and address of all titled owners of the real estate.

     4. The identity of the municipality and school district wherein the real estate is located.

     5. Reference to the decision of the Adams County Board of Assessment Appeals from which the appeal is taken. A copy of the Board's notice of decision shall be attached as an exhibit.

     6. A brief averment of the nature of and the reasons for the appeal.

     7. The written signature of the Appellant(s). If the Appellant(s) is/are individuals but constitute(s) less than all titled owners of the real estate there shall be an averment whether the Appellant(s) is/are representing the interest of all the owners. If the Appellant is a corporation the person signing the appeal shall note his/her position in the corporation.

     8. A verification consisting of a verified statement as ''verified'' is defined in Pa. R.Civ. P. No. 76.

     D. Service. Appellant(s) shall serve copies of the appeal by certified or registered mail or by personal service upon the Board at its official office and, unless named as the appellant, the Board of County Commissioners of Adams County, and upon the respondent owner(s) of the real estate at said owner's last known address. Within ten (10) days after the filing of the Real Estate Tax Assessment Appeal the Appellant(s) shall file a proof of such service with the Prothonotary.

    Comment: It is suggested, but not required, that the Appellant(s) provide service of the appeal upon the legislative governing body of the municipality and the board of school directors of the school district wherein the real estate is located at their respective official offices, or in the absence of any official office, at the last known address of the secretary of said body.

     E. Answer. No answer or responsive pleading is required to be made by any person or entity entitled to service of a copy of the Appeal or any other pleading filed during the appeal unless otherwise directed by the Court.

     F. Amendment. Amendment of any pleading shall be permitted as a matter of right up to the date of the pre-trial conference but after the pre-trial conference no amendment shall be permitted except upon approval by the Court.

     G. Intervention.

     1. The County of Adams or the proper municipality or school district not named as Appellee may intervene as of course during the pendency of the appeal by filing a Notice of Intervention with the Prothonotary.

     2. The Notice of Intervention shall contain the name of the intervening party designated as Intervenor in the caption, and shall set forth that such identified party is intervening.

     3. The intervenor shall serve copies of the Notice of Intervention personally or by ordinary mail upon Appellant(s), Appellee, any Respondent owner and any other intervening parties of record.

     4. Within ten (10) days after the filing of the Notice of Intervention the intervenor shall file a proof of such service with the Prothonotary.

     H. Administrative Processing. The Prothontary shall forward the file to the President Judge, or designee, on the thirty (31st) day following the filing of the appeal.

     I. Pre-trial Conference.

     1. Upon receipt of the file from the Prothontary the Court shall schedule a pre-trial conference or take such other action as may be deemed necessary or appropriate.

     2. Each party shall file a pre-trial conference memorandum as directed by the Court.

     3. An owner, attorney-at-law, or person with legal fiduciary responsibility, who has authority to settle the case must appear at the pre-trial conference.

     J. Discovery. Pre-trial discovery is permitted as agreed upon by the parties or as directed by the Court.

     K. Settlement. Any proposed settlement presented to the Court for approval shall indicate whether it is joined in by all owners, the County of Adams, and all relevant municipal taxing authorities. The settlement shall contain a proposed order directing that notice of the proposed settlement be given by ordinary mail to all owners or relevant municipal bodies who have not joined in the proposal giving them thirty (30) days from the date of mailing to object thereto or the proposed settlement will be considered approved by the Court.

    540. Tax Sale Appeals.

     All tax sale appeals shall be docketed in a manner which identifies the appeal by the tax sale number. Once the appeal is filed, a separate file for that appeal shall be maintained by the Prothonotary.

    Comment: Generally, all tax sales for a given year are collectively docketed as filing year-S-file number. Appeals shall be filed to the same docket number but shall also note the sale number. An example would be 2012-S-235 (Sale No. 36).

    550. Truancy Appeals.

     All appeals filed by a parent, guardian, or person in parental relation from a summary conviction under provisions of the School Code, 24 P. S. Sec. 13-1333, for violation of the compulsory school attendance law shall be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Courts and shall be heard on a regularly scheduled Criminal Business Court day.

    600—699. Miscellaneous Petitions.

    601. Petitions For Exemption From Disability to Possess a Firearm.

     A. Any person who is prohibited by law from possessing a firearm and who is seeking an exemption from such disability under provision of the Pennsylvania Uniform Firearms Act of 1995, 18 Pa. C.S.A. Sec. 6101, et. seq., and specifically under Section 6105 thereof, shall file a petition in the Office of the Prothonotary of Adams County. In addition to any other provision of law, the petition shall include:

     1. Averment(s) stating the reason(s) the petitioner is prohibited from possessing a firearm and shall attach, as an exhibit, any supporting documentation.

     2. Averment(s) stating the reason(s) the petitioner believes he/she is entitled to exemption.

     3. The identity of all persons entitled to notice of the proceeding.

     4. An averment whether, by law, the hearing is to be open or closed to the public.

     B. Within five (5) days after the filing of the petition, it shall be forwarded to the President Judge, or designee, for the scheduling of a hearing or such other action as may be deemed necessary or appropriate.

    610. Sale of Impounded Unclaimed Vehicles.

     A. The Sheriff of Adams County shall, on a periodic basis, conduct sales of impounded unclaimed vehicles in conformity with the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code, specifically, 75 Pa.C.S.A. Sec. 6310(b). The following process shall be observed for the sale of said vehicles:

     1. The Magisterial District Judge shall issue an order for the sale of the impounded, unclaimed vehicle and shall provide the Sheriff with a) a copy of said order, b) the name and address of each known owner, lienholder, and secured party of the vehicle, c) the appropriate law enforcement officer involved, d) the identity of any constable or towing agent involved, e) the location where the vehicle is impounded, f) any unpaid fines and costs owing to the Magisterial District Court and g) any known costs as described in 75 Pa.C.S.A. Sec. 6309, 6309.1 and 6309.2.

     2. Upon receipt of the information provided in paragraph A.1., above, the Sheriff shall serve notice upon owners, lienholders and secured parties as required by 75 Pa.C.S.A. Sec. 6310(b). The Sheriff shall also notify the law enforcement officers, constables, towing agent, and impound official, if any, of the date and time of sale together with a request for verification of any unpaid costs incurred by said entity pursuant to statute for the seizure, towing, impounding or storage of said vehicle.

     3. If the identity or address of an owner is unknown or notice has been returned as undeliverable notice of the sale shall be given by the Sheriff by publication once in the Adams County Legal Journal and in one local newspaper of general circulation.

     4. On the date established for the sale of such vehicles the Sheriff shall conduct said sale in accordance with normal personal property sale procedures.

     5. Following the sale the proceeds of sale shall first be applied to the costs incurred by the Sheriff for the sale, secondly, to the payment of all fines and costs, and thirdly to the payment of encumbrances. The balance, if any, shall be remitted to the owner.

     6. At any time during this process the Sheriff shall have the right to discontinue the sale if there is reasonable basis to conclude that the cost incurred or to be incurred by the Sheriff shall exceed the amount reasonably expected to be offered at sale. In such circumstance the Sheriff shall notify the Magisterial District Judge in writing of the basis for that conclusion. Thereafter the Sheriff shall only be required to proceed to sale if the Sheriff's costs are guaranteed in a manner deemed acceptable by the Sheriff.

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 12-2140. Filed for public inspection November 2, 2012, 9:00 a.m.]

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