2259 Judicial assignment of divorce court, custody and support cases; no. 2 of 2003 J.A.  


    Judicial Assignment of Divorce, Custody, and Support Cases; No. 2 of 2003 J. A.

    [33 Pa.B. 5814]


       And Now, this 7th day of November, 2003, it is ordered that:

       (a)  All Custody and Support cases shall be assigned by the Administrative Office of Fayette County Courts, to a specific judge based on alphabetical order according to the father's last name. In cases where the father is deceased or unknown, assignment will be in alphabetical order according to the mother's last name.

       (b)  All Divorce cases shall be assigned in alphabetical order according to the male's last name.

       (c)  The assigned judge will handle all matters regarding the case.

       (d)  The order of alphabetical assignment is as follows:

    (1)A-E The Honorable John F. Wagner Jr.
    (2)F-Lg The Honorable Gerald R. Solomon
    (3)Lh-R The Honorable Ralph C. Warman
    (4)S-Z The Honorable Steve P. Leskinen

       (e)  The assigned Judge's name shall be placed on all subsequent pleadings by counsel under the number and term of the case.

       (f)  The Administrative Office of Fayette County Courts shall assign all judicial recusals in these cases by docket rotation.

       This order is effective immediately.

    By the Court

    President Judge

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 03-2259. Filed for public inspection November 26, 2003, 9:00 a.m.]

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