[45 Pa.B. 6802]
[Saturday, November 28, 2015]PART I. GOVERNOR'S OFFICE [ 4 PA. CODE CH. 6 ] [ EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 2015-08 ] Governor's Advisory Commission on Latino Affairs August 4, 2015
Whereas, Latinos in Pennsylvania make unique, diverse and valuable contributions to the culture, society and economy of Pennsylvania, which have a beneficial impact on life in the Commonwealth; and
Whereas, the Commonwealth is committed to providing equality and opportunity for all Pennsylvanians, including increased access for Latinos to civic, economic and educational opportunities in Pennsylvania; and
Whereas, it will benefit the Commonwealth to define and address the unique contributions, needs and concerns of the Latino community, in order to improve the lives of all Pennsylvanians.
Now, Therefore, I, Thomas Wolf, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and other laws, do hereby reestablish the Governor's Advisory Commission on Latino Affairs as the Commonwealth's advocate agency for Latinos as herein set forth.
Fiscal Note: 2015-08. Increases in travel reimbursement as a result of the Commission expanding to 30 members will be absorbed within the Office of the Governor's current operating budget. (8) Recommends adoption.
6.581. Functions. 6.582. Composition. 6.583. Terms of membership. 6.584. Compensation. 6.585. Relationship with other agencies. 6.586. Reports. 6.587. Procedures. 6.588. Effective date. 6.589. Rescission. § 6.581. Functions.
The Governor's Advisory Commission on Latino Affairs shall:
(1) Advise the Governor on policies, procedures, legislation and regulations that affect the Latino community.
(2) Develop, review and recommend to the Governor policies in the areas of health and human services, housing, education, employment, business formation and other relevant areas which affect the Latino community.
(3) Provide appropriate assistance and advice to State agencies, including the Pennsylvania Minority Business Development Authority, and work with the Bureau of Workforce Planning, Development, and Equal Employment Opportunity within the Office of Human Resources and Management in the Governor's Office of Administration to strengthen the enforcement of the Commonwealth's antidiscriminatory hiring, retention and promotion policies.
(4) Serve as a liaison to Federal, State and local agencies to ensure that programs impacting the Latino community are effectively utilized and promoted.
(5) Serve as a resource for community groups and provide forums for developing strategies and programs that will expand and enhance the civic, social, educational, cultural and economic status of the Latino community.
(6) Identify programs, scholarships, mentoring programs, sources of funding or other resources for the benefit and advancement of Latinos.
(7) Promote the cultural arts of the Latino community throughout this Commonwealth.
§ 6.582. Composition.
(a) The Governor's Advisory Commission on Latino Affairs (Commission) shall consist of no more than 30 members, appointed by the Governor, who are representatives of the Latino community in this Commonwealth or others who have an interest in the success of the Latino community and provide value to the work of the Commission.
(b) The Governor will designate one Commission member or the Executive Director of the Commission to serve as chairperson. The Governor may designate up to three Commission members or the Executive Director of the Commission to serve as vice-chairpersons of the Commission. The chairperson and vice-chairpersons shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor.
(c) The Governor will appoint an Executive Director of the Commission who shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor and who may be a member of the Commission.
§ 6.583. Terms of membership.
(a) Members will be appointed for terms of 2 years and continue to serve until successors are appointed. A member may be reappointed for one or more additional terms. Members shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor.
(b) If a vacancy occurs on the Governor's Advisory Commission on Latino Affairs (Commission), the Governor will appoint a successor. The successor shall fulfill the remainder of the term. A successor so appointed may thereafter be reappointed for one or more additional terms.
(c) A member who is absent from two consecutive meetings of the Commission, without excuse, shall forfeit membership on the Commission.
§ 6.584. Compensation.
Members of the Governor's Advisory Commission on Latino Affairs will not receive compensation for their service except that members may be reimbursed for travel in accordance with Commonwealth policy. See Chapter 40 (relating to travel and subsistence).
§ 6.585. Relationship with other agencies.
Agencies under the Governor's jurisdiction shall cooperate with and provide assistance and support as needed by the Governor's Advisory Commission on Latino Affairs (Commission) to carry out its functions effectively. Independent agencies, State-affiliated entities and State-related institutions are strongly encouraged to work with the Commission to support its mission.
§ 6.586. Reports.
The Governor's Advisory Commission on Latino Affairs may submit reports to the Governor or the Governor's designee, as it deems necessary, on issues affecting Latinos in this Commonwealth.
§ 6.587. Procedures.
(a) The Governor's Advisory Commission on Latino Affairs (Commission) is authorized to establish subcommittees and rules and procedures for the effective implementation of its functions consistent with this subchapter. Subcommittees may include advisory nonmembers, if approved by the Commission chairperson.
(b) A majority of the Commissioners serving at any time constitutes a quorum.
§ 6.588. Effective date.
This subchapter takes effect immediately and remains in effect unless revised or rescinded by the Governor.
§ 6.589. Rescission.
Executive Order 2012-10 is rescinded.
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 15-2093. Filed for public inspection November 25, 2015, 9:00 a.m.]