DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Applications, Actions and Special Notices
[32 Pa.B. 5766] NATIONAL POLLUTION DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) PERMITS NPDES APPLICATIONS PART I PERMITS Under the Federal Clean Water Act and The Clean Streams Law, the following parties have applied for an NPDES permit or to renew their current permit to discharge controlled wastewaters into the waters of this Commonwealth or to conduct other activities required by the NPDES permit. For renewal applications listed in Section I, the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) has made a tentative determination to reissue these permits for 5 years subject to effluent limitations and monitoring and reporting requirements in their current permits, with appropriate and necessary updated requirements to reflect new and changed regulations and other requirements. For new permit applications, renewal application with major changes or applications for permits not waived by the EPA, the Department, based upon preliminary reviews, also made a tentative determination of proposed effluent limitations and other terms and conditions for the permit applications listed in Section II. These determinations are published as proposed actions for comments prior to taking final actions.
Unless indicated otherwise, the EPA Region III Administrator has waived the right to review or object to this proposed permit action under the waiver provision 40 CFR 123.24(d).
Persons wishing to comment on the proposed permit are invited to submit a statement, to the office noted before the application, within 30 days from the date of this public notice. Comments received within this 30-day comment period will be considered in the formulation of the final determinations regarding this application. The comments should include the name, address and telephone number of the writer and a concise statement to inform the Department of the exact basis of a comment and the relevant facts upon which it is based. A public hearing may be held if the responsible office considers the public response significant. Following the comment period, the Department's Water Management Program Manager will make a final determination regarding these applications. Notice of this final determination will be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin at which time this determination may be appealed to the Environmental Hearing Board.
The renewal application, including proposed effluent limitations and special conditions, is available on file. For new permit applications, information submitted with the applications is available on file. The information may be inspected and arrangements made for copying at the office indicated before the application.
Persons with a disability, who require an auxiliary aid, service, including TDD users or other accommodations to seek additional information, should contact the Department through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.
I. NPDES Renewal Applications
Northeast Region: Water Management Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790.
NPDES No. Facility Name and County and Stream Name EPA Waived (Type) Address Municipality (Watershed No.) Y/N ? PAS232202 Lehigh Cultured Marble, Inc.
111 Lehigh Street
Macungie, PA 18062
Lehigh County
Macungie BoroughSwabia Creek
2CY PA0062987
SewageDavid J. Bell
703 Lennox Ct.
Lansdale, PA 19446Susquehanna County
Liberty TownshipUNT of Snake Creek
4EY PA0061727
Renewal)The Passionist Nuns
St. Gabriel's Monastery
631 Griffin Pond Road
Clarks Summit, PA 18411-8828South Abington
Lackawanna CountyDitch to Leggetts
5AY PA0063649
Renewal)Selviati Restaurant, Inc.
t/a King Arthur Room
Route 209, P. O. Box 645
Sciota, PA 18354-0645Hamilton Township
Monroe CountyMcMichael Creek
1EY Southcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, (717) 705-4707.
NPDES No. Facility Name and County and Stream Name EPA Waived (Type) Address Municipality (Watershed No.) Y/N ? PA0119121 Glen-Gery Corporation
423 S. Pottsville Pike
Shoemakersville, PA 19555Berks County
Perry TownshipUNT to Schuylkill
3BY PA0007862 Pennsylvania American Water Company
Yellow Breeches Treatment Plant
852 Wesley Drive
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055York County
Fairview TownshipYellow Breeches Creek
7EY PA0081922 Lewisberry Area Joint Authority
P. O. Box 172
Lewisberry, PA 17339York County
Lewisberry BoroughBennett Run
7EY PA0023744 Northeastern York County Sewer Authority
P. O. Box 516
175 Chestnut Street
Mt. Wolf, PA 17347York County
East Manchester
TownshipSusquehanna River
7FY Northcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701.
NPDES No. Facility Name and County and Stream Name EPA Waived (Type) Address Municipality (Watershed No.) Y/N ? PA0113158
(Sewerage)Daniel R. Hawbaker
R. D. 1, Box 123
Port Matilda, PA 16870Patton Township
Centre CountyUNT to Buffalo Run
II. Applications for New or Expanded Facility Permits, Renewal of Major Permits and EPA Nonwaived Permit Applications
Southeast Region: Water Management Program Manager, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428.
PA0052868, Industrial Waste, BAE Systems, 305 Richardson Road, Lansdale, PA 19446-1485. This application is for renewal of an NPDES permit to discharge treated groundwater from air stripper tower and stormwater from roof and parking lot from the facility at 305 Richardson Road in Montgomery Township, Montgomery County. This is an existing discharge to unnamed tributary to the West Branch of Neshaminy Creek.
The receiving stream is classified for WWF, aquatic life, water supply and recreation.
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001, based on an average flow of 0.086 MGD, are as follows:
Average Maximum Instantaneous Parameter Monthly (mg/l) Daily (mg/l) Maximum (mg/l) CBOD5 10 20 pH Within limits of 6.0--9.0 Standard Units at all times
Trichlorethyene 0.005 0.01 0.0125 Tetrachoroethylene 0.005 0.004 0.005 The EPA Waiver is in effect.
PA0057053, Sewage, John W. Feldmayer, 866 Shavertown Road, Boothwyn, PA 19061. This application is for renewal of an NPDES permit to discharge treated sewage from the Feldmayer SFSTP in Concord Township, Delaware County. This is an existing discharge to an unnamed tributary to West Branch of Chester Creek.
The receiving stream is classified for HQ-CWF, exceptional value waters, aquatic life, water supply and recreation.
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001, based on an average flow of 500 gpd are as follows:
Average Instantaneous Parameter Monthly (mg/l) Maximum (mg/l) CBOD5 10 20 Suspended Solids 20 40 Total Residual Chlorine Monitor and Report Monitor and Report
Fecal Coliform 200 colonies/100 ml as a geometric average
pH Within limits of 6.0--9.0 Standard Units at all times
The EPA Waiver is in effect.
PA0013048, Industrial Waste, Honeywell, Inc., 1100 Virginia Drive, Fort Washington, PA 19034-3260. This application is for renewal of an NPDES permit to discharge cooling water from air conditioners and test chambers in Upper Dublin Township, Montgomery County. This is an existing discharge to Pine Run Creek.
The receiving stream is classified for TSF, aquatic life, water supply and recreation.
The proposed effluent limits for Outfalls 001 and 002, based on an average flow of 4,620 gal/day, are as follows:
Average Maximum Instantaneous Parameter Monthly (mg/l) Daily (mg/l) Maximum (mg/l) Temperature 110°F pH Within limits of 6.0--9.0 Standard Units at all times
Other Conditions:
The EPA Waiver is in effect.
Northeast Region: Water Management Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790.PA0062855, Industrial, Mary-D Community Association, 34-36 Forest Lane, Mary-D, PA 17952. This proposed facility is located in Schuylkill Township, Schuylkill County.
Description of Proposed Activity: Renewal application.
The receiving stream, Swift Creek, is in the State Water Plan watershed no. 3A and is classified for CWF, aquatic life, water supply and recreation. The nearest downstream public water supply intake for Pottstown Borough Water Authority, is located on the Schuylkill River, 50 miles below the point of discharge.
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 based on a design flow of 0.00038 MGD.
Average Maximum Parameter Monthly Daily Total Suspended Solids 30.0 60 Total Aluminum 4.0 8.0 Total Iron 2.0 4.0 Total Manganese 1.0 2.0 pH 6.0 to 9.0 Standard Units at all times PA0051811, Industrial, Lehigh County Authority, P. O. Box 3348, Allentown, PA 18106. This proposed facility is located in South Whitehall Township, Lehigh County.
Description of Proposed Activity: Renewal of NPDES Permit.
The receiving stream, unnamed tributary to Little Cedar Creek, is in the State Water Plan watershed no. 2C and is classified for HQ, CWF, aquatic life, water supply and recreation. The nearest downstream public water supply intake for the City of Allentown is located on Little Lehigh Creek, approximately 4 miles below the point of discharge.
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 based on a design flow of .002.
Mass (lb/day) Concentration (mg/l) Average Maximum Average Maximum Parameter Monthly Daily Monthly Daily Total Suspended Solids 30 60 Total Aluminum 4 8 Total Iron 2 4 Total Manganese 1 2 pH 6.0 to 9.0 Standard Units at all times TRC 1 2 PA0061719, Sewage, Pinecrest Development Corporation, P. O. Box 760, Pocono Pines, PA 18350. This proposed facility is located in Tobyhanna Township, Monroe County.
Description of Proposed Activity: Renewal of NPDES Permit to discharge treated sewage into unnamed tributary to Beaver Creek.
The receiving stream, Beaver Creek, is in the State Water Plan watershed no. 2A and is classified for HQ-CWF, aquatic life, water supply and recreation. The nearest downstream public water supply intake for the Hazleton Water Authority is located on the Lehigh River, approximately 35 miles below the point of discharge.
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 002 based on a design flow of .5 MGD.
Average Average Maximum Parameter Monthly (mg/l) Weekly (mg/l) Instantaneous (mg/l) CBOD5 10 20 Total Suspended Solids 30 60 NH3-N (5-1 to 10-31) 3 6 (11-1 to 4-30) 9 18 NO2/NO3-N 14 28 Phosphorus as ''P'' 1 2 Dissolved Oxygen A minimum of 7 mg/l at all times.
Fecal Coliform (5-1 to 9-30) 200/100 ml as a geometric mean
(10-1 to 4-30) 2,000/100 ml as a geometric mean
pH 6.0 to 9.0 standard units at all times. PA0062979, Sewage, Outletter Associates, 490 N. Main Street, Pittston, PA 18640. This proposed facility is located in Pocono Township, Monroe County.
Description of Proposed Activity: Renewal of NPDES Permit to discharge treated sewage.
The receiving stream, Pocono Creek, is in the State Water Plan watershed no. 1E and is classified for HQ-CWF, aquatic water supply and recreation. The nearest downstream public water supply intake for Stroudsburg Emergency Intake is located on Pocono Creek, approximately 8 miles below the point of discharge.
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 based on a design flow of .024 MGD.
Average Average Maximum Parameter Monthly (mg/l) Weekly (mg/l) Instantaneous (mg/l) CBOD5 25 50 Total Suspended Solids 30 60 NH3-N (5-1 to 10-31) 3 6 (11-1 to 4-30) 9 18 Fecal Coliform (5-1 to 9-30) 200/100 ml as a geometric mean
(10-1 to 4-30) 2,000/100 ml as a geometric mean
pH 6.0 to 9.0 standard units at all times.
Total Residual Chlorine 1.2 2.8 PA0052132, Sewage, Parkland Area School District, 2219 N. Cedar Crest Boulevard, Allentown, PA 18104. This proposed facility is located in South Whitehall Township, Lehigh County.
Description of Proposed Activity: Renewal of NPDES permit to discharge treated sewerage from existing treatment plant.
The receiving stream, Jordan Creek, is in the State Water Plan watershed no. 02C and is classified for TSF, migratory fish, water supply and recreation. The nearest downstream public water supply intake for the City of Allentown is located on the Lehigh River, 10 miles below the point of discharge.
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 based on a design flow of .0336.
Average Average Instantaneous Parameter Monthly (mg/l) Weekly (mg/l) Maximum (mg/l) CBOD5 (5-1 to 10-31) 20 40 CBOD5 25 50 Total Suspended Solids 30 60 NH3-N (5-1 to 10-31) 4 8 (11-1 to 4-30) 12 24 Fecal Coliform (5-1 to 9-30) 200/100 ml as a geometric mean
(10-1 to 4-30) 2,000/100 ml as a geometric mean
pH 6.0 to 9.0 standard units at all times.
Total Residual Chlorine (1st Month--24th Month) Monitor and Report
(25th Month--Expiration) 1.0 2.3 PA0064238, Sewage, West Mahanoy Township Supervisors, 190 Penn Avenue, Shenandoah Heights, PA 17976. This proposed facility is located in West Mahanoy Township, Schuylkill County.
Description of Proposed Activity: Application for a new NPDES permit to discharge 0.015 mgd of treated sewage.
The receiving stream, Shenandoah Creek, is in the State Water Plan watershed no. 6B and is classified for CWF. The nearest downstream public water supply intake for the Consolidated Water Company, located on the Susquehanna River, is 36 miles below the point of discharge.
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 based on a design flow of 0.015 mgd.
Average Average Maximum Parameter Monthly (mg/l) Weekly (mg/l) Daily (mg/l) CBOD5 25.0 50.0 Total Suspended Solids 30.0 60.0 Fecal Coliform (5-1 to 9-30) 200/100 ml as a geometric mean (10-1 to 4-30) 2,000/100 ml as a geometric mean pH 6.0 to 9.0 standard units at all times. Total Residual Chlorine 1.2 2.8 PA0061573, Sewerage, Camp Moshava, c/o Alan Silverman, 25 West 26th Street, New York, NY 10010. This proposed facility is located in Berlin Township, Wayne County.
Description of Proposed Activity: Renewal application.
The receiving stream, unnamed tributary to Indian Orchard Brook, is in watershed no. 1B and is classified for HQ-CWF, aquatic life, water supply and recreation. The nearest downstream public water supply intake for Stroudsburg/East Stroudsburg, located on the Delaware River, is approximately 70 miles below the point of discharge.
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 based on a design flow of 0.036 mgd.
Average Average Maximum Parameter Monthly (mg/l) Weekly (mg/l) Daily (mg/l) CBOD5 25.0 50.0 Total Suspended Solids 30.0 60.0 NH3-N (5-1 to 10-31) 2.0 4.0 (11-1 to 4-30) 6.0 12.0 Dissolved Oxygen A minimum of 7.0 mg/l at all times.
Fecal Coliform (5-1 to 9-30) 200/100 ml as a geometric mean
(10-1 to 4-30) 2,000/100 ml as a geometric mean
pH 6.0 to 9.0 standard units at all times.
Total Residual Chlorine (1st Month--24th Month) Monitor Only
(25th Month--Expiration) 0.34 0.802 PA0063657, Sewage, Wyoming Area School District, 20 Memorial Street, Exeter, PA 18643. This proposed facility is located in Exeter Township, Luzerne County.
Description of Proposed Activity: Renewal of NPDES Permit to discharge treated sewage.
The receiving stream, unnamed tributary to Sutton Creek, is in the State Water Plan watershed no. 5B and is classified for CWF, aquatic life, water supply and recreation. The nearest downstream public water supply intake for the Danville Water Supply is located on the Susquehanna River, approximately 40 miles below the point of discharge.
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 based on a design flow of .0068 MGD.
Average Average Maximum Parameter Monthly (mg/l) Weekly (mg/l) Instantaneous (mg/l) CBOD5 25 50 Total Suspended Solids 30 60 NH3-N (5-1 to 10-31) 6.1 12.2 (11-1 to 4-30) 18.3 36.6 Fecal Coliform (5-1 to 9-30) 200/100 ml as a geometric mean
(10-1 to 4-30) 2,000/100 ml as a geometric mean
pH 6.0 to 9.0 standard units at all times.
Total Residual Chlorine .7 1.6 PA0062111, Sewage, Mahanoy Area Joint Industrial Corp., P. O. Box 271, Mahanoy City, PA 17948. This proposed facility is located in Delano Township, Schuylkill County.
Description of Proposed Activity: Renewal of NPDES permit to discharge treated sewage.
The receiving stream, Pine Creek, is in the State Water Plan watershed no. 3A and is classified for CWF, aquatic life, water supply and recreation. The nearest downstream public water supply intake for the Pottstown Water Authority is located on the Schuylkill River, approximately 50 miles below the point of discharge.
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 based on a design flow of .045.
Average Average Maximum Parameter Monthly (mg/l) Weekly (mg/l) Instantaneous (mg/l) CBOD5 25.0 50.0 Total Suspended Solids 30.0 60.0 NH3-N (5-1 to 10-31) 3.5 7.0 (11-1 to 4-30) 10.5 21.0 Phosphorus as ''P'' Dissolved Oxygen A minimum of 6 mg/l at all times.
Fecal Coliform (5-1 to 9-30) 200/100 ml as a geometric mean
(10-1 to 4-30) 2,000/100 ml as a geometric mean
pH 6.0 to 9.0 standard units at all times.
Total Residual Chlorine (1st Month--24th Month) Monitor and Report
Monitor and Report (25th Month--Expiration) .18 .42 PA0063096, Sewage, Seiders Hill, Inc., P. O. Box 359, Pottsville, PA 17901. This proposed facility is located in North Manheim Township, Schuylkill County.
Description of Proposed Activity: Renewal of NPDES permit to discharge treated sewage.
The receiving stream, West Branch Schuylkill River, is in the State Water Plan watershed no. 3A and is classified for CWF. The nearest downstream public water supply intake for the Pottstown Water Authority is located on the Susquehanna River, approximately .75 mile below the point of discharge.
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 004 based on a design flow of .09 MGD.
Average Average Maximum Parameter Monthly (mg/l) Weekly (mg/l) Instrument (mg/l) CBOD5 25 50 Total Suspended Solids 30 60 Phosphorus as ''P'' Dissolved Oxygen A minimum of 5 mg/l at all times.
Fecal Coliform (5-1 to 9-30) 200/100 ml as a geometric mean (10-1 to 4-30) 2,000/100 ml as a geometric mean pH 6.0 to 9.0 standard units at all times. Total Residual Chlorine 1.2 2.8 PA0062332, Sewage, Eaton Sewer and Water Co., P. O. Box 316, Nicholson, PA 18446. This proposed facility is located in Eaton Township, Wyoming County.
Description of Proposed Activity: Renewal of NPDES permit to discharge treated sewage.
The receiving stream, North Branch Susquehanna River, is in the State Water Plan watershed no. 4G and is classified for WWF, aquatic life, water supply and recreation. The nearest downstream public water supply intake for the Danville Water Authority is located on the Susquehanna River, approximately 100 miles below the point of discharge.
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 based on a design flow of 1.18 MGD.
Average Average Instantaneous Parameter Monthly (mg/l) Weekly (mg/l) Maximum (mg/l) CBOD5 (5-1 to 10-31) 25.0 50.0 Total Suspended Solids 30.0 60.0 Fecal Coliform (5-1 to 9-30) 200/100 ml as a geometric mean
(10-1 to 4-30) 2,000/100 ml as a geometric mean
pH 6.0 to 9.0 standard units at all times.
Total Residual Chlorine (1st Month--24th Month) Monitor and Report
Monitor and Report
(25th Month--Expiration) 1.2 2.8 PA0030996, Sewage, Bangor Area School District, 123 Five Points Richmond Road, Bangor, PA 18013. This proposed facility is located in Upper Mount Bethel Township, Northampton County.
Description of Proposed Activity: Renewal of NPDES permit to discharge treated sewage.
The receiving stream, unnamed tributary to Jacoby Creek, is in the State Water Plan watershed no. 1F and is classified for CWF, aquatic life, water supply and recreation. The nearest downstream public water supply intake for the City of Easton is located on the Delaware River, approximately 40 miles below the point of discharge.
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 based on a design flow of 0.023 MGD.
Average Average Instantaneous Parameter Monthly (mg/l) Weekly (mg/l) Maximum (mg/l) CBOD5 (5-1 to 10-31) 10 20 (11-1 to 4-30) 20 40 Total Suspended Solids 10 20 NH3-N (5-1 to 10-31) 3 6 (11-1 to 4-30) 9 18 Dissolved Oxygen A minimum of 5 mg/l at all times.
Fecal Coliform 200/100 ml as a geometric mean
pH 6.0 to 9.0 standard units at all times. PA0060097, Sewage, Pennsylvania American Water Company, Pocono Country Place Development, 446 Sterling Road, Tobyhanna, PA 18466. This proposed facility is located in Coolbaugh Township, Monroe County.
Description of Proposed Activity: Renewal of an NPDES Permit to discharge treated sewage.
The receiving stream, East Branch of Dressler Run, is in the State Water Plan watershed no. 2A and is classified for HQ, CWF. The nearest downstream public water supply intake for the City of Hazleton is located on the Lehigh River, 31 miles below the point of discharge.
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 based on a design flow of 1.25.
Average Average Instantaneous Parameter Monthly (mg/l) Weekly (mg/l) Maximum (mg/l) CBOD5 10 20 Total Suspended Solids 20 40 NH3-N (5-1 to 10-31) 2.3 4.6 (11-1 to 4-30) 7.0 14.0 Phosphorus as ''P'' 1.0 2.0 Dissolved Oxygen A minimum of 7.0 mg/l at all times.
Fecal Coliform (5-1 to 9-30) 200/100 ml as a geometric mean
(10-1 to 4-30) 2,000/100 ml as a geometric mean
pH 6.0 to 9.0 standard units at all times.
Total Zinc Monitor and Report The EPA waiver is in effect.
Southcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, (717) 705-4707.PA0039730, Sewage, RRP Recreation Limited Partnership, 100 Chipmunk Crossing, Entriken, PA 16638. This facility is located in Lincoln Township, Huntingdon County.
Description of activity: The application is for renewal of an NPDES permit for an existing discharge of treated sewage.
The receiving stream, Tatman Run (Raystown Lake), is in Watershed 11-D and classified for WWF, water supply and recreation and fish consumption. The nearest downstream public water supply intake for Newport Borough Water Authority is located on the Juniata River, approximately 110 miles downstream. The discharge is not expected to affect the water supply.
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 for a design flow of 0.100 MGD are:
Average Instantaneous Parameter Monthly (mg/l) Maximum (mg/l) CBOD5 25 50 Suspended Solids 30 60 Total Phosphorus 2.0 4.0 Total Residual Chlorine 1.0 2.0 Dissolved Oxygen Minimum of 5.0 at all times
pH From 6.0 to 9.0 inclusive Fecal Coliform (5-1 to 9-30) 200/100 ml as a geometric average
(10-1 to 4-30) 2,000/100 ml as a geometric average Individuals may make an appointment to review the Department files on this case by calling the File Review Coordinator at (717) 705-4732.
The EPA waiver is in effect.
PA0246921, Industrial Waste 0246921, Borough of Lenhartsville, P. O. Box 238, Lenhartsville, PA 19534. This facility is located in Lenhartsville Borough, Berks County.
Description of activity: The application is for issuance of an NPDES permit for a new discharge of treated sewage.
The receiving stream, Maiden Creek, is in Watershed 3-C and classified for WWF, water supply and recreation and fish consumption. The nearest downstream public water supply intake for the Pottstown Borough is located on the Schuylkill River, approximately 45 miles downstream. The discharge is not expected to affect the water supply.
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 based on a design flow of 0.0423 MGD are:
Mass (lb/day) Concentration (mg/l) Average Maximum Average Maximum Instantaneous Parameter Monthly Daily Monthly Daily Maximum pH (SU) XXX
From 6.0 to 9.0
Minimum of 5.0 mg/l
Total Residual Chlorine XXX
0.50 XXX
1.60 Total Suspended Solids 10 15 30 45 60 CBOD5 8.82 14 25 40 50 NH3-N 7.05 XXX
20 XXX
40 Total Phosphorus Monitor and Report
Monitor and Report
XXX Fecal Coliform (5-1 to 9-30) XXX
200 XXX
XXX (10-1 to 4-30) XXX
10,000 XXX
XXX Individuals may make an appointment to review the Department files on this case by calling the File Review Coordinator at (717) 705-4732.
The EPA waiver is in effect.
Northcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701, (570) 327-3666.PA0024759, Sewerage SIC, 4952, Curwensville Municipal Authority, 900 Susquehanna Ave., Curwensville, PA 16833. This existing facility is located in Curwensville Borough, Clearfield County.
Description of Proposed Activity: This proposed action is for renewal of an NPDES permit for an existing discharge of treated sewage wastewater.
The receiving stream, West Branch Susquehanna River, is in the State Water Plan watershed 8B and classified for WWF. The nearest downstream public water supply intake for Reliant Energy is located on the West Branch of the Susquehanna River, 20 miles below the point of discharge.
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 based on a design flow of 0.75 MGD.
Average Average Daily Instantaneous Parameter Monthly (mg/l) Weekly (mg/l) Maximum (mg/l) Maximum (mg/l) CBOD5 25 40 50 TSS 30 45 60 Total Cl2 Residual 0.50 1.6 Fecal Coliforms: (5-1 to 9-30) 200 col/100 ml as a geometric mean
(10-1 to 4-30) 2,000 col/100 ml as a geometric mean
pH 6.0 to 9.0 at all times In addition to the effluent limits, the permit contains Part C 7 that requires an Industrial Pretreatment Program and Part C 9 that requires the reporting of sanitary sewer overflows.
CLEAN STREAMS LAWPART II PERMITS The following permit applications or requests for plan approval have been received by the Department of Environmental Protection (Department).
Persons wishing to comment on an application are invited to submit a statement to the office noted before the application, within 15 days from the date of this public notice. Comments received within this 15-day comment period will be considered in making the final decision regarding the application. The comments should include the name, address and telephone number of the writer and a concise statement to inform the Department of the exact basis of a comment and the relevant facts upon which it is based.
The Department reserves the right to hold a public hearing if the responsible office considers the public response significant. If a hearing is scheduled, a notice of the hearing will be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin and a newspaper of general circulation of the area. If no hearing is held, the Department's Water Management Program Manager will make a final determination regarding the applications after a complete review. Notice of this final determination will be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin at which time this determination may be appealed to the Environmental Hearing Board.
A copy of the permit application or proposed plan is on file in the office indicated and is open to public inspection. Appointments to review the application may be made by contacting Records Management at the indicated telephone number.
I. Industrial Waste and Sewerage Applications under The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. §§ 691.1--691.1001).
Southeast Region: Water Management Program Manager, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428.
WQM Permit No. 4602416, Sewerage, Joseph Kuroski and Gina Bryan, 1131 Church Road, East Greenville, PA 18041. This proposed facility is located in Upper Hanover Township, Montgomery County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Construction and operation of a small flow sewage treatment plant.
WQM Permit No. 1596414, Sewerage, London Grove Township Municipal Authority, 372 Rose Hill Road, Suite 300, West Grove, PA 19390. This proposed facility is located in London Grove Township, Chester County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Requesting approval to renew a spray irrigation permit.
Southcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, (717) 705-4707.
WQM Permit No. 5002404, Sewerage, Catherine Campbell, 1961 New Valley Road, Marysville, PA 17058. This proposed facility is located in Rye Township, Perry County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Approval for the construction/operation of a sewage treatment facility.
WQM Permit No. 0502402, Sewerage, Broad Top Township, 187 Municipal Road, P. O. Box 57, Defiance, PA 16633-0057. This proposed facility is located in Broad Top Township, Bedford County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Approval for the construction/operation of a sewage treatment facility.
WQM Permit No. 0502403, Sewerage, Broad Top Township, 187 Municipal Road, P. O. Box 57, Defiance, PA 16633-0057. This proposed facility is located in Broad Top Township, Bedford County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Approval for the construction/operation of a sewage treatment facility.
WQM Permit No. 0502404, Sewerage, Broad Top Township, 187 Municipal Road, P. O. Box 57, Defiance, PA 16633-0057. This proposed facility is located in Broad Top Township, Bedford County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Approval for the construction/operation of a sewage treatment facility.
WQM Permit No. 0502405, Sewerage, Broad Top Township, 187 Municipal Road, P. O. Box 57, Defiance, PA 16633-0057. This proposed facility is located in Broad Top Township, Bedford County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Approval for the construction/operation of a sewage treatment facility.
Northcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701.
WQM Permit No. 1702404, Sewerage SIC 4952, Curwensville Municipal Authority, 900 Susquehanna Ave., Curwensville, PA 16833. This proposed facility is located in Curwensville Borough, Clearfield County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Construction and operation of a 0.5 million gallon flow equalization tank.
Southwest Region: Water Management Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.
Application No. 1102202, Industrial Waste, Conectiv Mid-Merit Inc., P. O. Box 6066, Newark, DE 19714. Application for the construction and operation of a water recycling preparation plant to serve the Hinckston Run Power Plant, located in Jackson Township, Cambria County.
Application No. 0471408-A2, Sewerage, Hopewell Township, 1700 Clark Boulevard, Aliquippa, PA 15001. Application for the construction and modification of the Wilson and Heights Pump Stations to serve the Hopewell Township Sewer System located in Hopewell Township, Beaver County.
The Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority, which administers the Commonwealth's State Revolving Fund, has been identified as a possible funding source. The Department's review of the sewage facilities plan revision has not identified any significant environmental impacts resulting from this proposal.
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[Continued from previous Web Page]
NPDES Stormwater Individual Permit
The following parties have applied for an NPDES permit to discharge stormwater associated with a construction activity into waters of this Commonwealth. Unless otherwise indicated, on the basis of preliminary review and application of lawful standards and regulations, the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) proposes to issue a permit to discharge, subject to certain limitations set forth in the permit conditions. These proposed determinations are tentative. Limitations are provided as erosion and sediment control best management practices which restrict the rate and quantity of sediment discharged.
Where indicated, the EPA Region III Administrator has waived the right to review or object to this proposed permit action under the waiver provision 40 CFR 123.24(d).
Persons wishing to comment on the proposed permit are invited to submit a statement to the appropriate Department Regional Office noted before the application, within 30 days from the date of this public notice. Comments reviewed within this 30-day period will be considered in the formulation of the final determinations regarding this application. Responses should include the name, address and telephone number of the writer and a concise statement to inform the Department of the exact basis of a comment and relevant facts upon which it is based. A public hearing may be held after consideration of comments received by the appropriate Department Regional Office during the 30-day public comment period.
Following the 30-day comment period, the appropriate Regional Office Water Management Program Manager will make a final determination regarding the proposed permit. Notice of this determination will be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin at which time this determination may be appealed to the Environmental Hearing Board.
The application and related documents, including the erosion and sediment control plan for the earth disturbance activity, are on file and may be inspected at the office identified in this notice.
Persons with a disability who require an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodation to participate during the 30-day public comment period should contact the specified Regional Office. TDD users may contact the Department through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.
Southeast Region: Water Management Program Manager, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428.
NPDES Permit PAS10D128, Stormwater, Heritage Building Group, 3326 Old York Road, Suite A100, Furlong, PA, has applied to discharge stormwater associated with a construction activity located in Milford Township, Bucks County to Unami Creek (HQ).
NPDES Permit PAS10D129, Stormwater, Rotelle Builders, 219 Niantic Road, Barto, PA 19504, has applied to discharge stormwater associated with a construction activity located in Milford Township, Bucks County to Unami Creek (HQ-TSF).
NPDES Permit PAS10-112-1, Stormwater, Bucks County Airport Authority, P. O. Box 1185, 3879 Old Easton Road, Doylestown, PA 18901, has applied to discharge stormwater associated with construction activity located in Milford Township, Bucks County to unnamed tributary of Unami Creek (HQ-TSF).
NPDES Permit PAS10G552, Stormwater, Wayne C. Megill, 2 Huntrise Lane, West Chester, PA 19341, has applied to discharge stormwater associated with construction activity located in East Nottingham Township, Chester County, to Little Elk Creek (EV).
Northeast Region: Water Management Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790.
Lehigh County Conservation District: Lehigh Ag. Ctr., Suite 102, 4184 Dorney Park Road, Allentown, PA 18104, (610) 391-9583.
NPDES Applicant Name and County and Receiving No. Address Municipality Water/Use PAS10Q036-2R K & M Associates
P. O. Box 332
Trexlertown, PA 18087Lehigh County
Lower Macungie Township
Little Lehigh Creek
HQ-CWFNorthampton County Conservation District: Greystone Building, Gracedale Complex, Nazareth, PA 18064-9211, (610) 746-1971.
NPDES Applicant Name and County and Receiving No. Address Municipality Water/Use PAS10U187 Strausser Enterprises, Inc.
604 Village at Stones Crossing
Easton, PA 18045
Northampton County
Palmer TownshipBushkill Creek
HQ-CWFSouthwest Region: Water Management Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.
Westmoreland County Conservation District: Donohoe Center, R. D. 12, Box 202B, Greensburg, PA 15601-9217, (724) 837-5271.
NPDES Permit PAS10X104, Stormwater, Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Abandoned Mine Reclamation, P. O. Box 8476, Harrisburg, PA 17105, has applied to discharge stormwater associated with a construction activity located in Mt. Pleasant Township, Westmoreland County to Weity Run (HQ-CWF).
NPDES Permit PAS10X105, Stormwater, Dominion Peoples Gas, 423 Hyde Park Road, Leechburg, PA 15656, has applied to discharge stormwater associated with a construction activity located in Washington Township, Westmoreland County to Poke Run (HQ-CWF) and Little Pucketa Creek (TSF).
NPDES Permit PAS10X106, Stormwater, Maronda Homes, Inc., 202 Park West Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15275, has applied to discharge stormwater associated with construction activity located in North Huntingdon Township, Westmoreland County to a tributary to Long Run (HQ-TSF) and Crawford Run (WWF).
Northwest Region: Oil and Gas Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481, (814) 332-6860.
NPDES Permit PAS102710, Stormwater, Pennsylvania General Energy Corporation, 208 Liberty Street, Warren, PA 16365 has applied to discharge stormwater associated with a construction activity located on Warrant 5110 in Jenks and Kingsley Townships, Forest County to Salmon Creek (HQ-CWF) and an unnamed tributary to Salmon Creek (HQ-CWF).
PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY (PWS) PERMIT Under the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act, the following parties have applied for a PWS permit to construct or substantially modify a public water system.
Persons wishing to comment on the permit application are invited to submit a statement to the office listed before the application, within 30 days of this public notice. Comments received within this 30-day comment period will be considered in the formulation of the final determinations regarding this application. Comment responses should include the name, address and telephone number of the writer and a concise statement to inform the Department of the exact basis of a comment and the relevant facts upon which it is based. A public hearing may be held after consideration of comments received during the 30-day public comment period.
Following the comment period, the Department will make a final determination regarding the proposed permit. Notice of this final determination will be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin at which time this determination may be appealed to the Environmental Hearing Board.
The permit application and any related documents are on file at the office listed before the application and available for public review. Arrangements for inspection and copying information should be made with the office listed before the application.
Persons with a disability who require an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodations to participate during the 30-day public comment period should contact the office listed before the application. TDD users may contact the Department through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.
Applications Received under the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act (35 P. S. §§ 721.1--721.17).
Southeast Region: Water Supply Management Program Manager, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428.
Permit No. 4602505, Public Water Supply.
Applicant Pennsylvania American
Water CompanyTownship Upper Providence Responsible Official William C. Kelvington
800 W. Hersheypark Drive
Hershey, PA 17033
Type of Facility PWS Consulting Engineer Entech Engineering, Inc.
4 S. Forth Street
Reading, PA 19603
Application Received Date October 10, 2002 Description of Action Installation of a pump station. Southcentral Region: Water Supply Management Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
Permit No. 6702517, Public Water Supply.
Applicant Audubon Park Inc. Municipality Monaghan Township County York Responsible Official Kurt E. Suter, Owner
322 South Hanover Street
Carlisle, PA 17013Type of Facility PWS Consulting Engineer Max E. Stoner, P. E.
Glace Associates, Inc.
3705 Trindle Rd.
Camp Hill, PA 17011Application Received Date October 16, 2002 Description of Action Construction Permit Application for Well No. 2 and treatment. The application seeks approval to use the well at a maximum rate of 15 gallons per minute. Treatment will include nanofiltration to remove sulfates and total dissolved solids. Disinfection will be done through continued use of sodium hypochlorite; however, new feed equipment will also be provided. Northwest Region: Water Supply Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481.
Permit No. 1602503, Public Water Supply.
Applicant Redbank Valley Municipal Authority
243 Broad Street
New Bethlehem, PA 16242
Township or Borough Porter Township
Clarion CountyResponsible Official Robert Case, Chairperson
Type of Facility PWS Consulting Engineer Nichols & Slagle Engineering, Inc.
980 Beaver Grade Rd.
Suite 101, Westmark Bldg.
Moon Township, PA 15108Application Received Date October 29, 2002 Description of Action Cottage Hill Area Water system expansion project to include duplex booster pump station, 12,000 linear feet of waterline and 100,000 gallon standpipe. Permit No. 1002503, Public Water Supply.
Applicant Meadows Manor Boarding Home
600 Freeport Road
Butler, PA 16001
Township or Borough Jefferson Township
Butler CountyResponsible Official Ron Paule
Type of Facility PWS Consulting Engineer McGarvey Engineering
172 Woodcrest Road
Butler, PA 16002Application Received Date November 8, 2002 Description of Action Modify existing water system; install chlorination equipment, additional filters, add 2 feet to the existing casing and place a 3 foot concrete apron around the casing. MINOR AMENDMENT
Applications Received under the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act (35 P. S. §§ 721.1--721.17).
Northcentral Region: Water Supply Management Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701.
Application No. 0889504-T1, Public Water Supply.
Applicant Woodside Terrace Partners
Township Sheshequin Township
Bradford CountyResponsible Official Clair Hoover, Partner
P. O. Box 172
Manheim, PA 17545-0172
Type of Facility PWS Application Received Date November 7, 2002 Description of Action Application for transfer of existing water supply permit for Woodside Terrace Mobile Home Park. Application No. Minor Amendment, Public Water Supply.
Applicant Kreamer Municipal Authority Township Middlecreek Township
Snyder CountyResponsible Official William Rosencrans, Manager
Kreamer Municipal Authority
P. O. Box 220
Kreamer, PA 17833Type of Facility PWS Consulting Engineer William E. Sidler, P. E.
52 Schoolhouse Lane
Turbotville, PA 17772
Application Received Date November 6, 2002 Description of Action Application to sandblast and coat interior of existing 250,000 gallon finished water storage tank. LAND RECYCLING AND ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION UNDER ACT 2, 1995 PREAMBLE 1
Acknowledgment of Notices of Intent to Remediate Submitted under the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (35 P. S. §§ 6026.101--6026.908).
Sections 302--305 of the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (Act) require the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) to publish in the Pennsylvania Bulletin an acknowledgment noting receipt of any Notices of Intent to Remediate. An acknowledgment of the receipt of a Notice of Intent to Remediate is used to identify a site where a person proposes to, or has been required to, respond to a release of a regulated substance at a site. Persons intending to use the background standard, Statewide health standard, the site-specific standard or who intend to remediate a site as a special industrial area, must file a Notice of Intent to Remediate with the Department. A Notice of Intent to Remediate filed with the Department provides a brief description of the location of the site, a list of known or suspected contaminants at the site, the proposed remediation measures for the site and a description of the intended future use of the site. A person who demonstrates attainment of one, a combination of the cleanup standards or who receives approval of a special industrial area remediation identified under the Act, will be relieved of further liability for the remediation of the site for any contamination identified in reports submitted to and approved by the Department. Furthermore, the person shall not be subject to citizen suits or other contribution actions brought by responsible persons not participating in the remediation.
Under sections 304(n)(1)(ii) and 305(c)(2) of the Act, there is a 30-day public and municipal comment period for sites proposed for remediation using a site-specific standard, in whole or in part, and for sites remediated as a special industrial area. This period begins when a summary of the Notice of Intent to Remediate is published in a newspaper of general circulation in the area of the site. For the sites identified, proposed for remediation to a site-specific standard or as a special industrial area, the municipality, within which the site is located, may request to be involved in the development of the remediation and reuse plans for the site if the request is made within 30 days of the date specified. During this comment period the municipality may request that the person identified, as the remediator of the site, develop and implement a public involvement plan. Requests to be involved and comments, should be directed to the remediator of the site.
For further information concerning the content of a Notice of Intent to Remediate, contact the Environmental Cleanup Program Manager in the Department Regional Office under which the notice appears. If information concerning this acknowledgment is required in an alternative form, contact the Community Relations Coordinator at the appropriate Regional Office listed. TDD users may telephone the Department through the AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.
The Department has received the following Notices of Intent to Remediate:
Southeast Region: Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428.
Former ABAR Site, Northampton Township, Bucks County. Randy Shuler, ERM, Inc., 250 Phillips Blvd., Suite 280, Ewing, NJ 08618, on behalf of Dennis Duffy, c/o Superior Group, Inc., 3 Radnor Corp. Center, Suite 400, Radnor, PA 19087, has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate soil contaminated with chlorinated solvents, Fuel Oil No. 2, PAH and used motor oil; and groundwater contaminated with chlorinated solvents. The applicant proposes to remediate the site to meet Statewide Health and Site-Specific Standards. A summary of the Notice of Intent to Remediate was reported to have been published in the Doylestown Intelligencer on October 14, 2002.
Former Sunoco Station (Duns No. 0004-9056), Ridley Township, Delaware County. Marco Droese, Mulry & Cresswell Environmental, Inc., 1691 Horseshoe Pike, Suite 3, Glenmoore, PA 19343, on behalf of Ashok Patel, Hockessin Liquor, 719 Ace Memorial Dr., Route 41, Hockessin, DE 19707, has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate soil and groundwater contaminated with leaded gasoline, MTBE and unleaded gasoline. The applicant proposes to remediate the site to meet Statewide Health and Site-Specific Standards. A summary of the Notice of Intent to Remediate was reported to have been published in the Delaware County Times on October 21, 2002.
Randall Nester Property, Pottstown Borough, Montgomery County. Sandra L. Long, P. E., Whittemore & Haigh Engineering, Inc., 200 Bethlehem Dr., Suite 201, Morgantown, PA 19543, on behalf of Barbara Nestor, 161 Crest Dr., Boyertown, PA 19512, has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate soil and groundwater contaminated with leaded gasoline. The applicant proposes to remediate the site to meet the Statewide Health Standard. A summary of the Notice of Intent to Remediate was reported to have been published in the Berks-Mont Times on October 31, 2002.
3111 East Ontario Street Property, City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. Jennifer Pesch, Urban Engineers, Inc., 530 Walnut St., 14th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19106, on behalf of Jon Edelstein, City of Philadelphia, Dept. of Public Property, Municipal Services Bldg., 1401 JFK Blvd., Philadelphia, PA 19102, has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate soil contaminated with lead and groundwater contaminated with used motor oil. The applicant proposes to remediate the site to meet special industrial area requirements. A summary of the Notice of Intent to Remediate was reported to have been published in the Philadelphia Daily News on September 3, 2002.
Northeast Regional Field Office: Joseph A. Brogna, Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790, (570) 826-2511.
Tomko Property, Upper Saucon Township, Lehigh County. Thomas J. Martinelli, Environmental Scientist, JMT Environmental Technologies, P. O. Box 22044, Lehigh Valley, PA 18002 submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate (on behalf of Frances Tomko, Route 309, Center Valley, PA 18034) concerning the remediation of site soils found or suspected to have been contaminated with no. 2 fuel oil constituents. The applicant proposes to meet the Statewide Health Standard. A summary of the Notice of Intent to Remediate was reportedly published in the Morning Call on November 5, 2002.
Southcentral Region: Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
Crown American Logan Valley Mall, Logan Township, Blair County. Mountain Research, Inc., 825 25th Street, Altoona, PA 16601, on behalf of Crown American Properties, LP, Pasquerilla Plaza, Johnstown, PA 15901 and J. C. Penney Company, P. O. Box 10001, Dallas, TX 75301-001, submitted a combined Remedial Investigation and Final Report concerning remediation of site soils and groundwater contaminated with lead, PAHs, benzene and VOCs. The final report demonstrated attainment of a combination of the Statewide Health and Site-Specific Standards and the combined Remedial Investigation and Final Report was approved by the Department on November 7, 2002.
Applications Received under the Solid Waste Management Act (35 P. S. §§ 6018.101--6018.1003), the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act (53 P. S. §§ 4000.101--4000.1904) and Regulations to Operate Solid Waste Processing or Disposal Area or Site.
Southeast Region: Regional Solid Waste Manager, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428.
Permit Application No. 301220. Clean Earth of Philadelphia, Inc., 3201 S. 61st Street, Philadelphia, PA 19153-3502, City of Philadelphia. The application is for a Radiation Protection Action Plan. The application was received by Southeast Regional Office on November 1, 2002.
Southcentral Region: Regional Solid Waste Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
Permit Application No. 101566. Hanover Borough, 44 Frederick Street, Hanover, PA 17331-3501, Penn Township, York County. The application is for the Radiation Protection Action Plan for the Hanover Area Transfer Station. The application was determined to be administratively complete by the Southcentral Regional Office on November 6, 2002.
Comments concerning the application should be directed to John Krueger, Program Manager, Waste Management Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110. Persons interested in obtaining more information about the general permit application may contact the Waste Management Program, (717) 705-4706. TDD users may contact the Department through the Pennsylvania Relay Service, (800) 654-5984. Public comments must be submitted within 60 days of this notice and may recommend revisions to and approval or denial of the application.
Application incomplete under the Solid Waste Management Act (35 P. S. §§ 6018.101--6018.1003), the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act (53 P. S. §§ 4000.101--4000.1904) and Regulations to Operate Solid Waste Processing or Disposal Area or Site.
Southcentral Region: Regional Solid Waste Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
Permit Application No. PAD067098822. Cycle Chem Inc., 550 Industrial Drive, Lewisberry, PA 17339, Fairview Township, York County. Application determined to be administratively incomplete by the Southcentral Regional Office on October 17, 2002.
AIR QUALITY PLAN APPROVAL AND OPERATING PERMIT APPLICATIONS NEW SOURCES AND MODIFICATIONS The Department of Environmental Protection (Department) has developed an ''integrated'' plan approval, State Operating Permit and Title V Operating Permit program. This integrated approach is designed to make the permitting process more efficient for the Department, the regulated community and the public. This approach allows the owner or operator of a facility to complete and submit all the permitting documents relevant to its application one time, affords an opportunity for public input and provides for sequential issuance of the necessary permits.
The Department has received applications for plan approvals and/or operating permits from the following facilities.
Copies of these applications, subsequently prepared draft permits, review summaries and other support materials are available for review in the Regional Office identified in this notice. Persons interested in reviewing the application files should contact the appropriate Regional Office to schedule an appointment.
Persons wishing to receive a copy of the proposed Plan Approval or Operating Permit must indicate their interest to the Department Regional Office within 30 days of the date of this notice and must file protests or comments on a Proposed Plan Approval or Operating Permit within 30 days of the Department providing a copy of the proposed document to that person or within 30 days of its publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, whichever comes first. Interested persons may also request that a hearing be held concerning the proposed plan approval and operating permit. Comments or protests filed with the Department Regional Offices must include a concise statement of the objections to the issuance of the plan approval or operating permit and relevant facts, which serve as the basis for the objections. If the Department schedules a hearing, a notice will be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin at least 30 days prior the date of the hearing.
Persons with a disability who wish to comment and require an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodation to participate should contact the Regional Office identified. TDD users may contact the Department through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.
Final plan approvals and operating permits will contain terms and conditions to ensure that the source is constructed and operating in compliance with applicable requirements in 25 Pa. Code Chapters 121--143, the Federal Clean Air Act and regulations adopted under the Act.
Plan Approval Applications Received under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter B that may have special public interest. These applications are in review and no decision on disposition has been reached.
Northcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701; Contact: David Aldenderfer, Program Manager, (570) 327-3637.
41-00010C: Andritz, Inc. (35 Sherman Street, Muncy, PA 17756) for modification of a foundry molding line (refiner plate molding line) by increasing the allowable level of VOC emissions from the line above the level (zero) authorized by the Department at the time the line was originally constructed in Muncy Borough, Lycoming County.
18-313-018D: Avery Dennison Chemical Division-- US (171 Draketown Road, Mill Hall, PA 17751-9601) for installation of an air cleaning device (a thermal fume oxidizer) on various chemical reactor systems used for the manufacture of adhesives, resins and coatings in Bald Eagle Township, Clinton County.
60-399-002: Ritz-Craft Corp. (15 Industrial Park Road, Mifflinburg, PA 17844) for construction of modular home manufacturing operations (Plant 2, Plant 3 and Specialty Paint Shop) in Mifflinburg Borough, Union County.
59-00003B: OSRAM SYLVANIA Products, Inc. (One Jackson Street, Wellsboro, PA 16901-1717) for construction of a 16.8 million Btu/hour natural gas and propane-fired boiler equipped with a low NOx burner and flue gas recirculation system in Wellsboro Borough, Tioga County. This boiler is subject to Subpart Dc of the Federal Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources.
Southwest Region: Air Quality Program, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745; Contact: William Charlton, New Source Review Chief, (412) 442-4174.
04-00516D: Vesuvius McDanel Co. (510 9th Avenue, Beaver Falls, PA 15010) for installation of natural gas-fired kiln at Beaver Falls Plant in Beaver Falls, Beaver County.
56-00288A: PBS Coals, Inc. (P. O. Box 260, Friedens, PA 15541) for installation of their coal crushing facility at Job 220 Merrill II Strip in Brothersvalley Township, Somerset County.
Northwest Region: Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481; Contact: Devendra Verma, New Source Review Chief, (814) 332-6940.
33-033B: Owens-Brockway Glass Container, Inc. (Cherry Street, Brockway, PA 15824), for construction of an applied ceramic labeling process for labeling glass bottles at their Brockway facility in Brockway, Jefferson County. The Owens-Brockway, Brockway facility is a Title V facility.
Department of Public Health, Air Management Services: 321 University Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19104; Contact: Thomas Barsley, Chief, (215) 685-9428.
AMS 02186: Household Metals Inc. (645 East Erie Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19134) for permitting eight spray booths in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County.
AMS 02188: Spectrum Arena LP (3601 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19145) for permitting several combustion units in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County.
Intent to Issue Plan Approvals and Intent to Issue or Amend Operating Permits under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter B. These actions may include the administrative amendments of an associated operating permit.
Southeast Region: Air Quality Program, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428; Contact: Edward Brown, Facilities Permitting Chief, (610) 832-6242.
46-00048: Wyeth Pharmaceuticals (500 Arcola Road, Collegeville, PA 19426) for modification of operating times for three 66 mmBtu/hr boilers and a limitation on the use of no. 2 fuel oil, as a secondary fuel, in the boilers, at their facility in Upper Providence Township, Montgomery County. This facility is a Title V facility. The emission limits in the company's current operating permit will remain the same. The Plan Approval will contain recordkeeping and operating restrictions designed to keep the facility operating within the allowable emissions and all applicable air quality requirements.
Northeast Region: Air Quality Program, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790; Contact: Michael Safko, Facilities Permitting Chief, (570) 826-2531.
66-301-010: R. H. Jones Crematory (2 Twin Drive, Tunkhannock, PA 18657) for construction of a human crematory in Tunkhannock Township, Wyoming County. A temperature of 1,800°F shall be maintained with a minimum residence time of 1 second when the unit is in operation. Particulate emissions shall not exceed 0.08 grain/dscf, corrected to 7% O2. The plan approval and operating permit will contain additional recordkeeping and operating restrictions designed to keep the facility operating within all applicable air quality requirements.
Northwest Region: Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481; Contact: Eric Gustafson, Facilities Permitting Chief, (814) 332-6940.
16-010A: Owens-Brockway Glass Container--Clarion (151 Grand Avenue, Clarion, PA 16214) for installation of a baghouse on the hot end surface treatment process. This installation will result in no emissions increases. Notice is hereby given, in accordance with 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.44(b) and 127.424(b), that the Department intends to issue a plan approval for their plant in Clarion, Clarion County. The facility currently has a Title V Operating Permit No. 16-00010. This plan approval will, in accordance with 25 Pa. Code § 127.450, be incorporated into the Title V Operating Permit through an administrative amendment at a later date.
Department of Public Health, Air Management Services: 321 University Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19104; Contact: Edward Braun, Chief, (215) 685-9476.
02162: Defense Energy Support Center (8725 John J. Kingman Road, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060) for installation of a soil vapor extraction system with two modified IC engines equipped with catalytic oxidizers as control device at 2800 South 20th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19145. The plan approval will contain operating and recordkeeping requirements to ensure operation within all applicable requirements.
02163: Naval Surface Warfare Center (5001 South Broad Street, Code 027, Philadelphia, PA 19112) for installation of a 1,448 bhp diesel engine to replace an existing 2,000 hp diesel engine. This is a Title V facility. Operation of this source is limited to 500 hours in any 12-month period. The plan approval will contain operating and recordkeeping requirements to ensure operation within all applicable requirements.
02166: SBC Telecom (36 South Fairview Avenue, Park Ridge, IL 60068) for installation of a 1,020 kW emergency generator at 401 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130. The operation is limited to less than 500 hours in any 12-month period. The maximum NOx emissions from the source will be 5.2 tons per year. The plan approval will contain operating and recordkeeping requirements to ensure operation within all applicable requirements.
Intent to Issue Title V Operating Permits under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter G.
Northeast Region: Air Quality Program, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790; Contact: Michael Safko, Facilities Permitting Chief, (570) 826-2531.
40-00020: Department of Public Welfare (White Haven Center, P. O. Box 2195, White Haven, PA 18661-9602) for operation of three anthracite coal fired boilers and emergency generators ranging from 6 kW to 200 kW at their facility in Foster Township, Luzerne County. This action is a renewal of the Title V Operating Permit issued in 1997.
35-00007: Department of Public Welfare (Clarks Summit State Hospital, 1541 Hillside Drive, Clarks Summit, PA 18411) for operation of two anthracite coal fired boilers, one no. 2 fuel oil fired boiler and emergency generators ranging from 7.5 kW to 200 kW at their facility in Newton Township, Lackawanna County. This action is a renewal of the Title V Operating Permit issued in 1997.
54-00011: Pennsylvania Power and Light Martins Creek LLC (2 North Ninth Street, Allentown, PA 18101-1179) for operation of two combustion turbines in Norwegian Township, Schuylkill County. This action is a renewal of the Title V Operating Permit issued in 1997.
Southcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110; Contact: Yasmin Neidlinger, Facilities Permitting Chief, (717) 705-4702.
06-05044: Department of Public Welfare (P. O. Box 300, Wernersville, PA 19565) for operation of a skilled nurse care facility (Wernersville State Hospital) in South Heidelberg Township, Berks County. This action is a renewal of the Title V Operating Permit issued in 1997 and revised in 1998.
Northcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701; Contact: Muhammad Zaman, Program Manager, (570) 327-0512.
60-00007: United States Penitentiary, Lewisburg (P. O. Box 1000, Lewisburg, PA 17837) for renewal of the Title V Operating Permit for their Federal correctional facility in Kelly Township, Union County. The facility is currently operating under TVOP 60-00007, which was issued October 30, 1997. The facility's sources include 4 natural gas/no. 2 oil fired boilers, 42 natural gas fired heaters, 2 natural gas fired bake ovens, 2 natural gas fired drying ovens and 2 natural gas fired burnoff ovens, which have the potential to emit major quantities of SOx. The facility has the potential to emit NOx, CO, PM10, VOCs and HAPs below the major emission thresholds. The facility is subject to all applicable regulatory requirements of the Federal Standards of Performance for Small Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units (40 CFR Part 60, Subpart Dc). The proposed Title V Operating Permit contains all applicable regulatory requirements including monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting conditions.
55-00005: Wood-Mode, Inc. (One Second Street, Route 522, Kreamer, PA 17833) for issuance of a revised Title V Operating Permit under 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.521 and 127.541 for their wood cabinet manufacturing facility in Middlecreek Township, Snyder County. The Title V Operating Permit revision is to incorporate conditions from the amended Reasonably Available Control Technology plan for one woodwaste fired boiler, one natural gas fired boiler and one woodwaste/natural gas fired boiler at their facility. In addition, this Title V Operating Permit revision will include the terms and conditions of plan approvals 55-302-005B and 55-302-005C for the two woodwaste fired boilers. The proposed Title V Operating Permit contains all applicable regulatory requirements including monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting conditions.
Northwest Region: Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481; Contact: Eric Gustafson, Facilities Permitting Chief, (814) 332-6940.
10-00311: The F. B. Leopold Co., Inc. (227 South Division Street, Zelienople, PA 16063-1313) for operation of their small gas-fired boiler, a degreaser and the fiberglass spray up area facility in Zelienople Borough, Butler County. Because of rulemaking, they are a Title V facility and therefore subject to the Title V Operating Permit requirements adopted in 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter G.
Intent to Issue Operating Permits under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter F.
Northeast Region: Air Quality Program, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790; Contact: Michael Safko, Facilities Permitting Chief, (570) 826-2531.
45-313-009F: Heico Chemicals, Inc. (P. O. Box 160, Delaware Water Gap, PA 18327) for operation of 3 receivers, 12 tanks, 1 centrifuge, 2 dryers, 16 reactors and the associated air cleaning devices at their facility in Delaware Water Gap Borough, Monroe County.
Southcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110; Contact: Yasmin Neidlinger, Facilities Permitting Chief, (717) 705-4702.
36-05125: Department of Corrections (P. O. Box 598, Camp Hill, PA 17001) for operation of their Training Academy in Mount Joy Township, Lancaster County. The facility has the potential to emit 153.1 tons per year of SOx, 55 tons per year of NOx, 64.8 tons per year of PM, 33.7 tons per year of PM10, 3.7 tons per year of CO and 1.8 tons of VOCs. The Synthetic Minor operating permit shall contain testing, monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements, emission restrictions and work practice standards designed to keep the facility operating within all applicable air quality requirements.
Northwest Region: Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481; Contact: Eric Gustafson, Facilities Permitting Chief, (814) 332-6940.
24-00079: Osram Sylvania, Inc. (835 Washington Road, St. Marys, PA 15857) for operation of their Natural Minor Operating Permit for manufacturing incandescent light bulbs in the City of St. Marys, Elk County.
Department of Public Health, Air Management Services: 321 University Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19104; Contact: Edward Braun, Chief, (215) 685-9476.
S02-002: Cage Graphic Arts (2781 Roberts Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19129) for manufacturing of printing plates for the flexographic printing industry in the City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. The synthetic minor facility's air emission sources include two photo processing units, two plate dryers and two distillation stills.
MINING ACTIVITY APPLICATIONS Applications under the Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act (52 P. S. §§ 1396.1--1396.19a); the Noncoal Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act (52 P. S. §§ 3301--3326); and The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. §§ 691.1--691.1001); the Coal Refuse Disposal Control Act (52 P. S. §§ 30.51--30.66); and The Bituminous Mine Subsidence and Land Conservation Act (52 P. S. §§ 1406.1--1406.21). Mining activity permits issued in response to the applications will also address the applicable permitting requirements of the following statutes: the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015); the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act (32 P. S. §§ 693.1--693.27); and the Solid Waste Management Act (35 P. S. §§ 6018.101--6018.1003).
The following permit applications to conduct mining activities have been received by the Department of Environmental Protection (Department). A copy of the application is available for inspection at the District Mining Office indicated before each application. Where a 401 Water Quality Certification is needed for any aspect of a particular proposed mining activity, the submittal of the permit application will serve as the request for certification.
Written comments, objections or requests for informal conferences on applications may be submitted by any person or any officer or head of any Federal, State or local government agency or authority to the Department at the same address within 30 days of this publication, or within 30 days after the last publication of the applicant's newspaper advertisement, as provided by 25 Pa. Code §§ 77.121--77.123 and 86.31--86.34 (relating to public notices of filing of permit applications, opportunity for comment and informal conferences).
Where any of the mining activities listed will have discharges of wastewater to streams, the Department will incorporate NPDES permits into the mining activity permits issued in response to these applications. NPDES permits will contain, at a minimum, technology-based effluent limitations (as described in the Department's regulations--25 Pa. Code §§ 77.522, 87.102, 88.92, 88.187, 88.242, 89.52 and 90.102) for iron, manganese, suspended solids, settleable solids, alkalinity and pH. In addition to the previous, more restrictive effluent limitations, restrictions on discharge volume, or restrictions on the extent of mining which may occur will be incorporated into a mining activity permit, when necessary, for compliance with water quality standards (in accordance with 25 Pa. Code Chapters 93 and 95). Persons or agencies which have requested review of the NPDES permit requirements for a particular mining activity within the previously-mentioned public comment period will be provided with a 30-day period to review and submit comments on those requirements.
Written comments or objections should contain the name, address and telephone number of persons submitting comments or objections; application number; and a statement of sufficient detail to inform the Department on the basis of comment or objection and relevant facts upon which it is based. Requests for an informal conference must contain the name, address and telephone number of requestor; application number; a brief summary of the issues to be raised by the requestor at the conference; and a statement whether the requestor desires to have the conference conducted in the locality of the proposed mining activities.
Coal Applications Received
Pottsville District Mining Office: 5 West Laurel Boulevard, Pottsville, PA 17901-2454, (570) 621-3118.
54860108R3. Reading Anthracite Company (200 Mahantongo Street, P. O. Box 1200, Pottsville, PA 17901), renewal of an existing anthracite surface mine in New Castle Township, Schuylkill County affecting 1,469.0 acres, receiving stream: none. Application received October 31, 2002.
Greensburg District Mining Office: Armbrust Building, R. R. 2 Box 603-C, Greensburg, PA 15601-0982, (724) 925-5500.
03950113 and NPDES Permit No. PA0201529. Seven Sisters Mining Company, Inc. (Star Route 22, P. O. Box 300, Delmont, PA 15626-0300). Renewal application for continued mining of an existing bituminous surface mine located in South Bend Township, Armstrong County, affecting 93 acres. Receiving stream: Cooked Creek, classified for WWF. There is no potable water supply intake within 10 miles downstream from the point of discharge. Renewal application received November 1, 2002.
03910104 and NPDES Permit No. PA02000158. Big Mack Leasing Co., Inc. (R. R. 6, Box 231, Kittanning, PA 16201). Renewal application for reclamation only of an existing bituminous surface mine located in Plumcreek Township, Armstrong County, affecting 59 acres. Receiving streams: two unnamed tributaries to Cherry Run, classified for CWF. There is no potable water supply intake within 10 miles downstream from the point of discharge. Renewal application received November 4, 2002.
McMurray District Mining Office: 3913 Washington Road, McMurray, PA 15317, (724) 941-7100.
30743704. NPDES Permit N/A, Duquesne Light Co. (P. O. Box 457, Greensboro, PA 15338), to revise the permit for the Warwick Mine No. 2 Coal Refuse Disposal Area in Monongahela Township, Greene County, reclaim 72 acres and add beneficial ash and biosolids Surface Acres Proposed N/A, Underground Acres Proposed N/A, SCP Acres Proposed N/A, CRDP Support Acres Proposed N/A, CRDP Refuse Disposal Acres Proposed N/A, no additional discharges, classified for the following uses: N/A. The first downstream potable water supply intake from the point of discharge is N/A. Application received September 12, 2002.
30831303. NPDES Permit PA0013511, RAG Cumberland Resources, L. P. (R. D. 3, Box 184, Waynesburg, PA 15370), to renew and revise the permit for the Cumberland Mine in Whiteley Township, Greene County to revise the permit for the per Chapter 105 (Garards Fort Quadrangle from N: 13.9 inches; W: 13.1 inches to N: 16.4 inches; W: 14.6 inches; Oak Forest Quadrangle from N: 15.3 inches; W: 0.1 inch to N: 17.2 inches; W: 0.1 inch and Oak Forest Quadrangle from N: 16.2 inches; W: 4.0 inches to N: 17.8 inches; W: 4.2 inches) N/A, Surface Acres Proposed N/A, Underground Acres Proposed NA, SCP Acres Proposed NA, CRDP Support Acres Proposed N/A, CRDP Refuse Disposal Acres Proposed N/A.
This is a Chapter 105 Water Obstruction and Encroachment permit application (Stream Module 15) and 401 Water Quality Certification request, if applicable submitted as part of the mining permit renewal/revision application to authorize the mitigation of any impacts to Dutch Run, Mt. Phoebe Run and the unnamed tributary to Dyers Fork. Written comments or objections on the request for section 401 Water Quality Certification or to the issuance of the Water Obstruction and Encroachment Permit (Stream Module 15) may be submitted to the Department within 30 days of the date of this notice to the District Mining Office identified previously. Comments should contain the name, address and telephone number of the person comments, identification of the request for 401 Water Quality Certification and Chapter 105 permit application (Stream Module 15) to which the comments or objections are addressed an a concise statement of comments objections or suggestions including relevant facts upon which they are based. Application received October 9, 2002.
Noncoal Applications Received
Pottsville District Mining Office: 5 West Laurel Boulevard, Pottsville, PA 17901-2454, (570) 621-3118.
01870301T2 and NPDES Permit PA0593931. Vulcan Construction Materials, LP (P. O. Box 4239, Winston-Salem, NC 27115-4239), transfer of an existing quarry operation from Vulcan Construction Materials, Inc. in Berwick, Conewago and Oxford Townships, Adams County, receiving stream: Slagle Run and North Stream. Application received November 1, 2002.
7674SM1C8 and NPDES Permit PA0615312. Pennsy Supply, Inc. (P. O. Box 3331, Harrisburg, PA 17105), renewal of NPDES Permit in Jackson Township, Lebanon County, receiving stream: Tulpehocken Creek. Classified for CWF. The first downstream potable water supply intake from the point of discharge is Myerstown Water Authority. Application received October 31, 2002.
Hawk Run District Mining Office: Empire Road, P. O. Box 209, Hawk Run, PA 16840-0209, (814) 342-8200.
08020813. Jean J. Fink, R. R. 1, Box 189, Wyalusing, PA 18853. Commencement, operation and restoration of a Small Industrial Minerals (Stone) Permit in Wilmot Township, Bradford County affecting 3 acres. Receiving streams: unnamed tributary, tributary to Susquehanna River. Application received October 10, 2002.
Cambria District Mining Office: 286 Industrial Park Road, Ebensburg, PA 15931, (814) 472-1900.
32020302 and NPDES Permit No. PA0249327. Alverda Enterprises, Inc., P. O. Box 87, Alverda, PA 15710, commencement, operation and restoration of a noncoal surface mine and for discharge of treated mine drainage in Pine Township, Indiana County, affecting 5.0 acres. Receiving streams: unnamed tributaries to Yellow Creek and unnamed tributaries to Dutch Run classified for CWF. There are no potable water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. Application received October 30, 2002.
Knox District Mining Office: White Memorial Building, P. O. Box 669, Knox, PA 16232-0669, (814) 797-1191.
43020305. SQP Industries (310 Grand Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 158225). Commencement, operation and restoration of a slag operation in Sharpsville Borough, Mercer County affecting 32.8 acres. Receiving streams: Shenango River, classified for WWF. The first downstream potable water supply intake from the point of discharge is Consumers Pennsylvania Water Co. Application received October 31, 2002.
10020306 and NPDES Permit No. PA0242250. Allegheny Mineral Corporation (P. O. Box 1022, Kittanning, PA 16201). Commencement, operation and restoration of a limestone, shale and sandstone operation in Worth Township, Butler County affecting 277.9 acres. Receiving streams: Slippery Rock Creek and two unnamed tributaries to Slippery Rock Creek, classified for CWF. There are no potable surface water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. Application received November 4, 2002.
1270-10020306-E-1. Allegheny Mineral Corporation (P. O. Box 1022, Kittanning, PA 16201). Application for a stream encroachment to mine through and reconstruct and construct a permanent pond in an intermittent unnamed tributary to Slippery Rock Creek in Worth Township, Butler County. Receiving streams: Slippery Rock Creek and two unnamed tributaries to Slippery Rock Creek, classified for CWF. There are no potable surface water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. Application received November 4, 2002.
PROJECTS UNDER THE ENVIRONMENTAL GOOD SAMARITAN ACT The Environmental Good Samaritan Act (27 Pa.C.S. §§ 8001--8114) provides certain protections and immunities from civil liability for landowners and persons who voluntarily undertake reclamation and abatement projects to address land and water adversely affected by mining or oil or gas extraction or exploration for natural resources and left in an unreclaimed condition or left discharging water pollution. For landowners and persons to qualify for immunity, the projects must be approved by the Department.
The following project proposals have been received by the Department. A copy of the proposals is available for inspection at the office indicated before each proposal.
Written comments or objections may be submitted by any person or any office or head of any Federal, State or local government agency or authority to the Department at the same address within 30 days of this publication.
Written comments or objections should contain the name, address and telephone number of the person submitting comments or objections; the proposal identification number; and a statement of sufficient detail to inform the Department of the basis of the comment or objection and the relevant facts upon which it is based.
Project Proposals Received
Greensburg District Mining Office: Armbrust Building, R. R. 2 Box 603-C, Greensburg, PA 15601-0982, (724) 925-5500.
EGS 02001. Raccoon Creek Watershed Assoc. (150 Cumer Lane, Burgettstown, PA 15021). A project to passively treat mine drainage pollution in Findlay Township, Allegheny County, affecting 2.65 acres. Receiving stream: unnamed tributary to Potato Garden Run. Project proposal received September 19, 2002.
[Continued on next Web Page]
[Continued from previous Web Page] FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT, SECTION 401 The following permit applications and requests for Environmental Assessment approval and requests for Water Quality Certification have been received by the Department of Environmental Protection (Department). Section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA) (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341(a)), requires the State to certify that the involved projects will not violate the applicable provisions of sections 301--303, 306 and 307 of the FWPCA (33 U.S.C.A. §§ 1311--1313, 1316 and 1317) as well as relevant State requirements. Initial requests for 401 Water Quality Certification will be published concurrently with the permit application. Persons objecting to approval of a request for certification under section 401 or to the issuance of a Dam Permit or Water Obstruction and Encroachment Permit, or the approval of an Environmental Assessment must submit any comments, suggestions or objections within 30 days of the date of this notice as well as any questions to the office noted before the application. Comments should contain the name, address and telephone number of the person commenting, identification of the certification request to which the comments or objections are addressed and a concise statement of comments, objections or suggestions including the relevant facts upon which they are based.
The Department may conduct a fact-finding hearing or an informal conference in response to comments if deemed necessary. Each individual will be notified, in writing, of the time and place of a scheduled hearing or conference concerning the certification request to which the comment, objection or suggestion relates. Maps, drawings and other data pertinent to the certification request are available for inspection between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. on each working day at the office noted before the application.
Persons with a disability who wish to attend the hearing and require an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodation to participate in the proceedings should contact the specified program. TDD users may contact the Department through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.
Applications Received under the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act (32 P. S. §§ 693.1--693.27) and section 302 of the Flood Plain Management Act (32 P. S. § 679.302) and Requests for Certification under section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341(a)).
WATER OBSTRUCTIONS AND ENCROACHMENTS Southwest Region: Water Management Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.
E02-1406. Joyce Schmiedlin, P. O. Box 555, Gibsonia, PA 15044. Richland Township, Allegheny County, ACOE Pittsburgh District.
To construct and maintain a 40 foot by 40 foot commercial building within the right bank side floodway of Willow Run (CWF). The project is located in the northwest corner of the intersection of SR 910 and Grubbs Road (Valencia, PA Quadrangle N: 0.9 inch; W: 13.2 inches).
E04-290. Chad J. Zutter, 9000 Christopher Wren Drive, Apartment 7, Wexford, PA 15090. Economy Borough, Beaver County, ACOE Pittsburgh District.
To construct and maintain a single span bridge having a span of 32 feet and underclearance of 7 feet across the North Fork of Big Sewickley Creek (TSF) and to place and maintain fill in 0.17 acre of palustrine forested wetlands to provide access to a proposed residence. The project is located on the south side of Hoening Road (SR 2003) approximately 0.2 mile southwest of its intersection with Conway-Wallace Road (SR 2005) (Baden, PA Quadrangle N: 2.3 inches; W: 4.5 inches).
E26-301. Department of Transportation, Engineering District 12-0, P. O. Box 459, Uniontown, PA 15401. Jefferson Township, Fayette County, ACOE Pittsburgh District.
To remove the existing structure and to construct and maintain a prestressed concrete spread box beam bridge having a normal span of 30.0 feet and an underclearance of 7.4 feet over Little Redstone Creek (WWF). Also to relocate and maintain 115.0 linear feet of Little Redstone Creek (WWF) and 75.0 feet of an unnamed tributary to Little Redstone Creek (WWF) and to construct and maintain a temporary crossing consisting of five 18-inch diameter pipes approximately 4,000 feet south of its intersection with SR 4003 (Fayette City, PA Quadrangle N: 12.0 inches; W: 11.9 inches).
ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENTS Central Office: Bureau of Waterways Engineering, Rachel Carson State Office Building, Floor 3, 400 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17105.
D33-005A. Reynoldsville Sewage Authority, 400 North 5th Street, Reynoldsville, PA 15851. Winslow Township, Jefferson County, ACOE Pittsburgh District.
To modify the existing Storage Dam No. 5 across Pitchpine Run (CWF) impacting a de minimis area of wetland (PEM) equal to 0.05 acre. Modifications include extending the primary spillway pipe approximately 155 feet to reduce erosion immediately downstream of the dam and placing earthfill on the downstream slope of the dam to facilitate maintenance activities. Modifications will not change the normal pool elevation. The dam is located approximately 2,500 feet northeast of the intersection of SR 1002 and T527 (DuBois, PA Quadrangle N: 19.6 inches; W: 16.9 inches).
NPDES AND WQM PART II PERMITSINDUSTRIAL WASTE AND SEWERAGE WASTEWATER The Department of Environmental Protection has taken the following actions on previously received permit applications and requests for plan approval.
Persons aggrieved by an action may appeal, under section 4 of the Environmental Hearing Board Act (35 P. S. § 7514) and 2 Pa.C.S. §§ 501--508 and 701--704 (relating to the Administrative Agency Law), to the Environmental Hearing Board, Second Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, P. O. Box 8457, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8457, (717) 787-3483. TDD users may contact the Environmental Hearing Board (Board) through the Pennsylvania Relay Service, (800) 654-5984. Appeals must be filed with the Board within 30 days of publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, unless the appropriate statute provides a different time period. Copies of the appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure may be obtained from the Board. The appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure are also available in Braille or on audiotape from the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483. This paragraph does not, in and of itself, create any right of appeal beyond that permitted by applicable statutes and decision law.
For individuals who wish to challenge an action, appeals must reach the Board within 30 days. A lawyer is not needed to file an appeal with the Board.
Important legal rights are at stake, however, so individuals should show this notice to a lawyer at once. Persons who cannot afford a lawyer may qualify for free pro bono representation. Call the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483 for more information.
I. Municipal and Industrial Permit Actions under The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. §§ 691.1--691.1001).
Southeast Region: Water Management Program Manager, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428.
WQM Permit No. 4602410, Sewerage, Upper Moreland Hatboro Joint Sewer Authority, P. O. Box 535, 2875 Terwood Road, Willow Grove, PA 19090. This proposed facility is located in Upper Moreland Township, Montgomery County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Approval for the replacement of the Hatboro Interceptor sanitary sewer main.
WQM Permit No. 4602411, Sewerage, New Hanover Township, 2943 North Charlotte Street, Gilbertsville, PA 19525. This proposed facility is located in New Hanover Township, Montgomery County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Approval for the installation and operation of a pump station and force main to serve a 30 single family residential subdivision.
Northeast Region: Water Management Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790.
NPDES Permit No. PA0062197, Industrial Waste, Schuylkill County Municipal Authority, 221 South Centre Street, P. O. Box 960, Pottsville, PA 17901. This proposed facility is located in New Castle Township, Schuylkill County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Renewal of NPDES permit.
NPDES Permit No. PA0062529, Industrial Waste, Schuylkill County Municipal Authority, 221 South Centre Street, P. O. Box 960, Pottsville, PA 17901. This proposed facility is located in Blythe Township, Schuylkill County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Renewal of NPDES permit.
NPDES Permit No. PA0063631, Sewage, Parkland School District, 2219 North Cedar Crest Boulevard, Allentown, PA 18104. This proposed facility is located in South Whitehall Township, Lehigh County and discharge to Jordan Creek.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Renewal of NPDES permit.
NPDES Permit No. PA0061182, Sewage, Big Boulder Corporation, P. O. Box 707, Blakeslee, PA 18610-0707. This proposed facility is located in Kidder Township, Carbon County.
Description of Proposed Action: Renewal of NPDES permit.
NPDES Permit No. PA0031127, Sewage, Borough of Northampton, 1401 Laubach Avenue, Northampton, PA 18067. This proposed facility is located in Northampton Borough, Northampton County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Renewal of NPDES permit.
NPDES Permit No. PA0041742, Sewage, Nazareth Borough Municipal Authority, P. O. Box A, Nazareth, PA 18064. This proposed facility is located in Lower Nazareth Township, Northampton County.
Description of Proposed Action: Renewal of NPDES permit.
Southcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, (717) 705-4707.
NPDES Permit No. PA0086771, Sewage, Centre Township Municipal Authority, Dauberville Plant, 449 Bucks Hill Road, Mohrsville, PA 19541. This proposed facility is located in Centre Township, Berks County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Authorization to discharge to Irish Creek in Watershed 3-B.
NPDES Permit No. PA0052485, Sewage, Mountain Springs Mobile Home Park, P. O. Box 365, Shartlesville, PA 19554. This proposed facility is located in Upper Bern Township, Berks County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Authorization to discharge to an unnamed tributary of Mill Creek in Watershed 3-C.
NPDES Permit No. PA0084565, Sewage, East Prospect Borough Authority, East Prospect WWTP, P. O. Box 344, East Prospect, PA 17317. This proposed facility is located in Lower Windsor Township, York County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Authorization to discharge to an unnamed tributary of Cabin Creek in Watershed 7-I.
NPDES Permit No. PA0085235, Sewage, Post Office Inn Corporation, 3790 Morgantown Road, Mohnton, PA 19540-9618. This proposed facility is located in Robeson Township, Berks County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Authorization to discharge to unnamed tributary of Allegheny Creek in Watershed 3-C.
NPDES Permit No. PA0085669, Sewage, Centerport Borough Municipal Authority, P. O. Box 248, Centerport, PA 19516. This proposed facility is located in Centerport Borough, Berks County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Authorization to discharge to Irish Creek in Watershed 3-C.
NPDES Permit No. PA0084450, Sewage and Industrial Waste, USAG--Fort Detrick, 1500 Porter Street, Frederick, MD 21702. This proposed facility is located in Liberty Township, Adams County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Authorization to discharge to Miney Branch and unnamed tributaries to Miney Branch in Watershed 13-D.
NPDES Permit No. PA0080322, Industrial Waste, Greater Lebanon Refuse Authority, 1610 Russell Road, Lebanon, PA 17046-1437. This proposed facility is located in North Lebanon Township, Lebanon County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Authorization to discharge to an unnamed tributary of Swatara Creek in Watershed 7-D.
NPDES Permit No. PA0084522, Industrial Waste, Allentown Refrigerated Terminal, Inc., 125 Seneca Trail, Boyertown, PA 19512. This proposed facility is located in Colebrookdale Township, Berks County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Authorization to discharge to an unnamed tributary to Ironstone Creek in Watershed 3-D.
Northcentral Region: Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701.
NPDES Permit No. PA0228541, Industrial Waste, Pennsylvania State University, 101-P Physical Plant Building, University Park, PA 16802-2116. This facility is located in College Township, Centre County.
Description of Activity: Authorization to discharge 0.0072 MGD of treated effluent from a groundwater remediation system for the Alpha Fire Training Site to Big Hollow. System consists of groundwater extraction wells, an equalization tank and an air stripper.
NPDES Permit No. PA0039241, Sewage 4952, United States Department of Justice, P. O. Box 3500, White Deer, PA 17887-3500. This facility is located in Greg Township, Union County.
Description of Action/Activity: Renewal of NPDES permit for nonmunicipal wastewater treatment facilities.
NPDES Permit No. PA0112631, Sewage 4952, Allen Wargo, 1746 Old Reading Rd., Catawissa, PA 17820. This facility is located in Roaring Creek Township, Columbia County.
Description of Action/Activity: Renewal of NPDES permit for small flow domestic wastewater treatment facilities.
WQM Permit No. 1902401, Sewerage SIC 4952, Alvin J. and Elaine F. Luschas, 152 Golfcourse Road, Berwick, PA 18603. This proposed facility is located in North Centre Township, Columbia County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Issuance of a water quality management permit to construct and operate a single residence sewage plant.
Southwest Region: Water Management Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.
NPDES Permit No. PA0027618-A1, Sewage, Bethel Park Municipal Authority, 5100 West Library Avenue, Bethel Park, PA 15102 is authorized to discharge from a facility located at Bethel Park Sewage Treatment Plant (Piney Fork STP), South Park Township, Allegheny County to receiving waters named Piney Fork.
NPDES Permit No. PA0098094, Sewage, Stonewood Family Limited Partnership, 116 East Pittsburgh Street, Suite 200, Greensburg, PA 15601 is authorized to discharge from a facility located at Pittsburgh Airport Park STP, Independence Township, Beaver County to receiving waters named Raccoon Creek.
Northwest Region: Water Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481.
WQM Permit No. 2002420, Sewerage, Michael B. Frazier, 17444 South Norrisville Road, Conneautville, PA 16406. This proposed facility is located in Hayfield Township, Crawford County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: This project is for a single residence.
WQM Permit No. 1002411, Sewerage, John C. Davis, 212 Leisie Road, Renfrew, PA 16053. This proposed facility is located in Forward Township, Butler County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: This project is for a single residence.
WQM Permit No. 6202408, Sewerage, William Jewell, P. O. Box 158, Garland, PA 16416. This proposed facility is located in Pittsfield Township, Warren County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: This project is for a single residence.
NPDES STORMWATER INDIVIDUAL PERMITS--(PAS) The following NPDES Individual Permits for Discharges of Stormwater Associated with Construction Activities have been issued.
Persons aggrieved by an action may appeal, under section 4 of the Environmental Hearing Board Act (35 P. S. § 7514) and 2 Pa.C.S. §§ 501--508 and 701--704 (relating to the Administrative Agency Law), to the Environmental Hearing Board, Second Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, P. O. Box 8457, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8457, (717) 787-3483. TDD users may contact the Environmental Hearing Board (Board) through the Pennsylvania Relay Service, (800) 654-5984. Appeals must be filed with the Board within 30 days of publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, unless the appropriate statute provides a different time period. Copies of the appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure may be obtained from the Board. The appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure are also available in Braille or on audiotape from the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483. This paragraph does not, in and of itself, create any right of appeal beyond that permitted by applicable statutes and decision law.
For individuals who wish to challenge an action, appeals must reach the Board within 30 days. A lawyer is not needed to file an appeal with the Board.
Important legal rights are at stake, however, so individuals should show this notice to a lawyer at once. Persons who cannot afford a lawyer may qualify for free pro bono representation. Call the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483 for more information.
Southeast Region: Water Management Program Manager, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428.
NPDES Applicant Name and Receiving Permit No. Address County Municipality Water/Use PAS10G541 David Nelson
960 Street Road
Oxford, PA 19363Chester Upper Oxford
West Branch of the Big Elk Creek
HQ-TSF-MFPAS10G524 Corby Road Associates, LP
5169 Woodmill Drive, Suite 10
Wilmington, DE 19808
Chester Penn Township East Branch of the Big Elk Creek
HQPAS10G536 Oxford Area School District
119 South Fifth Street
Oxford, PA 19363Chester East Nottingham
TownshipLittle Elk Creek
HQ-TSF-MFAPPROVALS TO USE NPDES AND/OR OTHER GENERAL PERMITS The following parties have submitted: (1) Notices of Intent for Coverage under (1) General NPDES Permits to Discharge Wastewater into the Waters of the Commonwealth. The approval for coverage under these general NPDES permits is subject to applicable effluent limitations. Monitoring, reporting requirements and other conditions set forth in the general permit: (2) General Permits for Beneficial Use of Sewage Sludge or Residential Septage by Land Application in this Commonwealth; (3) General NPDES Permit Authorizing the Discharge of Stormwater Associated with Construction Activities to Waters of the Commonwealth; (4) Notification for First Use Application of Sewage Sludge.
The approval of coverage for land application of sewage sludge or residential septage under these general permits is subject to pollutant limitations, pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements, operational standards, general requirements, management practices and other conditions set forth in the respective permit. The Department of Environmental Protection approves the following coverage under the specific General Permit.
The EPA Region III Administrator has waived the right to review or object to this permit action under the waiver provision 40 CFR 123.23(d).
The application and related documents, effluent limitations, permitting requirements and other information are on file and may be inspected and arrangements made for copying at the contact office noted.
List of NPDES and/or Other General Permit Types
PAG-1 General Permit for Discharges From Stripper Oil Well Facilities PAG-2 General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater Associated With Construction Activities (PAR) PAG-3 General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater From Industrial Activities PAG-4 General Permit for Discharges From Single Residence Sewage Treatment Plant PAG-5 General Permit for Discharges From Gasoline Contaminated Ground Water Remediation Systems PAG-6 General Permit for Wet Weather Overflow Discharges From Combined Sewer Systems (CSO) PAG-7 General Permit for Beneficial Use of Exceptional Quality Sewage Sludge by Land Application PAG-8 General Permit for Beneficial Use of Nonexceptional Quality Sewage Sludge by Land Application to Agricultural Land, Forest, a Public Contact Site or a Land Reclamation Site PAG-8 (SSN) Site Suitability Notice for Land Application under Approved PAG-8 General Permit Coverage PAG-9 General Permit for Beneficial Use of Nonexceptional Quality Sewage Sludge by Land Application to Agricultural Land, Forest, or a Land Reclamation Site PAG-9 (SSN) Site Suitability Notice for Land Application under Approved PAG-9 General Permit Coverage PAG-10 General Permit for Discharge Resulting from Hydrostatic Testing of Tanks and Pipelines PAG-11 (To Be Announced) PAG-12 Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) General Permit Type--PAG-2
Facility Location Permit Applicant Name and Receiving Contact Office and and Municipality No. Address Water/Use Telephone No. Bedminster
Bucks CountyPAR10D479 The Piper Group, Inc.
P. O. Box 320
Pipersville, PA 18947Unnamed tributary to Deep Run
WWFSoutheast Regional
Suite 6010
Lee Park
555 North Lane
Conshohocken, PA 19428
(610) 832-6000Buckingham
Bucks CountyPAR10D658 Heritage Steeplecase, LP
3326 Old York Road
Suite B
Furlong, PA 18925Unnamed tributary to Neshaminy Creek
TSF-MFSoutheast Regional
Suite 6010
Lee Park
555 North Lane
Conshohocken, PA 19428
(610) 832-6000West Rockhill
Bucks CountyPAR10D706 WB Homes
400 Sumneytown Pike
Suite 200
North Wales, PA 19454East Branch of the Perkiomen Creek
TSFSoutheast Regional
Suite 6010
Lee Park
555 North Lane
Conshohocken, PA 19428
(610) 832-6000Richland Township
Bucks CountyPAR10D662 Greenway Development, LP
3625 Welsh Road
Willow Grove, PA 19090
Morgan Creek
TSFSoutheast Regional
Suite 6010
Lee Park
555 North Lane
Conshohocken, PA 19428
(610) 832-6000Buckingham
Bucks CountyPAR10D707 Central Bucks School
320 West Swamp Road
Doylestown, PA 18901
Lahaska Creek
CWFSoutheast Regional
Suite 6010
Lee Park
555 North Lane
Conshohocken, PA 19428
(610) 832-6000Bensalem Township
Bucks CountyPAR10D598 O'Neill Properties
700 S. Henderson Rd.
Suite 225
King of Prussia, PA
Neshaminy Creek
WWF-MFSoutheast Regional
Suite 6010
Lee Park
555 North Lane
Conshohocken, PA 19428
(610) 832-6000Lower Makefield Township
Bucks CountyPAR10D682 Deluca Homes Corporate Ctr.
107 Floral Vale Boulevard
Yardley, PA 19067
Unnamed tributary of Delaware Canal
WWF-MFSoutheast Regional
Suite 6010
Lee Park
555 North Lane
Conshohocken, PA 19428
(610) 832-6000Newtown Township
Bucks CountyPAR10D703 Newtown Township
100 Municipal Drive
Newtown Hills, PA 18940
Neshaminy Creek
WWFSoutheast Regional
Suite 6010
Lee Park
555 North Lane
Conshohocken, PA 19428
(610) 832-6000Newtown Township
Bucks CountyPAR10D632 Law School Admission
P. O. Box 40
Newtown, PA 18940
Unnamed tributary to Core Creek
CWF-MFSoutheast Regional
Suite 6010
Lee Park
555 North Lane
Conshohocken, PA 19428
(610) 832-6000Middletown
Bucks CountyPAR10D590 Deluca Enterprises
107 Floral Vale Boulevard
Yardley, PA 19067
Unnamed tributary to Core Creek
CWF-MFSoutheast Regional
Suite 6010
Lee Park
555 North Lane
Conshohocken, PA 19428
(610) 832-6000
Bucks CountyPAR10D688 Lowe's Home Centers
927 Wakefield Drive
Havre de Grace, MDMorgan Creek
TSFSoutheast Regional
Suite 6010
Lee Park
555 North Lane
Conshohocken, PA 19428
(610) 832-6000Plumstead Township
Bucks CountyPAR10D623 Pamela Gundlach
FROF 102 North Main Street
Doylestown, PA 18901
Pine Run Creek
WWFSoutheast Regional
Suite 6010
Lee Park
555 North Lane
Conshohocken, PA 19428
(610) 832-6000Lower Makefield Township
Bucks CountyPAR10D648 Department of Transportation
7000 Geerdes Boulevard
King of Prussia, PA
Bucks Creek
WWFSoutheast Regional
Suite 6010
Lee Park
555 North Lane
Conshohocken, PA 19428
(610) 832-6000Falls Township
Bucks CountyPAR10D666 Falls Township
1888 Lincoln Highway
Fairless Hills, PAMartin Creek/Delaware River
WWF-MFSoutheast Regional
Suite 6010
Lee Park
555 North Lane
Conshohocken, PA 19428
(610) 832-6000Plumstead
Bucks CountyPAR10D657 Central Bucks Athletic Assoc.
Box 111
Buckingham, PA 18912
Tohickon Creek
CWF-WWFSoutheast Regional
Suite 6010
Lee Park
555 North Lane
Conshohocken, PA 19428
(610) 832-6000New Britain
Bucks CountyPAR10D627 Site Development, Inc.
17i000 Horizon Way
Suite 200
Mt. Laurel, NJ
West Branch of the Neshaminy Creek
TSF-MFSoutheast Regional
Suite 6010
Lee Park
555 North Lane
Conshohocken, PA 19428
(610) 832-6000Buckingham
Bucks CountyPAR10D610 John A. Arrow, Inc.
4575 Wismer Road
Doylestown, PA 18901
Tributary to Mill Creek
WWFSoutheast Regional
Suite 6010
Lee Park
555 North Lane
Conshohocken, PA 19428
(610) 832-6000Bedminster
Bucks CountyPAR10D500 Westrum Development Co.
375 Commerce Drive
Fort Washington, PA 19034
Deep Run Tributary
WWFSoutheast Regional
Suite 6010
Lee Park
555 North Lane
Conshohocken, PA 19428
(610) 832-6000Ivyland Borough
Bucks CountyPAR10D674 The DePaul Group
1750 Walton Road
Blue Bell, PA 19422
Little Neshaminy Creek
WWF-MFSoutheast Regional
Suite 6010
Lee Park
555 North Lane
Conshohocken, PA 19428
(610) 832-6000Doylestown
Bucks CountyPAR10D670 James Corkran
219 Briarwood Court
Doylestown, PA 18901
Neshaminy Creek
WWF-MFSoutheast Regional
Suite 6010
Lee Park
555 North Lane
Conshohocken, PA 19428
(610) 832-6000West Rockhill
Bucks CountyPAR10D691 New Hope-Solebury School
180 West Bridge Street
New Hope, PA 18938Delaware River
WWF-MFSoutheast Regional
Suite 6010
Lee Park
555 North Lane
Conshohocken, PA 19428
(610) 832-6000Plumstead
Bucks CountyPAR10D584 The RW Group III, LP
5 South Main Street
Suite 300
Doylestown, PA 18901
Unnamed tributary to Cabin Run
WWFSoutheast Regional
Suite 6010
Lee Park
555 North Lane
Conshohocken, PA 19428
(610) 832-6000
New Hope Borough
Bucks CountyPAR10D656 New Hope Borough
41 North Main Street
New Hope, PA 18938
Delaware River
WWF-MFSoutheast Regional
Suite 6010
Lee Park
555 North Lane
Conshohocken, PA 19428
(610) 832-6000Buckingham
Bucks CountyPAR10D575 Covenant Presbyterian Church
3434 Durham Road
Doylestown, PA 18901
Watson Creek
CWF-MFSoutheast Regional
Suite 6010
Lee Park
555 North Lane
Conshohocken, PA 19428
(610) 832-6000Warminster
Bucks CountyPAR10D635 Robert Dumont
255 Old New Brunswick Road
Suite 5310
Philadelphia, PALittle Neshaminy Creek
WWF-MFSoutheast Regional
Suite 6010
Lee Park
555 North Lane
Conshohocken, PA 19428
(610) 832-6000Limerick Township
Montgomery CountyPAR10T890 Crossroads Presbyterian Church
456 West Ridge Pike
Limerick, PA 19468
Landis Creek
WF-MSoutheast Regional
Suite 6010
Lee Park
555 North Lane
Conshohocken, PA 19428
(610) 832-6000Upper Providence Township
Montgomery CountyPAR10T828 TH Properties
345 Main Street
Harleysville, PA 19438
Mingo Creek
WWFSoutheast Regional
Suite 6010
Lee Park
555 North Lane
Conshohocken, PA 19428
(610) 832-6000Horsham Township
Montgomery CountyPAR10T874 Bracci Builders
715 Morristown Road
Horsham, PA 19044
Pennypack Creek
WF-MSoutheast Regional
Suite 6010
Lee Park
555 North Lane
Conshohocken, PA 19428
(610) 832-6000Horsham Township
Montgomery CountyPAR10T902 Oxford Land Development Ltd.
521 Stump Road
P. O. Box 841
Montgomeryville, PA 18936
Park Creek
WWFSoutheast Regional
Suite 6010
Lee Park
555 North Lane
Conshohocken, PA 19428
(610) 832-6000Newlin Township
Chester CountyPAR10G483 Martin Tully
315 Young Road
Coatesville, PA 19320
West Branch of the Brandywine Creek
WWF-MFSoutheast Regional
Suite 6010
Lee Park
555 North Lane
Conshohocken, PA 19428
(610) 832-6000Northampton County
Allen TownshipPAR10U165 Ronald Meyer, Superintendent
Catasauqua Area School
201 North 14th St.
Catasauqua, PA 18032
Catasauqua Creek
CWFNorthampton County
Conservation District
(610) 746-1971Northampton County
TownshipPAR10U039-2R Stephen Selvaggio
623 Selvaggio Dr.
Nazareth, PA 18064
Nancy Run
(Upstream of SR 3007)Northampton County
Conservation District
(610) 746-1971Northampton County
Portland Borough
Upper Mt. Bethel TownshipPAR10U076-R Alan LaFiura, President
Ultra Poly Corp.
102 Demi Road
Portland, PA 18351
Delaware River
WWF, MFNorthampton County Conservation District
(610) 746-1971Hamilton Township
PAR100008RPine Run Inc.
1880 Pine Run Rd.
Abbottstown, PA 17301
Conewago Creek
WWFAdams County
Conservation District
670 Old Harrisburg Road
Suite 201
Gettysburg, PA 17325
(717) 334-0636Bermudian Keys Township PAR100156
PAR100036RD.A.K. Properties, Inc.
P. O. Box 407
660 Edgegrove Rd.
Hanover, PA 17331
Pine Run
WWFAdams County
Conservation District
670 Old Harrisburg Road
Suite 201
Gettysburg, PA 17325
(717) 334-0636Colonial Ridge
Mt. Pleasant
PAR100014RThomas Gebhart
200 Wheatland Drive
Gettysburg, PA 17325Rock Creek
WWFAdams County
Conservation District
670 Old Harrisburg Road
Suite 201
Gettysburg, PA 17325
(717) 334-0636Beaver Colony
East Berlin BoroughPAR100159
PAR100023RBeaver Colony Joint Venture
300 Frederick Street
Hanover, PA 17331Beaver Creek
WWFAdams County
Conservation District
670 Old Harrisburg Road
Suite 201
Gettysburg, PA 17325
(717) 334-0636City of Reading
Berks CountyPAR10C445 Douglas M. Messinger, VP Planning/Tech.
Sweet Street Desserts Inc.
722 Hiesters Ln.
Reading, PA 19605Schuylkill River
WWFBerks County
Conservation District
P. O. Box 520
1238 Co. Welfare Rd.
Leesport, PA 19533-0520
(610) 372-4657Douglass Township
Berks CountyPAR10C427 Les Stewart
Stewart & Conti Dev. Co.
3130 Mill Rd.
Fairview Village, PA 19403
Unnamed tributary to
and Schuylkill River
WWFBerks County
Conservation District
P. O. Box 520
1238 Co. Welfare Rd.
Leesport, PA 19533-0520
(610) 372-4657Hampden Township
PAR10H153R Tom Gaughen
Brambles Townhouse Assoc.
P. O. Box 586
Camp Hill, PA 17011Conodoquinet Creek
WWFCumberland County
Conservation District
43 Brookwood Avenue
Suite 4
Carlisle, PA 17013
(717) 240-7812Silver Spring
PAR10H131R Max Martain
Evergreen Subdiv.
2933 Aroona Rd.
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
Trindle Spring Run
CWFCumberland County
Conservation District
43 Brookwood Avenue
Suite 4
Carlisle, PA 17013
(717) 240-7812Bradford County
Smithfield TownshipPAR100832 Beverly Harding
Smithfield Township
R. R. 2, Box 189
Columbia Cross Roads, PA 16914
Tomjack Creek
TSFBradford County
Conservation District
R. R. 5, Box 5030C
Stoll Natural Resource Center
Towanda, PA 18848
(570) 265-5539 Ext. 205Lycoming County
Loyalsock TownshipPAR103956 Shick Elementary
Loyalsock Township School District
2800 Four Mile Dr.
Montoursville, PA 17754
Loyalsock Creek
CWFLycoming County
Conservation District
542 County Farm Road
Suite 202
Montoursville, PA 17754
(570) 433-3003Beaver County
Hopewell TownshipPAR100299 James Palmer
Beaver County Corp. for Econ. Dev.
250 Insurance St.
Beaver, PA 15009
UNT to Boggs Run
UNT to Trampmill Run
WWFBeaver County
Conservation District
(724) 774-7090
Cambria County
Richland TownshipPAR101083-1 Arrow Concrete Products
837 Horner St.
Johnstown, PA 15902
Solomon Run
WWFCambria County
(814) 472-2120
Indiana County
PAR103155-2 Dr. John R. McWhirter
Copper Beech Townhome Communities
P. O. Box 79
Boalsburg, PA 16827UNT to Whites Run
CWFIndiana County
(724) 463-8547Washington County
Peters TownshipPAR10W218 Howard Hlawati
106 Trillum Road
Venetia, PA 15367Peters Creek
WWFWashington County
Conservation District
(724) 228-6774[Continued on next Web Page]
[Continued from previous Web Page] General Permit Type--PAG-3
Facility Location Permit Applicant Name and Receiving Contact Office and and Municipality No. Address Water/Use Telephone No. Schuylkill County
Gordon BoroughPAR222208 Universal Forest Products
Eastern Division
2801 East Beltin, NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49506-9736
Little Mahanoy Creek
Water Management
2 Public Square
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711
(570) 826-2511Carbon County
Lehighton BoroughPAR202230 Blue Ridge Pressure
Castings, Inc.
10th and Bridge Streets
Lehighton, PA 18235-0208
Mahanoy Creek
Water Management
2 Public Square
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711
(570) 826-2511City of Meadville
Crawford CountyPAR118318 Seco/Warwick Corporation
180 Mercer Street
Meadville, PA 16335
French Creek
Water Management
230 Chestnut Street
Meadville, PA 16335-3481
(814) 332-6942City of Warren
Warren CountyPAR808366 Allegheny & Eastern
Railroad, Inc.
316 Pine Street
Warren, PA 16365-1807
Allegheny River
Water Management
230 Chestnut Street
Meadville, PA 16335-3481
(814) 332-6942City of Erie
Erie CountyPAR128303 Aurora Foods, Inc.
2200 East 38th Street
Erie, PA 16510
Lake Erie
Water Management
230 Chestnut Street
Meadville, PA 16335-3481
(814) 332-6942Linesville Borough
Crawford CountyPAR228314 Cardinal American
Tel-O-Post Company
32111 Aurora Road
Solon, OH 44139Linesville Creek
Water Management
230 Chestnut Street
Meadville, PA 16335-3481
(814) 332-6942Ellwood City
Lawrence CountyPAR208329 INMETCO
245 Portersville Road
Ellwood City, PA 16117
Connoquenessing Creek
Water Management
230 Chestnut Street
Meadville, PA 16335-3481
(814) 332-6942City of St. Marys
Elk CountyPAR228313 Penn Pallet, Inc.
P. O. Box 8
St. Marys, PA 15857-0008
Unnamed tributary to West Branch Clarion River DEP--WRO
Water Management
230 Chestnut Street
Meadville, PA 16335-3481
(814) 332-6942General Permit Type--PAG-4
Facility Location Permit Applicant Name and Receiving Contact Office and and Municipality No. Address Water/Use Telephone No. Lebanon County
North Londonderry TownshipPAG043594 Dale Huffman
1195 Syner Road
Annville, PA 17003
UNT to Quittapahilla Creek
TSFSouthcentral Region
909 Elmerton Avenue
Harrisburg, PA 17110-8200
(717) 705-4707North Centre
Columbia CountyPAG045147 Alvin J. and Elaine F. Luschas
152 Golfcourse Road
Berwick, PA 18603
Unnamed tributary to West Branch Briar
CWFNorthcentral Regional
Office Water Management Program
208 West Third Street
Suite 101
Williamsport, PA 17701
(570) 327-3666Center Township
Butler CountyPAG048504 Diane M. Spiece
105 Lions Road
Butler, PA 16001
Crooked Run
Water Management
230 Chestnut Street
Meadville, PA 16335-3481
(814) 332-6942Hayfield Township
Crawford CountyPAG048844 Michael B. Frazier
17444 South Norrisville Road
Conneautville, PA 16406
Unnamed tributary to Cussewago Creek
Water Management
230 Chestnut Street
Meadville, PA 16335-3481
(814) 332-6942Forward Township
Butler CountyPAG048834 John C. Davis
212 Leisie Road
Renfrew, PA 16053
Glade Run DEP--NWRO
Water Management
230 Chestnut Street
Meadville, PA 16335-3481
(814) 332-6942Pittsfield Township
Warren CountyPAG048830 William Jewell
P. O. Box 158
Garland, PA 16416
Unnamed tributary of
Gar Run
Water Management
230 Chestnut Street
Meadville, PA 16335-3481
(814) 332-6942General Permit Type--PAG-5
Facility Location Permit Applicant Name and Receiving Contact Office and and Municipality No. Address Water/Use Telephone No. Johnstown City
Cambria CountyPAG056173 Sunoco Inc.
5733 A Butler Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15201
Conemaugh River via Storm Sewer
Southwest Regional
Office Water Management Program Manager
400 Waterfront Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745
(412) 442-4000Johnstown City
Cambria CountyPAG056174 Sunoco Inc.
5733 A Butler Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15201
Conemaugh River
Southwest Regional
Office Water Management Program Manager
400 Waterfront Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745
(412) 442-4000
General Permit Type--PAG-8
Facility Location Permit Applicant Name and Site Name Contact Office and and Municipality No. Address and Location Telephone No. Dickinson Township
Cumberland CountyPAG083570 Borough of Carlisle
53 W. South Street
Carlisle, PA 17013John McKeehan-Lay
Dickinson Township
Cumberland CountyDEP--SCRO
909 Elmerton Avenue
Harrisburg, PA 17110-8200
(717) 705-4707General Permit Type--PAG-8 (SSN)
Facility Location Permit Applicant Name and Contact Office and Municipality No. Address Telephone No. Compton Farm
Biosolids Site
Conemaugh Township
Indiana CountyPAG086106 City of Johnstown
241 Asphalt Road
Johnstown, PA 15906Southwest Regional Office
Water Management
Program Manager
400 Waterfront Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745
(412) 442-4000
PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY PERMITS The Department of Environmental Protection has taken the following actions on applications received under the Safe Drinking Water Act for the construction, substantial modification or operation of a public water system.
Persons aggrieved by an action may appeal, under section 4 of the Environmental Hearing Board Act (35 P. S. § 7514) and 2 Pa.C.S. §§ 501--508 and 701--704 (relating to the Administrative Agency Law), to the Environmental Hearing Board, Second Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, P. O. Box 8457, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8457, (717) 787-3483. TDD users may contact the Environmental Hearing Board (Board) through the Pennsylvania Relay Service, (800) 654-5984. Appeals must be filed with the Board within 30 days of publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, unless the appropriate statute provides a different time period. Copies of the appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure may be obtained from the Board. The appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure are also available in Braille or on audiotape from the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483. This paragraph does not, in and of itself, create any right of appeal beyond that permitted by applicable statutes and decision law.
For individuals who wish to challenge an action, appeals must reach the Board within 30 days. A lawyer is not needed to file an appeal with the Board.
Important legal rights are at stake, however, so individuals should show this notice to a lawyer at once. Persons who cannot afford a lawyer may qualify for free pro bono representation. Call the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483 for more information.
Actions taken under the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act (35 P. S. §§ 721.1--721.17).
Southeast Region: Water Supply Management Program Manager, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428.
Permit No. 4602502, Public Water Supply.
Applicant Pennsylvania American
Water Company
800 W. Hersheypark Drive
Hershey, PA 17033
Township Upper Providence County Montgomery Type of Facility PWS Consulting Engineer Jeffery C. Jessell, P. E.
Pennsylvania American Water Company
4 Wellington Boulevard
Wyomissing, PA 19610
Permit to Construct Issued November 5, 2002 Operations Permit issued to Ridgeview Mobile Home Park, 54 Pear Tree Lane, Colora, MD 21917, PWS ID 1150200, West Nottingham Township, Chester County on October 22, 2002, for the operation of facilities approved under Construction Permit No. 1502504.
Operations Permit issued to Community Management, Inc. Imperial Mobile Home Park, 211 N. Dual Highway, Laurel, DE 19956, PWS ID 1150013, West Caln Township, Chester County on November 11, 2002, for the operation of facilities approved under Construction Permit No. 1500511.
Southcentral Region: Water Supply Management Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
Permit No. 0602505, Public Water Supply.
Applicant Post Precision Castings Inc.
Municipality Upper Tulpehocken Township County Berks Type of Facility Installation of softening and nitrate treatment systems for Well No. 2. Consulting Engineer James R. Fisher, P. E.
Fisher Engineering Inc.
18 C. S. 7th Street
Akron, PA 17501Permit to Construct Issued: November 8, 2002 Permit No. 2202509 MA, Minor Amendment, Public Water Supply.
Applicant United Water Pennsylvania Municipality Hummelstown Borough County Dauphin Type of Facility Installation of sodium hypochlorite storage tanks at the Hummelstown and Sixth Street plants. Consulting Engineer R. Michael Gephart, P. E.
United Water Pennsylvania
4211 East Park Circle
Harrisburg, PA 17111Permit to Construct Issued: November 1, 2002 Permit No. 0102502, Public Water Supply.
Applicant The Links of Gettysburg
Utility Company LLCMunicipality Mt. Joy Township County Adams Type of Facility Construction Permit for a new community water system. The system will consist of two wells, manganese filtration, chlorine disinfection, storage and distribution facilities. Projected average daily demand for the proposed system is 112,000 gpd. Well No. 1 is permitted at a maximum withdrawal rate of 79 gallons per minute (gpm) and Well No. 2 is also permitted at 79 gpm. Consulting Engineer Richard M. Bodner, P. E.
Martin and Martin, Inc.
37 S. Main St.
Chambersburg, PA 17201Permit to Construct Issued: October 11, 2002 Permit No. 2802501, Public Water Supply.
Applicant Guilford Water Authority Municipality Greene Township County Franklin Type of Facility Construction Permit for Hosack Run Well No. 5. The well will be pumped at a rate of 0.06 MGD. Treatment will be provided at existing, previously permitted facilities. Consulting Engineer Diana Young, P. E.
Buchart-Horn, Inc.
P. O. Box 15040
York, PA 17405-7040Permit to Construct Issued: October 24, 2002 Permit No. 0102506, Public Water Supply.
Applicant Chesapeake Estates Mobile Home Park Municipality Mt. Pleasant County Adams Type of Facility Construction Permit for a 50,000-gallon aboveground finished water storage tank and a 50 gpm finished water booster station. Consulting Engineer Janet R. McNally, P. E.
William F. Hill & Assoc., Inc.
207 Baltimore St.
Gettysburg, PA 17325Permit to Construct Issued: November 8, 2002 Operations Permit issued to Philadelphia Suburban Water Company, 3060018, Cumru, Berks County on November 4, 2000, for the operation of facilities approved under Construction Permit No. 0601507.
Operations Permit issued to Republic Development Corp., 7500025, Newport Borough, Perry County on November 4, 2002, for the operation of facilities approved under Construction Permit No. 5001501.
Operations Permit issued to Altoona City Authority Prospect Water Storage Tanks, 4070023, City of Altoona, Blair County on October 11, 2002, for the operation of facilities approved under Construction Permit No. 0701504.
Operations Permit issued to York Springs Municipal Authority, 7010030, Huntington, Adams County on November 8, 2002, for the operation of facilities approved under Construction Permit No. 0102505.
Northcentral Region: Water Supply Management Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701.
Permit No. 1402504, Public Water Supply.
Applicant Rush Township Board of
150 North Richards Street
P. O. Box 152
Philipsburg, PA 16866Township Rush Township County Centre Type of Facility PWS--approval to construct a new water system consisting of 8,400 feet of 12-inch and 4,600 feet of 8-inch waterlines to be fed from the Pennsylvania American Water Company system in Philipsburg. Consulting Engineer Richard H. Bulger, Jr. &
P. O. Box 331
Martinsburg, PA 16662Permit to Construct Issued November 4, 2002 Permit No. Minor Amendment. Public Water Supply.
Applicant Pennsylvania American
Water Company
Moshannon Valley District
P. O. Box 707
Philipsburg, PA 16866
Township Rush Township County Centre Type of Facility PWS--approval to replace pumps at the Moshannon Valley Economic Development Park Pump Station to serve the new Rush Township water system. Consulting Engineer Bruce Juergens, P. E.
Pennsylvania American Water Company
800 West Hersheypark Drive
Hershey, PA 17033Permit to Construct Issued November 4, 2002 Permit No., Minor Amendment. Public Water Supply.
Applicant College Township Water
1481 East College Avenue
State College, PA 16801
Township College Township County Centre Type of Facility PWS--approval to construct an interconnection with the Rockview State Correctional Institute. Consulting Engineer Entech Engineering, Inc.
4 South Fourth Street
P. O. Box 32
Reading, PA 19603
Permit to Construct Issued October 30, 2002 Permit No., Minor Amendment. Public Water Supply.
Applicant Spring Township Municipal Authority
P. O. Box 133
Beaver Springs, PA 17812
Township Spring Township County Snyder Type of Facility PWS--approval to operate filter-to-waste facilities on existing filter plant and new pretreatment chemicals consisting of caustic soda and polyaluminum chloride. Permit to Operate Issued November 4, 2002 Permit No. 1801501. Public Water Supply.
Applicant Loganton Borough Council
210 North Mill Street
P. O. Box 27
Loganton, PA 17747
Borough Loganton Borough County Clinton Type of Facility PWS--approval to operate Well No. 2, disinfection and corrosion control treatment in Wellhouse No. 1 and new raw and finished water transmission lines. Permit to Operate
IssuedOctober 31, 2002 Southwest Region: Water Supply Management Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.
Permit No. 1198502-A1, Public Water Supply.
Applicant Blacklick Valley Municipal Authority
P. O. Box 272
Twin Rocks, PA 15960
Borough or Township Blacklick and Cambria Townships County Cambria Type of Facility Water system improvements Consulting Engineer Hegemann & Wray
429 Park Avenue
Cresson, PA 16630
Permit to Construct Issued November 4, 2002 Permit No. 0402502, Public Water Supply.
Applicant Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
Park Region No. 2
P. O. Box 387
Prospect, PA 16052-0387Borough or Township Hanover Township County Beaver Type of Facility Raccoon Creek State Park
elevated spheroid water tank, waterline replacement and
chlorination equipment.Consulting Engineer McGuire Group Inc.
1212 Manor Building
564 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Permit to Construct Issued November 4, 2002 Northwest Region: Water Supply Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481.
Permit No. 2502501, Public Water Supply.
Applicant Wintergreen Acres MHP
Williams Road
Lake City, PA 16423
Borough or Township Girard Township County Erie Type of Facility PWS Consulting Engineer Richard A. Deiss & Associates
9342 Pettis Road
Meadville, PA 16335
Permit to Construct Issued November 6, 2002 Operations Permit issued to Tionesta Borough, P. O. Box 408, Tionesta, PA 16353-0408, PWS ID 6270001, Tionesta Borough, Forest County on November 6, 2002, for the operation of facilities approved under Construction Permit 2701501.
Operations Permit issued to Erie City Water Authority, 340 West Bayfront Parkway, Erie, PA 16507, PWS ID 6250028, City of Erie, Erie County on November 8, 2002, for the operation of facilities approved under Construction Permit No. 2789-T1-MA2.
Operations Permit issued to Sandycreek Township, 878 Pone Lane, Franklin, PA 16323, PWS ID 6610042, Sandycreek Township, Venango County on November 8, 2002, for the operation of facilities approved under Construction Permit No. 6190503-MA4.
Operations Permit issued to Jamestown Municipal Authority, 406 Jackson Street, Box 188, Jamestown, PA 16134, Jamestown Borough, Mercer County, PWS ID 6430043 on November 8, 2002, for the operation of facilities approved under Construction Permit No. 4301501.
Plan Approvals Granted under the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act (35 P. S. §§ 750.1--750a.20a).
Southcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
Categorical Exclusion
Saxton Borough Municipal Authority, Saxton Borough, P. O. Box 173, Saxton, PA 16678; Bedford County.
Description: The Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (Authority) which administers the Commonwealth's State Revolving Fund is intended to be the funding source for this project. The Authority proposes to construct a centrifuge for mechanical dewatering of sludge at their existing wastewater treatment plant. The project will be constructed within the confines of an existing structure. The Department's review of the project and the information received has not identified any significant, adverse environmental impact resulting from this proposal. The Department hereby categorically excludes this project from the State Environmental Review Process.
Northcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701.
Plan Location:
Borough or Borough or Township Township Address County Berwick
Borough344 Market St.
Berwick, PA 18603Columbia County Plan Description: The approved plan provides for construction of a second, parallel interceptor line, to provide adequate conveyance of sanitary waste to the sewage treatment plant. In addition, a solids removal system will be placed in the existing combined sewers to facilitate solids removal. The Department's review of the sewage facilities update revision has not identified any significant environmental impacts resulting from this proposal. Required NPDES permits or WQM permits must be obtained in the name of the municipality or authority as appropriate.
Plan Location:
Borough or Borough or Township Township Address County West Chillisquaque Township P. O. Box 22
Montandon, PA 17850Northumberland County Plan Description: The approved plan provides for a public sewage collection and conveyance system to serve Montandon Village, East Lewisburg along Old Route 45, Sodom Road Colonial Park, Milton Center East and along SR 405 north of Housels Run Rd. The sewage from this new collection system will be conveyed to and treated at the Milton sewage treatment plant. The project cost is estimated to be $5,253,720 and the new facilities will be owned and operated by the Milton Regional Sewer Authority. The Department's review of the sewage facilities update revision has not identified any significant environmental impacts resulting from this proposal. Required NPDES permits or WQM permits must be obtained in the name of the municipality or authority as appropriate.
Southwest Regional Office, Regional Water Management Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745, (412) 442-4000.
Plan Location:
Borough or Borough or Township Township Address County Center Township P. O. Box 435
Rogersville, PA 15359Greene Plan Description: The approved plan provides for the construction of a sewage collection, conveyance and treatment system for the Village of Rogersville, Center Township, Greene County. The Department's review of the sewage facilities update revision has not identified any significant environmental impacts resulting from this proposal. Required NPDES permits or WQM permits must be obtained in the name of the municipality or authority as appropriate.
Plan Disapprovals Granted under the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act (35 P. S. §§ 750.1--750.20a).
Northcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701.
Plan Location:
Borough or Borough or Township Township Address County Boggs Township 1270 Runville Road
Bellefonte, PA 16823Centre Howard
Township222 Highland Drive
Howard, PA 16841Centre Plan Description: The plan was disapproved because it failed to address the immediate and long-term sewage needs of the communities of McCartneytown, Mt. Eagle and adjacent areas. The onlot malfunction rates were found to be in excess of 50% for most of the study areas. In addition, repair options to the malfunctioning onlot systems are unavailable due to the small lot size and unsuitable soil conditions.
The following final reports were submitted under the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (35 P. S. §§ 6026.101--6026.908).
Provisions of Chapter 3 of the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (Act) require the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) to publish in the Pennsylvania Bulletin a notice of submission of final reports. A final report is submitted to document cleanup of a release of a regulated substance at a site where one of the Act's remediation standards. A final report provides a description of the site investigation to characterize the nature and extent of contaminants in environmental media, the basis for selecting the environmental media of concern, documentation supporting the selection of residential or nonresidential exposure factors, a description of the remediation performed and summaries of sampling analytical results which demonstrate that remediation has attained the cleanup standard selected.
For further information concerning the final report, contact the Environmental Cleanup Program Manager in the Department Regional Office under which the notice of receipt of a final report appears. If information concerning a final report is required in an alternative form, contact the Community Relations Coordinator at the appropriate Regional Office listed. TDD users may telephone the Department through the AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.
The Department has received the following final reports:
Southeast Region: Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428.
Springfield Auto Outlet, Springfield Township, Delaware County. Michael A. Christie, P. G., Penn E & R, Inc., 2755 Bergey Rd., Hatfield, PA 19440, on behalf of Baby Superstore, Inc., 461 From Rd., Paramus, NJ 07652, has submitted a Final Report concerning remediation of site soil contaminated with PCB, BTEX, PAH and solvents. The report is intended to document remediation of the site to meet the Statewide Health Standard.
Bethlehem Pike Property, Montgomery Township, Montgomery County. Darryl D. Borrelli, Manko, Gold Kathcher & Fox, LLP 401 City Ave., Suite 500, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004, on behalf of Neil C. Hopkins, Clark Hopkins and Craig Hopkins d/b/a CNC Investment Group, 107 N. Broad St., Doylestown, PA 18901, has submitted a Final Report concerning remediation of site soil and groundwater contaminated with BTEX, PAH, MTBE and naphthalene. The report is intended to document remediation of the site to meet the Statewide Health Standard.
Vacant Parcel (1126-1130 Spring Garden Street), City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. Jeffrey T. Bauer, Whitestone Associates, Inc., 1120 Welsh Rd., North Wales, PA 19454, on behalf of Ross Goldberg, Posel Management Co., 212 Walnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19106, has submitted a Final Report concerning remediation of site soil contaminated with inorganics and PAH. The report is intended to document remediation of the site to meet Site-Specific Standards.
Tioga Marine Terminal (Maintenance Bldg. and Carpenter Shop), City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. James G. Gallagher, Pennoni Associates, Inc., 3001 Market St., Philadelphia, PA 19104, on behalf of Philadelphia Regional Port Authority, 3601 N. Delaware Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19106, has submitted a Final Report concerning remediation of site soil and groundwater contaminated with lead, BTEX and PAH. The report is intended to document remediation of the site to meet the Statewide Health Standard.
Holmesburg Shopping Center, City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. Nancy Repetto, Powell-Harpstead, Inc., 800 E. Washington St., West Chester, PA 19380, on behalf of Leon Silverman, Esq., Stein & Silverman, PC, 230 S. Broad St., Philadelphia, PA 19102, has submitted a Final Report concerning remediation of site soil contaminated with Fuel Oil No. 2. The report is intended to document remediation of the site to meet the Statewide Health Standard.
Northeast Regional Field Office, Joseph A. Brogna, Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790, (570) 826-2511.
Pearson Property, Lake Township, Luzerne County. James Sposito, Quad Three Group, Inc., 116 North Washington Avenue, Scranton, PA 18503 submitted a Final Report (on behalf of Pamela Pearson, Loyalville Outlet Road, Harveys Lake, PA) concerning the remediation of soils found or suspected to have been contaminated with no. 2 fuel oil. The report was submitted to document attainment of the Statewide Health Standard.
Conewago Equities (former Ross Bike, former Chain Bike Corp.), Hanover Township, Lehigh County. Andrew C. Thomas, P. G., American Resource Consultants, Inc., 4459 W. Swamp Road, Doylestown, PA 18901 submitted a Final Report for soils (on behalf of Allen Smith, Vice President, Conewago Equities, L. P., 610 Edgegrove Road, Hanover, PA 17331) concerning the remediation of soils found or suspected to have been contaminated with metals, chlorinated solvents and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The report was submitted to document attainment of the Statewide Health Standard.
Southcentral Region: Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
Former Federal Paperboard Plant, West Manchester Township, York County. EPSYS Corporation, 1414 North Cameron Street, Suite A, Harrisburg, PA 17103, on behalf of International Paper Company, 6400 Poplar Avenue, Tower II, 5-023, Memphis, TN 38197 submitted a Remedial Investigation and Cleanup Plan concerning remediation of site soils and groundwater contaminated with BTEX, PHCs and PAHs. The applicant is seeking attainment of a combination of Statewide Health and Site Specific Standards.
Eastern Industries, Inc., formerly Douglassville Hot Mix Asphalt Plant, Amity Township, Berks County. EarthRes Group, P. O. Box 468, Pipersville, PA 18947, on behalf of Eastern Industries, Inc., 4401 Camp Meeting Road, Center Valley, PA 18034-9454 submitted a remedial investigation report concerning remediation of site soils and groundwater contaminated with solvents. The applicant is seeking attainment of the Site Specific Standard.
Defense Distribution Depot, Susquehanna, PA, SWMU 6, Fairview Township, York County. Defense Distribution Depot Susquehanna, PA, 2001 Mission Drive, Suite 1, New Cumberland, PA 17070-5002, submitted a Remedial Investigation and a Cleanup Plan concerning remediation of site groundwater contaminated with solvents. The applicant is seeking attainment of the Site Specific Standard.
William Moul Residence, Conewago Township, York County. GemChem, Inc., P. O. Box 384, Lititz, PA 17543-0384, on behalf of William Moul, 830 Bremer Road, Dover, PA 17315, submitted a Final Report concerning remediation of site soils contaminated with benzene, cumene, ethyl benzene, fluorene, naphthalene, phenanthrene and toluene. The report was submitted within 90 days of the release and is intended to document remediation of the site to the Statewide Health Standard.
Eric Coomes Residence, North Hopewell Township, York County. GemChem, Inc., P. O. Box 384, Lititz, PA 17543-0384, on behalf of Eric Coomes, 5828 Spruce Road, Felton, PA 17356, submitted a Final Report concerning remediation of site soils contaminated with benzene, cumene, ethyl benzene, fluorene, naphthalene, phenanthrene and toluene. The report was submitted within 90 days of the release and is intended to document remediation of the site to the Statewide Health Standard.
Rite Aid Steelton Site, Borough of Steelton, Dauphin County. BL Companies, 830 Sir Thomas Court, Harrisburg, PA 17109, on behalf of Rite Aid Corporation, 30 Hunter Lane, Camp Hill, PA 17011, submitted a combined Remedial Investigation and Final Report concerning remediation of site soils and groundwater contaminated with PAHs, BTEX and PHCs. The report is intended to document remediation of the site to a combination of the Statewide Health and Site Specific Standards.
The Department has taken action on the following plans and reports under the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (35 P. S. §§ 6026.101--6026.908).
Provisions of 25 Pa. Code § 250.8, Administration of the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (Act) requires the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) to publish in the Pennsylvania Bulletin a notice of its final actions on plans and reports. A final report is submitted to document cleanup of a release of a regulated substance at a site to one of the remediation standards of the Act. Plans and reports required by provisions of the Act for compliance with selection of remediation to a site-specific standard, in addition to a final report, include a remedial investigation report, risk assessment report and cleanup plan. A remedial investigation report includes conclusions from the site investigation, concentration of regulated substances in environmental media; benefits of refuse of the property and, in some circumstances, a fate and transport analysis. If required, a risk assessment report describes potential adverse effects caused by the presence of regulated substances. A cleanup plan evaluates the abilities of potential remedies to achieve remedy requirements. A final report provides a description of the site investigation to characterize the nature and extent of contaminants in environmental media, the basis of selecting the environmental media of concern, documentation supporting the selection of residential or nonresidential exposure factors, a description of the remediation performed and summaries of sampling methodology and analytical results which demonstrate that the remediation has attained the cleanup standard selected. The Department may approve or disapprove plans and reports submitted. This notice provides the Department's decision and, if relevant, the basis for disapproval.
For further information concerning the plans and reports, contact the Environmental Cleanup Program Manager in the Department Regional Office under which the notice of the plan or report appears. If information concerning a final report is required in an alternative form, contact the Community Relations Coordinator at the appropriate Regional Office listed. TDD users may telephone the Department through the AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.
The Department has received the following final reports:
Southcentral Region: Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
Sun Pipe Line Company Stutzman Farm, South Heidelberg Township, Berks County. Aquaterra Technologies, Inc., 122 South Church Street, West Chester, PA 19381, on behalf of Sun Pipeline Line Company, Post Road and Blue Ball Avenue, Marcus Hook, PA 19061, submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate site soils and groundwater contaminated with fuel oil no. 2 and unleaded gas. The applicant proposes to remediate the site to meet a combination of requirements for the Statewide Health and Site-Specific Standards. A summary of the Notice of Intent to Remediate was reported to have been published in the Reading Eagle on October 11, 2002.
Daniel Boone Homestead, Exeter Township, Berks County. Spotts, Stevens and McCoy, Inc., 345 North Wyomissing Boulevard, P. O. Box 6307, Reading, PA 19610-0307, on behalf of Historical and Museum Commission, 300 North Street, Harrisburg, PA 17120, submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate site soils contaminated with no. 2 fuel oil. The applicant proposes to remediate the site to meet the Statewide Health Standard requirements. A summary of the Notice of Intent to Remediate was reported to have been published in the Reading Eagle on October 18, 2002.
Issued applications for Municipal and Residual Waste Transporter Interim Authorization received under the Waste Transportation Safety Act (27 Pa.C.S. §§ 6201--6209) and regulations to transport municipal or residual waste.
Central Office: Bureau of Land Recycling and Waste Management, Division of Municipal and Residual Waste, P. O. Box 8472, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8472.
Barry E. Kunsman, 2759 Valley View Road, Hellertown, PA 18055. Authorization No. WH0010. Effective November 4, 2002.
T. Ross Bros. Construction Inc., P. O. Box 70, Montandon, PA 17850. Authorization No. WH0162. Effective November 4, 2002.
Bueno Transport Ltd., Apt. 3D, 1854 Monroe Ave., Bronx, NY 10457-5763. Authorization No. WH0371. Effective November 4, 2002.
M & B Trucking, P. O. Box 604, 805 Saxman St., Barracksville, WV 26559. Authorization No. WH0391. Effective November 4, 2002.
Pecaro of East Brunswick Inc., Suite 102, 1059 King Georges Post Road, Edison, NJ 08837-3544. Authorization No. WH0399. Effective November 5, 2002.
Republic Environmental Systems Transportation Group Inc., 21 Church Road, Hatfield, PA 19440-1206. Authorization No. WH0568. Effective November 5, 2002.
Horwith Trucks Inc., 1449 Nor-Bath Blvd., P. O. Box 7 Route 329, Northampton, PA 18067-0007. Authorization No. WH0604. Effective November 5, 2002.
Greenridge Waste Services LLC, R. R. 1 Box 716, Scottsdale, PA 15683-1379. Authorization No. WH0726. Effective November 5, 2002.
Wills Trucking Inc., 3185 Columbia Road, Richfield, OH 44286-9622. Authorization No. WH0728. Effective November 5, 2002.
Voyager Trucking Corp., P. O. Box 737926, Elmhurst, NY 11373. Authorization No. WH0731. Effective November 5, 2002.
C. S. Hauling, 324 Sportsman Road, Portage, PA 15946-6606. Authorization No. WH0349. Effective November 5, 2002.
Sattazahn Refuse Removal Inc., 121 Lions Drive, Fredericksburg, PA 17026-9525. Authorization No. WH0438. Effective November 5, 2002.
Henry Alvarez, 5 Snow Crystal Lane, Stamford, CT 06905. Authorization No. WH0508. Effective November 5, 2002.
Jorge L. Perez, 102 Springdale Street, Bridgeport, CT 06606. Authorization No. WH0522. Effective November 5, 2002.
Luis Espejo, 917 Unruh Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111. Authorization No. WH0525. Effective November 5, 2002.
Michele Johnston, Inc., R. R. 1 Box 269a, Falls Creek, PA 15840. Authorization No. WH0665. Effective November 12, 2002.
Martin W. Johnston, R. R. 4 Box 131 B, DuBois, PA 15801. Authorization No. WH0666. Effective November 12, 2002.
Robert E. Johnston, P. O. Box 224, Penfield, PA 15849. Authorization No. WH0667. Effective November 12, 2002.
Edward W. Johnston, R. R. 2 Box 259, Punxsutawney, PA 15767. Authorization No. WH0668. Effective November 12, 2002.
Charles I. Kriner, R. R. 3 Box 215, DuBois, PA 15801. Authorization No. WH0669. Effective November 12, 2002.
James M. Johnston, R. R. 2 Box 233 A, Punxsutawney, PA 15767. Authorization No. WH0670. Effective November 12, 2002.
[Continued on next Web Page]
[Continued from previous Web Page] AIR QUALITY
General Plan Approval and Operating Permit Usage Authorized under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127 to construct, modify, reactivate or operate air contamination sources and associated air cleaning devices.
Southcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110; Contact: Yasmin Neidlinger, Facilities Permitting Chief, (717) 705-4702.
GP4-1-07-03044: Electric Motor and Supply, Inc. (1000 50th Street, P. O. Box 152, Altoona, PA 16603) on November 1, 2002, was authorized to operate a burn off oven under GP4 in the City of Altoona, Blair County.
Northcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701; Contact: David Aldenderfer, Program Manager, (570) 327-3637.
GP5-18-02: Equitable Production Co., Inc. (1710 Pennsylvania Avenue, Charleston, WV 25302) on October 24, 2002, to authorize the operation of a 165 horsepower natural gas-fired reciprocating internal combustion compressor engine and associated air cleaning device (a catalytic converter) under the General Plan Approval and General Operating Permit for Natural Gas Production Facilities (BAQ-GPA/GP-5) at the Grugan Station in Grugan Township, Clinton County.
GP5-14-02C: Equitable Production Co., Inc. (1710 Pennsylvania Avenue, Charleston, WV 25302) on October 24, 2002, to authorize the operation of a 730 horsepower natural gas-fired reciprocating internal combustion compressor engine, a 385 horsepower natural gas-fired reciprocating internal combustion compressor engine and associated air cleaning device (a catalytic converter) and a dehydrator under the General Plan Approval and General Operating Permit for Natural Gas Production Facilities (BAQ-GPA/GP-5) at the Red Buck Station in Snow Shoe Township, Centre County.
GP5-17-10A: Fairman Drilling Co. (P. O. Box 288, DuBois, PA 15801) on October 28, 2002, to deny authorization to construct and operate a 215 horsepower natural gas-fired reciprocating internal combustion compressor engine and associated air cleaning device (a catalytic converter) under the General Plan Approval and General Operating Permit for Natural Gas Production Facilities (BAQ-GPA/GP-5) due to the failure to provide information necessary to perform a through evaluation of the air contamination aspects of the engine in Greenwood Township, Clearfield County.
GP4-18-01: First Quality Nonwovens, Inc. (121 North Road, McElhattan, PA 17748) on October 29, 2002, to authorize the operation of a burn off oven under the General Plan Approval and General Operating Permit for Burn Off Ovens (BAQ-GPA/GP-4) in Wayne Township, Clinton County.
Southwest Region: Air Quality Program, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745; Contact: Mark Wayner, Facilities Permitting Chief, (412) 442-4174.
GP-32-00366: Mountain V Oil and Gar, Inc. (712 Masonic Drive, P. O. Box 470, Bridgeport, WV 26330) on November 4, 2002, a BAQ-GPA/GP5 for construction and operation of a Waukesha Model F-1197G rich-burn engine rated at 186 Bhp, equipped with a catalytic converter and A/F ratio.
GP-30-00106: Equitable Production, Inc. (P. O. Box 2347, Charleston WV 25328) on November 4, 2002, a BAQ-GPA/GP5 for construction and operation of a CE NATCO, Model 5GR-150-KR-4CNA dehydrator.
Department of Public Health, Air Management Services: 321 University Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19104; Contact: Edward Braun, Chief, (215) 685-9476.
AMS 02182: Sunoco Chemicals (Margaret and Bermuda Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19137) for installation of a Cumene Deluge Tank; Philadelphia County.
Plan Approvals Issued under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and regulations in 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter B relating to construction, modification and reactivation of air contamination sources and associated air cleaning devices.
Southeast Region: Air Quality Program, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428; Contact: Thomas McGinley, New Source Review Chief, (610) 832-6242.
15-0009B: Asahi Glass Fluoropolymers USA (255 South Bailey Road, Downingtown, PA 19355) on November 7, 2002, for operation of a fluid bed dryer in Caln Township, Chester County.
09-0134A: Reed Minerals (Steel Road South, Morrisville, PA 19067) on November 7, 2002, for operation of two baghouses in Falls Township, Bucks County.
Northeast Region: Air Quality Program, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790; Contact: Mark Wejkszner, Acting New Source Review Chief, (570) 826-2531.
48-309-120: ESSROC Cement Corp. (3251 Bath Pike, Nazareth, PA 18064) on October 31, 2002, for installation of an air cleaning device to control atmospheric emissions from bucket elevators 209 and 314 at Nazareth Plant I in Lower Nazareth Township, Northampton County.
39-309-058: Lafarge North America (5160 Main Street, Whitehall, PA 18052) on November 5, 2002, for installation of an air cleaning device to control atmospheric emissions from the No. 2 and No. 6 clinker silo load-out spouts at their Whitehall Plant in Whitehall Township, Lehigh County.
Northcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701; Contact: David Aldenderfer, Program Manager, (570) 327-3637.
19-318-017A: Kawneer Co., Inc. (500 East Twelfth Street, Bloomsburg, PA 17815) on October 15, 2002, for modification of an architectural aluminum products surface coating operation and associated air cleaning device (a regenerative thermal oxidizer) by increasing the allowable VOC emission rate from 14.8 tons in any 12 consecutive month period to 49 tons in any 12 consecutive month period as well as for the construction of four spray booths to be incorporated in the respective surface coating operation in the Town of Bloomsburg, Columbia County.
59-00004B: Ward Manufacturing, Inc. (115 Gulick Street, Blossburg, PA 16912) on October 29, 2002, for construction of a furan warm box foundry core-making machine and associated air cleaning device (a bin vent fabric collector) in Blossburg Borough, Tioga County.
19-320-005: Press Enterprise, Inc. (3185 Lackawanna Avenue, Bloomsburg, PA 17815) on October 29, 2002, for construction of an eight color heatset web offset lithographic printing press and associated air cleaning device (a regenerative thermal oxidizer) in Scott Township, Columbia County.
49-00009A: Mohawk Flush Doors--Premdor Corp. (P. O. Box 112, Northumberland, PA 17857) on October 29, 2002, for construction of two wood door/door component roll coaters and one spray booth in Point Township, Northumberland County.
41-00025A: Lycoming County Resource Management Services (P. O. Box 187, Montgomery, PA 17752) on October 30, 2002, for construction of a wood waste tubgrinder and associated 750 horsepower diesel engine at the Lycoming County Landfill in Brady Township, Lycoming County.
Department of Public Health, Air Management Services: 321 University Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19104; Contact: Thomas Barsley, Chief, (215) 685-9428.
AMS 01162: Sunoco, Inc. (R and M) (3144 Passyunk Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19145) was authorized to install a backup tail gas unit in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County.
AMS 01166 and 02110: Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (34th and Civic Center Boulevard, Philadelphia, PA 19104) was authorized to install three 800 hp boilers, two 2,000 kW and one 600 kW emergency generators and to convert two existing 1,081 hp emergency generators to peak shaving generators in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County.
AMS 02122: Calpine Philadelphia, Inc. (Pilot House 2nd Floor, Lewis Wharf, Boston, MA 02110) was authorized to install a 875 bhp digester gas fired generator at SW Water Pollution Control Plant, 8200 Enterprise Avenue, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County.
01169: Purolite Co. (3620 G Street, Philadelphia, PA 19134) on November 5, 2002, for installation of the following processes: cyclers, Glatt Dryer, caustic and acidic wastewater tanks, iso-butyl alcohol (IBA) condenser with IBA recovery tanks and an electric chiller system and copolymer wastewater. Purolite has also accepted facility-wide limits for VOC emission limits of 20 tons per rolling 12-month period and hazardous air pollutant emissions of 10 tons per rolling 12-month period. Purolite has also accepted facility-wide production limits.
Plan Approval Revisions Issued including Extensions, Minor Modifications and Transfers of Ownership under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.13, 127.13a and 127.32.
Southeast Region: Air Quality Program, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428; Contact: Thomas McGinley, New Source Review Chief, (610) 832-6242.
09-0035B: Coltec Industrial Products, Inc. (23 Friends Lane, Newtown, PA 18940) on November 6, 2002, for operation of a PTFE manufacturing line lubricant in Newtown Township, Bucks County.
46-0025C: Lonza, Inc. (900 River Road, Conshohocken, PA 19428) on November 6, 2002, for operation of a waste incinerator in Upper Merion Township, Montgomery County.
46-0036C: Visteon Systems LLC (2750 Morris Road, Lansdale, PA 19446) on November 6, 2002, for operation of a selective solder No. 8 in Worcester Township, Montgomery County.
23-0087: Greif Brothers Corp. (3033 Market Street, Twin Oaks, PA 19014) on November 7, 2002, for operation of an alcohol spray booth in Upper Chichester Township, Delaware County.
15-0115: QVC, Inc. (1200 Wilson Drive, West Chester, PA 19380) on November 7, 2002, for operation of two 12.55 mmBtu/hr gas/fuel boilers in West Goshen Township, Chester County.
Southcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110; Contact: Ronald Davis, New Source Review Chief, (717) 705-4702.
36-03135A: Shared Mail Acquisitions LLC (72 Industrial Circle, Lancaster, PA 17601) on November 5, 2002, for construction of two heatset offset web lithographic presses and associated dryers controlled by an oxidizer in Upper Leacock Township, Lancaster County. This plan approval was extended.
Northcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701; Contact: David Aldenderfer, Program Manager, (570) 327-3637.
49-313-032J: Merck and Co., Inc. (P. O. Box 600, Danville, PA 17821) on November 1, 2002, to extend authorization to operate some air contamination sources (pharmaceutical reaction vessels) identified in the respective plan approval on a temporary basis until March 1, 2003, as well as to extend the expiration date for installation of air cleaning devices (two thermal oxidizers) on various other air contamination sources (pharmaceutical reaction vessels) identified in the plan approval in Riverside Borough, Northumberland County.
Southwest Region: Air Quality Program, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745; Contact: William Charlton, New Source Review Chief, (412) 442-4174.
11-00285A: Whitaker Roads Corp. (P. O. Box 5657, Johnstown, PA 15904) on November 5, 2002, for installation of an asphalt plant in Richland Township, Cambria County. This plan approval was extended.
03-00229A: Rosebud Mining Co. (R. D. 9 Box 379A, Kittanning, PA 16201) on November 7, 2002, for installation of a vibrating screen at Logansport Mine in Bethel Township, Armstrong County. This plan approval was extended.
Title V Operating Permits Issued under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter G.
Southeast Region: Air Quality Program, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428; Contact: Edward Brown, Facilities Permitting Chief, (610) 832-6242.
23-00011: Sunoco Partners Marketing and Terminals L. P. (Calgon Hook and Hook Roads, Delaware, PA 19032) on November 4, 2002, for issuance of an Administrative Amendment for a Change of Ownership of the facility formerly owned by Sunoco Inc. (R and M) in Darby Township, Delaware County. The facility's major emission points include storage tanks containing VOCs. The Administrative Amendment of the Title V Operating Permit was issued under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and 25 Pa. Code § 127.450. The amended Title V Operating Permit did not change and contains all of the applicable regulatory requirements including monitoring recordkeeping, reporting and emission limits. The initial permit was issued August 10, 2000.
23-00045: Sunoco Partners Marketing Terminals L. P. (4041 Market Street, Aston, PA 19014) on November 4, 2002, for issuance of an Administrative Amendment for a Change of Ownership of the facility formerly owned by Sunoco Inc. (R and M) in Upper Chichester Township, Delaware County. The facility's major emission points include storage tanks containing VOCs. The Administrative Amendment of the Title V Operating Permit was issued under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and 25 Pa. Code § 127.450. The amended Title V Operating Permit did not change and contains all of the applicable regulatory requirements including monitoring recordkeeping, reporting and emission limits. The initial permit was issued May 8, 2000.
15-00035: GE LNP Inc. (to be known as LNP Engineering Plastics, Inc.) S. Baily Road, Thorndale, PA 19372) located in Caln Township, Chester County. On November 4, 2002, the Title V Operating Permit was issued as an Administrative Amendment for a Change of Ownership of the facility formerly owned by LNP Engineering Plastics, Inc. The Administrative Amendment of the Title V Operating Permit was issued under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and 25 Pa. Code § 127.450. The amended Title V Operating Permit did not change and contains all of the applicable regulatory requirements including monitoring recordkeeping, reporting and emission limits. The initial permit was issued November 7, 2001.
46-00013: Hatfield Quality Meats, Inc. (2700 Funks Road, Hatfield, PA 19449) on November 4, 2002, for issuance of an Administrative Amendment for a Change of Ownership of the facility formerly owned by Clemens Family Corp. in Hatfield Township, Montgomery County. The Administrative Amendment of the Title V Operating Permit was issued under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and 25 Pa. Code § 127.450. The amended Title V Operating Permit did not change and contains all of the applicable regulatory requirements including monitoring recordkeeping, reporting and emission limits. The initial permit was issued December 29, 1998.
46-00091: Sunoco Partners Marketing and Terminals L. P. (3290 Sunset Lane, Willow Grove, PA 19040) on November 5, 2002, for issuance of an Administrative Amendment for a Change of Ownership of the facility formerly owned by Sunoco Inc. (R and M) in Upper Moreland Township, Montgomery County. The facility's major emission points include storage tanks containing VOCs. The Administrative Amendment of the Title V Operating Permit was issued under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001---4015) and 25 Pa. Code § 127.450. The amended Title V Operating Permit did not change and contains all of the applicable regulatory requirements including monitoring recordkeeping, reporting and emission limits. The initial permit was issued August 11, 1999.
23-00037: Sunoco Partners Marketing and Terminals L. P. (No. 4 Hog Island Road Philadelphia, PA 19153) on November 5, 2002, for issuance of an Administrative Amendment for a Change of Ownership of the facility formerly owned by Atlantic Pipeline Corp. in Tinicum Township, Delaware County. The facility's major emission points include storage tanks containing VOCs. The Administrative Amendment of the Title V Operating Permit was issued under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and 25 Pa. Code § 127.450. The amended Title V Operating Permit did not change and contains all of the applicable regulatory requirements including monitoring recordkeeping, reporting and emission limits. The initial permit was issued August 30, 2000.
23-00044: Sunoco Partners Marketing and Terminals L. P. (Commerce Drive in I95 Industrial Park, Aston, PA 19014) on November 5, 2002, for issuance of an Administrative Amendment for a Change of Ownership of the facility formerly owned by Sunoco Inc. (R and M) in Upper Chichester Township, Delaware County. The facility's major emission points include storage tanks containing VOCs. The Administrative Amendment of the Title V Operating Permit was issued under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and 25 Pa. Code § 127.450. The amended Title V Operating Permit did not change and contains all of the applicable regulatory requirements including monitoring recordkeeping, reporting and emission limits. The initial permit was issued August 10, 2000.
23-00043: Sunoco Partners Marketing and Terminals L. P. (Hog Island Road, Tinicum, PA 19029) on November 5, 2002, for issuance of an Administrative Amendment for a Change of Ownership of the facility formerly owned by Sunoco Inc. (R and M) in Tinicum Township, Delaware County. The facility's major emission points include storage tanks containing VOCs. The Administrative Amendment of the Title V Operating Permit was issued under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and 25 Pa. Code § 127.450. The amended Title V Operating Permit did not change and contains all of the applicable regulatory requirements including monitoring recordkeeping, reporting and emission limits. The initial permit was issued April 12, 2000.
23-00009: Boeing Aircraft and Military System Group (P. O. Box 16858, Philadelphia, PA 19142) in Ridley Township, Delaware County for a revision to Title V Operating Permit 23-00009. In accordance with 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.463, 127.512(c) and 127.542, the Department reopened the Title V Operating Permit TVOP 23-00009 for Boeing of Ridley Township, Delaware County to make the following revisions:
Section A--Cover Page
* Name change to Boeing Aircraft & Military Systems Group.
Section C--Site Level Requirements
* Page 31, Condition No. 013--The following paragraph was added to the condition for clarification: ''Written reports under this section do not require a certification by a responsible official.''
* Page 37--The compliance certification date was changed to March 1, 2003.
Section D--Source Level Requirements
* Sources 035 and 036, B&W Boilers.
* Sources 172, Plastic Media Blasting No. 1.
* Sources 194 and 213, Degreasers.
* Source 218, Misc. Cold Degreasers.
* Source 226, Nital Etch.
* Source 228, Frekote Exhaust booth.
* Sources 231 Misc. minor paint booths, 232, Maintenance spray booth.
* Source 251, Composite manufacturing.
* Sources 300--304, Paint booths in various buildings.
For the previous sources, the following were conducted:
* Aerospace NESHAP conditions pertaining to the following control devices were removed:
a) Controlled coatings.
b) Carbon adsorbers.
c) Conventional water wash system.
* The conditions were replaced with the revised 25 Pa. Code § 129.63.
* The ''Batch vapor and in-line machine standards'' of Halogenated Solvent Cleaning NESHAPs were replaced with ''alternate standards.''
* Wood furniture NESHAPS requirements were added.
The changes do not result in an increase of emissions.
Operating Permits for Non-Title V Facilities Issued under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter F.
Southeast Region: Air Quality Program, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428; Contact: Edward Brown, Facilities Permitting Chief, (610) 832-6242.
23-00072: Action Supply Co., Inc. (Calcon Hook Road, Sharon Hill, PA 19079) on October 6, 2002, for operation of a Natural Minor Operating Permit in Darby Township, Delaware County.
15-0034: Sanofi-Synthelabo, Inc. (25 Great Valley Parkway, Malvern, PA 19355) on November 7, 2002, for operation of a facility VOC/NOx RACT in East Whiteland Township, Chester County. The Operating Permit is renewed.
Southcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110; Contact: Yasmin Neidlinger, Facilities Permitting Chief, (717) 705-4702.
06-03085: Power Packaging, Inc. (525 Dunham Road, St. Charles, IL 60174) on November 4, 2002, for operation of a beverage packaging facility in Muhlenberg Township, Berks County.
67-03113: Advanced Industrial Services, Inc. (3250 Susquehanna Trail, York, PA 17402) on November 5, 2002, for operation of a metal fabrication facility in Manchester Township, York County.
Northcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701; Contact: Muhammad Zaman, Facilities Permitting Chief, (570) 327-0512.
49-310-007: Central Builders Supply Co. (P. O. Box 152, Sunbury, PA 17801) on October 1, 2002, for operation of a wet sand and gravel processing operation in West Chillisquaque Township, Northumberland County. This operation is subject to Subpart OOO of the Federal Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources.
49-317-002: Sensenig Milling Services, Inc. (R. R. 2, Box 68A, Watsontown, PA 17777) on October 29, 2002, for operation of a rotary bakery waste dryer and associated air cleaning devices (a cyclone and a fabric collector operating in series) in Lewis Township, Northumberland County.
12-00009: American Sintered Technologies (P. O. Box 149, Emporium, PA 15834), on August 5, 2002, for their sintered metal parts manufacturing facility in Emporium Borough, Cameron County. The facility's main sources include five natural gas fired space heaters, seven electric sintering furnaces, a powdered metal parts dip sizing operation and an oil impregnation operation.
17-00046: HPM Industries, Inc. (Atlas Pressed Metals Plant, 125 Tom Mix Drive, P. O. Box P, DuBois, PA 15801), on July 25, 2002, for their sintered metal parts manufacturing facility in DuBois Borough, Clearfield County. The facility's main sources include ten natural gas fired space heaters, four electric sintering furnaces, a powdered metal parts dip sizing operation and an electric drying oven.
Operating Permit Revisions Issued including Administrative Amendments, Minor Modifications or Transfers of Ownership under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.412, 127.450, 127.462 and 127.464.
Northcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701; Contact: Muhammad Zaman, Facilities Permitting Chief, (570) 327-0512.
49-00007: Merck and Co., Inc. (P. O. Box 600, Danville, PA 17821) on November 7, 2002, for issuance of a revised operating permit, Revision No. 3, for the pharmaceutical, pesticide and chemical manufacturing facility in Riverside Borough, Northumberland County. The revision of this permit is to incorporate terms and conditions from Plan Approval 49-313-032H, which authorized installation of a new thermal oxidizer and packed bed scrubber for the control of air contaminant emissions from a number of existing equipment associated with the Avermectin Operations and the Antibiotic Campaign Operations. This Title V Operating Permit contains all applicable regulatory requirements including monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting conditions.
59-00005: Dominion Transmission, Inc. (625 Liberty Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15222) on October 31, 2002, for issuance of a revised Title V Operating Permit to include terms and conditions for operation of screw-in prechambers on a 2,000 horsepower natural gas fired internal combustion engine (engine 7) installed under plan approval 59-00005D at their Sabinsville gas compressor station. This facility is in Clymer Township, Tioga County. This Title V Operating Permit contains all applicable regulatory requirements including monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting conditions.
53-00006: Dominion Transmission, Inc. (625 Liberty Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15222) on October 31, 2002, for issuance of a revised Title V Operating Permit to include terms and conditions for operation of screw-in prechambers on three 2,000 horsepower natural gas fired internal combustion engines and three 3,400 horsepower natural gas fired internal combustion engines (engines 3--8) installed under plan approval 53-00006A at their Ellisburg gas compressor station. This facility is in Genesee Township, Potter County. This Title V Operating Permit contains all applicable regulatory requirements including monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting conditions.
41-00010: Andritz, Inc. (35 Sherman Street, Muncy, PA 17756), on August 12, 2002, for issuance of a revised Title V Operating Permit, Revision No. 1, for the change of ownership of the Muncy plant from Andritz, Inc. to Andritz, Inc. (after merger). This facility is in Muncy Borough, Lycoming County. This Title V Operating Permit contains all applicable regulatory requirements including monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting conditions.
Northwest Region: Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481; Contact: Eric Gustafson, Facilities Permitting Chief, (814) 332-6940.
61-00147: Department of Public Welfare--Polk Center (Route 62, P. O. Box 94, Polk, PA 16342) for operation of their psychiatric hospital in Polk Borough, Venango County. The Title V Operating Permit (reissued on August 21, 2002, and revised on October 2, 2002) was administratively amended on November 4, 2002, to correct a typographical error.
10-00001: AK Steel Corp. (Route 8 South, P. O. Box 832, Butler, PA 16003) for operation of their Butler facility in Butler Township, Butler County. The Title V Operating Permit (issued on January 22, 1999, and amended on October 20, 1999, on May 10, 2000, and on August 1, 2002) was administratively amended on November 7, 2002, to incorporate plan approval (10-001F) conditions. This plan approval was for no. 4 pickle line.
Department of Public Health, Air Management Services: 321 University Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19104; Contact: Edward Braun, Chief, (215) 685-9476.
The City of Philadelphia, Air Management Services (AMS) administratively amended an operating permit issued under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and regulations to construct, modify, reactivate or operate air contamination sources and associated air cleaning devices for the following facilities:
S96-045: Temple Continuing Care Center (5301 Old York Road, Philadelphia, PA 19141-2996) administratively amended on November 5, 2002, to change contact information. The Synthetic Minor operating permit was originally issued on June 1, 2001.
Actions on applications under the Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act (52 P. S. §§ 1396.1--1396.19a); the Noncoal Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act (52 P. S. §§ 3301--3326); and The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. §§ 691.1--691.1001); the Coal Refuse Disposal Control Act (52 P. S. §§ 30.51--30.66); and The Bituminous Mine Subsidence and Land Conservation Act (52 P. S. §§ 1406.1--1406.21). The final action on each application also constitutes action on the request for 401 Water Quality Certification and the NPDES permit application. Mining activity permits issued in response to the applications will also address the application permitting requirements of the following statutes; the Air Quality Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015); the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act (32 P. S. §§ 693.1--693.27); and the Solid Waste Management Act (35 P. S. §§ 6018.101--6018.1003).
Coal Permits Actions
Greensburg District Mining Office: Armbrust Building, R. R. 2 Box 603-C, Greensburg, PA 15601-0982, (724) 925-5500.
630202 and NPDES Permit No. PA0250210. Robinson Coal Company (200 Neville Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15225). Government Financed Construction Contract issued for reclamation of approximately 30 acres of abandoned mine lands located in Robinson Township, Washington County. Receiving streams: unnamed tributary to Little Raccoon Run, Little Raccoon Run, Raccoon Creek, Ohio River. Application received July 23, 2002. Contract issued November 5, 2002
63803009 and NPDES Permit No. PA0203432. Robinson Coal Company (200 Neville Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15225). Permit renewal issued for reclamation only of a bituminous surface/auger mine located in Robinson Township, Washington County, affecting 215.5 acres. Receiving streams: unnamed tributary to Robinson Run. Application received June 27, 2001. Renewal issued November 6, 2002.
26870107 and NPDES Permit No. PA0589802. Durant Excavating Company (18 North Ross Street, Masontown, PA 15461). Permit renewal issued for continued operation and reclamation of a bituminous surface mine located in Nicholson Township, Fayette County, affecting 82.0 acres. Receiving streams: unnamed tributaries to Jacobs Creek. Application received July 1, 2002. Renewal issued November 7, 2002.
Cambria District Mining Office: 286 Industrial Park Road, Ebensburg, PA 15931, (814) 472-1900.
11020101 and NPDES Permit No. PA0249203. E. P. Bender Coal Company, Inc., P. O. Box 594, Carrolltown, PA 15722, commencement, operation and restoration of a bituminous surface and auger mine and for discharge of treated mine drainage in Reade Township, Cambria County, affecting 141.0 acres. Receiving streams: Fallentimber Run, unnamed tributaries to Fallentimber Run classified for CWF. There are no potable water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. Application received April 16, 2002. Permit issued November 4, 2002.
McMurray District Mining Office: 3913 Washington Road, McMurray, PA 15317, (724) 941-7100.
32951301. NPDES Permit PA0215821, PennAmerican Coal L. P. (R. D. 1, Box 119A, Avonmore, PA 15618), to revise the permit for the Burrell Mine in Burrell Township, Indiana County to add surface activity site, Surface Acres Proposed 19.0, Underground Acres Proposed N/A, SCP Acres Proposed N/A, CRDP Support Acres Proposed N/A, CRDP Refuse Disposal Acres Proposed N/A, Blacklick Creek, classified for CWF. The first downstream potable water supply intake from the point of discharge is N/A. Permit issued October 31, 2002.
30010701. NPDES Permit PA0235440, RAG Cumberland Resources L. P. (158 Portal Rd., P. O. Box 1020, Waynesburg, PA 15370), to operate the Cumberland Mine No. 2 CRDA in Whiteley Township, Greene County, Surface Acres Proposed N/A, Underground Acres Proposed N/A, SCP Acres Proposed N/A, CRDP Support Acres Proposed 118, CRDP Refuse Disposal Acres Proposed 113, tributary to Whiteley Creek, classified for WWF. The first downstream potable water supply intake from the point of discharge is N/A. Permit issued November 5, 2002.
Knox District Mining Office: White Memorial Building, P. O. Box 669, Knox, PA 16232-0669, (814) 797-1191.
5974-16940103-E-1. RFI Energy, Inc. (555 Philadelphia St., Indiana, PA 15701). Application for a stream encroachment to conduct mining activities within 100 feet, mine through and reconstruct a portion of unnamed tributary 1D to the Allegheny River in Perry Township, Clarion County. Receiving streams: unnamed tributary to the Allegheny River and unnamed tributary to the Clarion River. Application received July 10, 2002. Permit issued November 4, 2002.
33010104 and NPDES No. PA0241997. Reichard Contracting, Inc. (212 Olean Trail, New Bethlehem, PA 16242). Transfer of an existing bituminous strip operation from McKay Coal Company, Inc. in Clover Township, Jefferson County affecting 29.5 acres. Receiving streams: unnamed tributary No. 1 to Runaway Run. Application received July 15, 2002. Permit issued November 4, 2002.
Noncoal Permits Actions
McMurray District Mining Office: 3913 Washington Road, McMurray, PA 15317, (724) 941-7100.
30841316 and NPDES Permit No. PA0213535. Consol Pennsylvania Coal Co., P. O. Box 355, 172 Route 519, Eighty Four, PA 15330, to revise the permit for the Bailey Mine in Richhill Township, Greene County to address the treatment of utility structures, Surface Acres Proposed N/A, Underground Acres Proposed N/A, SCP Acres Proposed N/A, CRDP Support Acres Proposed N/A, CRDP Refuse Disposal Acres Proposed N/A, no additional discharges, classified for N/A. The first downstream potable water supply intake from the point of discharge is N/A. Permit issued October 23, 2002.
Knox District Mining Office: White Memorial Building, P. O. Box 669, Knox, PA 16232-0669, (814) 797-1191.
43022804. SQP Industries (3100 Grand Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15225). Commencement, operation and restoration of a small noncoal slag operation in Sharpsville Borough, Mercer County affecting 4.7 acres. Receiving streams: Shenango River. Application received August 1, 2002. Permit issued November 5, 2002.
Actions on applications under the Explosives Acts of 1937 and 1957 (43 P. S. §§ 151--161); and 25 Pa. Code § 211.124 (relating to blasting activity permits). Blasting activity performed as part of a coal or noncoal mining activity will be regulated by the mining permit for that coal or noncoal mining activity.
Blasting Permits Actions
Pottsville District Mining Office: 5 West Laurel Boulevard, Pottsville, PA 17901-2454, (570) 621-3118.
35024027. Emmett J. Wilkinson (EJW Corporation) (R. R. 2 Box 189, Kingsley, PA 18826), construction blasting in the City of Scranton, Lackawanna County with an expiration date of January 20, 2003. Permit issued November 5, 2002.
15024031. Explo-Craft, Inc. (P. O. Box 1332, West Chester, PA 19380), construction blasting in Malvern Borough, Chester County with an expiration date of February 18, 2003. Permit issued November 5, 2002.
52024027. Explosive Services, Inc. (7 Pine Street, Bethany, PA 18431), construction blasting in Dingman Township, Pike County with an expiration date of October 6, 2003. Permit issued November 5, 2002.
13024007. Explosive Services, Inc. (7 Pine Street, Bethany, PA 18431), construction blasting in Banks Township, Carbon County with an expiration date of October 6, 2003. Permit issued November 5, 2002.
360240118. Keystone Blasting Service (381 Reifsnyder Road, Lititz, PA 17543), construction blasting in Paradise Township, Lancaster County with an expiration date of October 15, 2007. Permit issued November 5, 2002.
38024031. Keystone Blasting Service (381 Reifsnyder Road, Lititz, PA 17543), construction blasting in North Cornwall Township, Lebanon County with an expiration date of November 30, 2007. Permit issued November 5, 2002.
21024054. David H. Martin Excavating, Inc. (4961 Cumberland Highway, Chambersburg, PA 17201), construction blasting in Shippensburg Township, Cumberland County with an expiration date of February 28, 2004. Permit issued November 5, 2002.
45024080. Explosive Services, Inc. (7 Pine Street, Bethany, PA 18431), construction blasting in Smithfield Township, Monroe County with an expiration date of October 8, 2003. Permit issued November 5, 2002.
21024055. M & J Explosives, Inc. (P. O. Box 608, Carlisle, PA 17013), construction blasting in Penn Township, Cumberland County with an expiration date of October 15, 2007. Permit issued November 5, 2002.
46024063. Schlouch Incorporated (Excelsior Industrial Park, P. O. Box 69, Blandon, PA 19510), construction blasting in Limerick Township, Montgomery County with an expiration date of November 21, 2003. Permit issued November 5, 2002.
39024023. Warren's Excavating & Drilling, Inc. (P. O. Box 189, Bowmansville, PA 17507-0189), construction blasting in Lower Macungie Township, Lehigh County with an expiration date of November 15, 2007. Permit issued November 7, 2002.
23024011. Explo-Craft, Inc. (P. O. Box 1332, West Chester, PA 19380), construction blasting in Bethel Township, Delaware County with an expiration date of November 15, 2003. Permit issued November 7, 2002.
360240123. Keystone Blasting Service (381 Reifsnyder Road, Lititz, PA 17543), construction blasting in Mount Joy Township, Lancaster County with an expiration date of November 30, 2005. Permit issued November 7, 2002.
360240119. Gerlach's Drilling & Blasting, Inc. (172 Bender Mill Road, Lancaster, PA 17603), construction blasting in West Lampeter Township, Lancaster County with an expiration date of November 17, 2004. Permit issued November 7, 2002.
360240120. Gerlach's Drilling & Blasting, Inc. (172 Bender Mill Road, Lancaster, PA 17603), construction blasting in Manheim Township, Lancaster County with an expiration date of November 17, 2007. Permit issued November 7, 2002.
360240121. Gerlach's Drilling & Blasting, Inc. (172 Bender Mill Road, Lancaster, PA 17603), construction blasting in Manor Township, Lancaster County with an expiration date of November 30, 2007. Permit issued November 7, 2002.
360240122. Gerlach's Drilling & Blasting, Inc. (172 Bender Mill Road, Lancaster, PA 17603), construction blasting in Mountville Borough, Lancaster County with an expiration date of November 30, 2007. Permit issued November 8, 2002.
360240126. Gerlach's Drilling & Blasting, Inc. (172 Bender Mill Road, Lancaster, PA 17063), construction blasting in Mt. Joy Borough, Lancaster County with an expiration date of November 30, 2007. Permit issued November 8, 2002.
360240127. Gerlach's Drilling & Blasting, Inc. (172 Bender Mill Road, Lancaster, PA 17063), construction blasting in East Lampeter Township, Lancaster County with an expiration date of November 30, 2007. Permit issued November 8, 2002.
360240128. Gerlach's Drilling & Blasting, Inc. (172 Bender Mill Road, Lancaster, PA 17063), construction blasting in Manor Township and Millersville Borough, Lancaster County with an expiration date of November 30, 2007. Permit issued November 8, 2002.
360240129. Gerlach's Drilling & Blasting, Inc. (172 Bender Mill Road, Lancaster, PA 17036), construction blasting in East Lampeter Township, Lancaster County with an expiration date of November 30, 2007. Permit issued November 8, 2002.
67024041. Gerlach's Drilling & Blasting, Inc. (172 Bender Mill Road, Lancaster, PA 17036), construction blasting in Dover Township, York County with an expiration date of November 30, 2007. Permit issued November 8, 2002.
Greensburg District Mining Office: Armbrust Building, R. R. 2 Box 603-C, Greensburg, PA 15601-0982, (724) 925-5500.
02024011. Rick Lawson Exe for construction located in South Park Township, Allegheny County, with an expected duration of 1 year. Permit issued November 6, 2002.
Knox District Mining Office: White Memorial Building, P. O. Box 669, Knox, PA 16232-0669, (814) 797-1191.
33024001. McCauley Trucking (R. R. 5, Box 48A, Brookville, PA 15825). Blasting activity permit to build and connect a road in Pinecreek Township, Jefferson County for 45 days. Application received October 25, 2002. Application issued November 4, 2002.
Persons aggrieved by an action may appeal, under section 4 of the Environmental Hearing Board Act (35 P. S. § 7514) and 2 Pa.C.S. §§ 501--508 and 701--704 (relating to the Administrative Agency Law), to the Environmental Hearing Board, Second Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, P. O. Box 8457, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8457, (717) 787-3483. TDD users may contact the Environmental Hearing Board (Board) through the Pennsylvania Relay Service, (800) 654-5984. Appeals must be filed with the Board within 30 days of publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, unless the appropriate statute provides a different time period. Copies of the appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure may be obtained from the Board. The appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure are also available in Braille or on audiotape from the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483. This paragraph does not, in and of itself, create any right of appeal beyond that permitted by applicable statutes and decision law.
For individuals who wish to challenge an action, appeals must reach the Board within 30 days. A lawyer is not needed to file an appeal with the Board.
Important legal rights are at stake, however, so individuals should show this notice to a lawyer at once. Persons who cannot afford a lawyer may qualify for free pro bono representation. Call the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483 for more information.
FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT SECTION 401 The Department of Environmental Protection (Department) has taken the following actions on previously received permit applications, requests for Environmental Assessment approval and requests for Water Quality Certification under section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA) (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341(a)).
Except as otherwise noted, the Department certifies that the construction and operation herein described will comply with the applicable provisions of sections 301--303, 306 and 307 of the FWPCA 33 U.S.C.A. (§§ 1311--1313, 1316 and 1317) and that the construction will not violate applicable Federal and State Water Quality Standards.
Persons aggrieved by an action may appeal, under section 4 of the Environmental Hearing Board Act (35 P. S. § 7514) and 2 Pa.C.S. §§ 501--508 and 701--704 (relating to the Administrative Agency Law), to the Environmental Hearing Board, Second Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, P. O. Box 8457, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8457, (717) 787-3483. TDD users may contact the Environmental Hearing Board (Board) through the Pennsylvania Relay Service, (800) 654-5984. Appeals must be filed with the Board within 30 days of publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, unless the appropriate statute provides a different time period. Copies of the appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure may be obtained from the Board. The appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure are also available in Braille or on audiotape from the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483. This paragraph does not, in and of itself, create any right of appeal beyond that permitted by applicable statutes and decision law.
For individuals who wish to challenge an action, appeals must reach the Board within 30 days. A lawyer is not needed to file an appeal with the Board.
Important legal rights are at stake, however, so individuals should show this notice to a lawyer at once. Persons who cannot afford a lawyer may qualify for free pro bono representation. Call the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483 for more information.
Actions on applications for the following activities filed under the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act (32 P. S. §§ 693.1--693.27), section 302 of the Flood Plain Management Act (32 P. S. § 679.302) and The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. §§ 691.1--691.702) and Notice of Final Action for Certification under section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341(a)). (Note: Water Obstruction and Encroachment Permits issued for Small Projects do not include 401 Certification, unless specifically stated in the description.)
Permits Issued and Actions on 401 Certifications
WATER OBSTRUCTIONS AND ENCROACHMENTS Northeast Region: Water Management Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790.
E58-246. Department of Transportation, Engineering District 4-0, P. O. Box 111, Scranton, PA 18501. Rush Township, Susquehanna County, Army Corps of Engineers Baltimore District.
To remove the existing structure and to construct and maintain a two-span prestressed spread box beam bridge, having clear normal spans of 81.2 feet each and an underclearance of approximately 21 feet, across East Branch Wyalusing Creek. The project is located along SR 3023, Section 570, approximately 500 feet south of the intersection of SR 0706 and SR 3023 (Lawton, PA Quadrangle N: 5.8 inches; W: 6.2 inches).
Southcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
E22-419. Meadows of Hanover Development, Incorporated, 225 North Presidential Blvd., Bala Cynwyd, PA 19044 in South Hanover Township, Dauphin County, ACOE Baltimore District.
To construct and maintain: (1) three wetland road crossings which will impact 0.38 acre of wetlands; and (2) to construct Stormwater Detention Area No. 9 in an unnamed tributary to Kellock Run (WWF) in conjunction with the development of Phases 1 and 5 of a residential subdivision known as the Meadows of Hanover Development located on the west side of Route 39, about 1.5 miles north of the Village of Union Deposit (Hershey, PA Quadrangle N: 11.0 inches; W: 10.2 inches) in South Hanover Township, Dauphin County. The permittee is required to provide 0.38 acre of replacement wetlands.
E22-434. Steelton Borough, 123 North Front Street, Steelton, PA 17113 in Steelton Borough, Dauphin County, ACOE Baltimore District.
To construct and maintain: (1) a concrete boat launch ramp with floating dock; (2) a bituminous concrete roadway and vehicle parking area; and (3) a picnic area and pavilion all in the channel and floodway of the Susquehanna River (WWF) to provide for recreation and boating access to the river located on 2.88 acres of land on the east bank of the river, upstream of the Pennsylvania Turnpike (SR 0076) bridge (Steelton, PA Quadrangle N: 5.3 inches; W: 7.2 inches) in Steelton Borough, Dauphin County.
E31-184. Dublin Township, P. O. Box 11, Neelyton, PA 17239 in Dublin Township, Huntingdon County, ACOE Baltimore District.
To: (1) remove the existing culverts; (2) construct and maintain a 58-inch by 43-inch RCP culvert and a 59-inch by 34-inch RCP culvert at the channel of an unnamed tributary to the North Branch Little Aughwick Creek (HQ-CWF) located at the crossing of SR 2009, Segment 0030, Offset 3240 and T-307; and (3) fill in 0.27 acre of wetlands to improve the alignment of the road (Fannetsburg, PA Quadrangle N: 17.5 inches; W: 17.5 inches) in Dublin Township, Huntingdon County. The applicant will provide 0.27 acre of replacement wetlands at the Aughwick Creek advanced wetland replacement.
E67-720. Gregory Brennenman, 790 Arbor Drive, Red Lion, PA 17356 in York Township, York County, ACOE Baltimore District.
To remove two existing structures then construct and maintain a 5-foot 1-inch by 16-foot 4-inch corrugated steel low profile box culvert in Barshinger Creek (CWF) located approximately 10,000 feet upstream of the confluence with the East Branch Codorus Creek. (York, PA Quadrangle N: 0.2 inch; W: 2.35 inches) in York Township, York County.
E67-727. Izaac Walton League of America, York County Chapter 67, 7131 Ironstone Hill Road, Dallastown, PA 17313 in Shrewsbury Township, York County, ACOE Baltimore District.
To construct and maintain two cattle crossing and 1,100 linear feet of stream restoration/bank stabilization in and along the South Branch Codorus Creek (WWF) using a natural stream channel design approach including the installation of in-stream structures (rock vanes, cross vanes, rock toe protection and root wads), bank grading and riparian plantings. The project is located on the Robert and Greta Dise property approximately 2,000 feet southeast of the intersection of SR 0616 and Fissels Church Road to the intersection of SR 0616 and the railroad tracks (Glen Rock, PA Quadrangle N: 4.6 inches; W: 13.6 inches) in Shrewsbury Township, York County. The restoration will impact 0.09 acre of palustrine emergent wetland, 0.04 acre permanent impact and 0.05 acre temporary impact. The amount of permanent wetland impact is considered a de minimis impact of 0.05 acre and wetland mitigation is not required.
Northcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701.
E08-397. Warren Township, P. O. Box 52, Warren Center, PA 18851. Bridge construction in Warren Township, Bradford County, ACOE Baltimore District (Little Meadow, PA Quadrangle N: 11.8 inches; W: 7.5 inches).
To construct and maintain a 30 foot long by 20 foot wide truck scale bridge with side rails and a concrete block retaining wall over Corbin Creek located adjacent to the Warren Township Municipal Building on the Township lot. This permit was issued under section 105.13(e) ''Small Projects.'' This permit also includes 401 Water Quality Certification.
E14-427. Wetland Habitat Management Inc., 205 East Beaver Drive, State College, PA 16801, in Huston Township, Centre County, ACOE Baltimore District (Julian, PA Quadrangle N: 17.5 inches; W: 14.3 inches).
To impact 3.14 acres of palustrine wetlands to facilitate the construction of a 51.37-acre wetland mitigation site. The site is located at the intersection of SR 220 and TR 350 about 8 miles northeast of Port Matilda (Julian, PA Quadrangle N: 17.5 inches; W: 14.3 inches; Latitude: 40 degrees 51 minute 41 seconds; Longitude: 77 degrees 59 minutes 10 seconds) in Huston Township, Centre County.
Southwest Region: Water Management Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.
E02-1395. City of Pittsburgh, 301 City-County Building, 414 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15219. City of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, ACOE Pittsburgh District.
To remove the existing stone wall and to construct and maintain a new wall having a length of approximately 100 feet and 15 feet high, located along the left bank of a tributary to Saw Mill Run (WWF). The project is located along the east side of Banksville Avenue approximately 500 feet south of its intersection with Carnahan Road (Pittsburgh West, PA Quadrangle N: 5.7 inches; W: 5.0 inches).
E56-318. Department of Transportation, Engineering District 9-0, 1620 North Juniata Street, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648. Lower Turkeyfoot Township, Somerset County, ACOE Pittsburgh District.
To remove the existing structure and to construct and maintain a prestressed concrete spread box beam bridge having a normal clear span of 45.15 feet and an underclearance of 5.83 feet across Drake Run (HQ-CWF). Also to construct and maintain a temporary crossing consisting of three 36-inch diameter pipes in Drake Run (HQ-CWF) and to temporarily place and maintain fill in 0.037 acre of PEM wetland. This project is located on SR 3003, Section 001 just south of Draketown (Confluence, PA Quadrangle N: 17.9 inches; W: 17.0 inches).
Plan Revision Approval under the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act of 1988, Act 101 The Department of Environmental Protection (Department) approved the Delaware County Municipal Waste Plan Revision on October 31, 2002.
Persons aggrieved by an action may appeal, under section 4 of the Environmental Hearing Board Act (35 P. S. § 7514) and 2 Pa.C.S. §§ 501--508 and 701--704 (relating to the Administrative Agency Law), to the Environmental Hearing Board, Second Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, P. O. Box 8457, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8457, (717) 787-3483. TDD users may contact the Environmental Hearing Board (Board) through the Pennsylvania Relay Service, (800) 654-5984. Appeals must be filed with the Board within 30 days of publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, unless the appropriate statute provides a different time period. Copies of the appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure may be obtained from the Board. The appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure are also available in Braille or on audiotape from the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483. This paragraph does not, in and of itself, create any right of appeal beyond that permitted by applicable statutes and decision law.
For individuals who wish to challenge an action, appeals must reach the Board within 30 days. A lawyer is not needed to file an appeal with the Board.
Important legal rights are at stake, however, so individuals should show this notice to a lawyer at once. Persons who cannot afford a lawyer may qualify for free pro bono representation. Call the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483 for more information.
The plan revision is a public document and may be viewed at the Department Regional Office previously noted.
Questions concerning this approval should be directed to Sally Lohman, Chief, Waste Planning Section, Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Land Recycling and Waste Management, Division of Waste Minimization and Planning, P. O. Box 8472, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8472.
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 02-2103. Filed for public inspection November 22, 2002, 9:00 a.m.]