FISH AND BOAT COMMISSION Designations of Waters Subject to Special Fishing Regulations [26 Pa.B. 5765] The Fish and Boat Commission is designating the following waters as subject to the special fishing regulations under 58 Pa. Code Chapter 65 effective January 1, 1997:
58 Pa. Code § 65.1. Selective Harvest Program:
The following waters are designated to be regulated and managed under the Selective Harvest Program (58 Pa. Code § 65.1):
County Water Description Northampton Saucon Creek A 2.1 mile section from the upstream boundary of Saucon Park downstream to the S. R. 0412 bridge The limits of the section of Codorus Creek, York County, subject to regulations applicable to the Selective Harvest Program (58 Pa. Code § 65.1) are redefined as follows:
County Water Description York Codorus Creek From SR 3047 at Kraft Mill downstream to SR 116, a distance of 3.3 miles 58 Pa. Code § 65.2. Delayed Harvest Fly-Fishing Only Areas:
The following waters are deleted from the list of ''Delayed Harvest Fly-Fishing Only Areas'' designated under 58 Pa. Code § 65.2:
Water on which County located Description Carbon Mud Run A 2.5 mile section from the upstream Hickory Run State Park boundary downstream 2.5 miles to the downstream Hickory Run State Park boundary 58 Pa. Code § 65.6. Delayed Harvest Artificial Lures Only Areas:
The following waters are designated to be regulated and managed under the Delayed Harvest Artificial Lures Only Program and are added to the list of waters subject to these regulations (58 Pa. Code § 65.6):
Water on which County located Description Allegheny Bull Creek A 1.0 mile section from the first bridge on T-721 (above the T-721 and T-719 intersection) downstream to the T-721 bridge in Millerstown Cambria Chest Creek A 1.8 mile section from the northern Patton Borough line (or 0.4 mile downstream of the railroad bridge in Patton) downstream to the SR 4022 bridge at Thomas Mills Carbon Mud Run A 2.5 mile section from the upstream Hickory Run State Park boundary downstream 2.5 miles to the downstream Hickory Run State Park boundary Washington Dutch Fork Creek A 1.8 mile section from the first S. R. 0070 bridge upstream of the Columbia Gas Compressor Station downstream to the Dutch Fork Lake backwaters Pike Run A 1.1 mile section from the confluence with the unnamed tributary upstream of the S. R. 2079 bridge downstream to the power line crossing downstream of the S. R. 2036 bridge Westmoreland Indian Creek A 1.6 mile section from the T-916 bridge downstream to the S. R. 0381 bridge Wyoming/Lackawanna South Br. Tunkhannock Creek A 1.0 mile section from the S. R. 6 bridge downstream through Keystone College campus 58 Pa. Code § 65.7. Trophy Trout Program:
The limits of the section of the Lackawanna River, Lackawanna County, subject to regulations applicable to the Trophy Trout program (58 Pa. Code § 65.7) are redefined as follows:
County Water Description Lackawanna Lackawanna River A 5.2 mile section from the Gilmartin Street Bridge in Archbald downstream to the Lackawanna Avenue Bridge (S. R. 0347) in Olyphant with the exception of a .7 mile section from the Depot Street Bridge in Jessup downstream to the foot bridge in Robert Mellow Park. 58 Pa. Code § 65.8. Warmwater/Coolwater Species Special Conservation Waters:
The following waters are deleted from the list of ''Warmwater/Coolwater Species Special Conservation Waters'' designated under 58 Pa. Code § 65.8:
County Water York Lake Redman Lake Williams 58 Pa. Code § 65.9. Big Bass Special Regulations:
The following waters are designated to be regulated and managed under the Big Bass Special Regulations and are added to the list of waters subject to these regulations (58 Pa. Code § 65.9):
County Water Bedford Shawnee Lake Blair Two small ponds and raceway adjacent to Canoe Lake Luzerne Lily Lake York Lake Redman Lake Williams Effective with the 1996 bass season, the Commission designated a portion of the Susquehanna River from Dock Stream Dam, near Harrisburg, upstream to the Fibridam, near Sunbury, and the Juniata River from its mouth upstream to the Duncannon Bridge as waters subject to Big Bass Regulations under 58 Pa. Code § 65.9. There was a minor problem with the definition of the limits on the Juniata River, however, because of the location of the available public facilities to launch and retrieve boats. To correct this problem, an additional 2 mile section of the Juniata River is now subject to the Big Bass regulations. The limits of the section of the lower Juniata River subject to the Big Bass Special Regulations (58 Pa. Code § 65.9) are redefined as follows:
The Juniata River from its mouth upstream to the Route 11/15 Bridge near Amity Hall.
The following waters are deleted from the list of waters subject to the Big Bass Special Regulations under 58 Pa. Code § 65.9:
County Water Berks Trout Run Reservoir 58 Pa. Code § 65.10. Select Trout Stocked Lake Program:
The following waters are designated ''Select Trout Stocked Lakes'' (Late Winter Extended Trout Season) and are added to the list under 58 Pa. Code § 65.10:
County Water Huntingdon Perez Lake Lancaster Muddy Run Recreational Lake Luzerne Lily Lake Sullivan Hunters Lake PETER A. COLANGELO,
Executive Director[Pa.B. Doc. No. 96-1978. Filed for public inspection November 22, 1996, 9:00 a.m.]