[40 PA. CODE CH. 9][Correction] Transporters-for-Hire [32 Pa.B. 5658] An error occurred in the preamble to the final rulemaking which appeared at 32 Pa.B. 5512 (November 9, 2002). The correct version of the second paragraph is as follows:
The amendments are necessary in order to aid entities licensed by the Board as transporters-for-hire. Transporters-for hire are authorized to engage in the commercial transportation of liquor, malt or brewed beverages or alcohol to or from points located in this Commonwealth. The regulations currently require transporters-for-hire to own or lease their vehicles and employ the drivers of these vehicles. This regulatory change would permit these licensees to contract with unlicensed haulers for transportation services using the unlicensed transporters' vehicles and drivers. Such a regulatory change would enable transporters-for-hire to adjust to fluctuations in business volume without having to commit to large expenditures in vehicles and personnel. Moreover, persons who have contracted with and are performing transportation services for a transporter-for-hire would be considered agents of the licensee thus making the transporter-for-hire's license liable for any violation that may result. Additionally, the regulations required that transporters-for-hire notify the Board of vehicles that are no longer in service. The Board has not required this notification by its licensees as a matter of practice for numerous years; therefore, this requirement is being deleted.
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 02-1998. Filed for public inspection November 8, 2002, 9:00 a.m.]