2095 Decisions on requests for exceptions to health care facility regulations  

  • Decisions on Requests for Exceptions to Health Care Facility Regulations

    [35 Pa.B. 6285]

       Under 28 Pa. Code § 51.33 (relating to requests for exceptions), effective June 6, 1998, the Department of Health (Department) has published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin all requests by entities licensed under the Health Care Facilities Act (35 P. S. §§ 448.101--448.904b) for exceptions to regulations contained in 28 Pa. Code Part IV, Subparts B--G.

       Section 51.33(d) provides that the Department will publish notice of all approved exceptions on a periodic basis. The Department has determined that it will publish notice of all exceptions, both approved and denied. The following list contains the decisions made on exception requests published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin from July 1, 2005, through September 30, 2005. Future publications of decisions on exception requests will appear on a quarterly basis.

       Requests for additional information on the exception requests and the Department's decision should be made to the relevant division of the Department. Inquiries regarding hospitals and ambulatory surgical facilities shall be addressed to the Division of Acute and Ambulatory Care, Sandra Knoble, Director, Room 532, Health and Welfare Building, Harrisburg, PA 17108. Inquiries regarding long-term care facilities shall be addressed to the Division of Nursing Care Facilities, William Bordner, Director, Room 528, Health and Welfare Building, Harrisburg, PA 17108. Persons requiring special assistance for speech and/or hearing impairment should call V/TT (717) 783-6514 or the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Services at (800) 654-5984 (TT).

    Exception Requests--Hospitals

    Facility Name Regulation Relating to Decision
    Hazleton General Hospital 28 Pa. Code § 101.191 multiclinical facilities denied
    West Chester Rehabilitation
    28 Pa. Code § 107.2 medical staff membership--podiatrists granted
    Temple East 28 Pa. Code § 107.2 medical staff membership--podiatrists granted
    Allegheny General Hospital 28 Pa. Code § 107.23 clinical department chairperson denied
    Somerset Hospital 28 Pa. Code § 107.26(b)(2) tissue committee meetings granted
    Mercy Jeannette Hospital 28 Pa. Code § 107.26(b)(2) tissue committee meetings granted
    Punxsutawney Area Hospital, Inc. 28 Pa. Code § 107.26(b)(2) tissue committee granted
    Frick Hospital 28 Pa. Code § 107.26(b)(2) tissue committee granted
    Westmoreland Regional Hospital 28 Pa. Code § 107.26(b)(2) tissue committee granted
    UPMC Braddock 28 Pa. Code § 107.31 medical staff meetings granted
    Brandywine Hospital 28 Pa. Code § 138.1 cardiac catheterization denied
    St. Joseph's Medical Center 28 Pa. Code § 139.12(a) neonatal units denied
    Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital 28 Pa. Code § 153.1 NFPA Life Safety Code granted
    Select Specialty Hospital of    McKeesport 28 Pa. Code § 153.1 7.2.B10 exam room granted
    St. Joseph's Medical Center 28 Pa. Code § 153.1 7.9.D25 decontamination area; 7.3.A8 hand washing stations; 7.3.A3f(3)(k) staff clothing change areas;
    7.14.B9 examination room; 7.14.B11 soiled work room; 7.14.B14 environmental
    granted/denied in part
    St. Joseph's Medical Center 28 Pa. Code § 153.1 7.14.B17 storage space;
    7.2.E seclusion room;
    7.2.B18 storage space;
    7.3.A16h storage space;
    7.22.C general storage rooms
    granted/denied in part
    Magee-Womens Hospital of
       University of Pittsburgh
       Medical Center
    28 Pa. Code § 153.1 7.7.A4 cystoscopic
    procedure room
    DuBois Regional Medical Center 28 Pa. Code § 153.1 7.9.D24 secure holding granted
    Albert Einstein Medical Center 28 Pa. Code § 153.1 7.2.B17 equipment storage
    room or alcove--requires 10
    sq. ft. per patient bed (48 pt
    beds or 480 sq. ft.)
    Memorial Hospital of Towanda 28 Pa. Code § 153.1 7.2.B19 showers and tubs granted
    UPMC Northwest 28 Pa. Code § 153.1 7.2.A3 each patient room
    shall have a window
    St. Clair Hospital 28 Pa. Code § 153.1 construction standards--room; 7.2.A4 handwashing stations; 7.2.B4 handwashing stations; granted
    St. Clair Hospital 28 Pa. Code § 153.1 7.2.B2 dictation area;
    7.2.B5 charting area;
    7.2.B6 staff toilet room;
    7.2.B7 staff lounge;
    7.2.B9 multipurpose room; 7.2.B10 exam/tx
    not necessary
    St. Clair Hospital 28 Pa. Code § 153.1 7.2.B11 clean workroom;
    7.2.B12 soiled workroom; 7.2.B13a medication prep room; 7.2.B14 clean linen storage
    not necessary
    St. Clair Hospital 28 Pa. Code § 153.1 7.2.B15 nourishment area; 7.2.B16 ice machine;
    7.2.17 equipment storage room; 7.2.B19 showers and tubs; 7.2.B22
    not necessary
    Exception Requests--Ambulatory Surgical Facilities
    The Scranton Endoscopy Center 28 Pa. Code § 551.3 classification levels granted
    The Eye Surgery Center 28 Pa. Code § 551.3 classification--Class B granted
    Carbon-Schuylkill Endoscopy Center 28 Pa. Code § 551.3 classification levels--Class B facility granted
    Carlisle Regional Surgery Center 28 Pa. Code § 551.3 definitions denied
    Digestive Health Center 28 Pa. Code § 551.3 definitions denied
    Aestique Ambulatory Surgical Center 28 Pa. Code § 551.21(a)(1) criteria for ambulatory surgery denied
    Aestique Ambulatory Surgical Center 28 Pa. Code § 551.21(a)(2) criteria for ambulatory surgery denied
    Heritage Valley Surgery Center 28 Pa. Code § 551.21(d)(2) criteria for ambulatory surgery--laparoscopic cholecystectomy denied
    Apple Hill Surgical Center 28 Pa. Code § 551.21(d)(2) criteria for ambulatory surgery--laparoscopic cholecystectomy granted
    Fairgrounds Surgical Center 28 Pa. Code § 551.21(d)(2) criteria for ambulatory surgery denied
    Surgery Center at Limerick 28 Pa. Code § 551.21(d)(2) criteria for ambulatory surgery granted/denied in part
    Digestive Health Center of
       Indiana P. C.
    28 Pa. Code § 551.31(d) licensure denied
    South Surgery Center
       Indiana P. C.
    28 Pa. Code §§ 553.1, 555.2, 555.3 governing body, medical staff membership granted
    Ambulatory Surgical Facility
       at Ford Road Campus
    28 Pa. Code Chapter 553 governance and management granted
    Harrisburg Interventional
    Pain Management Center
    28 Pa. Code § 553.31(a) administrative granted
    Ambulatory Surgical Facility
       at Ford Road Campus
    28 Pa. Code Chapter 555 medical staff granted
    Digestive Health Center of
       Indiana, P. C.
    28 Pa. Code §§ 555.3, 555.31 anesthesia services--propofol granted
    Hazleton Endoscopy Center 28 Pa. Code §§ 555.3, 555.31 anesthesia services--propofol granted
    South Hills Endoscopy 28 Pa. Code § 555.31(a) anesthesia services granted
    20/20 Surgery Center 28 Pa. Code § 555.31(a) anesthesia services--propofol granted
    Eynon Surgery Center 28 Pa. Code § 555.31(a) anesthesia--diprivan granted
    North Shore Endoscopy Center, LLC 28 Pa. Code § 555.31(a) anesthesia services granted
    Ambulatory Surgical Facility at Ford    Road Campus 28 Pa. Code Chapter 557 quality assurance granted
    Ambulatory Surgical Facility at Ford    Campus 28 Pa. Code Chapter 563 medical records granted
    South Hills Endoscopy 28 Pa. Code § 567.11(7) operating room equipment--thoracotomy tray denied
    Blair Plastic Surgery 28 Pa. Code § 571.1 9.5F3c recovery stations granted
    Surgery Center at Edgeworth    Commons 28 Pa. Code § 571.1 9.5.F3c recovery stations granted
    Plastic Surgery Associates of    Johnstown, Inc. 28 Pa. Code § 571.1 9.5.H2a.(3) OR ceilings;
    9.5.F5(i) staff clothing
    change area;
    9.5.F3 post anesthesia recovery;
    9.5.E1 soiled workroom
    The Skin Center 28 Pa. Code § 571.1 9.5.H1a corridor width;
    9.5.F2c OR dimensions;
    9.5.F5K stretcher storage
    The Skin Center 28 Pa. Code § 571.1 9.5.F5j outpatient change area not necessary
    Exception Requests--Nursing Care Facilities
    Lancashire Hall 28 Pa. Code § 201.3 definitions granted
    Willowbrooke at Brittany Pointe    Estates 28 Pa. Code § 201.3 definitions granted
    Masonic Homes 28 Pa. Code § 201.3 definitions granted
    UPMC Transitional Care 28 Pa. Code § 201.18(e) management temporary approval
    UPMC Horizon Transitional Care    Center Greenville 28 Pa. Code § 201.18(e) management granted
    UPMC Horizon Transitional Care    Center Shenango 28 Pa. Code § 201.18(e) management granted
    Harmarville Transitional Rehab Unit 28 Pa. Code § 201.18(e) management no longer required
    Transitional Care Center at Warren    General 28 Pa. Code § 201.18(e) management denied
    Monticello House 28 Pa. Code § 205.6(a) function of building granted
    Moravian Village Long-Term Care    Facility 28 Pa. Code § 205.6(a) function of building granted
    Monticello House at Riddle Village 28 Pa. Code § 205.6(a) function of building granted
    HealthSouth Transitional Rehab Unit 28 Pa. Code § 205.6(a) function of building granted
    Valley View Haven, Inc. 28 Pa. Code § 205.6(a) function of building granted
    Lock Haven Hospital Extended Care    Unit 28 Pa. Code § 205.6(a) function of building granted
    Laurel Ridge Center Rehab Center 28 Pa. Code § 205.6(a) bathing facilities granted
    Orchard Manor, Inc. 28 Pa. Code § 205.19(b) windows and windowsills granted
    Frick Hospital Skilled Nursing Unit 28 Pa. Code § 205.24(a) dining room granted
    Westmoreland Skilled Care Center 28 Pa. Code § 205.24(a) dining room, lounge and rec rooms granted
    Hospitality Care Center of
       Hermitage, Inc.
    28 Pa. Code § 205.24(a) dining room granted
    HealthSouth Transitional Rehab Unit 28 Pa. Code § 205.26(e) laundry granted
    Frick Hospital Skilled Nursing Unit 28 Pa. Code § 205.27 lounge and recreation room granted
    Bethlen Home of the Hungarian    Reformed Federation of America 28 Pa. Code § 205.28(b) nurses' station granted
    HealthSouth Transitional Rehab Unit 28 Pa. Code § 205.33(c) utility room granted
    Rolling Fields, Inc. 28 Pa. Code § 205.36(b) bathing facilities withdrawn
    HealthSouth Transitional Rehab Unit 28 Pa. Code § 205.36(f)
    and (g)
    bathing facilities granted
    Harmarville Transitional Rehab Unit 28 Pa. Code § 205.36(h) bathing facilities granted
    Landis Homes 28 Pa. Code § 205.36(h) bathing facilities granted
    HealthSouth Transitional Rehab Unit 28 Pa. Code § 205.36(h) bathing facilities granted
    Beverly Healthcare--Erie 28 Pa. Code § 205.38(a) toilet facilities granted
    Barbara J. Egan
       Nursing & Rehab
    28 Pa. Code § 205.38(a) toilet facilities granted
    HealthSouth Transitional Rehab Unit 28 Pa. Code § 205.38(d) toilet facilities granted
    HealthSouth Transitional Rehab Unit 28 Pa. Code § 205.39(b) toilet room equipment granted
    HealthSouth Transitional Rehab Unit 28 Pa. Code § 205.67(e) electric requirements granted
    Homestead Village, Inc. 28 Pa. Code § 205.67(k) electric requirements for existing
    and new construction
    UPMC Transitional Care Unit28 Pa. Code § 211.12(b) nursing services temporary approval
    Lawson Nursing Home, Inc. 28 Pa. Code § 211.12(b) nursing services temporary approval
    Mercy Jeannette
       Hospital Skilled Nursing
    28 Pa. Code § 211.12(b) nursing services granted

    CALVIN B. JOHNSON, M.D., M.P.H.,   

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 05-2095. Filed for public inspection November 11, 2005, 9:00 a.m.]

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