Title 4—ADMINISTRATION [42 Pa.B. 6998]
[Saturday, November 10, 2012]PART I. GOVERNOR'S OFFICE [ 4 PA. CODE CH. 1 ] [ EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 2012-04 ] Governor's Innovation Office March 22, 2012
Whereas, the challenging economic climate and resultant budgetary constraints necessitate that state government operate with maximum efficiency and within its means; and
Whereas, previous operational models and approaches to the administration of state government are no longer sufficient to address the challenges posed by the current economic environment; and
Whereas, the administration has been exploring the most efficient and cost effective ways to deliver state services, through meetings with other states to review best practices and meetings with internal and external advisors regarding privatization and innovation; and
Whereas, the Governor has determined that a dedicated and centralized commonwealth office, capable of working with the private and public sectors, would be best suited to drive commonwealth innovation, efficiency, cost saving solutions and track fiscal performance.
Now, Therefore, I, Tom Corbett, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and other laws of the commonwealth do hereby establish the Governor's Innovation Office in the Governor's Office of Administration and do order and direct as follows:
Fiscal Note: 2012-04. No fiscal impact; (8) recommends adoption.
1.491—1.496. (Reserved). Subchapter YY. GOVERNOR'S INNOVATION OFFICE Sec.
1.601. Purpose. 1.602. Responsibilities. 1.603. Composition. 1.604. Responsibilities of Commonwealth agencies. 1.605. Effective date. 1.606. Rescission. § 1.601. Purpose.
The purpose of the Governor's Innovation Office (Office) is to create:
(1) An office dedicated to improving efficiency and productivity in State government operations through innovation, enhancing multiagency and enterprise-wide coordination and maximizing use of internal and external resources to deliver significant cost savings to the Commonwealth.
(2) A portfolio of projects, that advances the Governor's priorities and identifies ways, consistent with existing initiatives, to enhance revenues, leverage and best utilize internal and external resources and provide a renewed emphasis on government innovation and customer service.
§ 1.602. Responsibilities.
(a) The Governor's Innovation Office (Office) shall be housed within the Governor's Office of Administration and managed by a Director appointed by the Secretary of the Office of Administration. The Office shall:
(1) Utilize agency and private sector individuals with expertise in innovation or in the subject matter to advance specific projects to maximize use of internal and external resources as appropriate.
(2) Create and maintain a portfolio of initiatives, as approved by the Steering Committee, that directly represents the Governor's priorities and monitors and regularly reports the status of initiatives to the Steering Committee.
(3) Identify innovation opportunities and sponsors for initiatives who would be the appropriate agency or party taking lead responsibility for achieving a defined goal or project.
(4) Ensure that projects assigned to specific agencies or other sponsors are completed successfully and that sponsorship support is maintained.
(5) Present new project opportunities to the Steering Committee.
(6) Remain fully and continuously engaged with agencies to identify new project needs and opportunities.
(b) The Steering Committee shall direct the activities of the Office and:
(1) Work with internal and external advisors as may be appropriate to advance the purpose of the Office.
(2) Advise and provide guidance to the Office in identifying innovation initiatives on an enterprise-wide and multiagency level across State government.
(3) Ensure that the priorities and initiatives of the Office align with the strategic objectives of the Governor.
(4) Approve a portfolio for the Office that prioritizes innovation and cost-reducing measures to be implemented by the Office.
§ 1.603. Composition.
The Steering Committee shall consist of:
(1) The Secretary of the Governor's Office of Administration, to serve as Chairperson.
(2) The Director of the Governor's Innovation Office, to serve as Secretary.
(3) The Director of Policy and Planning of the Office of the Governor.
(4) The Secretary of the Department of General Services.
(5) The Secretary of the Governor's Office of the Budget.
(6) Other individuals as the Governor may appoint, to serve at the pleasure of the Governor.
§ 1.604. Responsibilities of Commonwealth agencies.
Commonwealth agencies shall form agency innovation teams under direction from the Governor's Innovation Office (Office). The agency head shall select the agency team members. Agency innovation teams are responsible for implementing innovation initiatives defined by the Office and identifying new innovation opportunities and needs. Commonwealth agencies shall provide the Office with the support, resources and information necessary to fulfill its duties.
§ 1.605. Effective date.
This subchapter takes effect immediately.
§ 1.606. Rescission.
Executive Order 2003-3 is rescinded.
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 12-2183. Filed for public inspection November 9, 2012, 9:00 a.m.]