1958 Recent actions during the 2008 regular session of the General Assembly  

  • Recent Actions During the 2008 Regular Session of the General Assembly

    [38 Pa.B. 5945]
    [Saturday, November 1, 2008]

       The following is a summary of recent actions of the General Assembly during 2008 Regular Session.

    Doc.Date ofBill Printer's Effective Subject Matter
    No. ActionNumberNumber Date
    097Oct 9 HB0004PN4414 60 daysMercury-Free Thermostat Act--enactment
    098 Oct 9 HB0301 PN4508 Immediately* Domestic Relations Code (23 Pa.C.S.) and Judicial Code (42 Pa.C.S.)--omnibus amendments
    099 Oct 9 HB0420 PN0484 60 daysMain Street Act--Main Street Program
    100 Oct 9HB0647 PN4519 Immediately* Crane Operator Licensure Act--enactment
    101 Oct 9HB0747PN322760 daysGame and Wildlife Code (34 Pa.C.S.)--hunting licenses
    102 Oct 9HB0834PN4510Immediately*Prohibition of Excessive Overtime in Health Care Act--enactment
    103 Oct 9HB0949 PN442860 daysReal Estate Appraisers Certification Act--real estate appraiser certification required, application and qualifications and certification renewal, licensure renewal and records
    104 Oct 9HB1027 PN4340 60 daysDomestic Relations Code (23 Pa.C.S.)--willful failure to pay support order
    105 Oct 9 HB1044 PN3639 60 daysGeneral Local Government Code (53 Pa.C.S.)--powers and duties of Municipal Police Officers' Education and Training Commission and police training
    106 Oct 9 HB1096 PN4527 ImmediatelyPennsylvania Construction Code Act--establishing Uniform Construction Code Review and Advisory Council, revised or successor codes and training of inspectors
    107 Oct 9HB1147 PN139660 daysMotor Vehicle Chop Shop and Illegally Obtained and Altered Property Act--definition of ''chop shop''
    108Oct 9 HB1177PN4345120 days Insurance (40 Pa.C.S.)--scope of service and rights of health service doctors
    109Oct 9HB1511PN4439 60 daysJudicial Code (42 Pa.C.S.)--notice and hearing and other basic rights and adjudications of juveniles
    110 Oct 9HB1634 PN400360 daysUniform Municipal Deed Registration Act--enactment
    111Oct 9 HB1664 PN4520Immediately*Crimes Code (18 Pa.C.S.)--theft of leased property, wiretapping and electronic surveillance, disclosure of contents and expiration of chapter
    112 Oct 9 HB1723 PN451360 daysSenator Roger A. Madigan Highway, Curt Zook Memorial Bridge, Officer Gregg Memorial Bypass and Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Bridge--designations
    113Oct 9HB1742 PN435060 daysScrap Material Theft Prevention Act--enactment
    114 Oct 9HB2034 PN319890 days*Long-Term Care Patient Access to Pharmaceuticals Act--enactment
    115Oct 9HB2233PN349860 daysElm Street Program Act--program requirements and guidelines and repealing expiration date of act
    116Oct 9 HB2289PN451860 daysCrimes Code (18 Pa.C.S.)--desecration, theft or sale of venerated objects
    117 Oct 9 HB2294 PN4525 120 daysDebt Management Services Act--enactment
    118Oct 9 HB2499 PN4523 Immediately*Massage Therapy Law--enactment
    119Oct 9HB2525PN4524 Immediately*Dog Law--omnibus amendments
    120Oct 9HB2629PN4517Immediately Health Care Facilities Act--licensure
    121 Oct 9HB2644 PN3986ImmediatelyUnderground Utility Line Protection Law--duties of facility owners
    122Oct 9 HB2722PN4224 60 daysSFC Michael J. Tully Memorial Bridges--designation
    123 Oct 9SB0263 PN2453July 1, 2009Pennsylvania Occupational Disease Act --benefits
    124Oct 9SB0295 PN2485120 daysDiesel-Powered Motor Vehicle Idling Act--enactment
    125Oct 9SB0768 PN243160 daysPublic Authorities and Quasi-Public Corporations (64 Pa.C.S.)--First Industries Program
    126 Oct 9SB1028PN2471ImmediatelySecond Class Township Code--public roads
    127Oct 9 SB1107PN2472 60 daysDomestic Relations Code (23 Pa.C.S.) and Military and Veterans Code (51 Pa.C.S.)--modification of existing custody orders, protection of deployed members of Pennsylvania National Guard and reserve components in child custody arrangements
    128 Oct 9 SB1504 PN2454ImmediatelyHighway Capital Budget Project Itemization Act of 2008-2009--enactment

       *  denotes an effective date with exceptions

    Effective Dates of Statutes

       The effective dates specified previously for laws and appropriation acts were contained in the applicable law or appropriation act. Where no date is specified or where the effective date specified is prior to the date of enactment, the effective date is 60 days after final enactment except for statutes making appropriations or affecting budgets of political subdivisions. See 1 Pa.C.S. §§ 1701--1704 (relating to effective dates of statutes).

    Advance Copies of Statutes

       Section 1106 of Title 1 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes provides that the prothonotaries of each county shall file advance copies of statutes in their offices for public inspection until the Laws of Pennsylvania are generally available. Section 2406(h) of The Administrative Code of 1929 provides that the Department of General Services shall distribute advance sheets of the Laws of Pennsylvania to each law judge of the courts, to every county and public library of this Commonwealth and to each member of the General Assembly. These copies shall be furnished without charge. The Department shall also mail one copy of each law enacted during any legislative session to any person who pays to it the sum of $20.

       Requests for annual subscriptions for advance copies of statutes should be sent to the State Bookstore, Commonwealth Keystone Building, 400 North Street, Harrisburg, PA 17120, accompanied by a check or money order in the sum of $20, payable to the ''Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.''

    ROBERT W. ZECH, Jr.,   
    Legislative Reference Bureau

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 08-1958. Filed for public inspection October 31, 2008, 9:00 a.m.]

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