PART I. GOVERNOR'S OFFICE [ 4 PA. CODE CH. 6 ] [ EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 2008-08 ] Early Learning Investment Commission September 11, 2008
Whereas, the early learning, development, and education of young children is of critical importance to Pennsylvania's families, education system, and employers; and
Whereas, in the last six years, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has increased its investment in early learning, development, and education programs, and has made steady progress to assure that more children receive quality early learning and development services; and
Whereas, the development of an effective system of early care and education is critical to Pennsylvania's future economic and workforce development; and
Whereas, the input and perspective of business leaders is essential to the development of a successful early childhood system.
Now, therefore, I, Edward G. Rendell, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by the virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and other laws of the Commonwealth do hereby establish the Pennsylvania Early Learning Investment Commission (hereafter referred to as the ''Commission'') and order and direct as ollows.
Fiscal Note: 2008-8. No fiscal note impact; (8) recommends adoption.
6.371. Purpose. 6.372. Powers and duties. 6.373. Composition. 6.374. Term. 6.375. Relationship with other agencies. 6.376. Effective date. 6.377. Termination date. § 6.371. Purpose.
The purpose of the Early Learning Investment Commission is to secure support for public investment in early learning by focusing on practices that are educationally, economically and scientifically sound.
§ 6.372. Powers and duties.
The Early Learning Investment Commission will meet at least twice a year and will have the following powers and duties:
(1) Recommending strategies for the Commonwealth to engage business and civic leaders and organizations in early learning planning and advocacy at the State and local level.
(2) Increasing business, civic and public awareness of the importance of early childhood education.
(3) Planning, implementing and hosting an Annual Economic Summit on Early Childhood Investment. The Annual Economic Summit will include outreach to business, civic, educational and governmental leaders.
(4) Planning and implementing an annual meeting for legislators and legislative staff to understand the economic, educational and social impact of investing in quality early childhood education.
(5) Developing and recommending updates to a multiyear plan for the expansion of effective early childhood services.
§ 6.373. Composition.
(a) The Early Learning Investment Commission will consist of the following members, who collectively will be diverse and representative of this Commonwealth's population:
(1) Secretary of the Budget.
(2) Secretary of Planning and Policy.
(3) Secretary of Community and Economic Development.
(4) Secretary of Education
(5) Secretary of Public Welfare.
(6) Deputy Secretary of the Office of Child Development and Early Learning.
(7) Business leaders and business executives from this Commonwealth appointed by the Governor.
(8) The Chairperson and Co-Chairperson of the Early Learning Council (Council).
(9) The Director of the Pennsylvania Key.
(b) The Governor will designate a Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson or may designate two persons as Co-Chairpersons from among the Council members. The Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson serve at the pleasure of the Governor.
§ 6.374. Term.
The Early Learning Investment Commission (Commission) members appointed by the Governor and not serving by virtue of their official position with the Commonwealth, will serve for a term of 3 years and continue to serve until their successor is appointed. Members serve without compensation except for payment of necessary and actual expenses incurred in attending meetings and in performing their duties and responsibilities as Pennsylvania Early Learning Council members.
§ 6.375. Relationship with other agencies.
The Office of Child Development and Early Learning will provide staff or data support, or both, to the Early Learning Investment Commission (Commission). Commonwealth agencies under the Governor's jurisdiction will cooperate with, provide assistance to, and review the recommendations of the Commission with respect to its purpose, powers and duties, as set forth in this subchapter.
§ 6.376. Effective date.
This subchapter will take effect immediately.
§ 6.377. Termination date.
This subchapter will remain in effect unless revised or rescinded by the Governor.
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 08-1957. Filed for public inspection October 31, 2008, 9:00 a.m.]