1718 Pennsylvania eHealth collaborative  

  • [41 Pa.B. 5348]
    [Saturday, October 8, 2011]


    [ 4 PA. CODE CH. 6 ]

    [EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 2011-04]

    Pennsylvania eHealth Collaborative

    July 27, 2011

    Whereas, the privacy and security of all Pennsylvanians' health information is a priority of paramount importance to the government of this commonwealth; and

    Whereas, patient safety and clinical and public health outcomes will be substantially improved by the ability to securely share health information electronically between healthcare providers; and

    Whereas, the use of secure electronic health information sharing capabilities will significantly reduce preventable medical errors, lessen the likelihood of redundant tests and procedures, support healthcare delivery innovation, and diminish overall healthcare costs; and

    Whereas, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), within the Office of the Secretary for the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), is legislatively mandated, by the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH Act) of 2009, to support the adoption of health information technology and the promotion of a nationwide health information network to improve healthcare; and

    Whereas, the HITECH ACT provides funding through ONC for the development of statewide health information exchange (HIE) capabilities and to support other health information technology (HIT) related activities; and

    Whereas, increased use of health information technology and electronic health records, to improve healthcare delivery, is in the best interests of the citizens, residents and healthcare consumers of Pennsylvania.

    Now, Therefore, I, Tom Corbett, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and other laws, do hereby establish the Pennsylvania eHealth Collaborative as hereinafter set forth.


    Fiscal Note: 2011-04. No fiscal impact; (8) recommends adoption.

    Annex A




    Subchapter AA. (Reserved)

    §§ 6.341—6.347. (Reserved).



    6.453.Cooperation by State agencies.
    6.454.Effective date.
    6.455.Termination date.

    § 6.451. Purpose.

     The purpose of the Pennsylvania eHealth Collaborative is to improve healthcare delivery and healthcare outcomes in this Commonwealth by providing, as appropriate, leadership and strategic direction for public and private, Federally-funded and State-funded investments in health information technology initiatives, including health information exchange capabilities and other related health information technology initiatives. This strategic direction shall take into consideration external stakeholder community needs, complement Commonwealth agency operations and ensure ongoing interagency cooperation.

    § 6.452. Composition.

     The Pennsylvania eHealth Collaborative (Collaborative) will consist of an executive council, an advisory committee and the Pennsylvania eHealth Collaborative Office. Each entity will be responsible for fulfilling specific activities in this section necessary to support the Collaborative, as well as working cooperatively with the General Assembly for the benefit of the citizens, residents and healthcare consumers in this Commonwealth.

     (1) Pennsylvania eHealth Collaborative Executive Council. The Pennsylvania eHealth Collaborative Executive Council (Executive Council) shall be responsible for establishing an overall policy and strategic direction for the Collaborative.

     (i) Composition. The Executive Council will be comprised of the heads of the following Commonwealth agencies or designees:

     (A) Department of Health.

     (B) Department of Public Welfare.

     (C) Department of Aging.

     (D) Insurance Department.

     (E) Office of Administration.

     (F) Governor's Policy Office.

     (ii) Chairperson. The Governor will designate a member of the Executive Council to serve as its Chairperson. The Chairperson shall be responsible for convening meetings and conducting business and shall be assisted in these duties by the State Health Information Technology (HIT) Coordinator.

     (2) Pennsylvania eHealth Collaborative Advisory Committee. The Pennsylvania eHealth Collaborative Advisory Committee (Advisory Committee) will be established for the limited purpose of providing recommendations and input on strategies and issues to the Executive Council through the eHealth Collaborative Office. The Advisory Committee will not have authority to make binding recommendations.

     (i) Composition. The Advisory Committee will consist of the following members:

     (A) The State HIT Coordinator.

     (B) A minimum of 25 and a maximum of 35 appointees, representing the interests of a broad spectrum of the healthcare stakeholder community, patients, providers and payers who shall be chosen by and serve at the pleasure of the State HIT Coordinator, in consultation with the Executive Council.

     (ii) Chairperson. The State HIT Coordinator, in consultation with the Advisory Committee, will designate a Chairperson. The Chairperson shall be responsible for convening meetings and conducting business.

     (iii) Committees. The Advisory Committee may establish standing and ad hoc committees as necessary to perform its duties. Chairpersons of the committees shall be members of the Advisory Committee and be appointed by the State HIT Coordinator in consultation with the full Advisory Committee. Standing and ad hoc committee members may be selected from the broad healthcare stakeholder community without regard to membership on the Advisory Committee.

     (3) Pennsylvania eHealth Collaborative Office. The Pennsylvania eHealth Collaborative Office will be managed by the State HIT Coordinator, who will direct day-to-day management, development and implementation of recommendations made by the Collaborative. This office will be located within the Office of Administration, Office for Information Technology and report to the Deputy Secretary for Information Technology.

    § 6.453. Cooperation by State agencies.

     Agencies under the Governor's jurisdiction shall, to the extent possible, cooperate with and provide assistance and support as needed by the Pennsylvania eHealth Collaborative to carry out its functions effectively, as requested by the Secretary of Administration.

    § 6.454. Effective date.

     This subchapter takes effect immediately.

    § 6.455. Termination date.

     This subchapter will remain in effect unless revised or rescinded by the Governor.

    § 6.456. Rescission.

     Executive Order 2008-03 is rescinded.

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 11-1718. Filed for public inspection October 7, 2011, 9:00 a.m.]