1729 Rules of judicial administration; 5000-2(h) and 5000.7  

  • Title 255--LOCAL


    Rules of Judicial Administration; 5000-2(h) and 5000.7

    [32 Pa.B. 4815]


       And Now, this 13 day of September, 2002, upon consideration and analysis of information concerning ordinary and reasonable fees associated with transcribing of court work by court reporter systems and related personnel or any contractor, the following procedures and rates are hereby adopted:

       1.  Pursuant to Rule of Judicial Administration 5000.7, Fees for Transcripts, specifically 5000.7 (a) through (2)(e), in regard to where the Commonwealth or its sub-division is liable for the costs (also known as Public Ordered Transcript) all court reporter transcription shall strictly comply with these fees.

       2.  Pursuant to the provision of Rule of Judicial Administration, specifically 5000.7 (2)(f), the Court of Common Pleas hereby establishes the following schedule of transcript fees for any person, party or entity other than the Commonwealth, or one of its political subdivisions, not specified in Rule 5000.7, or other than Court Ordered Transcript known as Party Ordered Transcript.

    a.  Original and first carbon (copy) $2.50 per page
    b.  Each additional carbon (copy) $1.75 per page
    c. Expedited original and one carbon (copy) $3.75 per page
    d. Additional carbon (copy) $2.55 per page
    e. Daily original and one carbon (copy) $5.00 per page
    f. Additional daily carbon (copy) $3.50 per page
    g. Real time Reporting in addition to copies $1.00 per page

       3.  The Court of Common Pleas will undertake a review and analysis of the fees for transcription that are within its jurisdiction every even numbered year following the effective date of this Order, and if the Court determines that modifications are necessary and justifiable, a new Order effective the first of January of the next odd numbered year will be established.

       4.  The Court may require that a report or listing of completed transcript work be provided to the District Court Administrator or designee, as prescribed, in addition to the formal request for transcription of Rules of Judicial Administration 5005.3(a)(3).

    By the Court

    President Judge

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 02-1729. Filed for public inspection October 4, 2002, 9:00 a.m.]

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