2103 Adams County criminal rule 528; AD-28-06, administrative order no. 28 of 2006  

  • Title 255--LOCAL


    Adams County Criminal Rule 528; AD-28-06, Administrative Order No. 28 of 2006

    [36 Pa.B. 6509]
    [Saturday, October 28, 2006]

    Order of Court

       And Now, 5th day of October, 2006, this Court hereby adopts Adams County Criminal Rule 528 as follows:

    Rule 528
    In addition to the forms of security permitted by Pa.R.Crim.P. 528 to satisfy monetary conditions of bail, a defendant or other surety may deposit the following forms of security in lieu of cash:
    a.  Certified Check payable to the Clerk of Courts and issued by a bank with a branch office located in Adams County, when security is being deposited directly with the Clerk of Courts.
    b.  Money Orders when the Office of the Clerk of Courts is closed for business and security if being deposited at the Adams County Adult Correctional Complex.
    This Order shall become effective immediately.

    By the Court

    JOHN D. KUHN,   
    President Judge

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 06-2103. Filed for public inspection October 27, 2006, 9:00 a.m.]

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