2121 Energy efficiency and conservation program Act 129 on-bill financing stakeholders' meeting; doc. no. M-2012-2289411?  


    Energy Efficiency and Conservation Program Act 129 On-Bill Financing Stakeholders' Meeting; Doc. No. M-2012-2289411

    [42 Pa.B. 6842]
    [Saturday, October 27, 2012]

     To initiate the creation of the energy efficiency and conservation program Act 129 On-Bill Financing Working Group, the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (Commission) will hold an in-person Act 129 On-Bill Financing Stakeholders' Meeting on Friday, November 16, 2012, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. in Hearing Room 1, Commonwealth Keystone Building, 400 North Street, Harrisburg, PA 17120. The purpose of the meeting is to identify the primary issues relevant to the potential implementation of on-bill financing for energy efficiency and conservation project purchase and installation expenses.

     On August 2, 2012, the Commission adopted the Phase II Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EE&C) program Implementation Order.1 In the Implementation Order, the Commission noted that it does not have enough information to prescribe the implementation of on-bill financing of EE&C measures. The Commission further noted that the benefits of on-bill financing programs warrant further consideration.

     The Commission directed the Bureaus of Consumer Services and Technical Utility Services to initiate a working group ''to investigate best practices from other states and identify working models of on-bill financing and on-bill repayment that address the concerns of the [utilities], consumer interest groups and other interested stakeholders.''2 The Commission further directed that ''[t]he goal of the working group will be to determine the feasibility of the inclusion of on-bill financing and on-bill repayment programs and to identify potential options for customers to obtain low-cost financing for energy efficiency projects to meet the needs of Pennsylvania consumers.''3

     With this Secretarial Letter and the November 16, 2012, Stakeholders' meeting, the Bureaus of Consumer Services and Technical Utility Services are initiating the Act 129 On-Bill Financing working group. Questions regarding this stakeholder meeting should be directed to Sarah Dewey at (717) 705-4029 or sdewey@pa.gov.


    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 12-2121. Filed for public inspection October 26, 2012, 9:00 a.m.]


    1  See Energy Efficiency and Conservation Program, Implementation Order at Docket Nos. M-2012-2289411 and M-2008-2069887, entered on August 3, 2012 (Implementation Order).

    2  Implementation Order at 51.

    3  Id.

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