2006 Medical Assistance Program outpatient fee schedule increases for select office visit and office consultation procedure codes  

  • Medical Assistance Program Outpatient Fee Schedule Increases for Select Office Visit and Office Consultation Procedure Codes

    Purpose of Notice

    [37 Pa.B. 5864]
    [Saturday, October 27, 2007]

       The Department of Public Welfare (Department) announces that it will increase the fees paid by the Medical Assistance (MA) Program for select office visit and office consultation procedure codes effective with dates of service on or after November 1, 2007. The Department consulted with the Pennsylvania Medical Society, medical providers and other key stakeholders in determining which existing fees for office visits and office consultations should be increased to support continued access to medical services by MA recipients. The Department is increasing the fees for the following procedure codes:

    Procedure Code Procedure Description Current
    Fee Effective
    November 1, 2007
    99202 Office or other outpatient visit for the evaluation and management of a new patient, which requires these three key components: an expanded problem focused history; an expanded problem focused examination; and straightforward medical decision making. Counseling and/or coordination of care with other providers or agencies are provided consistent with the nature of the problem(s) and the patient's and/or family's needs. Usually, the presenting problem(s) are of low to moderate severity. Physicians typically spend 20 minutes face-to-face with the patient and/or family. $23.00 $30.00
    99203 Office or other outpatient visit for the evaluation and management of a new patient, which requires these three key components: a detailed history; a detailed examination; and medical decision making of low complexity. Counseling and/or coordination of care with other providers or agencies are provided consistent with the nature of the problem(s) and the patient's and/or family's needs. Usually, the presenting problem(s) are of moderate severity. Physicians typically spend 30 minutes face-to-face with the patient and/or family. $25.00 $50.00
    99204 Office or other outpatient visit for the evaluation and management of a new patient, which requires these three key components: a comprehensive history; a comprehensive examination; and medical decision making of moderate complexity. Counseling and/or coordination of care with other providers or agencies are provided consistent with the nature of the problem(s) and the patient's and/or family's needs. Usually, the presenting problem(s) are of moderate to high severity. Physicians typically spend 45 minutes face-to-face with the patient and/or family. $27.00 $60.00
    99205 Office or other outpatient visit for the evaluation and management of a new patient, which requires these three key components: a comprehensive history; a comprehensive examination; and medical decision making of high complexity. Counseling and/or coordination of care with other providers or agencies are provided consistent with the nature of the problem(s) and the patient's and/or family's needs. Usually, the presenting problem(s) are of moderate to high severity. Physicians typically spend 60 minutes face-to-face with the patient and/or family. $36.00 $80.00
    99213 Office or other outpatient visit for the evaluation and management of an established patient, which requires at least two of these three key components: an expanded problem focused history; an expanded problem focused examination; and medical decision making of low complexity. Counseling and coordination of care with other providers or agencies are provided consistent with the nature of the problem(s) and the patient's and/or family's needs. Usually, the presenting problem(s) are of low to moderate severity. Physicians typically spend 15 minutes face-to-face with the patient and/or family. $27.00 $35.00
    99214 Office or other outpatient visit for the evaluation and management of an established patient, which requires at least two of these three key components: a detailed history; a detailed examination; and medical decision making of moderate complexity. Counseling and/or coordination of care with other providers or agencies are provided consistent with the nature of the problem(s) and the patient's and/or family's needs. Usually, the presenting problem(s) are of moderate to high severity. Physicians typically spend 25 minutes face-to-face with the patient and/or family. $29.00 $43.00
    99215 Office or other outpatient visit for the evaluation and management of an established patient, which requires at least two of these three key components: a comprehensive history; a comprehensive examination; and medical decision making of high complexity. Counseling and/or coordination of care with other providers or agencies are provided consistent with the nature of the problem(s) and the patient's and/or family's needs. Usually, the presenting problem(s) are of moderate to high severity. Physicians typically spend 40 minutes face-to-face with the patient and/or family. $36.00 $70.00
    99242 Office consultation for a new or established patient, which requires these three key components: an expanded problem focused history; an expanded problem focused examination; and straightforward medical decision making. Counseling and/or coordination of care with other providers or agencies are provided consistent with the nature of the problem(s) and the patient's and/or family's needs. Usually, the presenting problem(s) are of low severity. Physicians typically spend 30 minutes face-to-face with the patient and/or family. $30.00 $40.00
    99243 Office consultation for a new or established patient, which requires these three key components: a detailed history; a detailed examination; and medical decision making of low complexity. Counseling and/or coordination of care with other providers or agencies are provided consistent with the nature of the problem(s) and the patient's and/or family's needs. Usually, the presenting problem(s) are of moderate severity. Physicians typically spend 40 minutes face-to-face with the patient and/or family. $30.00 $50.00
    99244 Office consultation for a new or established patient, which requires these three key components: a comprehensive history; a comprehensive examination; and medical decision making of moderate complexity. Counseling and/or coordination of care with other providers or agencies are provided consistent with the nature of the problem(s) and the patient's and/or family's needs. Usually, the presenting problem(s) are of moderate to high severity. Physicians typically spend 60 minutes face-to-face with the patient and/or family. $49.00 $60.00
    99245 Office consultation for a new or established patient, which requires these three key components: a comprehensive history; a comprehensive examination; and medical decision making of high complexity. Counseling and/or coordination of care with other providers or agencies are provided consistent with the nature of the problem(s) and the patient's and/or family's needs. Usually, the presenting problem(s) are of moderate to high severity. Physicians typically spend 80 minutes face-to-face with the patient and/or family. $49.00 80.00

    Fiscal Impact

       These changes will result in increased costs of $4.641 million ($2.252 million in State funds) in the MA Outpatient Program in Fiscal Year (FY) 2007-2008, and $9.283 million ($4.474 million in State funds) in FY 2008-2009.

    Public Comment

       Interested persons are invited to submit written comments regarding this notice to the Department of Public Welfare, Office of Medical Assistance Programs, c/o Regulations Coordinator, Room 515, Health and Welfare Building, Harrisburg, PA 17120. Comments received within 30 days will be reviewed and considered in any subsequent revisions to the MA Program Outpatient Fee Schedule.

       Persons with a disability who require an auxiliary aid or service may submit comments using the AT&T Relay Services at (800) 654-5984 (TDD users) or (800) 654-5988 (voice users).


       Fiscal Note:  14-NOT-532. (1) General Fund; (2) Implementing Year 2007-08 is $2,252,000; (3) 1st Succeeding Year 2008-09 is $4,474,000; 2nd Succeeding Year 2009-10 is $4,474,000; 3rd Succeeding Year 2010-11 is $4,474,000; 4th Succeeding Year 2011-12 is $4,474,000; 5th Succeeding Year 2012-13 is $4,474,000; (4) 2006-07 Program--$671,472,000; 2005-06 Program--$945,950,000; 2004-05 Program--$842,991,000; (7) Medical Assistance--Outpatient; (8) recommends adoption. Funds have been included in the budget to cover these increases.

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 07-2006. Filed for public inspection October 26, 2007, 9:00 a.m.]


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