1983 Fishing; special fishing regulations and endangered species; correction  

  • Title 58—RECREATION


    [ 58 PA. CODE CHS. 65 AND 75 ]

    Fishing; Special Fishing Regulations and Endangered Species; Correction

    [43 Pa.B. 6348]
    [Saturday, October 26, 2013]

     The Fish and Boat Commission (Commission) recently discovered an error in its final-form rulemaking published as 42 Pa.B. 7684 (December 22, 2012). This final-form rulemaking amended, among other things, Chapter 75 (relating to endangered species) to add the Chesapeake Logperch (Percina bimaculata) to the Commonwealth's list of threatened species in § 75.2 (relating to threatened species).

     In the Summary of Changes in the preamble to the final-form rulemaking, the last sentence of the final paragraph of section 6 incorrectly stated that the Commission added the Chesapeake Logperch to the Commonwealth's list of endangered species. Notwithstanding the error in that sentence, the preceding sentence correctly stated ''Enough information is available to make the determination that this species is threatened in this Commonwealth at present and to justify adding it to the Commonwealth's list of threatened species.'' In addition, the commentary and Annex A of the proposed rulemaking published at 42 Pa.B. 3449 (June 16, 2012) pertaining to this change correctly indicated the proposed listing of the Chesapeake Logperch as an addition to the Commonwealth's list of threatened species.

    Executive Director

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 13-1983. Filed for public inspection October 25, 2013, 9:00 a.m.]

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