Tentative Order [32 Pa.B. 5376] Public Meeting held
October 10, 2002Commissioners Present: Glen R. Thomas, Chairperson, statement follows; Robert K. Bloom, Vice Chairperson; Aaron Wilson, Jr.; Terrance J. Fitzpatrick, statement dissenting in part follows; Kim Pizzingrilli
Application of Suburban Emergency Medical Services, a corporation of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for the right to begin to transport, as a common carrier, by motor vehicle, persons in paratransit service, between points in the Counties of Lehigh, Northampton and Monroe, and from points in said counties, to points in Pennsylvania and return; subject to the following condition: that transportation is limited to persons that require medical monitoring; Doc. No. A-00118866
Page, Wolfberg & Wirth, LLC by Christina M. Mellott for the applicant
Tentative Order By the Commission:
This matter comes before the Commission on an application filed March 25, 2002. Public notice of the application was given in the Pennsylvania Bulletin of May 11, 2002. No protests were filed. The unopposed application is certified to the Commission for its decision without oral hearing.
Discussion and Findings
Suburban Emergency Medical Services (applicant or Suburban) seeks the initial right to provide paratransit service. It currently provides exempt ambulance transportation service and has done so for over 50 years, generally, in the area of application. Applicant conducts operations from terminal facilities located at 3231 Freemansburg Avenue, Palmer, Northampton County. The facility includes a six bay garage, parking lot, administrative offices and dispatch office. Communications are by six regular telephone lines and drivers are dispatched by cellular phone and radio. Suburban will utilize three Ford/E350 wheelchair vans, model years 1995, 1992 and 1999. A comprehensive safety and maintenance program is in effect.
The applicant's balance sheet dated June 30, 2002, shows total current assets of $502,991, total assets of $1,964,018, total current and long term liabilities of $134,420, for a total owner's equity of $1,829,598.
Support for the service comes from four nursing homes/nursing centers and three hospitals. The nursing homes and nursing centers are Blough Nursing Center, Bethlehem, Northampton County; Manor Care Old Orchard, Easton, Northampton County; Manor Care Health Services, Easton, Northampton County; and Brookmont Health Care Center, Inc., Effort, Monroe County. The hospitals include Muhlenberg Hospital, Bethlehem, Lehigh County; Lehigh Valley Hospital, Allentown, Lehigh County; and Easton Hospital, Easton, Northampton County. All supporters require service for persons requiring medical treatment at various facilities, and return.
After complete review of the record, we find:
1. Applicant seeks the initial right to provide paratransit service and no protests were filed.
2. Applicant currently provides exempt medical ambulance service.
3. A total of seven nursing homes and nursing centers and hospitals support the service.
4. Applicant has the equipment, ability and fitness necessary to render the service.
5. The evidence of record is sufficient to establish necessity for the service.
6. Approval of the unopposed application is necessary for the accommodation and convenience of the public; Therefore,
It Is Ordered: That the application be and is hereby tentatively approved granting the following right:
To transport, as a common carrier, persons in paratransit service, between points in the Counties of Lehigh, Northampton and Monroe, and from points in said counties, to points in Pennsylvania and return; subject to the following condition:
That transportation is limited to persons that require medical monitoring.
It Is Further Ordered: That the applicant shall not engage in any transportation authorized by this order until the following is submitted to the Commission:
1. Form E, as evidence of bodily injury and property damage liability insurance.
2. A tariff establishing just and reasonable rates.
It Is Further Ordered: That a copy of this Tentative Order be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin giving the public 10 days from the date of publication to file written comments or request oral hearing.
It Is Further Ordered: That absent the filing of adverse public comment or request for oral hearing within 10 days from the date of publication, the Tentative Order shall become final without further Commission action.
It Is Further Ordered: That upon the Tentative Order becoming final and upon compliance with the requirements herein before set forth, a certificate shall issue evidencing the Commission's approval of the right to operate as previously determined.
It Is Further Ordered: That the authority granted herein, to the extent that it duplicates authority now held by or subsequently granted to the applicant, shall not be construed as conferring more than one operating right.
It Is Further Ordered: That in the event said applicant has not, on or before 60 days from the date that the Tentative Order becomes final, complied with the requirements herein before set forth, the application shall be dismissed without further proceedings.
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 02-1929. Filed for public inspection October 25, 2002, 9:00 a.m.]