1930 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company and State Farm Fire and Casualty Company; private passenger auto rate filing
State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company and State Farm Fire and Casualty Company; Private Passenger Auto Rate Filing [34 Pa.B. 5865] On October 4, 2004, the Insurance Department (Department) received from State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company and State Farm Fire and Casualty Company a filing which introduces Liability Rating Groups, a new make and model rating program for BI and PD, to be effective January 1, 2005. The Liability Rating Group program, which applies to 1998 and newer models, is expected to be revenue neutral.
Unless formal administrative action is taken prior to December 3, 2004, the subject filing may be deemed approved by operation of law.
The filing is available for review on the Department's website: www.ins.state.pa.us. To access the filing, under ''Quick Links'' click ''Rate filings published in the PA Bulletin.''
Copies of the filing are also available for public inspection, by appointment, during normal working hours at the Department's regional offices in Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.
Insurance Commissioner[Pa.B. Doc. No. 04-1930. Filed for public inspection October 22, 2004, 9:00 a.m.]