MUNICIPAL POLICE OFFICERS' EDUCATION AND TRAINING COMMISSION 2013 Mandatory In-Service Training Program Course Descriptions [42 Pa.B. 6744]
[Saturday, October 20, 2012]The Municipal Police Officers' Education and Training Commission (Commission) approved four mandatory in-service training (MIST) courses for delivery in classroom and web based format. Municipal police departments and eligible law enforcement agencies with arrest authority whose officers attend the classroom format will be charged $14.85 per course for each officer. Courses taken online will be offered at no cost. Legal Updates, Threat Assessment and Management, Managing Public Events and Emergency Vehicle Operation are courses included in the 2013 curriculum. The Pennsylvania Virtual Training Network (PAVTN) will be the delivery platform for officers to utilize when taking online courses. The online course format is modular, interactive and scenario driven. Participants enrolled in online courses will be able to leave and resume the course where they left off.
The registration process for online MIST is separate from the process to register for other training currently available through the PAVTN. Chiefs of Police or their designated training officers, or both, shall register their officers through the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association to take all four courses or part of the in-service training curriculum online. Commission-certified schools will continue to provide a monthly schedule of classes. Chiefs of Police or designee should contact the Commission school for their registration procedures.
Required and Legal Track
Course 13-201
Legal Update
3-Hour CourseThis is a 3-hour MIST course covering important legal issues affecting and important to municipal police officers. This training program will cover topics such as:
1. Changes and updates to the Crimes Code.
2. Changes and updates to the Vehicle Code.
3. Changes and updates to the Rules of Criminal Procedure.
4. Changes to other statutes related to law enforcement.
Through this course, instructors will examine, review and explain significant court cases relevant to police officers in this Commonwealth. The overall goal of the curriculum is to demonstrate how the outcome of these cases directly impacts how police officers perform their duties. Additional goals of this course are to improve officer safety, to increase convictions and to reduce civil liability to police departments. Other content included through this module provides discussion relating to any other unique legal issues that developed in 2012.
Patrol and Officer Safety Track
Course 13-334
Threat Assessment and Management
3-Hour CourseAssessing and managing communicated and unspoken threats related to school/workplace violence, sexual crimes, stalking, cybercrimes (cyber stalking), domestic violence and terrorism is an important component of police response.
This course will address threat assessment principles, the process of identifying and analyzing threats and the importance of devising interview/interrogation strategies which can assist the officer/investigator in their approach to threat cases. Participants will be provided with opportunities to review and analyze various samples of communication.
Officers will learn to recognize and manage:
1. Violence assessment (behavioral antecedents, indicators and patterns of escalation towards targeted violence).
2. Evaluation of threatening, intimidating and harassing statements/behaviors.
3. Analysis of stalking behavior.
4. Interview strategies for perpetrators and victims.
5. Consultation with mental health professionals.
6. Recommendations for interviews, collecting and evaluation critical collateral data regarding the threats.
Course 13-335
Managing Public Events
3-Hour CourseThis course will provide examples of different types of public events and the challenges associated with managing them. Discussion will address protest groups, civil rights/social groups, public rallies and sporting event celebrations. Constitutional and tactical suggestions regarding the management of demonstrations including crowd management/control tactics and logistics will be provided.
Video footage will be used to illustrate challenges posed by these events. Participants, using a case study, will practice how to apply principles addressed during instruction.
Course 13-336
Emergency Vehicle Operation—Remain in Control
3-Hour CourseThis course will reinforce the importance of safe driving techniques and the need to be a focused driver. The course will focus on perceptual driving, night driving, vehicle inspections before the start of duty, driving in different types of weather, the use of seat belts, as well as the liability risks to the officer and the department. Additionally, this course will focus on the importance of pursuit policies, review new Vehicle Code laws and pertinent case law that can affect pursuit and emergency response driving policy and procedures. The course will also contain information from the Below 100 initiative to reduce line of duty police deaths.
Chairperson[Pa.B. Doc. No. 12-2085. Filed for public inspection October 19, 2012, 9:00 a.m.]