1912 Medical Care Availability and Reduction of Error Fund; notice of and amount of assessment action; notice no. 2008-08
Medical Care Availability and Reduction of Error Fund; Notice of and Amount of Assessment Action; Notice No. 2008-08 [38 Pa.B. 5821]
[Saturday, October 18, 2008]The Insurance Department (Department), Medical Care Availability and Reduction of Error Fund, by Peter J. Adams, Deputy Insurance Commissioner, under section 712 of the Medical Care Availability and Reduction of Error Act (act) (40 P. S. § 1303.712), has determined that the annual assessment to be levied for calendar year 2009 shall be 19% applied to the prevailing primary premium for each participating health care provider.
The act defines ''prevailing primary premium'' as the schedule of occurrence rates approved by the Insurance Commissioner for the Joint Underwriting Association (JUA). For purposes of the 2009 annual assessment, the rates shall be those currently approved for use by the JUA.
Participating health care providers having approved self-insurance plans shall be assessed an amount equal to the assessment imposed on a participating health care provider of like class, size, risk and kind as determined by the Department.
This action is subject to 1 Pa. Code Part II (relating to the General Rules of Administrative Practice and Procedure).
Deputy Insurance Commissioner[Pa.B. Doc. No. 08-1912. Filed for public inspection October 17, 2008, 9:00 a.m.]