1879 Pennsylvania Health Information Exchange (PHIX) Governance Structure  


    [ 4 PA. CODE CH. 6 ]

    [ EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 2008-03 ]

    Pennsylvania Health Information Exchange (PHIX) Govern- ance Structure

    March 26, 2008

       Whereas, providing the architecture to support the Statewide use of electronic medical records, electronic prescribing, and interoperable electronic health records will lead to a reduction in preventable medical errors and improved clinical outcomes; and

       Whereas, the use of a secure Statewide information exchange will offer necessary electronic health information to health care practitioners providing services at the point of care for all patients, improve patient safety, reduce redundant tests and procedures, and lead to a reduction in overall healthcare costs; and

       Whereas, the technology exists to implement a Statewide health information exchange, which will benefit all Pennsylvanians; and

       Whereas, the privacy and security of all Pennsylvanian's health information is of paramount importance.

       Now, Therefore, I, Edward G. Rendell, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and other laws of the Commonwealth, do hereby establish the Pennsylvania Health Information Exchange (PHIX) Governance Structure. By doing so I invest it with the powers to perform the duties and functions set forth herein and its primary purpose will be to advise and counsel me in the development and operation of a Statewide system for improving the access to electronic health information for all Pennsylvania's healthcare providers, payers and patients.



       Fiscal Note: 2008-3. No fiscal impact; (8) recommends adoption.

    Annex A






    6.342.PHIX executive office.
    6.343.PHIX Advisory Council.
    6.344.Health technology advisory organization.
    6.345.Executive agencies.
    6.345.Effective date.
    6.347.Termination date.

    § 6.341. Purpose.

       The purpose of the PHIX Governance Structure is to perform activities necessary to develop, implement and manage a Statewide health information exchange and other health information technology initiatives within the Governor's Prescription for Pennsylvania.

    § 6.342. PHIX Executive Office.

       The PHIX Executive Office will be responsible to direct activities necessary to support the development, implementation and operations of the health information technology initiatives within the Governor's Prescription for Pennsylvania.

       (1)  Executive Director. The PHIX Executive Office shall be managed by an Executive Director who shall report to a Chief Information Officer in the Office of Administration, Office of Information Technology. The PHIX Executive Director, in consultation with the Office of Administration and the Governor's Office of Health Care Reform, shall determine the appropriate staffing levels and necessary infrastructure to develop and support the operation of the PHIX.

       (2)  Governor's Office of Health Care Reform. The Governor's Office of Health Care Reform will provide strategic vision, policy and planning guidance to the PHIX Executive Office with respect to the Statewide development, implementation and operations of a health information exchange and other health information technology initiatives within the Governor's Prescription for Pennsylvania.

    § 6.343. PHIX Advisory Council.

       A PHIX Advisory Council (Council) shall be established to provide input on strategies, issues and recommendations to the PHIX Executive Director. The Council will initially be comprised of a high-level representative from each of the following agencies and entities, designated by the agency or entity head. Representatives from these and other agencies or entities may be added or removed as deemed necessary by the PHIX Executive Director in consultation with the Governor's Office of Health Care Reform.

       (1)  Governor's Office of Health Care Reform, who will be the Chairperson of the Council.

       (2)  Department of Health.

       (3)  Department of Public Welfare.

       (4)  Governor's Policy Office.

       (5)  Governor's Budget Office.

       (6)  Office of Administration.

       (7)  Department of Community and Economic Development.

       (8)  Pennsylvania Employee's Benefit Trust Fund.

       (9)  Two members appointed by the Pennsylvania State Senate, one appointed by the Majority Leader of the Senate and one appointed by the Minority Leader of the Senate.

       (10)  Two members appointed by the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, one appointed by the Majority Leader of the House of Representatives and one appointed by the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives.

       (11)  A representative from each of the following entities or organizations, to be recommended by the board of each organization:

       (i)  Blue Cross organizations.

       (ii)  Commercial health care insurer.

       (iii)  The Hospital and Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania.

       (iv)  The Pennsylvania Medical Society.

       (v)  Pennsylvania PhARMA Task Force.

       (vi)  Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association.

       (vii)  Pennsylvania State Nurses Association.

       (12)  A representative of a consumer or patient advocate group to be appointed by the PHIX Executive Director.

    § 6.344. Health technology advisory organization.

       The Pennsylvania eHealth Initiative (PAeHI) is recognized as an advisory organization to the PHIX Executive Office and may provide research, analysis and recommendations relative to this Commonwealth's unique needs to ensure the successful implementation of health information technology initiatives. Advisory organizations may be added or removed as deemed necessary by the PHIX Director in consultation with the Governor's Office of Health Care Reform.

    § 6.345. Executive agencies.

       Agencies under the Governor's jurisdiction shall provide assistance to the PHIX Governance Structure as requested by the PHIX Executive Director or the PHIX Advisory Council.

    § 6.346. Effective date.

       This subchapter shall take effect immediately.

    § 6.347. Termination date.

       This subchapter shall remain in effect unless revised or rescinded by the Governor.

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 08-1879. Filed for public inspection October 17, 2008, 9:00 a.m.]