1684 Petition of the Pennsylvania Independent Telco Coalition for designation as eligible telecommunications carriers for universal service purposes under section 214(e) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and sections 54.201--54.207 of the Rules ...
PENNSYLVANIA PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION Petition of the Pennsylvania Independent Telco Coalition for Designation as Eligible Telecommunications Carriers for Universal Service Purposes under Section 214(e) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and Sections 54.201--54.207 of the Rules of the Federal Communications Commission; Doc. Nos. P-00971264 and I-00990035 [27 Pa.B. 5469] On October 1, 1997, the Pennsylvania Independent Telco Coalition (Petitioner) submitted a petition with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (Commission) seeking designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) under section 214(e) of the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 (TA-96) and sections 54.201--54.207 of the Rules of the Federal Communications Commission (Commission). The Petitioner consists of rural local exchange companies (rural LECs) under 47 U.S.C.A. §§ 153(37)(B)--(D) of the TA-96. The Petitioner seeks ETC designation in order to continue receiving Federal interstate funding for universal services purposes. The Petitioner claims that an abrupt end to this interstate funding could result in upward pressure on rates with a resulting reduction in the number of rural telephone customers. The Petition claims that prompt action is necessary by December 31, 1997, in order to continue the uninterrupted receipt of Federal universal service monies.
After a careful review of the Petition in light of the competition envisioned by the TA-96 and Chapter 30 of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Code, the Commission believes that the solicitation of public comment is appropriate.
Consequently, the Commission is providing this public notice with a deadline for comments and reply comments. The deadline for comments shall be 7 calendar days following publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. The deadline for reply comments shall be 14 days following publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. These deadlines are established in light of the importance alleged in the Petition.
A copy of the Petition is available from the Office of the Prothonotary, Public Utility Commission, P. O. Box 3265, Harrisburg, PA 17105-3265. A copy of any comment or reply comment must reference Doc. No. P-00971264 and Doc. No. I-00970035. Public inquiries should be directed to Doc. No. P-00971264.
The contact person at the Commission is Joseph K. Witmer, Assistant Counsel, Law Bureau (717) 787-3663 or Shirley Leming, Regulatory Coordinator, (717) 772-4597.
Acting Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 97-1684. Filed for public inspection October 17, 1997, 9:00 a.m.]