1678 Independence Blue Cross and Pennsylvania Blue Shield and QCC Insurance Company; rate hearing for non-group basic/special care, major medical and personal choice programs and non-group and small group Medicare supplement/Security 65 programs ...
Independence Blue Cross and Pennsylvania Blue Shield and QCC Insurance Company; Rate Hearing for Non-Group Basic/Special Care, Major Medical and Personal Choice Programs and Non-Group and Small Group Medicare Supple- ment/Security 65 Programs Plans A, B, C and H; Filing Nos. 8-P-97, 9-P-97, 10-P-97, QCC-1/97, 1-DPMS-97-HI and 1-DPCM-97-HI [27 Pa.B. 5467] Independence Blue Cross and Pennsylvania Blue Shield and QCC Insurance Company have requested approval to increase the premium rates for the above listed filings. The requested premium rate increases vary by filing. These filings were previously published for public comment in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. See 27 Pa.B. 4599--4600 (September 6, 1997) and 27 Pa.B. 4882--4883 (September 20, 1997).
A public informational hearing on these rate filings has been scheduled for:
Date: Friday, November 14, 1997
Time: 10 a.m.
Location: Holiday Inn--Midtown, Terrace Ballroom (7th floor), 1305-11 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA
Anyone wishing to testify about these filings may contact the Office of Rate and Policy Regulation at the address and phone number below to schedule to testify at this hearing. Individuals may also appear at the hearing without advance notice and will be afforded the opportunity to testify after all individuals scheduled in advance have testified. Testimony will be limited to no more than a 10 minute presentation. The Department requests that individuals provide a written copy of their testimony the day of the hearing.
Copies of the filings are available for public inspection, by appointment, during normal business hours at the Insurance Department's offices in Harrisburg and Philadelphia.
Interested parties are invited to submit written comments, suggestions and objections about these filings to: IBC Rate Hearing, Pennsylvania Insurance Department, Office of Rate and Policy Regulation, 1311 Strawberry Square, Harrisburg, PA 17120, (717) 787-4192 by November 21, 1997.
Acting Insurance Commissioner[Pa.B. Doc. No. 97-1678. Filed for public inspection October 17, 1997, 9:00 a.m.]