1665 Commission meeting and public hearings  


    Commission Meeting and Public Hearings

    [27 Pa.B. 5436]

       The Delaware River Basin Commission (Commission) will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, October 22, 1997. The hearing will be part of the Commission's regular business meeting which is open to the public and scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. in the Goddard Conference Room of the Commission's offices at 25 State Police Drive, West Trenton, NJ.

       In addition to the subjects listed which are scheduled for public hearing at the business meeting, the Commission will also address the following: minutes of the September 24, 1997 business meeting; announcements; General Counsel's Report; report on Basin hydrologic conditions; consideration of Jefferson Township Sewer Authority Doc. No. D-97-6 CP; a resolution to establish a Monitoring Advisory Committee; a status report on proposed amendments to the Commission's Ground Water Protected Area Regulations for Southeastern Pennsylvania; and public dialogue.

       The subjects of the hearing will be as follows:

       Current Expense and Capital Budgets. A proposed current expense budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1998, in the aggregate amount of $3,737,000 and a capital budget reflecting revenues of $2,302,500 and expenditures of $2,155,500. Copies of the current expense and capital budgets are available from the Commission on request by contacting Richard C. Gore at (609) 883-9500 ext. 201.

       A Proposal to Adopt the 1998 Water Resources Program. A proposal that the 1996-1997 Water Resources Program and the activities, programs, initiatives, concerns, projections and proposals identified and set forth therein be extended and adopted as the 1998 Water Resources Program and that a staff report of progress during 1997 in completing elements of the program and policies in the 1996-1997 Water Resources Program be made a part thereof, in accordance with the requirements of section 13.2 of the Delaware River Basin Compact.

    Applications for Approval of the Following Projects Under Article 10.3, Article 11 and/or section 3.8 of the Compact:

       1.  Town of Milton. D-83-22 CP Renewal 2. An application for the renewal of a groundwater withdrawal project to supply up to 10 million gallons (mg)/30 days of water to the applicant's distribution system from Well Nos. 2, 3, 4 and 5. Commission approval on August 12, 1992 was limited to 5 years. The applicant requests that the total withdrawal from all wells remain limited to 10 mg/30 days. The project is located in the Town of Milton, Sussex County, Delaware.

       2.  New Jersey-American Water Company. D-90-89 CP Renewal. An application for the renewal of a groundwater withdrawal project to supply up to 15 mg/30 days of water to the applicant's Belvidere System from Well Nos. 1 and 2. Commission approval on August 12, 1992 was limited to 5 years. The applicant requests that the total withdrawal from all wells remain limited to 15 mg/30 days. The project is located in White Township, Warren County, New Jersey.

       3.  Borough of Glassboro. D-96-54 CP. An application for approval of a groundwater withdrawal project to supply water to the applicant's distribution system from previously approved Well Nos. 2 through 7 and new Well Nos. 8 and 9, to increase the existing withdrawal limit of 25.92 mg/30 days from all Cohansey wells to 75.8 mg/30 days, and to increase the total allocation from all wells of 88.7 mg/30 days to 105 mg/30 days. The project is located in Glassboro Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey.

       4.  London Grove Township Municipal Authority. D-97-27 CP. An application for approval of a new 0.243 million gallons per day (mgd) (average monthly design capacity) spray irrigation discharge project to serve the Inniscone residential development in London Grove Township as well as a portion of Avondale Borough, and to provide golf course irrigation in London Grove Township, Chester County, PA. Secondary treatment will be provided by lined aerated lagoons prior to tertiary filtration and chlorine disinfection and discharge to either a 47-acre spray irrigation disposal area or for irrigation of a 72-acre golf course area. The project is located in the East Branch White Clay Creek watershed but no stream discharge is proposed.

       Documents relating to these items may be examined at the Commission's offices. Preliminary dockets are available in single copies upon request. Contact Thomas L. Brand at (609) 883-9500 ext. 221 concerning docket-related questions. Persons wishing to testify at this hearing are requested to register with the Secretary at (609) 883-9500 ext. 203 prior to the hearing.

    Other Scheduled Hearing

       By earlier notice, the Commission announced that it will hold a public hearing to receive comments on proposed amendments to its Administrative Manual--Rules of Practice and Procedure which are intended to delete obsolete provisions, to clarify certain provisions of the rules and better inform the signatory parties, applicants and the general public with regard to the Commission's practices and procedures. The proposed revisions conform the rules to existing Commission interpretations and practices.

       The public hearing will be held on October 22, 1997 beginning at 3 p.m. and continuing until 5 p.m., as long as there are people present wishing to testify. The hearing will be held in the Goddard Conference Room of the Commission's offices at 25 State Police Drive, West Trenton, NJ. The deadline for inclusion of written comments in the hearing record will be announced at the hearing. Copies of the full text of the proposed amendments to the Administrative Manual--Rules of Practice and Procedure may be obtained by contacting Susan M. Weisman at (609) 883-9500 ext. 203. Persons wishing to testify are requested to notify the Secretary in advance. Written comments on the proposed amendments should be submitted to the Secretary at the Delaware River Basin Commission, P.O. Box 7360, West Trenton, NJ 08628.


    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 97-1665. Filed for public inspection October 17, 1997, 9:00 a.m.]

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